This is your moment, Mr. President

No one has suggested punitive actions.

ONe danger being less than another, is not a justification for needlessly exposing yourself and others to the "lesser" danger.
It shows Republican fear mongering is baseless and dangerous

No, it does not.

One danger being less than another, does not make the "lesser" danger any less dangerous, or make avoiding that "lesser" danger any less of a good idea.

For instance, Say you are talking to a smoker. A very dangerous habit.

Should the fact he smokes, lead you to recommend that he NOT test his house for Radon?

ON the other hand, ridiculing and smearing the Republicans, that is a great way to win elections.

Have you ever considered the cost of falsely accusing people of racism?
When I accuse Republicans of racism, I need not worry about false accusations

Considering the abandon you show with throwing around such personal attacks, that is an asinine lie.

Are you purposefully tearing this nation apart, or do you just considering that an acceptable side effect?
Odd logic on your part

Republican racism is pulling the country apart......calling them on their racist and bigoted positions is not

You throw around accusations of racism, very recklessly.

I've asked you if you have ever considered the cost of falsely accusing some one of racism.

Your response implies that "all republicans are racist" which obvious nonsense.

You refuse to answer a completely reasonable question.

YOu are an asshole.

The Republican Party has no racist policies, and it is you lefties who have been dividing this country by fanning the flames of racial resentment in minorities.

With lies.
The Republicans don't have to "drum up" fear of Muslims. The Muslims do that when they randomly murder US.

Guy, in the last 10 years, about 100 Americans in the US were killed by "Muslims". By comparison, about 45 Americans a year die from dog bites. You don't see anyone declaring a war on dogs.

Nice careful boundaries you have their. Leave out the dead from 9-11 AND all the War dead and then claim that Muslims don't kill many Americans.

Liberals: All the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.

The Republicans don't have to "drum up" fear of Hispanics. The effect unlimited cheap Third World labor has on the paychecks of the Working and Middle Class does that.

Right. Because clearly your boss wouldn't keep trying to cheat you out of a job you wouldn't want to do, anyway.

Only an ass would pretend that poor or middle class whites would not do those jobs.

THe fact that just about everyone on the Left, and most politicians on the RIght are committed to a policy of pretending these dangers do not exist means that only Trump WILL protect US.

If the country has a collective brain fart and elects the Orange Nazi Hairpiece, he'll probably get impeached within six months.[/QUOTE]

Only an asshole would smear Trump or Trump supporters with an accusation of being a nazi.

Do you ever stop to think how much it pisses off Republicans to be accused of being racist or motivated by racism when they know DAMN well that they are not?

YOu are tearing this country apart.

No, honestly I don't. I think there are some Republicans who aren't racist but they tolerate the ones who are. And the election of Obama has made you all kind of crazy, obviously.

Trump is just the last terminal stage of Obama Derangement Syndrome.

The election of Obama has allowed lefties to use the Race Card, against EVERY EXAMPLE OF NORMAL PARTISAN OPPOSITION.

That is what is tearing this nation apart.

Did you really expect partisan conservative ideologues to NOT strongly oppose ANY democratic President?


You asshole.
Harassment is not justified because the reason for the hatred is one of choice.

You are justifying hate, and attacking me for being against Harassment.

You are a hate filled bigot.

You superstition of choice has been responsible for witch burnings, crusades, the abuse of children, suppression of science, holy wars and a lot of other stuff that frankly has been bad for people.

I have no problem calling you on it.

We weren't talking about debating the pros and cons of Christianity.

We were talking about you lefties harassing Christians.

As normal for a Lefty, when pressed on their bullshit enough, they respond by lying, or increasing their lying.
Hey, want a tasty snack?

Here you go.

BTW, two, just two, of the m&ms are instead of delicious candy coated chocolate, are actually deadly poison.

Sooooo, how many m&ms are you going to eat?

so when crazy rednecks shoot up a place, how come you don't apply that logic to them?

Note how when I discuss Muslims, I call them muslims and when you discuss rural whites you call them ethnic slurs?

That is because you are a racist, and I am not.

And if we were importing a population of "rednecks" of which a significant percentage were at war with us, I would apply that logic to them.


Here's the real problem. It isn't that blacks or Muslims or Bubba Rednecks are all bad people.. most of them aren't. The problem is the small ones who are can get ahold of guns.

Nope. That's a deflection from the real problem, ie we are importing a largely alien and hostile demographic.[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]
There has never been an American President with the background, the capacity, the experience and the skill set to take race head on like you, President Obama. Not even close, not within a million miles.

This country needs a leader who can step forward, and with calm and compassion and legitimacy, inspire Americans on all sides of this to look in the mirror and commit to cleaning their own house. You're the obvious person to do this.

This would mean some significant political risk, no doubt about it. Part of this would mean challenging a key Democratic constituency in a way it has never been challenged before.

This isn't about ability. You have that. The question is whether you can ignore the political implications.

It would be the most important and valuable legacy you could possibly leave.
No matter what Obama says or does, most of the people on the right find him to be wrong. Are you saying that he should be preaching to the choir?
Nice careful boundaries you have their. Leave out the dead from 9-11 AND all the War dead and then claim that Muslims don't kill many Americans.

Liberals: All the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.

Um, yeah, I do leave out acts of war. I also left out the hundreds of thousands of Muslims we've killed.

If you invade someone else's country, you really shouldn't be surprised when they try to kill you.

Only an ass would pretend that poor or middle class whites would not do those jobs.

Why would they? Hey, guy, I worked in a factory (before they closed it down and moved it to Malaysia) where we had people doing the kinds of menial jobs you talk about on our assembly lines, but at a better pay rate. You know what, not a white person out there. they were all Indian and Hispanic.

The election of Obama has allowed lefties to use the Race Card, against EVERY EXAMPLE OF NORMAL PARTISAN OPPOSITION. That is what is tearing this nation apart.

Did you really expect partisan conservative ideologues to NOT strongly oppose ANY democratic President?


And nothing compared to the level of crazy you guys have had towards Obama. The thing is, you guys oppose Obama when he goes along with your ideas. Case in point. ObamaCare. You guys had no problem with it when it was called "RomneyCare". Then the Black Guy Did It.

Now you are ready to nominate a Nazi Orange Hairpiece because he's traded in the racist dog-whistles of a racist bullhorn.

We weren't talking about debating the pros and cons of Christianity.

We were talking about you lefties harassing Christians.

As normal for a Lefty, when pressed on their bullshit enough, they respond by lying, or increasing their lying.

So I'm trying to understand your dubious logic.

"Why do you hate Christians?"

"Witch Burnings, Heretic Torture, Crusades, Abuse of Altar boys... all the times Sister Mary Butch hit me with a big wooden ruler when I was 10."

"We weren't talking about the bad stuff Christians do! We were talking about why you hate them!!!"

"Um, I just explained that."
Nice careful boundaries you have their. Leave out the dead from 9-11 AND all the War dead and then claim that Muslims don't kill many Americans.

Liberals: All the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.

Um, yeah, I do leave out acts of war. I also left out the hundreds of thousands of Muslims we've killed.

If you invade someone else's country, you really shouldn't be surprised when they try to kill you.

Only an ass would pretend that poor or middle class whites would not do those jobs.

Why would they? Hey, guy, I worked in a factory (before they closed it down and moved it to Malaysia) where we had people doing the kinds of menial jobs you talk about on our assembly lines, but at a better pay rate. You know what, not a white person out there. they were all Indian and Hispanic.

The election of Obama has allowed lefties to use the Race Card, against EVERY EXAMPLE OF NORMAL PARTISAN OPPOSITION. That is what is tearing this nation apart.

Did you really expect partisan conservative ideologues to NOT strongly oppose ANY democratic President?


And nothing compared to the level of crazy you guys have had towards Obama. The thing is, you guys oppose Obama when he goes along with your ideas. Case in point. ObamaCare. You guys had no problem with it when it was called "RomneyCare". Then the Black Guy Did It.

Now you are ready to nominate a Nazi Orange Hairpiece because he's traded in the racist dog-whistles of a racist bullhorn.

We weren't talking about debating the pros and cons of Christianity.

We were talking about you lefties harassing Christians.

As normal for a Lefty, when pressed on their bullshit enough, they respond by lying, or increasing their lying.

So I'm trying to understand your dubious logic.

"Why do you hate Christians?"

"Witch Burnings, Heretic Torture, Crusades, Abuse of Altar boys... all the times Sister Mary Butch hit me with a big wooden ruler when I was 10."

"We weren't talking about the bad stuff Christians do! We were talking about why you hate them!!!"

"Um, I just explained that."
So, are you on welfare now? Explains a lot...
Note how when I discuss Muslims, I call them muslims and when you discuss rural whites you call them ethnic slurs?

That is because you are a racist, and I am not.

And if we were importing a population of "rednecks" of which a significant percentage were at war with us, I would apply that logic to them.


SO how is Muslim Omar Mateen shooting 50 gay folks in a night club an "act of war" but Redneck Dylan Roof shooting 9 black people in a church isn't?

Nope. That's a deflection from the real problem, ie we are importing a largely alien and hostile demographic

Oh, no one had to import Mateen or Farook or Hasan. They were all born here. Hasan had a commission in the US Army.

Just like Dylan Roof, James "Joker" Holmes, Adam Lanza were all born here.
Note how when I discuss Muslims, I call them muslims and when you discuss rural whites you call them ethnic slurs?

That is because you are a racist, and I am not.

And if we were importing a population of "rednecks" of which a significant percentage were at war with us, I would apply that logic to them.


SO how is Muslim Omar Mateen shooting 50 gay folks in a night club an "act of war" but Redneck Dylan Roof shooting 9 black people in a church isn't?

Nope. That's a deflection from the real problem, ie we are importing a largely alien and hostile demographic

Oh, no one had to import Mateen or Farook or Hasan. They were all born here. Hasan had a commission in the US Army.

Just like Dylan Roof, James "Joker" Holmes, Adam Lanza were all born here.
All were liberal shooters....shocking, no?
Do you ever stop to think how much it pisses off Republicans to be accused of being racist or motivated by racism when they know DAMN well that they are not?

YOu are tearing this country apart.

No, honestly I don't. I think there are some Republicans who aren't racist but they tolerate the ones who are. And the election of Obama has made you all kind of crazy, obviously.

Trump is just the last terminal stage of Obama Derangement Syndrome.
The problem with Republicans is not so much they are racist, but how tolerant they are to racists
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Do you ever stop to think how much it pisses off Republicans to be accused of being racist or motivated by racism when they know DAMN well that they are not?

YOu are tearing this country apart.

No, honestly I don't. I think there are some Republicans who aren't racist but they tolerate the ones who are. And the election of Obama has made you all kind of crazy, obviously.

Trump is just the last terminal stage of Obama Derangement Syndrome.
The problem with Republicans is not so much they are racist, but how tolerant they are to racist
You mean like this?
His comments yesterday were balanced and heartfelt. But they were not strong enough.

He has to cross political barriers and get mad here.
The 'First AA President' has had almost EIGHT FUCKING YEARS!!!! to something about the negro on negro endemic violence in the inner cities. The asshole has literally made ZERO effort. He'd rather play fucking golf. Everyone with a fucking brain knows he could care less about negroes..........until the fucking DNC needs their 'block vote'.
Turns out the last two negroes who had to be put down were your garden variety fucking criminals who CHOOSE to fight with LEOs.
Then Bonobo attempts to incite the negro 'base' and further divide the country by blaming law abiding gun owners and of course Trump.
Fucking pathetic.
The Dallas police department needs to go on a nice long summer strike/holiday. Then the NG will have to be sent into the negro shitholes. Let's see what happens when some negro tries to murder a bunch of NG.
It shows Republican fear mongering is baseless and dangerous

No, it does not.

One danger being less than another, does not make the "lesser" danger any less dangerous, or make avoiding that "lesser" danger any less of a good idea.

For instance, Say you are talking to a smoker. A very dangerous habit.

Should the fact he smokes, lead you to recommend that he NOT test his house for Radon?

ON the other hand, ridiculing and smearing the Republicans, that is a great way to win elections.

Have you ever considered the cost of falsely accusing people of racism?
When I accuse Republicans of racism, I need not worry about false accusations

Considering the abandon you show with throwing around such personal attacks, that is an asinine lie.

Are you purposefully tearing this nation apart, or do you just considering that an acceptable side effect?
Odd logic on your part

Republican racism is pulling the country apart......calling them on their racist and bigoted positions is not

You throw around accusations of racism, very recklessly.

I've asked you if you have ever considered the cost of falsely accusing some one of racism.

Your response implies that "all republicans are racist" which obvious nonsense.

You refuse to answer a completely reasonable question.

YOu are an asshole.

The Republican Party has no racist policies, and it is you lefties who have been dividing this country by fanning the flames of racial resentment in minorities.

With lies.

Republican racism and bigotry is what is pulling this country apart. Not pointing it out is reckless

Let's examine:

Gay rights: blatant bigotry seeking to deny gays the right to serve their country and marry the partner of their choice

Muslims: use blatant stereotyping to turn communities against peaceful Muslim citizens, block all immigration based on religion.

Mexicans:characterize them as drug dealers , rapists, murderers. Vote for bigoted "English only"laws and show me your papers legislation
There has never been an American President with the background, the capacity, the experience and the skill set to take race head on like you, President Obama. Not even close, not within a million miles.

This country needs a leader who can step forward, and with calm and compassion and legitimacy, inspire Americans on all sides of this to look in the mirror and commit to cleaning their own house. You're the obvious person to do this.

This would mean some significant political risk, no doubt about it. Part of this would mean challenging a key Democratic constituency in a way it has never been challenged before.

This isn't about ability. You have that. The question is whether you can ignore the political implications.

It would be the most important and valuable legacy you could possibly leave.

Such a wonderful opportunity before him to do something major for race relations. Instead, he opted to increase tensions by feeding the anger and continuing to push the false narrative that blacks are under attack and need to stay on the offensive.
Well, so far, he's not done what I've hoped for.

But I'll remain hopeful.
There has never been an American President with the background, the capacity, the experience and the skill set to take race head on like you, President Obama. Not even close, not within a million miles.

This country needs a leader who can step forward, and with calm and compassion and legitimacy, inspire Americans on all sides of this to look in the mirror and commit to cleaning their own house. You're the obvious person to do this.

This would mean some significant political risk, no doubt about it. Part of this would mean challenging a key Democratic constituency in a way it has never been challenged before.

This isn't about ability. You have that. The question is whether you can ignore the political implications.

It would be the most important and valuable legacy you could possibly leave.
No matter what Obama says or does, most of the people on the right find him to be wrong. Are you saying that he should be preaching to the choir?
I said what I'd love to see him do in the second paragraph.

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