This is your moment, Mr. President

He is claiming that being harress because of your religious beliefs is just like being harassed because of your skin color.

HIs point was very clear.

It is not credible that you did not understand that.

Except Religious belief is a choice. You are choosing to remain STUPID because you are scared of death and an imaginary fairy in the sky.

Race, not so much.

Harassment is not justified because the reason for the hatred is one of choice.

You are justifying hate, and attacking me for being against Harassment.

You are a hate filled bigot.
And you go full liberal fucktard hater....

That means you ran out of democrat talking points.....

Not at all. I don't think you can be a religious bigot. YOu have a view of how the world works. Either it works that way or it doesn't. All the religions can't be right, but all of them CAN be wrong.

My experience with religious people have usually been that most of them are stupid or phonies or both. The day the last church closes will be a happy one.

Religion has never done a good thing in human history, not once, not even by accident.

That is an incredibly ignorant statement.
Do you feel, then, that there's nothing the Right can do to improve its behaviors regarding race and race relations?

Earlier in this thread it was said that racism is a myth (and I mean the regular white-on-black form). Would you agree with that?

I feel that if we try to address the subject of Race in politics, and we try to make it a "bi-partisan" solution that that "muddle the waters", and hide the fact that the VAST MAJORITY of that problem is on the Left.

And we will end up NOT making any progress.

The Right is NOT using Race EVERY SINGLE DAY to inflame it's base(s).

The RIGHT is NOT using Race EVERY SINGLE DAY to unjustly smear it's enemies.


THat is all the LEFT and that is what is tearing this nation apart.

What on the right is worthy of being mentioned in the same thread as the above points?

SOme supposed "Code Words"? lol!!!

As a matter of fact, they are

They are just more subtle and know what code words to use to throw meat to their constituents

Muslims are dangerous and must be watched. Mexico sends murderers and rapists to attack us.


Third World immigration does not benefit US.

Reasonably discussing the real negatives of Third World Immigration is not racism.

Using false accusations of Racism is "using Race EVERY SINGLE DAY to inflame it's base(s)" and using Race EVERY SINGLE DAY to unjustly smear it's enemies.

I notice you had to misrepresent and/or outright lie in order try to make your point.

Republcans are using fear of Mexicans and Muslims to drum up support. Only Republicans can protect you

The Republicans don't have to "drum up" fear of Muslims. The Muslims do that when they randomly murder US.

The Republicans don't have to "drum up" fear of Hispanics. The effect unlimited cheap Third World labor has on the paychecks of the Working and Middle Class does that.

THe fact that just about everyone on the Left, and most politicians on the RIght are committed to a policy of pretending these dangers do not exist means that only Trump WILL protect US.

Your pretense that these dangers are not real, and your thus claiming that Trump is "scapegoating" or "panic monger" is you using a False Accusation of Racism to unjustly smear and personally attack Trump specifically and Republicans in general.

Do you ever stop to think how much it pisses off Republicans to be accused of being racist or motivated by racism when they know DAMN well that they are not?

YOu are tearing this country apart.
There are two million Muslims in America. As a whole, they have a lower crime rate than most Americans

Republicans generate fear and hatred of your Muslim neighbors. Watch out for them, don't trust them, keep them out of our country
Black unemployment is high because blacks statistically are less educated, less likely to finish high school, and thus, are only qualified for low-wage jobs which are predominately being taken by illegal aliens who continue to flood over our borders. Also, liberal democrat regulations and policies which have driven low-wage jobs out of this country and overseas to China and to Mexico.

If you look at the stats for college-educated blacks, their unemployment rate is essentially the same as college-educated whites.

Yeah, it was those regulations where they demanded Clean Air and Clean water. not the racism ofrich white people.

Oh, sorry, guy, you are wrong on the college educated thing, too.


HEY JOE.... The DNC called and said to tell you SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE! You just showed everyone a graph illustrating the result of policies from a Democrat Senate, House and White House in FULL control of government! Are you claiming the Democrat Party is RACIST? (I mean, I agree they are, but I didn't expect you to say it!)
Uh, yeah, you obviously don't know many cops. Most cops I know are pretty racist.

I know PLENTY of cops.... probably more than you. NONE of the ones I know are racist in the least. But then... I'm not a lying ass liberal HACK with an agenda! I bet that makes ALL the difference.

THe failure of the Left and the President, does not mean that there is an equal and opposite failure on our part on the Right.
Do you feel, then, that there's nothing the Right can do to improve its behaviors regarding race and race relations?

Earlier in this thread it was said that racism is a myth (and I mean the regular white-on-black form). Would you agree with that?

I feel that if we try to address the subject of Race in politics, and we try to make it a "bi-partisan" solution that that "muddle the waters", and hide the fact that the VAST MAJORITY of that problem is on the Left.

And we will end up NOT making any progress.

The Right is NOT using Race EVERY SINGLE DAY to inflame it's base(s).

The RIGHT is NOT using Race EVERY SINGLE DAY to unjustly smear it's enemies.


THat is all the LEFT and that is what is tearing this nation apart.

What on the right is worthy of being mentioned in the same thread as the above points?

SOme supposed "Code Words"? lol!!!

As a matter of fact, they are

They are just more subtle and know what code words to use to throw meat to their constituents

Muslims are dangerous and must be watched. Mexico sends murderers and rapists to attack us.


Third World immigration does not benefit US.

Reasonably discussing the real negatives of Third World Immigration is not racism.

Using false accusations of Racism is "using Race EVERY SINGLE DAY to inflame it's base(s)" and using Race EVERY SINGLE DAY to unjustly smear it's enemies.

I notice you had to misrepresent and/or outright lie in order try to make your point.

Republcans are using fear of Mexicans and Muslims to drum up support. Only Republicans can protect you
Bull! I'm not a Republican. It is not fear to know who is coming into this country.

It is not fear wanting to know what your intentions are when you get here.

It is not fear to be concerned about the crimes committed by those who demand rights and benefits while having no allegiance.

It is not fear having to house and feed these miscreants at the expense of those who can least afford it.

And who is protecting everyone's rights? The progressives?
He is claiming that being harress because of your religious beliefs is just like being harassed because of your skin color.

HIs point was very clear.

It is not credible that you did not understand that.

Except Religious belief is a choice. You are choosing to remain STUPID because you are scared of death and an imaginary fairy in the sky.

Race, not so much.
Dude! You are one hateful SOB.

The poster child for the coming idiocracy.
I feel that if we try to address the subject of Race in politics, and we try to make it a "bi-partisan" solution that that "muddle the waters", and hide the fact that the VAST MAJORITY of that problem is on the Left.

And we will end up NOT making any progress.

The Right is NOT using Race EVERY SINGLE DAY to inflame it's base(s).

The RIGHT is NOT using Race EVERY SINGLE DAY to unjustly smear it's enemies.


THat is all the LEFT and that is what is tearing this nation apart.

What on the right is worthy of being mentioned in the same thread as the above points?

SOme supposed "Code Words"? lol!!!

As a matter of fact, they are

They are just more subtle and know what code words to use to throw meat to their constituents

Muslims are dangerous and must be watched. Mexico sends murderers and rapists to attack us.


Third World immigration does not benefit US.

Reasonably discussing the real negatives of Third World Immigration is not racism.

Using false accusations of Racism is "using Race EVERY SINGLE DAY to inflame it's base(s)" and using Race EVERY SINGLE DAY to unjustly smear it's enemies.

I notice you had to misrepresent and/or outright lie in order try to make your point.

Republcans are using fear of Mexicans and Muslims to drum up support. Only Republicans can protect you

The Republicans don't have to "drum up" fear of Muslims. The Muslims do that when they randomly murder US.

The Republicans don't have to "drum up" fear of Hispanics. The effect unlimited cheap Third World labor has on the paychecks of the Working and Middle Class does that.

THe fact that just about everyone on the Left, and most politicians on the RIght are committed to a policy of pretending these dangers do not exist means that only Trump WILL protect US.

Your pretense that these dangers are not real, and your thus claiming that Trump is "scapegoating" or "panic monger" is you using a False Accusation of Racism to unjustly smear and personally attack Trump specifically and Republicans in general.

Do you ever stop to think how much it pisses off Republicans to be accused of being racist or motivated by racism when they know DAMN well that they are not?

YOu are tearing this country apart.
There are two million Muslims in America. As a whole, they have a lower crime rate than most Americans

Republicans generate fear and hatred of your Muslim neighbors. Watch out for them, don't trust them, keep them out of our country

That sounds like statistical bullshit.

This is about the least horrible picture I could post.

Uh, yeah, you obviously don't know many cops. Most cops I know are pretty racist.

I know PLENTY of cops.... probably more than you. NONE of the ones I know are racist in the least. But then... I'm not a lying ass liberal HACK with an agenda! I bet that makes ALL the difference.

joe sees racism in the way those cops comb their hair.

Meanwhile he is spouting bigoted hatred at "rednecks" and "Sky Fairy worshipers" nearly everyday.

Liberals: All the self awareness of a turnip.
He is claiming that being harress because of your religious beliefs is just like being harassed because of your skin color.

HIs point was very clear.

It is not credible that you did not understand that.

Except Religious belief is a choice. You are choosing to remain STUPID because you are scared of death and an imaginary fairy in the sky.

Race, not so much.
And you go full liberal fucktard hater....

That means you ran out of democrat talking points.....:lol:
Joe is your typical radical leftist. He hates people of religion...he hates conservatives...he hates libertarians (I know this first hand), he is full of hate...but too dumb to see how harmful his thinking is.
Uh, yeah, you obviously don't know many cops. Most cops I know are pretty racist.

I know PLENTY of cops.... probably more than you. NONE of the ones I know are racist in the least. But then... I'm not a lying ass liberal HACK with an agenda! I bet that makes ALL the difference.

joe sees racism in the way those cops comb their hair.

Meanwhile he is spouting bigoted hatred at "rednecks" and "Sky Fairy worshipers" nearly everyday.

Liberals: All the self awareness of a turnip.
Your indifference towards turnips is noted.
As a matter of fact, they are

They are just more subtle and know what code words to use to throw meat to their constituents

Muslims are dangerous and must be watched. Mexico sends murderers and rapists to attack us.


Third World immigration does not benefit US.

Reasonably discussing the real negatives of Third World Immigration is not racism.

Using false accusations of Racism is "using Race EVERY SINGLE DAY to inflame it's base(s)" and using Race EVERY SINGLE DAY to unjustly smear it's enemies.

I notice you had to misrepresent and/or outright lie in order try to make your point.

Republcans are using fear of Mexicans and Muslims to drum up support. Only Republicans can protect you

The Republicans don't have to "drum up" fear of Muslims. The Muslims do that when they randomly murder US.

The Republicans don't have to "drum up" fear of Hispanics. The effect unlimited cheap Third World labor has on the paychecks of the Working and Middle Class does that.

THe fact that just about everyone on the Left, and most politicians on the RIght are committed to a policy of pretending these dangers do not exist means that only Trump WILL protect US.

Your pretense that these dangers are not real, and your thus claiming that Trump is "scapegoating" or "panic monger" is you using a False Accusation of Racism to unjustly smear and personally attack Trump specifically and Republicans in general.

Do you ever stop to think how much it pisses off Republicans to be accused of being racist or motivated by racism when they know DAMN well that they are not?

YOu are tearing this country apart.
There are two million Muslims in America. As a whole, they have a lower crime rate than most Americans

Republicans generate fear and hatred of your Muslim neighbors. Watch out for them, don't trust them, keep them out of our country

That sounds like statistical bullshit.

This is about the least horrible picture I could post.

Good job

Republican fear mongering about two million Muslims over the actions of two

Can we talk about conservatives and Tim McVeigh?

Last edited:

Third World immigration does not benefit US.

Reasonably discussing the real negatives of Third World Immigration is not racism.

Using false accusations of Racism is "using Race EVERY SINGLE DAY to inflame it's base(s)" and using Race EVERY SINGLE DAY to unjustly smear it's enemies.

I notice you had to misrepresent and/or outright lie in order try to make your point.

Republcans are using fear of Mexicans and Muslims to drum up support. Only Republicans can protect you

The Republicans don't have to "drum up" fear of Muslims. The Muslims do that when they randomly murder US.

The Republicans don't have to "drum up" fear of Hispanics. The effect unlimited cheap Third World labor has on the paychecks of the Working and Middle Class does that.

THe fact that just about everyone on the Left, and most politicians on the RIght are committed to a policy of pretending these dangers do not exist means that only Trump WILL protect US.

Your pretense that these dangers are not real, and your thus claiming that Trump is "scapegoating" or "panic monger" is you using a False Accusation of Racism to unjustly smear and personally attack Trump specifically and Republicans in general.

Do you ever stop to think how much it pisses off Republicans to be accused of being racist or motivated by racism when they know DAMN well that they are not?

YOu are tearing this country apart.
There are two million Muslims in America. As a whole, they have a lower crime rate than most Americans

Republicans generate fear and hatred of your Muslim neighbors. Watch out for them, don't trust them, keep them out of our country

That sounds like statistical bullshit.

This is about the least horrible picture I could post.

Good job

Republican fear mongering about two million Muslims over the actions of two

Can we talk about conservatives and Tim McVeigh?
You are full of shit.

It is not the two million Muslims. It is the few who want 72 virgins, gay, straight, or transexual, who are killing in the name of Allah.

When they stop killing in the name of the brown sky pixey, (JoeDirt), are you paying attention? Then we will stop wanting them vetted and will stop profiling them instead of your 80 year old grandmother.

Third World immigration does not benefit US.

Reasonably discussing the real negatives of Third World Immigration is not racism.

Using false accusations of Racism is "using Race EVERY SINGLE DAY to inflame it's base(s)" and using Race EVERY SINGLE DAY to unjustly smear it's enemies.

I notice you had to misrepresent and/or outright lie in order try to make your point.

Republcans are using fear of Mexicans and Muslims to drum up support. Only Republicans can protect you

The Republicans don't have to "drum up" fear of Muslims. The Muslims do that when they randomly murder US.

The Republicans don't have to "drum up" fear of Hispanics. The effect unlimited cheap Third World labor has on the paychecks of the Working and Middle Class does that.

THe fact that just about everyone on the Left, and most politicians on the RIght are committed to a policy of pretending these dangers do not exist means that only Trump WILL protect US.

Your pretense that these dangers are not real, and your thus claiming that Trump is "scapegoating" or "panic monger" is you using a False Accusation of Racism to unjustly smear and personally attack Trump specifically and Republicans in general.

Do you ever stop to think how much it pisses off Republicans to be accused of being racist or motivated by racism when they know DAMN well that they are not?

YOu are tearing this country apart.
There are two million Muslims in America. As a whole, they have a lower crime rate than most Americans

Republicans generate fear and hatred of your Muslim neighbors. Watch out for them, don't trust them, keep them out of our country

That sounds like statistical bullshit.

This is about the least horrible picture I could post.

Good job

Republican fear mongering about two million Muslims over the actions of two


Just two?

Minneapolis Police Investigate 'Terroristic Threats' Made near Lake Calhoun

Minneapolis police are investigating a series of alleged "terroristic threats" made against people living in one neighborhood near Lake Calhoun.

5 EYEWITNESS NEWS talked to a few neighbors on Thursday who say throughout the week, multiple young men have been harassing them.

After just moving to the neighborhood not too long ago, one woman, who wants to keep her identity hidden to protect herself from what happened on Monday, says she never expected this activity in that neighborhood.

"We couldn't get them out. We didn't know what to do," one Minneapolis resident told 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS.

According to a Minneapolis police report, between 20 and 30 young men showed up in front of a woman's house about 9:30 in the morning and "the comments turned to threats."

"They were screaming at the house that they were going to kidnap you and they were going to rape you," one Minneapolis resident told 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS. "It was a very traumatizing experience."

The report indicates that these young men were driving onto the sidewalk and on the lawn, all while shooting off bottle rockets and screaming."

Republcans are using fear of Mexicans and Muslims to drum up support. Only Republicans can protect you

The Republicans don't have to "drum up" fear of Muslims. The Muslims do that when they randomly murder US.

The Republicans don't have to "drum up" fear of Hispanics. The effect unlimited cheap Third World labor has on the paychecks of the Working and Middle Class does that.

THe fact that just about everyone on the Left, and most politicians on the RIght are committed to a policy of pretending these dangers do not exist means that only Trump WILL protect US.

Your pretense that these dangers are not real, and your thus claiming that Trump is "scapegoating" or "panic monger" is you using a False Accusation of Racism to unjustly smear and personally attack Trump specifically and Republicans in general.

Do you ever stop to think how much it pisses off Republicans to be accused of being racist or motivated by racism when they know DAMN well that they are not?

YOu are tearing this country apart.
There are two million Muslims in America. As a whole, they have a lower crime rate than most Americans

Republicans generate fear and hatred of your Muslim neighbors. Watch out for them, don't trust them, keep them out of our country

That sounds like statistical bullshit.

This is about the least horrible picture I could post.

Good job

Republican fear mongering about two million Muslims over the actions of two

Can we talk about conservatives and Tim McVeigh?
You are full of shit.

It is not the two million Muslims. It is the few who want 72 virgins, gay, straight, or transexual, who are killing in the name of Allah.

When they stop killing in the name of the brown sky pixey, (JoeDirt), are you paying attention? Then we will stop wanting them vetted and will stop profiling them instead of your 80 year old grandmother.

Hey, want a tasty snack?

Here you go.


BTW, two, just two, of the m&ms are instead of delicious candy coated chocolate, are actually deadly poison.

Sooooo, how many m&ms are you going to eat?

Republcans are using fear of Mexicans and Muslims to drum up support. Only Republicans can protect you

The Republicans don't have to "drum up" fear of Muslims. The Muslims do that when they randomly murder US.

The Republicans don't have to "drum up" fear of Hispanics. The effect unlimited cheap Third World labor has on the paychecks of the Working and Middle Class does that.

THe fact that just about everyone on the Left, and most politicians on the RIght are committed to a policy of pretending these dangers do not exist means that only Trump WILL protect US.

Your pretense that these dangers are not real, and your thus claiming that Trump is "scapegoating" or "panic monger" is you using a False Accusation of Racism to unjustly smear and personally attack Trump specifically and Republicans in general.

Do you ever stop to think how much it pisses off Republicans to be accused of being racist or motivated by racism when they know DAMN well that they are not?

YOu are tearing this country apart.
There are two million Muslims in America. As a whole, they have a lower crime rate than most Americans

Republicans generate fear and hatred of your Muslim neighbors. Watch out for them, don't trust them, keep them out of our country

That sounds like statistical bullshit.

This is about the least horrible picture I could post.

Good job

Republican fear mongering about two million Muslims over the actions of two

Can we talk about conservatives and Tim McVeigh?
You are full of shit.

It is not the two million Muslims. It is the few who want 72 virgins, gay, straight, or transexual, who are killing in the name of Allah.

When they stop killing in the name of the brown sky pixey, (JoeDirt), are you paying attention? Then we will stop wanting them vetted and will stop profiling them instead of your 80 year old grandmother.
The problem is when Republicans want to take punitive actions against two million Muslims based on the actions of a few

I am more likely to be killed by a gang banger than by a Muslim terrorist
Every time a moment arrives in which Obabble has the opportunity to show some actual leadership, he does the rhetorical equivalent of Voting Present.
The Republicans don't have to "drum up" fear of Muslims. The Muslims do that when they randomly murder US.

The Republicans don't have to "drum up" fear of Hispanics. The effect unlimited cheap Third World labor has on the paychecks of the Working and Middle Class does that.

THe fact that just about everyone on the Left, and most politicians on the RIght are committed to a policy of pretending these dangers do not exist means that only Trump WILL protect US.

Your pretense that these dangers are not real, and your thus claiming that Trump is "scapegoating" or "panic monger" is you using a False Accusation of Racism to unjustly smear and personally attack Trump specifically and Republicans in general.

Do you ever stop to think how much it pisses off Republicans to be accused of being racist or motivated by racism when they know DAMN well that they are not?

YOu are tearing this country apart.
There are two million Muslims in America. As a whole, they have a lower crime rate than most Americans

Republicans generate fear and hatred of your Muslim neighbors. Watch out for them, don't trust them, keep them out of our country

That sounds like statistical bullshit.

This is about the least horrible picture I could post.

Good job

Republican fear mongering about two million Muslims over the actions of two

Can we talk about conservatives and Tim McVeigh?
You are full of shit.

It is not the two million Muslims. It is the few who want 72 virgins, gay, straight, or transexual, who are killing in the name of Allah.

When they stop killing in the name of the brown sky pixey, (JoeDirt), are you paying attention? Then we will stop wanting them vetted and will stop profiling them instead of your 80 year old grandmother.
The problem is when Republicans want to take punitive actions against two million Muslims based on the actions of a few

I am more likely to be killed by a gang banger than by a Muslim terrorist
You just want to stone women......
There has never been an American President with the background, the capacity, the experience and the skill set to take race head on like you, President Obama. Not even close, not within a million miles.

This country needs a leader who can step forward, and with calm and compassion and legitimacy, inspire Americans on all sides of this to look in the mirror and commit to cleaning their own house. You're the obvious person to do this.

This would mean some significant political risk, no doubt about it. Part of this would mean challenging a key Democratic constituency in a way it has never been challenged before.

This isn't about ability. You have that. The question is whether you can ignore the political implications.

It would be the most important and valuable legacy you could possibly leave.

Such a wonderful opportunity before him to do something major for race relations. Instead, he opted to increase tensions by feeding the anger and continuing to push the false narrative that blacks are under attack and need to stay on the offensive.
The Republicans don't have to "drum up" fear of Muslims. The Muslims do that when they randomly murder US.

The Republicans don't have to "drum up" fear of Hispanics. The effect unlimited cheap Third World labor has on the paychecks of the Working and Middle Class does that.

THe fact that just about everyone on the Left, and most politicians on the RIght are committed to a policy of pretending these dangers do not exist means that only Trump WILL protect US.

Your pretense that these dangers are not real, and your thus claiming that Trump is "scapegoating" or "panic monger" is you using a False Accusation of Racism to unjustly smear and personally attack Trump specifically and Republicans in general.

Do you ever stop to think how much it pisses off Republicans to be accused of being racist or motivated by racism when they know DAMN well that they are not?

YOu are tearing this country apart.
There are two million Muslims in America. As a whole, they have a lower crime rate than most Americans

Republicans generate fear and hatred of your Muslim neighbors. Watch out for them, don't trust them, keep them out of our country

That sounds like statistical bullshit.

This is about the least horrible picture I could post.

Good job

Republican fear mongering about two million Muslims over the actions of two

Can we talk about conservatives and Tim McVeigh?
You are full of shit.

It is not the two million Muslims. It is the few who want 72 virgins, gay, straight, or transexual, who are killing in the name of Allah.

When they stop killing in the name of the brown sky pixey, (JoeDirt), are you paying attention? Then we will stop wanting them vetted and will stop profiling them instead of your 80 year old grandmother.
The problem is when Republicans want to take punitive actions against two million Muslims based on the actions of a few

No one has suggested punitive actions.

I am more likely to be killed by a gang banger than by a Muslim terrorist

ONe danger being less than another, is not a justification for needlessly exposing yourself and others to the "lesser" danger.

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