This is your moment, Mr. President

Get in back of the bus..I have a pen and a phone

You want more?

More what?

Provide the actual quotes in context and I will be happy to discuss them

It was in perfect context, all the guy did in his 8 years was to divide us. He didn't prosecute Louis , he tried to blame bengahzi on a video for political gain.

He said he wouldn't run again if he couldn't fix it.

He said hope and change..

He said a transparent government..

All lies

I see you are afraid to post actual quotes that would prove your point or lack of one

It took you that long to reply?

What were you doing feeding your fat face on a cheeseburger?

Love how the libs always ask for links. Either they don't watch a news program that tells the whole story or they hope you won't bother and they can pretend to win the debate by default. Seriously, if we talked about the moon landing, some leftist nit would ask for a link to prove there was one.

Obama's statements were public when he talked about a single term if he didn't fix certain problems. The libs know it, but would rather not be reminded what a liar he is.
Provide the link in context showing what Obama ACTUALLY said

It will prove you are full of shit
No, you showed a graph which illustrates unemployment from 2007-2009 when Democrats had full reign of government. Historically, black unemployment is always higher than white unemployment and there are a myriad of reasons for that unrelated to racist employers. To take a statistic and automatically assume it means someone is a racist... is racist.

No the graph proves what you said was wrong. You said that blacks experience higher unemployment because they are uneducated, and that college educated minorities were employed at the same rate as whites. This simply wasn't true and I proved as much.

I'm sorry you aren't man enough to admit you didn't do your research, but not particularly surprised.

Your graph shows, whatever the problems were, Obama made them twice as bad for blacks.

Well, no Bush's recession made everyone's life worse, but that wasn't the point of the graph. I'm sorry you have such a poor understanding of statistics, but I'm sure they didn't cover that in Home Skule when they were teaching you about talking snakes.
No the graph proves what you said was wrong. You said that blacks experience higher unemployment because they are uneducated, and that college educated minorities were employed at the same rate as whites. This simply wasn't true and I proved as much.

I'm sorry you aren't man enough to admit you didn't do your research, but not particularly surprised.

The graph proves nothing other than you're an idiot. Statistically, blacks experience higher unemployment because they are less educated than whites. We've had laws on the books for over 50 years preventing racial discrimination in hiring, and as a matter of fact, have passed EXTRA laws to mandate quotas under Affirmative Action. If anything, the tables are tilted in favor of blacks over whites in hiring.

Your graph shows two years and the dismal results of Obama administration policies put in place by a totally Democrat congress... which doubled the rate of unemployment in the black community. It had nothing to do with racist hiring practices which are virtually non-existent this day and age. You're still living in 1962, apparently.

Well, no Bush's recession made everyone's life worse, but that wasn't the point of the graph. I'm sorry you have such a poor understanding of statistics, but I'm sure they didn't cover that in Home Skule when they were teaching you about talking snakes.

It's wasn't Bush's recession. It happened largely due to Democrat policies put in place by Democrats-- Dodd-Frank and the repealing of Glass-Steagall, to be specific. And YES.. a lot of Republicans went along with this but George W. Bush had the least to do with it of anyone, You're simply spewing mindless liberal rhetoric intended to smear Bush and we've been hearing this crap for 12 years.

And finally... Thank you for your little smirk about "talking snakes" because that verifies that you're a godless little piece of shit who doesn't believe in the things taught by Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and you do believe in the eugenics movement, Margaret Sanger and the Darwinian notion that blacks are "less evolved" than whites... it explains why you have white liberal guilt. I couldn't have made the point better.
The graph proves nothing other than you're an idiot. Statistically, blacks experience higher unemployment because they are less educated than whites.

Except that's NOT what you said. Yout said that if they had college degrees, they did just as well as whites... which they don't. Because we live in a racist country.

We've had laws on the books for over 50 years preventing racial discrimination in hiring, and as a matter of fact, have passed EXTRA laws to mandate quotas under Affirmative Action. If anything, the tables are tilted in favor of blacks over whites in hiring.

We have laws against prostitution. I could still get a hooker here in half an hour if I wanted one. We have laws against drugs. We have shitloads of laws. Laws just prove that we have a problem that is bad enough that we want to try to legislate it. Clearly, if racism wasn't a problem, we wouldn't need laws to address it.

It's wasn't Bush's recession. It happened largely due to Democrat policies put in place by Democrats-- Dodd-Frank and the repealing of Glass-Steagall, to be specific. And YES.. a lot of Republicans went along with this but George W. Bush had the least to do with it of anyone, You're simply spewing mindless liberal rhetoric intended to smear Bush and we've been hearing this crap for 12 years.

Uh, guy, the whole fucking economy collapsed LONG before Dodd-Frank was passed. Now I know you didn't notice this living next to the Toxic Waste Dump in JesusLand, but up here where the REAL economy is happening, it was really obvious that Bush was the guy who fucked it all up for everyone.

And finally... Thank you for your little smirk about "talking snakes" because that verifies that you're a godless little piece of shit who doesn't believe in the things taught by Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and you do believe in the eugenics movement, Margaret Sanger and the Darwinian notion that blacks are "less evolved" than whites... it explains why you have white liberal guilt. I couldn't have made the point better.

Uh, guy, Eugenics as a theory is about 70 years out of date. I believe in Evolution because- HEY WE HAVE EVIDENCE OF THAT. What we don't have evidence of is your Magic Sky Fairy and his son, Naked Zombie on a Stick.

I should point out that you Christian Racists were fucking over people of color long before Darwin came along, much less Sanger.
The graph proves nothing other than you're an idiot. Statistically, blacks experience higher unemployment because they are less educated than whites.

Except that's NOT what you said. Yout said that if they had college degrees, they did just as well as whites... which they don't. Because we live in a racist country.

We've had laws on the books for over 50 years preventing racial discrimination in hiring, and as a matter of fact, have passed EXTRA laws to mandate quotas under Affirmative Action. If anything, the tables are tilted in favor of blacks over whites in hiring.

We have laws against prostitution. I could still get a hooker here in half an hour if I wanted one. We have laws against drugs. We have shitloads of laws. Laws just prove that we have a problem that is bad enough that we want to try to legislate it. Clearly, if racism wasn't a problem, we wouldn't need laws to address it.

It's wasn't Bush's recession. It happened largely due to Democrat policies put in place by Democrats-- Dodd-Frank and the repealing of Glass-Steagall, to be specific. And YES.. a lot of Republicans went along with this but George W. Bush had the least to do with it of anyone, You're simply spewing mindless liberal rhetoric intended to smear Bush and we've been hearing this crap for 12 years.

Uh, guy, the whole fucking economy collapsed LONG before Dodd-Frank was passed. Now I know you didn't notice this living next to the Toxic Waste Dump in JesusLand, but up here where the REAL economy is happening, it was really obvious that Bush was the guy who fucked it all up for everyone.

And finally... Thank you for your little smirk about "talking snakes" because that verifies that you're a godless little piece of shit who doesn't believe in the things taught by Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and you do believe in the eugenics movement, Margaret Sanger and the Darwinian notion that blacks are "less evolved" than whites... it explains why you have white liberal guilt. I couldn't have made the point better.

Uh, guy, Eugenics as a theory is about 70 years out of date. I believe in Evolution because- HEY WE HAVE EVIDENCE OF THAT. What we don't have evidence of is your Magic Sky Fairy and his son, Naked Zombie on a Stick.

I should point out that you Christian Racists were fucking over people of color long before Darwin came along, much less Sanger.
Ahhh Margaret, heroine of the left...
There has never been an American President with the background, the capacity, the experience and the skill set to take race head on like you, President Obama. Not even close, not within a million miles.

This country needs a leader who can step forward, and with calm and compassion and legitimacy, inspire Americans on all sides of this to look in the mirror and commit to cleaning their own house. You're the obvious person to do this.

This would mean some significant political risk, no doubt about it. Part of this would mean challenging a key Democratic constituency in a way it has never been challenged before.

This isn't about ability. You have that. The question is whether you can ignore the political implications.

It would be the most important and valuable legacy you could possibly leave.

Your admonition is about 7½ years too late. All we can do now is wait for his book to learn why it was never time in his Presidency to make that move.
View attachment 81141
Ahhh Margaret, heroine of the left...

That photo is a fake. It's been proven to be a fake many times.

Klanned Parenthood

Unlike other tidbits of lore that have since evolved to paint Sanger as unapologetically racist, the veracity of the photograph depicting her addressing female KKK members was easily determined. An original version of the photograph in question was uploaded to the white supremacist web site Stormfront in February 2008 and shows that it contained a lit cross that was edited out and replaced with an image of Sanger:
View attachment 81141
Ahhh Margaret, heroine of the left...

That photo is a fake. It's been proven to be a fake many times.

Klanned Parenthood

Unlike other tidbits of lore that have since evolved to paint Sanger as unapologetically racist, the veracity of the photograph depicting her addressing female KKK members was easily determined. An original version of the photograph in question was uploaded to the white supremacist web site Stormfront in February 2008 and shows that it contained a lit cross that was edited out and replaced with an image of Sanger: shit.....I will follow the LWNJs lead and will stop using it in a few years then......thanks....:lol:
There has never been an American President with the background, the capacity, the experience and the skill set to take race head on like you, President Obama. Not even close, not within a million miles.

This country needs a leader who can step forward, and with calm and compassion and legitimacy, inspire Americans on all sides of this to look in the mirror and commit to cleaning their own house. You're the obvious person to do this.

This would mean some significant political risk, no doubt about it. Part of this would mean challenging a key Democratic constituency in a way it has never been challenged before.

This isn't about ability. You have that. The question is whether you can ignore the political implications.

It would be the most important and valuable legacy you could possibly leave.

Your admonition is about 7½ years too late. All we can do now is wait for his book to learn why it was never time in his Presidency to make that move.
It's the biggest disappointment I have with his administration, by far.
It's the biggest disappointment I have with his administration, by far.

Given how in denial this country is on race, I'm not sure what you expected him to do, exactly.

We elect a black president and half the country loses it's shit, but you expect him to have the conversation on race. Which for you means being a pathetic sellout like Ben Carson or Bill Cosby and lecture black folks on how shiftless they are, no doubt.
It's the biggest disappointment I have with his administration, by far.

Given how in denial this country is on race, I'm not sure what you expected him to do, exactly.

We elect a black president and half the country loses it's shit, but you expect him to have the conversation on race. Which for you means being a pathetic sellout like Ben Carson or Bill Cosby and lecture black folks on how shiftless they are, no doubt.
Your closed-minded, incurious, intolerant, hardcore partisan ideologue-drenched opinion is always very important to me, thanks.
View attachment 81141
The graph proves nothing other than you're an idiot. Statistically, blacks experience higher unemployment because they are less educated than whites.

Except that's NOT what you said. Yout said that if they had college degrees, they did just as well as whites... which they don't. Because we live in a racist country.

We've had laws on the books for over 50 years preventing racial discrimination in hiring, and as a matter of fact, have passed EXTRA laws to mandate quotas under Affirmative Action. If anything, the tables are tilted in favor of blacks over whites in hiring.

We have laws against prostitution. I could still get a hooker here in half an hour if I wanted one. We have laws against drugs. We have shitloads of laws. Laws just prove that we have a problem that is bad enough that we want to try to legislate it. Clearly, if racism wasn't a problem, we wouldn't need laws to address it.

It's wasn't Bush's recession. It happened largely due to Democrat policies put in place by Democrats-- Dodd-Frank and the repealing of Glass-Steagall, to be specific. And YES.. a lot of Republicans went along with this but George W. Bush had the least to do with it of anyone, You're simply spewing mindless liberal rhetoric intended to smear Bush and we've been hearing this crap for 12 years.

Uh, guy, the whole fucking economy collapsed LONG before Dodd-Frank was passed. Now I know you didn't notice this living next to the Toxic Waste Dump in JesusLand, but up here where the REAL economy is happening, it was really obvious that Bush was the guy who fucked it all up for everyone.

And finally... Thank you for your little smirk about "talking snakes" because that verifies that you're a godless little piece of shit who doesn't believe in the things taught by Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and you do believe in the eugenics movement, Margaret Sanger and the Darwinian notion that blacks are "less evolved" than whites... it explains why you have white liberal guilt. I couldn't have made the point better.

Uh, guy, Eugenics as a theory is about 70 years out of date. I believe in Evolution because- HEY WE HAVE EVIDENCE OF THAT. What we don't have evidence of is your Magic Sky Fairy and his son, Naked Zombie on a Stick.

I should point out that you Christian Racists were fucking over people of color long before Darwin came along, much less Sanger.
Ahhh Margaret, heroine of the left...

Sanger lectured KKK women that they should use birth control and have fewer children

Good thing for society by my book
Your closed-minded, incurious, intolerant, hardcore partisan ideologue-drenched opinion is always very important to me, thanks.

I greatly enjoy puncturing your over inflated ego.

A little more discussion, a little less self-importance, buddy.
What in the world would you know about "discussion"?

And "self importance"? Wow.

Gawd, thanks for the ironic post of the year.
Your closed-minded, incurious, intolerant, hardcore partisan ideologue-drenched opinion is always very important to me, thanks.

I greatly enjoy puncturing your over inflated ego.

A little more discussion, a little less self-importance, buddy.
What in the world would you know about "discussion"?

And "self importance"? Wow.

Gawd, thanks for the ironic post of the year.
Hold on, man. We got a form for you.

Your closed-minded, incurious, intolerant, hardcore partisan ideologue-drenched opinion is always very important to me, thanks.

I greatly enjoy puncturing your over inflated ego.

A little more discussion, a little less self-importance, buddy.
What in the world would you know about "discussion"?

And "self importance"? Wow.

Gawd, thanks for the ironic post of the year.
Hold on, man. We got a form for you.

You folks REALLY need to get me out of your heads.

Creepy. Kind of flattering, but still creepy. Weird combination.

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