This is your moment, Mr. President

Except that's NOT what you said. Yout said that if they had college degrees, they did just as well as whites... which they don't. Because we live in a racist country.

Generally speaking, they do. Except under Obama where they've done terribly thanks to Democrat policies. And no.... we don't live in a racist country. YOU may.... I firmly believe you are a sociopath who believes it's still 1962.... that's what makes you a guilty white liberal. The rest of us have moved on.

We have laws against prostitution. I could still get a hooker here in half an hour if I wanted one. We have laws against drugs. We have shitloads of laws. Laws just prove that we have a problem that is bad enough that we want to try to legislate it. Clearly, if racism wasn't a problem, we wouldn't need laws to address it.

AND.. if you did anything to me that was against the law, you'd go to jail because I would turn you in. It has been a Federal crime for businesses to discriminate based on race for more than 50 years in America. Now..;. we are argumentatively at a dead end here... What is the purpose of your rant if our laws aren't doing any good? If we still have this unacceptable racism happening everywhere (which we don't)... then what do you propose we do? Laws don't matter according to you... so do we need to have a Race War? Do you want to round up everyone who's not a guilty white liberal like you and put them in concentration camps... or maybe even execute in furnaces? What the fuck are you proposing? What is Joe's Final Solution?

Uh, guy, the whole fucking economy collapsed LONG before Dodd-Frank was passed.

You're right, I made an error here, Dodd-Frank was Chris Dodd and Barney Frank's attempt to unfuck their fuck up after the fact. It was the radical changes throughout the 80s and 90s to the The Community Reinvestment Act which sparked the recession.

Uh, guy, Eugenics as a theory is about 70 years out of date. I believe in Evolution because- HEY WE HAVE EVIDENCE OF THAT.

Well 70 years... fits about right in with your sociopathic beliefs that we're living 50 years in the past. Yes... Eugenics, Margaret Sanger, Darwinist believers... all pushed the idea that blacks were inferior as a race and society would be better off without them. It was IN FACT, a Christian minister who led the Civil Rights movement using the Word of God as his foundation.
You folks REALLY need to get me out of your heads.

Creepy. Kind of flattering, but still creepy. Weird combination.

Wow, guy, you think people mocking your self-importance is a sign that you are important?

Does your ego short out electrical grids?
Probably more creepy than flattering, actually.
I wasn't gonna post till I cooled off over the weekend, and even still the crap the racist trash her post pisses me off as much as SOME of the BLM crap, and way more so than anything Obama or even Lynch/Holder pull.

The thing Obama said from Spain that I just couldn't stomach was referencing the shootings in Minn and Baton Rouge in basically the same sentence as Dallas. We have cops getting paid 40-50K (less here), and they put their lives on the line every day, and in a lot of cases have to put up with abuse for doing that. The only thing the Dallas cops had in common with the guys in Minn and Baton Rouge was they were innocent victims. I wish Obama had made that his one real comment and left it there for the weekend.

But at least he didn't pull a Guliani. But, while I may have missed it, I didn't hear anybody like Holder apologizing to that Ferguson cop who got his name dragged through the shite, and lost his job I think, for shooting some 300 pound thug who was reaching for him. Ferguson apparently has some problems, but I don't think those cops started out their days planning to assault people. Obama didn't pull a Guliani, but I really wish he'd put some effort into emphasizing that the less than 1% of all cops who pose any problem can't somehow be seen as the norm. And the Minn cop is probably incredibly sorry, and what happened is, imo, actually closer to an accident than any actual misbehavior. "Btw Officer, I'm licensed to concealed carry, let me show you....." So, even among the very few cops posing problems, there's really a wide range problems, and not all are of the cop's making.

We got like 1000 people getting shot dead by cops a year. And there was Baltimore. Guliani shouldn't trivialize that, although three of the Balt cops were black. And about half civilians shot are black, I think. But I don't think anyone really knows how many of those folks were posing threats to cops. And in some places blacks apparently are treated differently. Maybe we need to figure that out. But this is not some kind of war on America led by the cops. It's probably a lot closer to being the exact opposite.
Generally speaking, they do. Except under Obama where they've done terribly thanks to Democrat policies. And no.... we don't live in a racist country. YOU may.... I firmly believe you are a sociopath who believes it's still 1962.... that's what makes you a guilty white liberal. The rest of us have moved on.

yeah, I'm sure you'd like to move on, but denying a problem doesn't make it go away, Cleetus.

AND.. if you did anything to me that was against the law, you'd go to jail because I would turn you in. It has been a Federal crime for businesses to discriminate based on race for more than 50 years in America. Now..;. we are argumentatively at a dead end here... What is the purpose of your rant if our laws aren't doing any good? If we still have this unacceptable racism happening everywhere (which we don't)... then what do you propose we do? Laws don't matter according to you... so do we need to have a Race War?

Make the laws tougher. Slam down on the guys who knowingly are discriminating. Make every company show that they have hired representative of the community. Of course, these things can be done. Send EEOC in to do audits.

For instance, a study was done in 2005 where identical resumes were sent out to companies. The only difference is half of them had "white" names like James and Mary, and half of them had "black" names like Jamal and Moesha. Guess which ones got the callback.

You see, Affirmative action has worked- For White Women.

You're right, I made an error here, Dodd-Frank was Chris Dodd and Barney Frank's attempt to unfuck their fuck up after the fact. It was the radical changes throughout the 80s and 90s to the The Community Reinvestment Act which sparked the recession.

Are you fucking retarded? This has been pointed out to you many times that the CRA had nothing to do with the recession, that most of the banks that failed weren't even covered by the CRA. It wasn't poor people who caused the housing collapse, it was middle class families borrowing way over their heads hoping to get rich quick flipping houses.

This has been explained to you numerous times, with posts to websites like Fortune and Forbes, and you keep coming back to, "Yeah, it was that law they passed back in the 1970's that didn't apply to the banks that caused the problems."

Well 70 years... fits about right in with your sociopathic beliefs that we're living 50 years in the past. Yes... Eugenics, Margaret Sanger, Darwinist believers... all pushed the idea that blacks were inferior as a race and society would be better off without them. It was IN FACT, a Christian minister who led the Civil Rights movement using the Word of God as his foundation.

Except Sanger said nothing of the sort. Sanger believed - rightfully, that smaller families were healthier families.

I do find it amusing you right wingers are trying to embrace Dr. King after claiming he was a communist all the way up until the 1980s.
We got like 1000 people getting shot dead by cops a year.

The number for 2015 was 1186

Here’s How Many People Police Killed In 2015

And this by you is an acceptable number? Keep in mind, we have a total of 16,000 homicides a year in this country.

That 1/16th of them are caused by Police officers is kind of frightening.

By comparison, the United Kingdom has had 55 police killings in the last 24 YEARS.

In the US, 55 is a slow month.

Yes, we have a problem. Part of it is that we have too many guns, part of it is we have a culture that accepts crime and even glorifies it.
Make the laws tougher. Slam down on the guys who knowingly are discriminating. Make every company show that they have hired representative of the community. Of course, these things can be done. Send EEOC in to do audits.

You just got through saying: "We have shitloads of laws. Laws just prove that we have a problem that is bad enough that we want to try to legislate it." Now you're saying you want MORE laws! Tougher laws! You just shot down laws as ineffective. I don't see how you get much tougher than Federal law punishable by huge fines and even prison time. We already have laws that do what you're demanding and you don't think they're working.

Furthermore, it is impossible for a company to maintain a workforce that is precisely representative of the community because the community is constantly in change. You see... liberals seem to think we exist in a vacuum where nothing ever changes but that's not reality. In the real world, people move out of and into communities all the time. So you want companies to... maybe once a month... lay off a bunch of black people because blacks moved out of the neighborhood and whites moved in? Or what if, next month, there is an influx of Hispanics moving in... should we replace the blacks with Hispanics? Just send them home with a pink slip because... sorry, the neighborhood changed... hate it for ya, bruh! :dunno:

See, I really don't think you fucking know what you want, Joe. You just want to be an incessant antagonist and bash on white people because you're a closet racist with white liberal guilt.

This has been explained to you numerous times, with posts to websites like Fortune and Forbes, and you keep coming back to, "Yeah, it was that law they passed back in the 1970's that didn't apply to the banks that caused the problems."

I said it was the repeal of Glass-Steagall along with numerous revisions to CRA made in the 80s and 90s. And no... your little stupid ass hasn't "explained" any damn thing. Do you have a fucking LINK to an article by Forbes or Fortune stating that the recession was all George W. Bush's fault? Because that's what you claimed and what I responded to. Hey... I admit, Bush was duplicitous in this, he signed one of those reforms to CRA and crowed about how he was helping poor folks realize the American Dream and own their own homes. But we can't lay ALL the blame at Bush's feet, the Democrat congress was predominately to blame. Conservatives said at the time, it would result in disaster and it did.

Except Sanger said nothing of the sort. Sanger believed - rightfully, that smaller families were healthier families.

You can sit here and defend that deplorable racist bitch all you like, it just proves my point about WHO you are.
You just got through saying: "We have shitloads of laws. Laws just prove that we have a problem that is bad enough that we want to try to legislate it." Now you're saying you want MORE laws! Tougher laws! You just shot down laws as ineffective. I don't see how you get much tougher than Federal law punishable by huge fines and even prison time. We already have laws that do what you're demanding and you don't think they're working.

Well, we probably need better enforcement. I'm sorry that wasn't clear to you, but you are a bit dopey.

Furthermore, it is impossible for a company to maintain a workforce that is precisely representative of the community because the community is constantly in change. You see... liberals seem to think we exist in a vacuum where nothing ever changes but that's not reality. In the real world, people move out of and into communities all the time. So you want companies to... maybe once a month... lay off a bunch of black people because blacks moved out of the neighborhood and whites moved in? Or what if, next month, there is an influx of Hispanics moving in... should we replace the blacks with Hispanics? Just send them home with a pink slip because... sorry, the neighborhood changed... hate it for ya, bruh!

Please. Most people only work at the same place on average 4 years. Neighborhoods don't change that fast.

This sounds like some sad-ass excuse making.

See, I really don't think you fucking know what you want, Joe. You just want to be an incessant antagonist and bash on white people because you're a closet racist with white liberal guilt.

I thought I was pretty clear what I want. I want employers not to be dicks.

I said it was the repeal of Glass-Steagall along with numerous revisions to CRA made in the 80s and 90s. And no... your little stupid ass hasn't "explained" any damn thing. Do you have a fucking LINK to an article by Forbes or Fortune stating that the recession was all George W. Bush's fault? Because that's what you claimed and what I responded to. Hey... I admit, Bush was duplicitous in this, he signed one of those reforms to CRA and crowed about how he was helping poor folks realize the American Dream and own their own homes. But we can't lay ALL the blame at Bush's feet, the Democrat congress was predominately to blame. Conservatives said at the time, it would result in disaster and it did.

Guy, I'm done sending you links because I've sent you dozens and you were obviously confused by the big words.

But poor people getting houses isn't what screwed this up. It was middle class people gaming the market and bankers selling shit loans as investments that was the problem.

ANd Bush didn't enforce the law because the bankers were largely his cronies.

You can sit here and defend that deplorable racist bitch all you like, it just proves my point about WHO you are.

No, it just proves how shit-kicking ignorant you are. You probably don't know anything about Sanger, like that she opposed legalizing abortion. But some Preacher told you that she said something she didnt' actually say and show you a doctored picture of her at a Klan rally she never went to, and you act like you know stuff.
Not that Boss Hogg can be educated, but for people who want to know the truth about the CRA...

FRB: Did the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) contribute to foreclosures and the financial crisis? And, is the CRA being reformed?

The Federal Reserve Board has found no connection between CRA and the subprime mortgage problems. In fact, the Board's analysis (102 KB PDF) found that nearly 60 percent of higher-priced loans went to middle- or higher-income borrowers or neighborhoods, which are not the focus of CRA activity. Additionally, about 20 percent of the higher-priced loans that were extended in low- or moderate-income areas, or to low- or moderate-income borrowers, were loans originated by lenders not covered by the CRA. Our analysis found that only six percent of all higher-priced loans were made by CRA-covered lenders to borrowers and neighborhoods targeted by the CRA. Further, our review of loan performance found that rates of serious mortgage delinquency are high in all neighborhood groups, not just in lower-income areas.

That's what the Federal Reserve has to say about it.

Low-income households didn't cause the financial crisis

"...the CRA was not a significant factor in subprime lending or the crisis. Many subprime lenders were not subject to the CRA. Research indicates only 6% of high-cost loans -- a proxy for subprime loans -- had any connection to the law. Loans made by CRA-regulated lenders in the neighborhoods in which they were required to lend were half as likely to default as similar loans made in the same neighborhoods by independent mortgage originators not subject to the law."

So why does the right wing and their tools like Boss Hogg continue this narrative?

Because frankly, the alternative of unregulated free markets sprinkling libertarian pixie dust causing it is just too frightening for them.

The thought that if you leave a big pile of money where some greedy bastards could get at it did have exactly the result you'd expect.
Not that Boss Hogg can be educated, but for people who want to know the truth about the CRA...

FRB: Did the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) contribute to foreclosures and the financial crisis? And, is the CRA being reformed?

The Federal Reserve Board has found no connection between CRA and the subprime mortgage problems. In fact, the Board's analysis (102 KB PDF) found that nearly 60 percent of higher-priced loans went to middle- or higher-income borrowers or neighborhoods, which are not the focus of CRA activity. Additionally, about 20 percent of the higher-priced loans that were extended in low- or moderate-income areas, or to low- or moderate-income borrowers, were loans originated by lenders not covered by the CRA. Our analysis found that only six percent of all higher-priced loans were made by CRA-covered lenders to borrowers and neighborhoods targeted by the CRA. Further, our review of loan performance found that rates of serious mortgage delinquency are high in all neighborhood groups, not just in lower-income areas.

That's what the Federal Reserve has to say about it.

Low-income households didn't cause the financial crisis

"...the CRA was not a significant factor in subprime lending or the crisis. Many subprime lenders were not subject to the CRA. Research indicates only 6% of high-cost loans -- a proxy for subprime loans -- had any connection to the law. Loans made by CRA-regulated lenders in the neighborhoods in which they were required to lend were half as likely to default as similar loans made in the same neighborhoods by independent mortgage originators not subject to the law."

So why does the right wing and their tools like Boss Hogg continue this narrative?

Because frankly, the alternative of unregulated free markets sprinkling libertarian pixie dust causing it is just too frightening for them.

The thought that if you leave a big pile of money where some greedy bastards could get at it did have exactly the result you'd expect.

Where are Forbes and Fortune? You're posting info from the government who is responsible, explaining why the government is not responsible. And you toss in their lap dog, a CBS News story just to reinforce that.

I can't refute government propaganda, it's propaganda. They've conveniently set up their own statistics and measures to show little dopes like you how they didn't have anything to do with this and you believe it. We all know what happened, a bunch of loans were made to people who couldn't afford them and had no business getting them because the government threatened lending institutions if they didn't make the loans. Politicians pushed this shit onto free market capitalists and the system collapsed. Then the roaches scattered and started making excuses.
Please. Most people only work at the same place on average 4 years. Neighborhoods don't change that fast.

This sounds like some sad-ass excuse making.

Neighborhoods change daily, dipshit. People are CONSTANTLY moving in and moving out. People are also not auto-bots who conform to national averages. They're all different, they behave differently. You, like many goofball liberals, like putting everyone of a particular group into a little box with all your stereotype labels to define them.

It's not excuse making, idiot... there is no excuse needed. What you're wanting is just absolutely moronic and impossible. You want to be able to send in your federal goons on any given day and survey my community, and if my employee makeup doesn't fit the statistics, you want to shut my business down, fine me or throw me in jail. I've got no way of knowing what the makeup of my community is on any given day or week... it changes constantly. And even IF there were some way for me to know, that's not how I hire people OR fire them. I suspect, the first time a bunch of blacks were laid off due to a shift in the community makeup, you'd scream FOUL!

It's difficult enough for a business to hire qualified people. Demanding their skin be a certain color to appease your liberal white guilt is a bridge too far. What if I don't have any applications from your "minority of choice"? What then? You don't have an answer because your idea is stupid and shortsighted. It's nothing but emotional-driven nonsense because you're a guilty white liberal. You need to address your fucked-in-the-head problem and leave businesses alone. MORON!
Where are Forbes and Fortune? You're posting info from the government who is responsible, explaining why the government is not responsible. And you toss in their lap dog, a CBS News story just to reinforce that.

Right. I should have used a credible source like a fat, drug addicted poofta on hate radio.

I can't refute government propaganda, it's propaganda. They've conveniently set up their own statistics and measures to show little dopes like you how they didn't have anything to do with this and you believe it. We all know what happened, a bunch of loans were made to people who couldn't afford them and had no business getting them because the government threatened lending institutions if they didn't make the loans.

Right, because, clearly there was no incentive for banks to make loans to people--- other than collecting higher interest rates, reselling foreclosed properties, and so on. The banksters were poor little victims when they sold those loans, and then resold those mortgages as worthless investments.

Politicians pushed this shit onto free market capitalists and the system collapsed. Then the roaches scattered and started making excuses.

The only roaches I saw was the banksters themselves, who have oddly NOT demanded the CRA be repealled.

But no problem, I know you just need to believe in Free Market Pixies who fix everything.
Obama is a pig race warlord. If this occured at a trump rally the media would say trump incited the violence. I say the same about obama. He incited the murder of 5 cops, plain and simple.

not just obama but about 99 percent of the democrat platform
Neighborhoods change daily, dipshit. People are CONSTANTLY moving in and moving out. People are also not auto-bots who conform to national averages. They're all different, they behave differently. You, like many goofball liberals, like putting everyone of a particular group into a little box with all your stereotype labels to define them.

Demographic change is very slow. Sorry, if you could understand big words like demographics, you'd understand this.

It's not excuse making, idiot... there is no excuse needed. What you're wanting is just absolutely moronic and impossible. You want to be able to send in your federal goons on any given day and survey my community, and if my employee makeup doesn't fit the statistics, you want to shut my business down, fine me or throw me in jail.

Awesome Idea. I could think of a few bosses who would greatly benefit from a few days behind bars with an oversexed cellmate.

I've got no way of knowing what the makeup of my community is on any given day or week... it changes constantly. And even IF there were some way for me to know, that's not how I hire people OR fire them. I suspect, the first time a bunch of blacks were laid off due to a shift in the community makeup, you'd scream FOUL!

Yup, I probably would, because of your established history of racism. Thanks for playing.

It's difficult enough for a business to hire qualified people. Demanding their skin be a certain color to appease your liberal white guilt is a bridge too far.

No it isn't. "qualified" is usually the thing the bigot hides behind. I've seen too many idiot cousins and air-headed girlfriends and golfing buddies hired to ever take the claim "qualified" seriously.

What if I don't have any applications from your "minority of choice"? What then? You don't have an answer because your idea is stupid and shortsighted.

Then you look again. Or at least you show you made the minimum effort.

What then? You don't have an answer because your idea is stupid and shortsighted. It's nothing but emotional-driven nonsense because you're a guilty white liberal. You need to address your fucked-in-the-head problem and leave businesses alone. MORON!

I'll leave business alone when they leave the rest of us alone and stop trying to find new ways to cheat the rest of us.
Right. I should have used a credible source like a fat, drug addicted poofta on hate radio.

No, you should have used a source like Forbes or Fortune, like you dishonest little ass claimed.

Right, because, clearly there was no incentive for banks to make loans to people--- other than collecting higher interest rates, reselling foreclosed properties, and so on. The banksters were poor little victims when they sold those loans, and then resold those mortgages as worthless investments.

Well I don't know about who resold what, but the fact remains, financial institutions were forced by government to make loans to people who had no business getting them and those people foreclosed.

But no problem, I know you just need to believe in Free Market Pixies who fix everything.

Well, IF free markets had been allowed to function as designed, there would have been no bubble to burst. Markets adjust, supply and demand drives price and we avoid recessions and depressions because we don't have government meddling in free markets.

Demographic change is very slow. Sorry, if you could understand big words like demographics, you'd understand this.

Sometimes it's not very slow, sometimes it's very rapid. Avondale is a neighborhood in Birmingham that was 90% black just 3-4 years ago... it's currently about 70% young white millennials who have moved in and opened microbreweries and trendy little shops. A few years ago, Avondale Park was full of drug dealers and crack heads. You could walk through the park and find hypodermic needles and the little crack baggies everywhere. White people didn't dare go there after dark. Today, they are holding art festivals and it's a totally different place.

So.... Sorry YOU can't understand that neighborhoods change and demographics change, and a business cannot function trying to constantly maintain some idiotic representation of the neighborhood they are in. It's a stupid way to run a business and it can't be done anyway.

Yup, I probably would, because of your established history of racism. Thanks for playing.

YOU are the racist here. Everything you are saying is predicated on skin color. You don't want businesses to hire the most qualified candidates, you want them to hire people with the "right kind" of skin color. That's racism.

I'll leave business alone when they leave the rest of us alone and stop trying to find new ways to cheat the rest of us.

No, you'll leave business alone when the people of this country who have some common sense reject your idiocy and relegate you to obscurity in political power. And that day is coming very soon. We're seeing what a bunch of authoritative fascists you are when given just a little power. You people have to be resoundingly rejected and marginalized as the kooks you are.
No, you should have used a source like Forbes or Fortune, like you dishonest little ass claimed.

I did in previous threads. I didn't feel like digging those up again.

Well I don't know about who resold what, but the fact remains, financial institutions were forced by government to make loans to people who had no business getting them and those people foreclosed.

Except the foreclosure rates on CRA loans was LOWER than those on middle class loans...

Sometimes it's not very slow, sometimes it's very rapid. Avondale is a neighborhood in Birmingham that was 90% black just 3-4 years ago... it's currently about 70% young white millennials who have moved in and opened microbreweries and trendy little shops. A few years ago, Avondale Park was full of drug dealers and crack heads. You could walk through the park and find hypodermic needles and the little crack baggies everywhere. White people didn't dare go there after dark. Today, they are holding art festivals and it's a totally different place.

Nothing to do with demagraphics of a larger area... sorry.

One neighborhood? really?

YOU are the racist here. Everything you are saying is predicated on skin color. You don't want businesses to hire the most qualified candidates, you want them to hire people with the "right kind" of skin color. That's racism.

again, I've seen too many golfing buddies, airheaded girlfriends and idiot nephews get hired to take the issue of 'qualified' terribly seriously.

Qualified usually means, "someone I like", not actual qualifications.

No, you'll leave business alone when the people of this country who have some common sense reject your idiocy and relegate you to obscurity in political power. And that day is coming very soon. We're seeing what a bunch of authoritative fascists you are when given just a little power. You people have to be resoundingly rejected and marginalized as the kooks you are.

You guys haven't won a national election fairly since 1988. If someone is going to be regulated to obscurity, it will be you. Watching your party nominate a troll like Trump shows how far you've degenerated.
I did in previous threads. I didn't feel like digging those up again.

Well, I guess you should have, then I wouldn't have made you look like a lying ass fool.

Except the foreclosure rates on CRA loans was LOWER than those on middle class loans...

Where did I ever make the claim that all the loans were to poor people? There's no such thing as "CRA loans" ....CRA was an act passed by Congress to make loans available to meet the needs of the communities the financial institutions served. This included meeting the needs of borrowers in all segments of their communities, including low- and moderate-income neighborhoods and reducing discrimination against low-income applicants.

To enforce the statute, federal regulatory agencies examined banking institutions for CRA compliance, and took this information into consideration when approving applications for new branches, mergers and acquisitions. In other words... Comply, or we're going to choke you to death. So the lending institutions complied.

It wasn't the original 1977 Act that was the real culprit, however. It was the tinkering that went on through the Clinton and Bush administrations, further opening CRA loans to people with low credit scores or no credit backgrounds, women and minorities. You'll notice, I have not said one word about "class" here.

Qualified usually means, "someone I like", not actual qualifications.

And you base this on WHAT exactly? Your OPINION? I've actually hired people, so I can tell you what MY criteria are in hiring... race has nothing to do with it. Also, whether they are my golf buddy, has nothing to do with it. I assume this is the case with MOST people who hire... maybe it wouldn't be with YOU.... You'd probably discriminate like hell because that's the kind of person you are and it's what makes you believe everyone is that way. And that is the whole problem with you guilty white liberals... you think the whole world are prejudiced racist stereotypers like yourself. So you feel this guilty need to protect society against your prejudicial mindset. You can't fucking imagine a world where people aren't prejudiced and racist because it comes so natural to you.
It wasn't the original 1977 Act that was the real culprit, however. It was the tinkering that went on through the Clinton and Bush administrations, further opening CRA loans to people with low credit scores or no credit backgrounds, women and minorities. You'll notice, I have not said one word about "class" here.

I'm sure that's what you heard on Hate Radio. It just isn't true according to the government or the banking industry.

Reality- you guys got deregulation and letting the banks do whatever the fuck they wanted, and you got the exact same result you got 80 years earlier before all those commie socialist regulations were put into place.

And you base this on WHAT exactly? Your OPINION? I've actually hired people, so I can tell you what MY criteria are in hiring... race has nothing to do with it.

And how many people of color have you hired?

I'm guessing not many.
It wasn't the original 1977 Act that was the real culprit, however. It was the tinkering that went on through the Clinton and Bush administrations, further opening CRA loans to people with low credit scores or no credit backgrounds, women and minorities. You'll notice, I have not said one word about "class" here.

I'm sure that's what you heard on Hate Radio. It just isn't true according to the government or the banking industry.

Reality- you guys got deregulation and letting the banks do whatever the fuck they wanted, and you got the exact same result you got 80 years earlier before all those commie socialist regulations were put into place.

And you base this on WHAT exactly? Your OPINION? I've actually hired people, so I can tell you what MY criteria are in hiring... race has nothing to do with it.

And how many people of color have you hired?

I'm guessing not many.
You hire based on the color of someone's skin?
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