This is your moment, Mr. President

It wasn't the original 1977 Act that was the real culprit, however. It was the tinkering that went on through the Clinton and Bush administrations, further opening CRA loans to people with low credit scores or no credit backgrounds, women and minorities. You'll notice, I have not said one word about "class" here.

I'm sure that's what you heard on Hate Radio. It just isn't true according to the government or the banking industry.

Reality- you guys got deregulation and letting the banks do whatever the fuck they wanted, and you got the exact same result you got 80 years earlier before all those commie socialist regulations were put into place.

And you base this on WHAT exactly? Your OPINION? I've actually hired people, so I can tell you what MY criteria are in hiring... race has nothing to do with it.

And how many people of color have you hired?

I'm guessing not many.

Well Joey, as fun as it is to play Let's Chase the Goalposts Around the Field with you... I got better stuff to do. Like I said, it was the numerous revisions to CRA (some Republican led, some Democrat led) which culminated in the financial collapse. In short, it was government meddling in free market capitalism where it shouldn't have been. THAT is what caused the financial collapse and subsequent recession. You can jawbone all you like about it... you can change the argument around and try to spin it this way or that... I don't really care, that's what happened.

As for how many black people I've hired... dozens. I've hired Latinos, Asians, Puerto Ricans, Indians.... you name it. One of my best employees ever was a single black mother. But none of them were hired because of their race. I don't discriminate and stereotype people like you, Joe. I grew up in a place that had a history of racism and I learned to deplore it at an early age. One of my childhood heroes was Dr. MLK, Jr. I still admire the man and live by what he stood for. So when you insinuate that I am racist, I literally laugh out loud at what a fool you are. You see, I know the truth about myself, and I know the truth about you, Joe... I've been dealing with your kind all my life.

SOunds like you had/have much more hiring than I have, BUT at the height of my middle management career I did a fair amount of hiring and I hired plenty of blacks also.

Some of my best employees were black also. (not many asians or latinos in my city at that time)

In fact I was giving a "problem" employee who was a young black woman, and after working for me for several years, she was promoted to my old middle management job after I left.
Then don't sit here and lie about hiring based on skin color. You can't say you want people to hire based on skin color but you didn't say people should be hired based on skin color. That's EXACTLY what you said.. own it, bruh!

Wow, guy, go back and read what a I said and then have someone help you with the big words.
Then don't sit here and lie about hiring based on skin color. You can't say you want people to hire based on skin color but you didn't say people should be hired based on skin color. That's EXACTLY what you said.. own it, bruh!

Wow, guy, go back and read what a I said and then have someone help you with the big words.

I don't need any help with the words, you've said it several times, Joe. You continue to make the argument for hiring based on skin color.

"Make every company show that they have hired representative of the community."

"I have said that we need racial preferences to make up for the inherit racism of the white males who make most of the hiring decisions."

"Yes, I think diversity and elevating an community is more important than giving a job to your golfing buddy."

Over and over again, you made the argument that people should hire based on skin color. You even presented your justifications and suggested jail sentences for those who didn't comply. Now you're sitting here lying through your shit-stained racist teeth about what you said, trying to walk it all back and being a total smart ass about it.

I tried to reach out to your dumb ignorant uneducated racist ass and explain why companies cannot ensure they have a workforce representative of the community they are in and you just wanted to keep arguing the same lame-brain point. You never did answer what you want me to do with my black employees when the demographics shift the other way... lay them off because they're black? You won't answer because it proves that what you're demanding is patently idiotic and can't be done.

I don't hire or fire based on race, there are federal laws against it and have been for over 50 years... but that's what you want everyone to do because you're a little shithead guilty white liberal who is a racist himself and you believe everyone must view people by skin color like you do. So... If I have a job and want to hire my golf buddy, that's who I will hire because it's my decision, and you know what you'll do about it? Jack Squat!

Now go fuck yourself and have a nice day!
Over and over again, you made the argument that people should hire based on skin color. You even presented your justifications and suggested jail sentences for those who didn't comply. Now you're sitting here lying through your shit-stained racist teeth about what you said, trying to walk it all back and being a total smart ass about it.

Uh, no, guy. Not walking it back at all. you can find people just as qualified as your golf buddy and STILL make up for the racism. sorry you don't seem to get this.
I tried to reach out to your dumb ignorant uneducated racist ass and explain why companies cannot ensure they have a workforce representative of the community they are in and you just wanted to keep arguing the same lame-brain point. You never did answer what you want me to do with my black employees when the demographics shift the other way... lay them off because they're black? You won't answer because it proves that what you're demanding is patently idiotic and can't be done.

Guy, employee turnover is ALWAYS faster than demographic change. Most people change jobs once every 4 years. On the off chance your city had a major demographic change, you could easily keep up. The real problem is, you don't want the government telling you you must pass up your golf buddy because you have to hire a black person.

I don't hire or fire based on race, there are federal laws against it and have been for over 50 years... but that's what you want everyone to do because you're a little shithead guilty white liberal who is a racist himself and you believe everyone must view people by skin color like you do. So... If I have a job and want to hire my golf buddy, that's who I will hire because it's my decision, and you know what you'll do about it? Jack Squat!

Actually, I used to think we got over racism. Then Obama got elected and people like you ABSOLUTELY LOST YOUR SHIT!!!

Here's the thing. I think most white male employers are probably not overly racist. Such as on my last job, which I quit last year. Our White Male Manager hired his golf buddy for a newly created position. so who did he let go? Yup, an African American lady. Forget that his golf buddy had worked in the warehouse before and quit suddenly. Or that he had no college education or real experience for the job. Nope, he had to make a job for his golf buddy and that nice black lady just happened to have no seniority or protections.

Another example from the same guy. IN 2012, we had 3 people leave our department. A Chinese lady who had been with the company for 9 years, a black lady who had been with the company for 2 years, and a white blonde intern who had been with the company for three months on a work-study thing.

Want to guess which one he took time off his busy schedule to go to lunch with the day before they left? Wanna guess? Come on, buddy, guess.
Over and over again, you made the argument that people should hire based on skin color. You even presented your justifications and suggested jail sentences for those who didn't comply. Now you're sitting here lying through your shit-stained racist teeth about what you said, trying to walk it all back and being a total smart ass about it.

Uh, no, guy. Not walking it back at all. you can find people just as qualified as your golf buddy and STILL make up for the racism. sorry you don't seem to get this.

Well you claimed you didn't say we should hire based on skin color. You keep flip-flopping back and forth.

No, I don't get your "plan" at all... first you demand that I hire based on skin color but then you claim you didn't say I should hire based on skin color. You've still not explained what I do with my black employees when the demographics change and I have more whites in the neighborhood, or more Hispanics. Do I fire the blacks because they have wrong color skin? I must have to if I am to avoid prison under your plan. What if I have already "met my quota" of blacks and a stellar black candidate applies? Do I tell him... sorry man, I can't hire you because it will put me over my limit?

I need for you to explain this race-based hiring scheme you've concocted and you're not explaining anything... you keep flip-flopping around like a fish in the sun.

And another thing occurs to me... IF employers have to hire based on the community... isn't that essentially systemic forced segregation? Mostly white neighborhoods will hire mostly whites and mostly black neighborhoods will hire mostly blacks... the blacks in the white neighborhood and the whites in the black neighborhood can't find jobs, so they have to move to where "their kind" are in order to find work. Perhaps that's exactly the result you are after?
Guy, employee turnover is ALWAYS faster than demographic change. Most people change jobs once every 4 years. On the off chance your city had a major demographic change, you could easily keep up. The real problem is, you don't want the government telling you you must pass up your golf buddy because you have to hire a black person.

Guy... you're just repeating yourself again. I heard you the first time, and I explained to you that demographics can change rapidly in any community and people are not statistics. Some people work on their jobs for 40 years and some work on their jobs for one day.

The real problem is, you're a racist fucktard trying to tell me how to hire people for MY business.
There has never been an American President with the background, the capacity, the experience and the skill set to take race head on like you, President Obama. Not even close, not within a million miles.
Exactly what is that background, capacity, experience and skill set, Mac?

You talking about being a know nothing, no experience, black community organizer from Chicago... is that it... his grand credentials?

You've got to be shittin' me...
It wasn't the original 1977 Act that was the real culprit, however. It was the tinkering that went on through the Clinton and Bush administrations, further opening CRA loans to people with low credit scores or no credit backgrounds, women and minorities. You'll notice, I have not said one word about "class" here.

I'm sure that's what you heard on Hate Radio. It just isn't true according to the government or the banking industry.

Reality- you guys got deregulation and letting the banks do whatever the fuck they wanted, and you got the exact same result you got 80 years earlier before all those commie socialist regulations were put into place.

And you base this on WHAT exactly? Your OPINION? I've actually hired people, so I can tell you what MY criteria are in hiring... race has nothing to do with it.

And how many people of color have you hired?

I'm guessing not many.

Well Joey, as fun as it is to play Let's Chase the Goalposts Around the Field with you... I got better stuff to do. Like I said, it was the numerous revisions to CRA (some Republican led, some Democrat led) which culminated in the financial collapse. In short, it was government meddling in free market capitalism where it shouldn't have been. THAT is what caused the financial collapse and subsequent recession. You can jawbone all you like about it... you can change the argument around and try to spin it this way or that... I don't really care, that's what happened.

As for how many black people I've hired... dozens. I've hired Latinos, Asians, Puerto Ricans, Indians.... you name it. One of my best employees ever was a single black mother. But none of them were hired because of their race. I don't discriminate and stereotype people like you, Joe. I grew up in a place that had a history of racism and I learned to deplore it at an early age. One of my childhood heroes was Dr. MLK, Jr. I still admire the man and live by what he stood for. So when you insinuate that I am racist, I literally laugh out loud at what a fool you are. You see, I know the truth about myself, and I know the truth about you, Joe... I've been dealing with your kind all my life.

SOunds like you had/have much more hiring than I have, BUT at the height of my middle management career I did a fair amount of hiring and I hired plenty of blacks also.

Some of my best employees were black also. (not many asians or latinos in my city at that time)

In fact I was giving a "problem" employee who was a young black woman, and after working for me for several years, she was promoted to my old middle management job after I left.

I will hire you if you can walk the walk and talk the talk.
Well you claimed you didn't say we should hire based on skin color. You keep flip-flopping back and forth.

No, I don't get your "plan" at all... first you demand that I hire based on skin color but then you claim you didn't say I should hire based on skin color. You've still not explained what I do with my black employees when the demographics change and I have more whites in the neighborhood, or more Hispanics. Do I fire the blacks because they have wrong color skin? I must have to if I am to avoid prison under your plan. What if I have already "met my quota" of blacks and a stellar black candidate applies? Do I tell him... sorry man, I can't hire you because it will put me over my limit?

I explained exactly what you do... you wait for natural attrition to balance the scales. Your employees will shift before your community does. Fuck, guy, I write resumes... I know bosses like you are ones people can't wait to get away from.

Obama has set back race relations 50 years by his own actions.

right. How DARE he say cops shooting unarmed black kids is a bad thing!!!

The real problem is, you're a racist fucktard trying to tell me how to hire people for MY business.

Nope, I'm trying to fix what's broken with this country. When black unemployment is the same as white unemployment, it's fixed.
I explained exactly what you do... you wait for natural attrition to balance the scales. Your employees will shift before your community does. Fuck, guy, I write resumes... I know bosses like you are ones people can't wait to get away from.

You're not making any sense. Your idea is stupid and you're a racist who is advocating systemic segregation. Furthermore, you are demanding that I hire based on skin color, which I am opposed to.

right. How DARE he say cops shooting unarmed black kids is a bad thing!!!

Don't get me started on his race-baiting, agitating and fomenting racial divisiveness. He is worse than you are and that's saying something.

Nope, I'm trying to fix what's broken with this country. When black unemployment is the same as white unemployment, it's fixed.

No you're not. You're trying to institute racial hiring like we're in 1962 or something. You're a racist who sees people's skin color first and that's all that matters to you. Society will be much better off when racists like you die. You wanna help society? Go stick your head in the oven!
You're not making any sense. Your idea is stupid and you're a racist who is advocating systemic segregation. Furthermore, you are demanding that I hire based on skin color, which I am opposed to.

Of course you are opposed to it. You want to hire your Golf Buddy. You don't want no gummit telling you what to do.

Spoiler alert. it isn't about you.

Don't get me started on his race-baiting, agitating and fomenting racial divisiveness. He is worse than you are and that's saying something.

Please point out ONE thing he has said that is race baiting... thanks.

Sorry, guy, pointing out that when the police shoot unarmed black kids is a bad thing is not race baiting. It's really a bad thing.

No you're not. You're trying to institute racial hiring like we're in 1962 or something. You're a racist who sees people's skin color first and that's all that matters to you. Society will be much better off when racists like you die. You wanna help society? Go stick your head in the oven!

Actually, it's worse than 1962. in 1962, a black person could still get a job in a factory or something. Affirmative Action was meant to give them access to the better jobs.

Now they have a hard time getting the menial jobs.
Of course you are opposed to it. You want to hire your Golf Buddy. You don't want no gummit telling you what to do.

Spoiler alert. it isn't about you.

Uhmm... it's MY BUSINESS... it's about ME. You don't get to tell me who to hire. I can hire whoever the hell I want for the job I'm providing.

I'm done talking to your racist ass for now.
Uhmm... it's MY BUSINESS... it's about ME. You don't get to tell me who to hire. I can hire whoever the hell I want for the job I'm providing.

I'm done talking to your racist ass for now.

No, it's a business the rest of us support and subsidize. so you have an obligation to serve the community.

Guy you all have been losing this argument for 40 years now.
No, it's a business the rest of us support and subsidize. so you have an obligation to serve the community.

Guy you all have been losing this argument for 40 years now.

Fuck you. You don't do a goddamn thing to subsidize MY business, dipwad. And no... we've been rejecting your racist bullshit for more than 50 years. You won't fucking die already!
There has never been an American President with the background, the capacity, the experience and the skill set to take race head on like you, President Obama. Not even close, not within a million miles.

This country needs a leader who can step forward, and with calm and compassion and legitimacy, inspire Americans on all sides of this to look in the mirror and commit to cleaning their own house. You're the obvious person to do this.

This would mean some significant political risk, no doubt about it. Part of this would mean challenging a key Democratic constituency in a way it has never been challenged before.

This isn't about ability. You have that. The question is whether you can ignore the political implications.

It would be the most important and valuable legacy you could possibly leave.
No American President more equipped / capable? Why? Because he is black? We have seen what that has mattered / gotten accomplished. He has done nothing specifically to help the plight / status of blacks - he has been too busy helping illegals, 'refugees', terrorists, and Mexican Drug Cartels while INCREASING the racial divide in this country to near racial civil war status. America will be better off, even racially, when he is gone. Perhaps then we will get someone who likes this country and who wants to unify it rather than rip it apart.
There has never been an American President with the background, the capacity, the experience and the skill set to take race head on like you, President Obama. Not even close, not within a million miles.

This country needs a leader who can step forward, and with calm and compassion and legitimacy, inspire Americans on all sides of this to look in the mirror and commit to cleaning their own house. You're the obvious person to do this.

This would mean some significant political risk, no doubt about it. Part of this would mean challenging a key Democratic constituency in a way it has never been challenged before.

This isn't about ability. You have that. The question is whether you can ignore the political implications.

It would be the most important and valuable legacy you could possibly leave.
No American President more equipped / capable? Why? Because he is black? We have seen what that has mattered / gotten accomplished. He has done nothing specifically to help the plight / status of blacks - he has been too busy helping illegals, 'refugees', terrorists, and Mexican Drug Cartels while INCREASING the racial divide in this country to near racial civil war status. America will be better off, even racially, when he is gone. Perhaps then we will get someone who likes this country and who wants to unify it rather than rip it apart.

Nothing enrages conservatives more than the fact that President Obama has resisted regulations that favors blacks more than other struggling groups

They have been waiting to play their ...See? Obama is a racist card
Fuck you. You don't do a goddamn thing to subsidize MY business, dipwad. And no... we've been rejecting your racist bullshit for more than 50 years. You won't fucking die already!

Ah, always fun when I make Boss unbalanced by confronting his stupidity.

The rest of us pay for the streets, police and fire protection, utilities, inspections, trade laws that make it possible for you to have a business.

That means you have to have fair hiring practices that the rest of us consider fair. Sorry, deal with it.
No American President more equipped / capable? Why? Because he is black? We have seen what that has mattered / gotten accomplished. He has done nothing specifically to help the plight / status of blacks - he has been too busy helping illegals, 'refugees', terrorists, and Mexican Drug Cartels while INCREASING the racial divide in this country to near racial civil war status. America will be better off, even racially, when he is gone. Perhaps then we will get someone who likes this country and who wants to unify it rather than rip it apart.

Guy, Americans of all colors are better off than they were in 2009 when Bush left the country a smoldering ruin.

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