This just in! george santos...

You do understand this breaking news doesn’t mean Corvette *Joe didn’t have highly classified documents stored in his unsecured garage right?
How many documents?

And prove highly classified assertion.
There is no bottm to the Republican swamp. No lie, no immorality, no crime is too low. There is no line for the scumbags to cross before the leadership says, "No more."
B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Biden!

Butbutbutbut my Corvettes in there so it’s secure!
Robs a veteran of $3,000 dollars for surgery for his dying dog.

kevin mccarthy's office puts out a press release which states, "bad dog" and gives george two committee seats.
Any actual proof of this?

Lefties are just making stuff up now, like he was a “drag queen”. Nothing the left says can be trusted.
Butbutbutbut my Corvettes in there so it’s secure!
You brought a basket of tu quoques to a gunfight, tard.

This is a topic about Santos and his stealing money from a homeless vet and allowing the vet's dog to die a painful death.
Santos is, and will continue to be, the Democrat's gift that keeps on giving.

It's humorous to maga fuckups that one of their own would steal $3K from a vet with a dying dog.
Their Orange Jesus was fined $2 million dollars for robbing his own charity. How sick is that when you`re so addicted to stealing, that you have to steal from yourself?

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