This is your moment, Mr. President

There has never been an American President with the background, the capacity, the experience and the skill set to take race head on like you, President Obama. Not even close, not within a million miles.

This country needs a leader who can step forward, and with calm and compassion and legitimacy, inspire Americans on all sides of this to look in the mirror and commit to cleaning their own house. You're the obvious person to do this.

This would mean some significant political risk, no doubt about it. Part of this would mean challenging a key Democratic constituency in a way it has never been challenged before.

This isn't about ability. You have that. The question is whether you can ignore the political implications.

It would be the most important and valuable legacy you could possibly leave.

Such a wonderful opportunity before him to do something major for race relations. Instead, he opted to increase tensions by feeding the anger and continuing to push the false narrative that blacks are under attack and need to stay on the offensive.
What did our president do to raise racial tensions?

What would you have preferred he say?

Get in back of the bus..I have a pen and a phone

You want more?
There has never been an American President with the background, the capacity, the experience and the skill set to take race head on like you, President Obama. Not even close, not within a million miles.

This country needs a leader who can step forward, and with calm and compassion and legitimacy, inspire Americans on all sides of this to look in the mirror and commit to cleaning their own house. You're the obvious person to do this.

This would mean some significant political risk, no doubt about it. Part of this would mean challenging a key Democratic constituency in a way it has never been challenged before.

This isn't about ability. You have that. The question is whether you can ignore the political implications.

It would be the most important and valuable legacy you could possibly leave.

Such a wonderful opportunity before him to do something major for race relations. Instead, he opted to increase tensions by feeding the anger and continuing to push the false narrative that blacks are under attack and need to stay on the offensive.
What did our president do to raise racial tensions?

What would you have preferred he say?

Get in back of the bus..I have a pen and a phone

You want more?

More what?

Provide the actual quotes in context and I will be happy to discuss them
There has never been an American President with the background, the capacity, the experience and the skill set to take race head on like you, President Obama. Not even close, not within a million miles.

This country needs a leader who can step forward, and with calm and compassion and legitimacy, inspire Americans on all sides of this to look in the mirror and commit to cleaning their own house. You're the obvious person to do this.

This would mean some significant political risk, no doubt about it. Part of this would mean challenging a key Democratic constituency in a way it has never been challenged before.

This isn't about ability. You have that. The question is whether you can ignore the political implications.

It would be the most important and valuable legacy you could possibly leave.

Such a wonderful opportunity before him to do something major for race relations. Instead, he opted to increase tensions by feeding the anger and continuing to push the false narrative that blacks are under attack and need to stay on the offensive.
What did our president do to raise racial tensions?

What would you have preferred he say?

Get in back of the bus..I have a pen and a phone

You want more?

More what?

Provide the actual quotes in context and I will be happy to discuss them

It was in perfect context, all the guy did in his 8 years was to divide us. He didn't prosecute Louis , he tried to blame bengahzi on a video for political gain.

He said he wouldn't run again if he couldn't fix it.

He said hope and change..

He said a transparent government..

All lies
There has never been an American President with the background, the capacity, the experience and the skill set to take race head on like you, President Obama. Not even close, not within a million miles.

This country needs a leader who can step forward, and with calm and compassion and legitimacy, inspire Americans on all sides of this to look in the mirror and commit to cleaning their own house. You're the obvious person to do this.

This would mean some significant political risk, no doubt about it. Part of this would mean challenging a key Democratic constituency in a way it has never been challenged before.

This isn't about ability. You have that. The question is whether you can ignore the political implications.

It would be the most important and valuable legacy you could possibly leave.
No matter what Obama says or does, most of the people on the right find him to be wrong. Are you saying that he should be preaching to the choir?
I said what I'd love to see him do in the second paragraph.
To most of those on the right, no matter what he does he will be wrong.
There has never been an American President with the background, the capacity, the experience and the skill set to take race head on like you, President Obama. Not even close, not within a million miles.

This country needs a leader who can step forward, and with calm and compassion and legitimacy, inspire Americans on all sides of this to look in the mirror and commit to cleaning their own house. You're the obvious person to do this.

This would mean some significant political risk, no doubt about it. Part of this would mean challenging a key Democratic constituency in a way it has never been challenged before.

This isn't about ability. You have that. The question is whether you can ignore the political implications.

It would be the most important and valuable legacy you could possibly leave.

I said what I'd love to see him do in the second paragraph.

a huge chunk of his audience calls him hussein, or kenyan, and whatever else, refusing his legitimacy from day one.

NOTHING that man can do would ever change or inspire THOSE sick minds on the righty fringe...

those same sick minds HOPE for violent mayhem in our streets, they HOPE for fear and loathing, they HOPE to divide and conquer, they HOPE to prove how awful liberals are in contrast to the good old days when America was GREAT and stuff. they HOPE to pander for your vote to make America GREAT AGAIN. derrp

and now YOU hope to appear neutral, pining for the magic negro to say the magic words...

IF ONLY he would challenge "a key Democratic constituency" never before!!?

:uhoh3: racial justice matters, police brutality matters, and that "constituency" knows the challenges by heart.
There has never been an American President with the background, the capacity, the experience and the skill set to take race head on like you, President Obama. Not even close, not within a million miles.

This country needs a leader who can step forward, and with calm and compassion and legitimacy, inspire Americans on all sides of this to look in the mirror and commit to cleaning their own house. You're the obvious person to do this.

This would mean some significant political risk, no doubt about it. Part of this would mean challenging a key Democratic constituency in a way it has never been challenged before.

This isn't about ability. You have that. The question is whether you can ignore the political implications.

It would be the most important and valuable legacy you could possibly leave.

I said what I'd love to see him do in the second paragraph.

a huge chunk of his audience calls him hussein, or kenyan, and whatever else, refusing his legitimacy from day one.

NOTHING that man can do would ever change or inspire THOSE sick minds on the righty fringe...

those same sick minds HOPE for violent mayhem in our streets, they HOPE for fear and loathing, they HOPE to divide and conquer, they HOPE to prove how awful liberals are in contrast to the good old days when America was GREAT and stuff. they HOPE to pander for your vote to make America GREAT AGAIN. derrp

and now YOU hope to appear neutral, pining for the magic negro to say the magic words...

IF ONLY he would challenge "a key Democratic constituency" never before!!?

:uhoh3: racial justice matters, police brutality matters, and that "constituency" knows the challenges by heart.
As I've said, the wingers on both ends have attacked the thread, just pointing the finger at the other.

Over 300 posts now, virtually no support.

The behaviors of the wingers on both ends are so similar. The wingers are the problem.
no matter what leadership tries to do or say, there are always partisans willing to twist things to suit their partisan purpose. this headline has hillary BLAMING whites for example. :eusa_liar:

Hillary Clinton Blames Whites, Cops for Deaths of Young Black Men - Breitbart

“I will call for white people, like myself, to put ourselves in the shoes of those African-American families who fear every time their children go somewhere, who have to have ‘The Talk,’ about, you now, how to really protect themselves [from police], when they’re the ones who should be expecting protection from encounters with police,” Clinton told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer.

“I’m going to be talking to white people, we’re the ones who have to start listening to the legitimate cries coming from our African-American fellow citizens,” she said.

“We’ve got to figure out what is happening when routine traffic stops, when routine arrests, escalate into killings … Clearly, there seems to be a terrible disconnect between many police departments and officers and the people they have sworn to protect,” she said.

Federal policing guidelines are needed because “we have 18,000 police departments… [some of which need more training to] go after systemic racism, which is a reality, and to go after systemic bias,” she said.

“We’ve got to start once again respecting and treating each other with the dignity that every person deserves,” she said.

There has never been an American President with the background, the capacity, the experience and the skill set to take race head on like you, President Obama. Not even close, not within a million miles.

This country needs a leader who can step forward, and with calm and compassion and legitimacy, inspire Americans on all sides of this to look in the mirror and commit to cleaning their own house. You're the obvious person to do this.

This would mean some significant political risk, no doubt about it. Part of this would mean challenging a key Democratic constituency in a way it has never been challenged before.

This isn't about ability. You have that. The question is whether you can ignore the political implications.

It would be the most important and valuable legacy you could possibly leave.

Such a wonderful opportunity before him to do something major for race relations. Instead, he opted to increase tensions by feeding the anger and continuing to push the false narrative that blacks are under attack and need to stay on the offensive.
What did our president do to raise racial tensions?

What would you have preferred he say?

Get in back of the bus..I have a pen and a phone

You want more?

More what?

Provide the actual quotes in context and I will be happy to discuss them

It was in perfect context, all the guy did in his 8 years was to divide us. He didn't prosecute Louis , he tried to blame bengahzi on a video for political gain.

He said he wouldn't run again if he couldn't fix it.

He said hope and change..

He said a transparent government..

All lies

I see you are afraid to post actual quotes that would prove your point or lack of one
Such a wonderful opportunity before him to do something major for race relations. Instead, he opted to increase tensions by feeding the anger and continuing to push the false narrative that blacks are under attack and need to stay on the offensive.
What did our president do to raise racial tensions?

What would you have preferred he say?

Get in back of the bus..I have a pen and a phone

You want more?

More what?

Provide the actual quotes in context and I will be happy to discuss them

It was in perfect context, all the guy did in his 8 years was to divide us. He didn't prosecute Louis , he tried to blame bengahzi on a video for political gain.

He said he wouldn't run again if he couldn't fix it.

He said hope and change..

He said a transparent government..

All lies

I see you are afraid to post actual quotes that would prove your point or lack of one

It took you that long to reply?

What were you doing feeding your fat face on a cheeseburger?
just look at this bullshizer, for example. political blinders see only what they want to see.

"Clinton [fill in the blank]Clinton suggested that people who disagree with [her] agenda are racists. “There is so much more to be done… we can’t be engaging in hateful rhetoric or incitement of violence, we need to be bringing people together … we need more love and kindness.

^ this is a direct quote from that same partisan publication.. the pink part is the leading characterization of the quote.. actually a leading MIScharacterization aka shameless LIE. the black part are her actual words... and obama could say the very same words and has pretty much done so over and over... but haters gotta hate and agenda whore for partisan publications no matter what!
No, it does not.

One danger being less than another, does not make the "lesser" danger any less dangerous, or make avoiding that "lesser" danger any less of a good idea.

For instance, Say you are talking to a smoker. A very dangerous habit.

Should the fact he smokes, lead you to recommend that he NOT test his house for Radon?

ON the other hand, ridiculing and smearing the Republicans, that is a great way to win elections.

Have you ever considered the cost of falsely accusing people of racism?
When I accuse Republicans of racism, I need not worry about false accusations

Considering the abandon you show with throwing around such personal attacks, that is an asinine lie.

Are you purposefully tearing this nation apart, or do you just considering that an acceptable side effect?
Odd logic on your part

Republican racism is pulling the country apart......calling them on their racist and bigoted positions is not

You throw around accusations of racism, very recklessly.

I've asked you if you have ever considered the cost of falsely accusing some one of racism.

Your response implies that "all republicans are racist" which obvious nonsense.

You refuse to answer a completely reasonable question.

YOu are an asshole.

The Republican Party has no racist policies, and it is you lefties who have been dividing this country by fanning the flames of racial resentment in minorities.

With lies.

Republican racism and bigotry is what is pulling this country apart. Not pointing it out is reckless

Let's examine:

Gay rights: blatant bigotry seeking to deny gays the right to serve their country

We shall see with that passage of time if the presence of gays messes up unit dynamics.

and marry the partner of their choice

Bullshit. Marriage has always been between a man and a woman. Lefties presented this NOT as an attempt to expand the institution or to grant new protections to homosexuals, but as a way to smear American society.

Muslims: use blatant stereotyping to turn communities against peaceful Muslim citizens,

Unsupported. Got an example to give us something real to discuss?

block all immigration based on religion.

Which is more important to you?

Protecting American lives, or being sensitive to the feelings of want to be immigrant muslims?

Rhetorical question: It is obvious that you give no weight to the safety of your fellow Americans.

Mexicans:characterize them as drug dealers , rapists, murderers.

80% Of Central American Women, Girls Are Raped Crossing Into The U.S.

"According to a stunning Fusion investigation, 80 percent of women and girls crossing into the U.S. by way of Mexico are raped during their journey. That’s up from a previous estimate of 60 percent, according to an Amnesty International report."

The problem is real.

.Vote for bigoted "English only"laws

God Forbid that Americans should think that their culture has value or take steps to protect it.

nd show me your papers legislation

Because presenting ID when you vote is soooo hard.

If that makes your list of "grievances" that shows how weak your case is.

And it's funny that in the context of this thread, that you didn't post an example of alleged anti-black "racism".

On the other hand, I could and have linked to studies showing massive and universal discrimination against whites in ivy league college admissions and court cases where dem appointed judges voted for blatant anti-white discrimination.

Do you remember, or do you want them again?
just look at this bullshizer, for example. political blinders see only what they want to see.

"Clinton [fill in the blank]Clinton suggested that people who disagree with [her] agenda are racists. “There is so much more to be done… we can’t be engaging in hateful rhetoric or incitement of violence, we need to be bringing people together … we need more love and kindness.

^ this is a direct quote from that same partisan publication.. the pink part is the leading characterization of the quote.. actually a leading MIScharacterization aka shameless LIE. the black part are her actual words... and obama could say the very same words and has pretty much done so over and over... but haters gotta hate and agenda whore for partisan publications no matter what!

Who is she suggesting is "engaging in hateful rhetoric" or "incitement of violence"?

Is she admitting her own sins?

Or is she, suggesting that those on the other side are "hateful" and "inciting violence"?
Plenty of strong disagreement and finger-pointing from both ends of the spectrum for this thread.

Which pretty much illustrates the problem.

No, fake moderates are the problem.

So another crazy person got a gun and killed a bunch of people, and we will do nothing about that. Just like the last 100 times a crazy person got a gun and killed a bunch of people.
Plenty of strong disagreement and finger-pointing from both ends of the spectrum for this thread.

Which pretty much illustrates the problem.

No, fake moderates are the problem.

So another crazy person got a gun and killed a bunch of people, and we will do nothing about that. Just like the last 100 times a crazy person got a gun and killed a bunch of people.
Yeah, people like you are always helpful to the conversation.
HEY JOE.... The DNC called and said to tell you SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE! You just showed everyone a graph illustrating the result of policies from a Democrat Senate, House and White House in FULL control of government! Are you claiming the Democrat Party is RACIST? (I mean, I agree they are, but I didn't expect you to say it!)

Not at all. I'm showing that the stats were bad before Bush crashed the economy and they got worse AFTER Bush crashed the economy.

Point is, you made a claim that College Educated Blacks do just as good as College educated whites. I proved that claim was a lie. Even with a college education, you are more likely to be unemployed if you aren't white.

You lied. Man up and admit it.

No, you showed a graph which illustrates unemployment from 2007-2009 when Democrats had full reign of government. Historically, black unemployment is always higher than white unemployment and there are a myriad of reasons for that unrelated to racist employers. To take a statistic and automatically assume it means someone is a racist... is racist.

But then, you are a guilty white liberal and that's what they do.

Your graph shows, whatever the problems were, Obama made them twice as bad for blacks. And Hillary Clinton will continue the same policies so they can expect the same for the next 4 years if she is elected. But hey... if you can just keep them voting for guilty white liberals maybe you can spark a race war and kill off the whiteys and then they'll have all the jobs? Or maybe pigs will fly one day and Democrats will actually DO something to help black people? :dunno:
What did our president do to raise racial tensions?

What would you have preferred he say?

Get in back of the bus..I have a pen and a phone

You want more?

More what?

Provide the actual quotes in context and I will be happy to discuss them

It was in perfect context, all the guy did in his 8 years was to divide us. He didn't prosecute Louis , he tried to blame bengahzi on a video for political gain.

He said he wouldn't run again if he couldn't fix it.

He said hope and change..

He said a transparent government..

All lies

I see you are afraid to post actual quotes that would prove your point or lack of one

It took you that long to reply?

What were you doing feeding your fat face on a cheeseburger?

Love how the libs always ask for links. Either they don't watch a news program that tells the whole story or they hope you won't bother and they can pretend to win the debate by default. Seriously, if we talked about the moon landing, some leftist nit would ask for a link to prove there was one.

Obama's statements were public when he talked about a single term if he didn't fix certain problems. The libs know it, but would rather not be reminded what a liar he is.
When I accuse Republicans of racism, I need not worry about false accusations

Considering the abandon you show with throwing around such personal attacks, that is an asinine lie.

Are you purposefully tearing this nation apart, or do you just considering that an acceptable side effect?
Odd logic on your part

Republican racism is pulling the country apart......calling them on their racist and bigoted positions is not

You throw around accusations of racism, very recklessly.

I've asked you if you have ever considered the cost of falsely accusing some one of racism.

Your response implies that "all republicans are racist" which obvious nonsense.

You refuse to answer a completely reasonable question.

YOu are an asshole.

The Republican Party has no racist policies, and it is you lefties who have been dividing this country by fanning the flames of racial resentment in minorities.

With lies.

Republican racism and bigotry is what is pulling this country apart. Not pointing it out is reckless

Let's examine:

Gay rights: blatant bigotry seeking to deny gays the right to serve their country

We shall see with that passage of time if the presence of gays messes up unit dynamics.

and marry the partner of their choice

Bullshit. Marriage has always been between a man and a woman. Lefties presented this NOT as an attempt to expand the institution or to grant new protections to homosexuals, but as a way to smear American society.

Muslims: use blatant stereotyping to turn communities against peaceful Muslim citizens,

Unsupported. Got an example to give us something real to discuss?

block all immigration based on religion.

Which is more important to you?

Protecting American lives, or being sensitive to the feelings of want to be immigrant muslims?

Rhetorical question: It is obvious that you give no weight to the safety of your fellow Americans.

Mexicans:characterize them as drug dealers , rapists, murderers.

80% Of Central American Women, Girls Are Raped Crossing Into The U.S.

"According to a stunning Fusion investigation, 80 percent of women and girls crossing into the U.S. by way of Mexico are raped during their journey. That’s up from a previous estimate of 60 percent, according to an Amnesty International report."

The problem is real.

.Vote for bigoted "English only"laws

God Forbid that Americans should think that their culture has value or take steps to protect it.

nd show me your papers legislation

Because presenting ID when you vote is soooo hard.

If that makes your list of "grievances" that shows how weak your case is.

And it's funny that in the context of this thread, that you didn't post an example of alleged anti-black "racism".

On the other hand, I could and have linked to studies showing massive and universal discrimination against whites in ivy league college admissions and court cases where dem appointed judges voted for blatant anti-white discrimination.

Do you remember, or do you want them again?

Winner, winner chicken dinner

Coming from the guy who claims.....Republucans aren't racist bigots, our bigotry is warranted

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