This lady survived being aborted

Britain's looking at dropping the date to 20 weeks. Very interesting debate.

Cut abortion limit says new Women's Minister: 'Modern feminist' Miller wants 20 weeks not 24

Women's Minister Mrs Miller said medical advances means premature babies can be saved
Calls for reduction echoed by backbench Tory MP Nadine Dorries who proposed bill in 2008

Maria Miller: Cut abortion limit says new Women's Minister | Mail Online

My friend's daughter recently had a premature baby that was born at 20 weeks. All went well and baby is home now and doing fine. It is amazing what they can do and likely helps if a mother takes care of herself while pregnant.

If a woman doesn't want to get pregnant, then why the wait to end the pregnancy? I am especially confused about late term abortions when the reason stated is to save the mother's life. The way the birth of the baby is delayed while they kill it, it's actually harder on the woman than a quicker delivery and trying to save the baby. I just wish people would be honest about their motives. I recall Obama voting against saving babies born alive because it went against the mother's wishes. That doesn't jive with the claim that late terms were strictly to save the mother's life.

I think it's really traumatic for medical personnel to have to do late term abortions. Deliberately taking a life goes against everything they stand for and it's not fair to them to force them to perform such radical procedures.

What a blessing for your friend!

Regarding late term abortions: when George Tiller was alive he was performing late terms for reasons that would make your hair curl. Sebelius, yes that Sebelius even allowed George Tiller to have his own crematorium. He had a "gift shop". I have a lot of material on Tiller.

The man was a monster.

"There also exists a common misconception that late-term abortions are limited to medical emergencies.

Nothing could be further from the truth. From 1998 until 2000, only one out of the 1168 abortions that Tiller performed after viability was done during a medical emergency.

Upwards of 97% of his late-term patients weren't even from Kansas—they flew in from other states to have abortions that they had scheduled in advance. "

Only read this link if you have a very strong stomach. All data presented is backed up with links to the pdfs from the State of Kansas.

George Tiller: a Case Study

I don't think I can stomach it, at least not right now.

I just wish they could be honest about their reasons for encouraging this. I do realize that many want population control. Planned Parenthood was created in order to control the population of blacks. I think that is still it's number one goal. Well, if not the primary goal, at least that is what they actually accomplish.

I won't argue the rights of any woman to get an abortion, but there is no reason they can't have one within a reasonable amount of time and way before there is any chance of a baby being viable. If a baby cries when it's born, only a monster could set it in a linen closet to die.

The left always argues that if we don't pay for birth control and abortions, then we'd better be prepared to spend even more to raise the child. They have absolved women of all responsibility. You'd think these women are incapable of making good decisions, yet we are to respect their decision, however misguided, at any stage of the game.

We are supposed to tolerate other people's problems being dumped in our lap and yet not say anything about it or we're accused of pushing our beliefs on people.

I say do as you will, but when it's time to pay for your mistakes, you write the check. Sure, it's a hardship, but I think people are more careful when they know they will face consequences.
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Speak in the first person, please.

I didn't learn until after my divorce that the wife wanted to terminate our first born. Thinking back on it, I appreciate that I was witheld this information. Although I should have expected as much when my ex ate a bottle of Tylenol PM in her efforts, then fist-pounded her protruded stomach in hate. Anyhow - he's now the Director of Development for a major Hollywood producer.

After that bitch went by the wayside... I eventually remarried.

We lost our first at about 20 weeks. Natural happening shit we were told. So we tried again.

And then were told that the ultrasound gave strong indication of a Down's Syndrom child. The doctor rather nonchalantly suggested we "go down to the coffee shop and discuss our OPTIONS".

Which we did.... Convinced that we were about to parent a retarded kid, the wife looked at me and said "this is life- we take and accept responsibility for what is dealt us". She didn't need to say those words because I was already there.

17 years later, this "retarded kid" - perfectly healthy BTW - is enrolled in a premier high school Arts Academy, training in ballet and taking classes designed for college level students.

Long story less short, go out and fuck yourselves and save the world for us who love life for what it is- for what it may be - and for what it ultimately is.

Bless you and your wife for having the heart and soul to bring that baby into this world and to accept what unknowns lay before you as a couple.

Amen Mr. H. Amen.

All this makes me think about another thread...

"Spiritual but not religious"

Neither of us are religious... yet we are both very spiritual.

What would religion have told us to do?

And WHICH religion would have told us WHAT?

And what did we ultimately tell ourselves?

How many Relligions are out there? Thousands?

How many individuals are out there?


Yeah, that's you. One individual, thinking for yourself (if you're lucky).

Eat all the Dogma crap you want. The Edicts, the Directives... whatever rules they feed you.

Or... you can listen to your own spirit. Just shut the fuck up and listen, to yourself- not someone else and certainly not someone else's Religion.

Nuff sed. Over and out.
Speak in the first person, please.

I didn't learn until after my divorce that the wife wanted to terminate our first born. Thinking back on it, I appreciate that I was witheld this information. Although I should have expected as much when my ex ate a bottle of Tylenol PM in her efforts, then fist-pounded her protruded stomach in hate. Anyhow - he's now the Director of Development for a major Hollywood producer.

After that bitch went by the wayside... I eventually remarried.

We lost our first at about 20 weeks. Natural happening shit we were told. So we tried again.

And then were told that the ultrasound gave strong indication of a Down's Syndrom child. The doctor rather nonchalantly suggested we "go down to the coffee shop and discuss our OPTIONS".

Which we did.... Convinced that we were about to parent a retarded kid, the wife looked at me and said "this is life- we take and accept responsibility for what is dealt us". She didn't need to say those words because I was already there.

17 years later, this "retarded kid" - perfectly healthy BTW - is enrolled in a premier high school Arts Academy, training in ballet and taking classes designed for college level students.

Long story less short, go out and fuck yourselves and save the world for us who love life for what it is- for what it may be - and for what it ultimately is.

Bless you and your wife for having the heart and soul to bring that baby into this world and to accept what unknowns lay before you as a couple.

Amen Mr. H. Amen.

All this makes me think about another thread...

"Spiritual but not religious"

Neither of us are religious... yet we are both very spiritual.

What would religion have told us to do?

And WHICH religion would have told us WHAT?

And what did we ultimately tell ourselves?

How many Relligions are out there? Thousands?

How many individuals are out there?


Yeah, that's you. One individual, thinking for yourself (if you're lucky).

Eat all the Dogma crap you want. The Edicts, the Directives... whatever rules they feed you.

Or... you can listen to your own spirit. Just shut the fuck up and listen, to yourself- not someone else and certainly not someone else's Religion.

Nuff sed. Over and out.

Truth. Religion is just religion.

I believe in faith and spirit. I take a kind of Ted Nugent approach to being born again Works for me..:eusa_angel:
I don't see an issue with Obama's words. A fetus is aborted but it is still moving, the doctor calls in another doctor to make sure the fetus can't be saved. You think that if a 19 week old fetus is born alive, it can be saved? It can't be. Its not possible - yet.

Britain's looking at dropping the date to 20 weeks. Very interesting debate.

Cut abortion limit says new Women's Minister: 'Modern feminist' Miller wants 20 weeks not 24

Women's Minister Mrs Miller said medical advances means premature babies can be saved
Calls for reduction echoed by backbench Tory MP Nadine Dorries who proposed bill in 2008

Maria Miller: Cut abortion limit says new Women's Minister | Mail Online

A baby born at 20 weeks cannot survive, nor will doctors even attempt to save its life as it is physically impossible. The lowest they could go is 22 weeks, as this is the absolute earliest a premature infant can survive.
Speak in the first person, please.

I didn't learn until after my divorce that the wife wanted to terminate our first born. Thinking back on it, I appreciate that I was witheld this information. Although I should have expected as much when my ex ate a bottle of Tylenol PM in her efforts, then fist-pounded her protruded stomach in hate. Anyhow - he's now the Director of Development for a major Hollywood producer.

After that bitch went by the wayside... I eventually remarried.

We lost our first at about 20 weeks. Natural happening shit we were told. So we tried again.

And then were told that the ultrasound gave strong indication of a Down's Syndrom child. The doctor rather nonchalantly suggested we "go down to the coffee shop and discuss our OPTIONS".

Which we did.... Convinced that we were about to parent a retarded kid, the wife looked at me and said "this is life- we take and accept responsibility for what is dealt us". She didn't need to say those words because I was already there.

17 years later, this "retarded kid" - perfectly healthy BTW - is enrolled in a premier high school Arts Academy, training in ballet and taking classes designed for college level students.

Long story less short, go out and fuck yourselves and save the world for us who love life for what it is- for what it may be - and for what it ultimately is.

You made the right decision for yourselves, and you prepared yourself for the unknown and things worked out alright.

But don't expect everyone else to welcome a mental disabled child into a world just because you did. You can't assume that just because you can deal with a DS child, that someone can as well.
Speak in the first person, please.

I didn't learn until after my divorce that the wife wanted to terminate our first born. Thinking back on it, I appreciate that I was witheld this information. Although I should have expected as much when my ex ate a bottle of Tylenol PM in her efforts, then fist-pounded her protruded stomach in hate. Anyhow - he's now the Director of Development for a major Hollywood producer.

After that bitch went by the wayside... I eventually remarried.

We lost our first at about 20 weeks. Natural happening shit we were told. So we tried again.

And then were told that the ultrasound gave strong indication of a Down's Syndrom child. The doctor rather nonchalantly suggested we "go down to the coffee shop and discuss our OPTIONS".

Which we did.... Convinced that we were about to parent a retarded kid, the wife looked at me and said "this is life- we take and accept responsibility for what is dealt us". She didn't need to say those words because I was already there.

17 years later, this "retarded kid" - perfectly healthy BTW - is enrolled in a premier high school Arts Academy, training in ballet and taking classes designed for college level students.

Long story less short, go out and fuck yourselves and save the world for us who love life for what it is- for what it may be - and for what it ultimately is.

You made the right decision for yourselves, and you prepared yourself for the unknown and things worked out alright.

But don't expect everyone else to welcome a mental disabled child into a world just because you did. You can't assume that just because you can deal with a DS child, that someone can as well.

Miss the point much ?????

The DS child wasn't DS and if they had aborted her.....they would have aborted her for a non-existent reason.

Speak in the first person, please.

I didn't learn until after my divorce that the wife wanted to terminate our first born. Thinking back on it, I appreciate that I was witheld this information. Although I should have expected as much when my ex ate a bottle of Tylenol PM in her efforts, then fist-pounded her protruded stomach in hate. Anyhow - he's now the Director of Development for a major Hollywood producer.

After that bitch went by the wayside... I eventually remarried.

We lost our first at about 20 weeks. Natural happening shit we were told. So we tried again.

And then were told that the ultrasound gave strong indication of a Down's Syndrom child. The doctor rather nonchalantly suggested we "go down to the coffee shop and discuss our OPTIONS".

Which we did.... Convinced that we were about to parent a retarded kid, the wife looked at me and said "this is life- we take and accept responsibility for what is dealt us". She didn't need to say those words because I was already there.

17 years later, this "retarded kid" - perfectly healthy BTW - is enrolled in a premier high school Arts Academy, training in ballet and taking classes designed for college level students.

Long story less short, go out and fuck yourselves and save the world for us who love life for what it is- for what it may be - and for what it ultimately is.

You made the right decision for yourselves, and you prepared yourself for the unknown and things worked out alright.

But don't expect everyone else to welcome a mental disabled child into a world just because you did. You can't assume that just because you can deal with a DS child, that someone can as well.

Miss the point much ?????

The DS child wasn't DS and if they had aborted her.....they would have aborted her for a non-existent reason.


Oh okay, I must have misread the post. My apologies to Mr. H.
I don't see an issue with Obama's words. A fetus is aborted but it is still moving, the doctor calls in another doctor to make sure the fetus can't be saved. You think that if a 19 week old fetus is born alive, it can be saved? It can't be. Its not possible - yet.

Noomi ---

That is the most sad thing I have read in a week....
I don't see an issue with Obama's words. A fetus is aborted but it is still moving, the doctor calls in another doctor to make sure the fetus can't be saved. You think that if a 19 week old fetus is born alive, it can be saved? It can't be. Its not possible - yet.

Britain's looking at dropping the date to 20 weeks. Very interesting debate.

Cut abortion limit says new Women's Minister: 'Modern feminist' Miller wants 20 weeks not 24

Women's Minister Mrs Miller said medical advances means premature babies can be saved
Calls for reduction echoed by backbench Tory MP Nadine Dorries who proposed bill in 2008

Maria Miller: Cut abortion limit says new Women's Minister | Mail Online

A baby born at 20 weeks cannot survive, nor will doctors even attempt to save its life as it is physically impossible. The lowest they could go is 22 weeks, as this is the absolute earliest a premature infant can survive.

A newborn, at 9 months, will not survive outside of the womb either.... let it sit on a table and squirm around for a day or two and see what happens.

Does that make it any less human and alive???

Just asking....

Speak in the first person, please.

I didn't learn until after my divorce that the wife wanted to terminate our first born. Thinking back on it, I appreciate that I was witheld this information. Although I should have expected as much when my ex ate a bottle of Tylenol PM in her efforts, then fist-pounded her protruded stomach in hate. Anyhow - he's now the Director of Development for a major Hollywood producer.

After that bitch went by the wayside... I eventually remarried.

We lost our first at about 20 weeks. Natural happening shit we were told. So we tried again.

And then were told that the ultrasound gave strong indication of a Down's Syndrom child. The doctor rather nonchalantly suggested we "go down to the coffee shop and discuss our OPTIONS".

Which we did.... Convinced that we were about to parent a retarded kid, the wife looked at me and said "this is life- we take and accept responsibility for what is dealt us". She didn't need to say those words because I was already there.

17 years later, this "retarded kid" - perfectly healthy BTW - is enrolled in a premier high school Arts Academy, training in ballet and taking classes designed for college level students.

Long story less short, go out and fuck yourselves and save the world for us who love life for what it is- for what it may be - and for what it ultimately is.

You made the right decision for yourselves, and you prepared yourself for the unknown and things worked out alright.

But don't expect everyone else to welcome a mental disabled child into a world just because you did. You can't assume that just because you can deal with a DS child, that someone can as well.

What if someone just can't handle raising a little boy, and decides to scrub the pregnancy and start over... maybe it will be a little girl next time.

I mean.... if they cant deal with a sickly or disabled child.... lets let them try again.

No value in human life.... thanks Demoncats! :eusa_clap:
How Will You Answer? - YouTube

Then there is Obama's words.... skip to @ 3 minutes in.
"If that fetus or child... however you want to describe it is now outside the mothers womb, and the doctor continues to think that its not viable, but there's, lets say movement, or some indication that they are not just coming out limp and dead. They would have to in fact call in a 2nd physician.... to monitor and check off that this is not a live child that could be saved..."

Audio: Obama argues against Born Alive legislation in IL state senate.flv - YouTube

My God people.... this man has no soul..!!!

That's why Catzmeow love him so much.
How Will You Answer? - YouTube

Then there is Obama's words.... skip to @ 3 minutes in.
"If that fetus or child... however you want to describe it is now outside the mothers womb, and the doctor continues to think that its not viable, but there's, lets say movement, or some indication that they are not just coming out limp and dead. They would have to in fact call in a 2nd physician.... to monitor and check off that this is not a live child that could be saved..."

Audio: Obama argues against Born Alive legislation in IL state senate.flv - YouTube

My God people.... this man has no soul..!!!

That's why Catzmeow love him so much.

If he gets elected "legally" again.... we will deserve the devil we get.
I don't see an issue with Obama's words. A fetus is aborted but it is still moving, the doctor calls in another doctor to make sure the fetus can't be saved. You think that if a 19 week old fetus is born alive, it can be saved? It can't be. Its not possible - yet.

Britain's looking at dropping the date to 20 weeks. Very interesting debate.

Cut abortion limit says new Women's Minister: 'Modern feminist' Miller wants 20 weeks not 24

Women's Minister Mrs Miller said medical advances means premature babies can be saved
Calls for reduction echoed by backbench Tory MP Nadine Dorries who proposed bill in 2008

Maria Miller: Cut abortion limit says new Women's Minister | Mail Online

A baby born at 20 weeks cannot survive, nor will doctors even attempt to save its life as it is physically impossible. The lowest they could go is 22 weeks, as this is the absolute earliest a premature infant can survive.

Really? I suggest that you actually read and watch :)

How the 'miracle' baby born two weeks before the legal abortion limit clung to life against all odds | Mail Online

Tiny Miracles: Life-Saving Surgery Within A Mother’s Womb - Breakthrough Medicine - University of Miami Health System
Britain's looking at dropping the date to 20 weeks. Very interesting debate.

Cut abortion limit says new Women's Minister: 'Modern feminist' Miller wants 20 weeks not 24

Women's Minister Mrs Miller said medical advances means premature babies can be saved
Calls for reduction echoed by backbench Tory MP Nadine Dorries who proposed bill in 2008

Maria Miller: Cut abortion limit says new Women's Minister | Mail Online

My friend's daughter recently had a premature baby that was born at 20 weeks. All went well and baby is home now and doing fine. It is amazing what they can do and likely helps if a mother takes care of herself while pregnant.

If a woman doesn't want to get pregnant, then why the wait to end the pregnancy? I am especially confused about late term abortions when the reason stated is to save the mother's life. The way the birth of the baby is delayed while they kill it, it's actually harder on the woman than a quicker delivery and trying to save the baby. I just wish people would be honest about their motives. I recall Obama voting against saving babies born alive because it went against the mother's wishes. That doesn't jive with the claim that late terms were strictly to save the mother's life.

I think it's really traumatic for medical personnel to have to do late term abortions. Deliberately taking a life goes against everything they stand for and it's not fair to them to force them to perform such radical procedures.

What a blessing for your friend!

Regarding late term abortions: when George Tiller was alive he was performing late terms for reasons that would make your hair curl. Sebelius, yes that Sebelius even allowed George Tiller to have his own crematorium. He had a "gift shop". I have a lot of material on Tiller.

The man was a monster.

"There also exists a common misconception that late-term abortions are limited to medical emergencies.

Nothing could be further from the truth. From 1998 until 2000, only one out of the 1168 abortions that Tiller performed after viability was done during a medical emergency.

Upwards of 97% of his late-term patients weren't even from Kansas—they flew in from other states to have abortions that they had scheduled in advance. "

Only read this link if you have a very strong stomach. All data presented is backed up with links to the pdfs from the State of Kansas.

George Tiller: a Case Study
Thanks for the link, Tinydancer. You're right, it is horrifying.

I wasn't quite sure who "Sebelius--yes, that Sebelius" was, so I looked her up:

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius apparently isn't taking a campaign trail time-out despite being cited for violating federal law with her politicking earlier this year.

An Obama campaign spokesman told that in New Hampshire, "she is attending in her personal capacity."

The Office of Special Counsel earlier this month determined that Sebelius broke the law when she made "extemporaneous partisan remarks" in a February speech in North Carolina. The office found she was in violation of the Hatch Act, which bars federal workers from using their official capacity to sway elections.

The White House, though, indicated Sebelius probably would not be punished over the incident -- noting the event was reclassified to meet the "correct standard" and taxpayers were reimbursed. Sebelius also met with "ethics experts to ensure this never happens again," a White House spokesman said earlier this month.

So if one works for the White House and breaks the law, nobody will fire them or impeach them. Got it.

And another excerpt:
"Abortion opponents also questioned then-Gov. Kathleen Sebelius' ties to Tiller before the Senate confirmed her this year as U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary. Tiller donated thousands of dollars to Sebelius over the years."

I wonder why America is tolerating the practice that is as divisive as slavery, prohibition, and forced euthanasia. It's such a hot-potato issue that one of its strongest advocates has to be Human Health Services Director in Democrat regimes. That's funny, because there is nothing healthy to an unborn child who experiences a brutal death in an abortion clinic.

Some view abortion as the result of human immorality in coping with the product of a choice in which costs of child rearing is considered more important than the baby, swinging on the pendulum of life and death at the whim of its emotionally immature mother and emotionally distached father who may never be informed his ephemeral pleasure resulted in a life being formed and cruelly extinguished.
If the baby was born alive they should try to at least save it. Not just let it there to die. I dont care if you DONT think it will live. YOu at least try. There is always a chance with medical intervention. Shit they make babies in test tubes now. 100 years ago no one would even fathom that !!
Speak in the first person, please.

I didn't learn until after my divorce that the wife wanted to terminate our first born. Thinking back on it, I appreciate that I was witheld this information. Although I should have expected as much when my ex ate a bottle of Tylenol PM in her efforts, then fist-pounded her protruded stomach in hate. Anyhow - he's now the Director of Development for a major Hollywood producer.

After that bitch went by the wayside... I eventually remarried.

We lost our first at about 20 weeks. Natural happening shit we were told. So we tried again.

And then were told that the ultrasound gave strong indication of a Down's Syndrom child. The doctor rather nonchalantly suggested we "go down to the coffee shop and discuss our OPTIONS".

Which we did.... Convinced that we were about to parent a retarded kid, the wife looked at me and said "this is life- we take and accept responsibility for what is dealt us". She didn't need to say those words because I was already there.

17 years later, this "retarded kid" - perfectly healthy BTW - is enrolled in a premier high school Arts Academy, training in ballet and taking classes designed for college level students.

Long story less short, go out and fuck yourselves and save the world for us who love life for what it is- for what it may be - and for what it ultimately is.

You made the right decision for yourselves, and you prepared yourself for the unknown and things worked out alright.

But don't expect everyone else to welcome a mental disabled child into a world just because you did. You can't assume that just because you can deal with a DS child, that someone can as well.

What if someone just can't handle raising a little boy, and decides to scrub the pregnancy and start over... maybe it will be a little girl next time.

I mean.... if they cant deal with a sickly or disabled child.... lets let them try again.

No value in human life.... thanks Demoncats! :eusa_clap:

And most conservatives have no respect for the Constitution and rule of law.

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