This is your moment, Mr. President

So you do hire based on the color of someone's skin....fascinating....

I'm not in the hiring business... I'm in the resume writing business.
Oh, you problem....

Never said I hired anyone. I have said that we need racial preferences to make up for the inherit racism of the white males who make most of the hiring decisions.

Again, I saw that when we hired one of the boss's golfing buddies to do a production manager job.
So you do hire based on the color of someone's skin....fascinating....

I'm not in the hiring business... I'm in the resume writing business.
Oh, you problem....

Never said I hired anyone. I have said that we need racial preferences to make up for the inherit racism of the white males who make most of the hiring decisions.

Again, I saw that when we hired one of the boss's golfing buddies to do a production manager job.
Yes...yes....hiring based only on skin color is a great way to succeed....:lol:
Yes...yes....hiring based only on skin color is a great way to succeed....

no one ever said that.

Here's the reality. It's already being done- for white people.


They responded to help-wanted ads for a variety of positions in the fields of sales, administrative support, clerical services and customer services posted in The Boston Globe and Chicago Tribune with fake resumes. The researchers plugged in made-up names on the resumes that are associated with African-Americans (they used Lakisha Washington and Jamal Jones as examples) or whites (Emily Walsh and Greg Baker) based on naming data for babies born between 1974-79 in Massachusetts. The name on each resume was randomly assigned, so the same resume in some cases had a black name and in others had a white name.

Then they counted the callbacks.

The resumes with white-sounding names spurred 50 percent more callbacks than the ones with black-sounding names.

After responding to 1,300 ads with more than 5,000 resumes, the researchers found that the job applicants with white names needed to send 10 resumes to get one callback, but the black candidate needed to send 15 for one.

and that's just for randomly sending out resumes, instead of doing it the way most professionals do it, which is by networking.
Yes...yes....hiring based only on skin color is a great way to succeed....

no one ever said that.

Here's the reality. It's already being done- for white people.


They responded to help-wanted ads for a variety of positions in the fields of sales, administrative support, clerical services and customer services posted in The Boston Globe and Chicago Tribune with fake resumes. The researchers plugged in made-up names on the resumes that are associated with African-Americans (they used Lakisha Washington and Jamal Jones as examples) or whites (Emily Walsh and Greg Baker) based on naming data for babies born between 1974-79 in Massachusetts. The name on each resume was randomly assigned, so the same resume in some cases had a black name and in others had a white name.

Then they counted the callbacks.

The resumes with white-sounding names spurred 50 percent more callbacks than the ones with black-sounding names.

After responding to 1,300 ads with more than 5,000 resumes, the researchers found that the job applicants with white names needed to send 10 resumes to get one callback, but the black candidate needed to send 15 for one.

and that's just for randomly sending out resumes, instead of doing it the way most professionals do it, which is by networking.
You did....but you are
Sure you color seems to be very important to,you for judging are just not used to diversity in people challenging your fascist views...I get it...

Um, guy, you seem unable to address points or actually capable of comprehending what people wrote, so I'm not sure what can be done for you.

Go back to your home school and learn reading comprehension, 101.
Sure you color seems to be very important to,you for judging are just not used to diversity in people challenging your fascist views...I get it...

Um, guy, you seem unable to address points or actually capable of comprehending what people wrote, so I'm not sure what can be done for you.

Go back to your home school and learn reading comprehension, 101.
Is it the shade of black that tells you the potential for success?
It wasn't the original 1977 Act that was the real culprit, however. It was the tinkering that went on through the Clinton and Bush administrations, further opening CRA loans to people with low credit scores or no credit backgrounds, women and minorities. You'll notice, I have not said one word about "class" here.

I'm sure that's what you heard on Hate Radio. It just isn't true according to the government or the banking industry.

Reality- you guys got deregulation and letting the banks do whatever the fuck they wanted, and you got the exact same result you got 80 years earlier before all those commie socialist regulations were put into place.

And you base this on WHAT exactly? Your OPINION? I've actually hired people, so I can tell you what MY criteria are in hiring... race has nothing to do with it.

And how many people of color have you hired?

I'm guessing not many.

Well Joey, as fun as it is to play Let's Chase the Goalposts Around the Field with you... I got better stuff to do. Like I said, it was the numerous revisions to CRA (some Republican led, some Democrat led) which culminated in the financial collapse. In short, it was government meddling in free market capitalism where it shouldn't have been. THAT is what caused the financial collapse and subsequent recession. You can jawbone all you like about it... you can change the argument around and try to spin it this way or that... I don't really care, that's what happened.

As for how many black people I've hired... dozens. I've hired Latinos, Asians, Puerto Ricans, Indians.... you name it. One of my best employees ever was a single black mother. But none of them were hired because of their race. I don't discriminate and stereotype people like you, Joe. I grew up in a place that had a history of racism and I learned to deplore it at an early age. One of my childhood heroes was Dr. MLK, Jr. I still admire the man and live by what he stood for. So when you insinuate that I am racist, I literally laugh out loud at what a fool you are. You see, I know the truth about myself, and I know the truth about you, Joe... I've been dealing with your kind all my life.
Well Joey, as fun as it is to play Let's Chase the Goalposts Around the Field with you... I got better stuff to do. Like I said, it was the numerous revisions to CRA (some Republican led, some Democrat led) which culminated in the financial collapse. In short, it was government meddling in free market capitalism where it shouldn't have been. THAT is what caused the financial collapse and subsequent recession. You can jawbone all you like about it... you can change the argument around and try to spin it this way or that... I don't really care, that's what happened.

Guy, the goalposts were never moved. You've made a claim the CRA caused the housing collapse. I've posted facts and figure again and again showing it didn't.

The Housing collapse was caused by what causes all collapses, inflated values caused by rampant speculation.

As for how many black people I've hired... dozens. I've hired Latinos, Asians, Puerto Ricans, Indians.... you name it.

I doubt you've hired anyone. But I'm sure you;ll find some stock pictures of a nice restaurant and claim you own it like you did last time you tried to convince is you are the big man next to the toxic waste dump.

Now, I know you have a busy day getting to that cross burning today.
no one ever said that.

Yes, that is EXACTLY what you said, Joe. Companies should be forced to hire according to the makeup of their community... which means, hire people based on their skin color. You don't care who is most qualified, you said as much... you want to force me to hire based on skin color because skin color is what is important to you.
Guy, the goalposts were never moved. You've made a claim the CRA caused the housing collapse. I've posted facts and figure again and again showing it didn't.

No I didn't say that, Joe... you're LYING again. Go back and re-read what I said.
Yes, that is EXACTLY what you said, Joe. Companies should be forced to hire according to the makeup of their community... which means, hire people based on their skin color. You don't care who is most qualified, you said as much... you want to force me to hire based on skin color because skin color is what is important to you.

Yes, I think diversity and elevating an community is more important than giving a job to your golfing buddy.

sorry, you don't seem to get that.

No I didn't say that, Joe... you're LYING again. Go back and re-read what I said.

yes, you did. You guys keep bringing up the CRA after everyone who has studied the subject has said it had nothing to do with the crash.

Because you want there to be a government bogeyman.

People got greedy. That's why we had a crash.
Yes, I think diversity and elevating an community is more important...

Then don't sit here and lie about hiring based on skin color. You can't say you want people to hire based on skin color but you didn't say people should be hired based on skin color. That's EXACTLY what you said.. own it, bruh!

sorry, you don't seem to get that.

No, I don't think people should ever be hired or fired based on skin color. Sorry.

yes, you did. You guys keep bringing up the CRA after everyone who has studied the subject has said it had nothing to do with the crash.

I did not say CRA caused the crash. Go read it again, Joe.

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