This Judge Sullivan is really making a complete fool of himself.

Judge Emmet Sullivan: Sullivan was nominated to the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia in 1994 by former President Bill Clinton. He was confirmed later that year.

Prior to that, Sullivan was nominated to the District of Columbia Court of Appeals in 1992 by former President George H.W. Bush.

In 1984, he was nominated to the Superior Court of the District of Columbia by former President Ronald Reagan.
Flynn will be fully exonerated, pardoned by Trump if necessary and will sue Comey, Stzrok and others for at least $10 million. ( That includes over $7 million in legal fees). This judge is being ordered to do this by someone.
I'm not sure an individual who is pardoned can file such a suit since a) a pardon is an imputation of guilt; and b) a pardon removes any claims that a defendant was wrongfully charged.

Even if Flynn could sue and prevail, he'd probably be awarded $1.00 since his claim of prosecutorial misconduct goes out the window with a pardon.

That's all fine and dandy. Are you not aware that the charges have been dropped against Gen. Flynn. There is no pardon.
Corruption, your name is Sullivan. Karma will get you Sullivan. On that, you can count.

Flynn will be fully exonerated, pardoned by Trump if necessary and will sue Comey, Stzrok and others for at least $10 million. ( That includes over $7 million in legal fees). This judge is being ordered to do this by someone.
I'm not sure an individual who is pardoned can file such a suit since a) a pardon is an imputation of guilt; and b) a pardon removes any claims that a defendant was wrongfully charged.

Even if Flynn could sue and prevail, he'd probably be awarded $1.00 since his claim of prosecutorial misconduct goes out the window with a pardon.

That's all fine and dandy. Are you not aware that the charges have been dropped against Gen. Flynn. There is no pardon.

Though he'll likely get off, Flynn is still a convicted felon and may still be sentenced.
Once a case is in a criminal court system, the judge needs to agree to sign off on any plea deals and thus has the right to inquire about it. It is not as rare as

As you know, this is not a plea deal. After those documents were released by the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), three years after theIr initial FOIA request, it was shown that Flynn had been targeted and never should have come under government scrutiny.

Everything should go back to where it was before this fraud was started. He must also be made whole again which will have to come through the courts.
Flynn will be fully exonerated, pardoned by Trump if necessary and will sue Comey, Stzrok and others for at least $10 million. ( That includes over $7 million in legal fees). This judge is being ordered to do this by someone.
I'm not sure an individual who is pardoned can file such a suit since a) a pardon is an imputation of guilt; and b) a pardon removes any claims that a defendant was wrongfully charged.

Even if Flynn could sue and prevail, he'd probably be awarded $1.00 since his claim of prosecutorial misconduct goes out the window with a pardon.

That's all fine and dandy. Are you not aware that the charges have been dropped against Gen. Flynn. There is no pardon.

Though he'll likely get off, Flynn is still a convicted felon and may still be sentenced.

Your ignorance of the subject simply knows no bounds! You'd be well served by viewing some sources of current events other than CNN, MSNBC, and Facebook.
Flynn will be fully exonerated, pardoned by Trump if necessary and will sue Comey, Stzrok and others for at least $10 million. ( That includes over $7 million in legal fees). This judge is being ordered to do this by someone.
I'm not sure an individual who is pardoned can file such a suit since a) a pardon is an imputation of guilt; and b) a pardon removes any claims that a defendant was wrongfully charged.

Even if Flynn could sue and prevail, he'd probably be awarded $1.00 since his claim of prosecutorial misconduct goes out the window with a pardon.

That's all fine and dandy. Are you not aware that the charges have been dropped against Gen. Flynn. There is no pardon.

Though he'll likely get off, Flynn is still a convicted felon and may still be sentenced.

Your ignorance of the subject simply knows no bounds! You'd be well served by viewing some sources of current events other than CNN, MSNBC, and Facebook.
Moron, I don't rely on any of those sources. And your stupidity is on display for all, not being aware that a convicted felon can be sentenced.
Once a case is in a criminal court system, the judge needs to agree to sign off on any plea deals and thus has the right to inquire about it. It is not as rare as

As you know, this is not a plea deal. After those documents were released by the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), three years after theIr initial FOIA request, it was shown that Flynn had been targeted and never should have come under government scrutiny.

Everything should go back to where it was before this fraud was started. He must also be made whole again which will have to come through the courts.
Of course it's a plea deal...

Flynn will be fully exonerated, pardoned by Trump if necessary and will sue Comey, Stzrok and others for at least $10 million. ( That includes over $7 million in legal fees). This judge is being ordered to do this by someone.
I'm not sure an individual who is pardoned can file such a suit since a) a pardon is an imputation of guilt; and b) a pardon removes any claims that a defendant was wrongfully charged.

Even if Flynn could sue and prevail, he'd probably be awarded $1.00 since his claim of prosecutorial misconduct goes out the window with a pardon.

That's all fine and dandy. Are you not aware that the charges have been dropped against Gen. Flynn. There is no pardon.

Though he'll likely get off, Flynn is still a convicted felon and may still be sentenced.

Your ignorance of the subject simply knows no bounds! You'd be well served by viewing some sources of current events other than CNN, MSNBC, and Facebook.
Moron, I don't rely on any of those sources. And your stupidity is on display for all, not being aware that a convicted felon can be sentenced.

The fake charges will be dropped.
Flynn will be fully exonerated, pardoned by Trump if necessary and will sue Comey, Stzrok and others for at least $10 million. ( That includes over $7 million in legal fees). This judge is being ordered to do this by someone.
I'm not sure an individual who is pardoned can file such a suit since a) a pardon is an imputation of guilt; and b) a pardon removes any claims that a defendant was wrongfully charged.

Even if Flynn could sue and prevail, he'd probably be awarded $1.00 since his claim of prosecutorial misconduct goes out the window with a pardon.

That's all fine and dandy. Are you not aware that the charges have been dropped against Gen. Flynn. There is no pardon.

Though he'll likely get off, Flynn is still a convicted felon and may still be sentenced.

Your ignorance of the subject simply knows no bounds! You'd be well served by viewing some sources of current events other than CNN, MSNBC, and Facebook.
Moron, I don't rely on any of those sources. And your stupidity is on display for all, not being aware that a convicted felon can be sentenced.

The fake charges will be dropped.

This unconscionable delay by Sullivan may work to President Trump's advantage if not Gen. Flynns. This will keep the shameful behavior of the Democrats and Obama administration in the news. I'd have thought the Democrat leadership would have preferred that this criminal behavior of theirs would just disappear.
With all due respect, perhaps His Honor got his position NOT for his legal competence but for political reasons.
Flynn will be fully exonerated, pardoned by Trump if necessary and will sue Comey, Stzrok and others for at least $10 million. ( That includes over $7 million in legal fees). This judge is being ordered to do this by someone.
I'm not sure an individual who is pardoned can file such a suit since a) a pardon is an imputation of guilt; and b) a pardon removes any claims that a defendant was wrongfully charged.

Even if Flynn could sue and prevail, he'd probably be awarded $1.00 since his claim of prosecutorial misconduct goes out the window with a pardon.

That's all fine and dandy. Are you not aware that the charges have been dropped against Gen. Flynn. There is no pardon.

Though he'll likely get off, Flynn is still a convicted felon and may still be sentenced.

Your ignorance of the subject simply knows no bounds! You'd be well served by viewing some sources of current events other than CNN, MSNBC, and Facebook.
Moron, I don't rely on any of those sources. And your stupidity is on display for all, not being aware that a convicted felon can be sentenced.

The fake charges will be dropped.
Flynn will be fully exonerated, pardoned by Trump if necessary and will sue Comey, Stzrok and others for at least $10 million. ( That includes over $7 million in legal fees). This judge is being ordered to do this by someone.
I'm not sure an individual who is pardoned can file such a suit since a) a pardon is an imputation of guilt; and b) a pardon removes any claims that a defendant was wrongfully charged.

Even if Flynn could sue and prevail, he'd probably be awarded $1.00 since his claim of prosecutorial misconduct goes out the window with a pardon.

That's all fine and dandy. Are you not aware that the charges have been dropped against Gen. Flynn. There is no pardon.

Though he'll likely get off, Flynn is still a convicted felon and may still be sentenced.

Your ignorance of the subject simply knows no bounds! You'd be well served by viewing some sources of current events other than CNN, MSNBC, and Facebook.
Moron, I don't rely on any of those sources. And your stupidity is on display for all, not being aware that a convicted felon can be sentenced.

The fake charges will be dropped.

This unconscionable delay by Sullivan may work to President Trump's advantage if not Gen. Flynns. This will keep the shameful behavior of the Democrats and Obama administration in the news. I'd have thought the Democrat leadership would have preferred that this criminal behavior of theirs would just disappear.
"The fake charges will be dropped."


It's like your brain doesn't even work. Dumbfuck, the charges have already been dropped.

I’ll tell you what will happen. The appeals Court sitting in banc will uphold Sullivan’s right to question the prosecution and reverse the decision of the three judge panel. Flynn will appeal to the Supreme Court, but the Supreme Court will refuse to hear the case thus upholding the appellate court. If the Supreme Court decides to hear the case, they will rule in Sullivan’s favor. A federal judge has every right to inquire why the prosecution is dismissing a case.

The hack is about to get bitchslapped again By a real court.
I’ll tell you what will happen. The appeals Court sitting in banc will uphold Sullivan’s right to question the prosecution and reverse the decision of the three judge panel. Flynn will appeal to the Supreme Court, but the Supreme Court will refuse to hear the case thus upholding the appellate court. If the Supreme Courr decides to hear the case, they will rule in Sullivan’s favor. A federal judge has every right to inquire why the prosecution is dismissing a case.

I don't think you quite understand our legal system here in America.

In the US, its an adversarial system. If the prosecution and the defense attorneys are in agreement, there is no dispute. The judge is supposed to be impartial and that is that.
Lol. You’re wrong. A judge should be impartial in all cases but a judge‘s duty is also to uphold the law.
He isn’t a prosecutor, Simpleton. That’s the role he is trying to fill.
I’ll tell you what will happen. The appeals Court sitting in banc will uphold Sullivan’s right to question the prosecution and reverse the decision of the three judge panel. Flynn will appeal to the Supreme Court, but the Supreme Court will refuse to hear the case thus upholding the appellate court. If the Supreme Courr decides to hear the case, they will rule in Sullivan’s favor. A federal judge has every right to inquire why the prosecution is dismissing a case.

I don't think you quite understand our legal system here in America.

In the US, its an adversarial system. If the prosecution and the defense attorneys are in agreement, there is no dispute. The judge is supposed to be impartial and that is that.
You’re wrong.

In what way? Do you really think that judges can order prosecutors to prosecute?
Once a case is in a criminal court system, the judge needs to agree to sign off on any plea deals and thus has the right to inquire about it. It is not as rare as some people think that a judge goes against the wishes of the defense and prosecution.
This isn’t a plea deal. The case was dropped.

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