This mitigation is total garbage

We won’t build an immunity. Those who are at risk should be careful, but this is doing nothing but killing the economy.

Only lefties want this to continue to possibly damage Trump.

What is the cost of lives to shut down the economy?

Trump has pretty much done that to himself (and our economy) by failing to take virus outbreak seriously in January. Cause and effect. No one wants to see the economic carnage going on right now. But it's too late. Again, this is why you don't elect a reality TV star as President.

But Pelosi went to Chinatown on February 25th.

And I am sure that when the smoke clears she'll be roundly thumped for it. As will many other Democrat leaders which I'm sure will bring a smile to your face. But as I recall, Trump and his administration had taken no definitive action to combat the spread of the virus by that date. A clear and concise message from the top might have done wonders. But all I see amongst Trump supporters is a desperate attempt to deflect blame, grab on to wonder drug cures, and demonize the media and public health officials.

Sorry, Trump owns this.
Only lefties want this to continue to possibly damage Trump.
Trump is leading this. Every day at his press conference.

He is doing everything he can from the White House to support it.

Don't you know that?

He is responding to the idiots who overreacted. Trump is stupid for shutting down the economy, but we reduced the deaths from 2.2 million to 60,000. He personally saved 2.14 million lives.

He is Oscar Schindler.

He did not shut the economy down and he can't open it back up. He would prefer the deaths and the economy to continue to be open.
We won’t build an immunity. Those who are at risk should be careful, but this is doing nothing but killing the economy.

Only lefties want this to continue to possibly damage Trump.

What is the cost of lives to shut down the economy?

Trump has pretty much done that to himself (and our economy) by failing to take virus outbreak seriously in January. Cause and effect. No one wants to see the economic carnage going on right now. But it's too late. Again, this is why you don't elect a reality TV star as President.
Oh fuck off, quit blaming Trump, The shutdown is more damaging than the virus.
Timeline: Trump administration’s response to coronavirus

Notice how none of these stupid fucks will lay out their plans? No actions and dates. No one will lay it out.
The spread of COVID-19 is decreasing indicating mitigation is working and saving lives. Your argument seems to be with math, statistics, hospital admission officials and medical experts.

Basically, you are asking Americans to gamble on a life and death issue in favor of a conspiracy theory being promoted by Donald Trump. You can't expect or demand people to believe in conspiracy theories.

No, telling the govt to screw off. If you or I or a business want to close or stay in, Im fine with that. Its the authoritarian dictators on state and local govts who are now ruling by decree as they dismiss the constitution. Sounds like you use it for toilet paper too.
Only lefties want this to continue to possibly damage Trump.
Trump is leading this. Every day at his press conference.

He is doing everything he can from the White House to support it.

Don't you know that?

He is responding to the idiots who overreacted. Trump is stupid for shutting down the economy, but we reduced the deaths from 2.2 million to 60,000. He personally saved 2.14 million lives.

He is Oscar Schindler.

He did not shut the economy down and he can't open it back up. He would prefer the deaths and the economy to continue to be open.

He wants you to die. He is under your bed,
We won’t build an immunity. Those who are at risk should be careful, but this is doing nothing but killing the economy.

Only lefties want this to continue to possibly damage Trump.

What is the cost of lives to shut down the economy?

Trump has pretty much done that to himself (and our economy) by failing to take virus outbreak seriously in January. Cause and effect. No one wants to see the economic carnage going on right now. But it's too late. Again, this is why you don't elect a reality TV star as President.

Yeah, we could have elected another community organizer who did not see fit not to build up a supply of N95 masks, despite experiencing a crisis first hand. He did speak well though and that was enough to fool the ignorant masses.
In this thread, I have Trumpsters DENYING that their fellow Trumpsters are complaining about this mitigation stuff:

I am not making this up.
How are we willingly accepting martial law?

First amendment?

Right to assemble? Why do lefties hate the Constitution?
We won’t build an immunity. Those who are at risk should be careful, but this is doing nothing but killing the economy.

Only lefties want this to continue to possibly damage Trump.

What is the cost of lives to shut down the economy?

Trump has pretty much done that to himself (and our economy) by failing to take virus outbreak seriously in January. Cause and effect. No one wants to see the economic carnage going on right now. But it's too late. Again, this is why you don't elect a reality TV star as President.
Oh fuck off, quit blaming Trump, The shutdown is more damaging than the virus.
Timeline: Trump administration’s response to coronavirus

And sending everyone back to work right now without widespread testing and a test for anti-bodies (which I saw last night that we might be close to) will be an even bigger unmitigated disaster. Then you really will leave the economy and our health care system in ruins. Nothing in the timeline (outside of travel restrictions from China and Europe) before March 13th constitutes definitive ACTION to slow the spread of the virus.
Do we even have a "pandemic response" playbook? we are told everyone knew this was coming so shouldn't govt protocols been established? Libs love science and according to the science of this protecting the oldsters and those with other conditions it preyed on would allow you to keep your economy moving rather than suspending it in a panic rush to do something
The protocols were established, the Trump admin, just did not follow them....the CDC and his pandemic team failed us all....
Do we even have a "pandemic response" playbook? we are told everyone knew this was coming so shouldn't govt protocols been established? Libs love science and according to the science of this protecting the oldsters and those with other conditions it preyed on would allow you to keep your economy moving rather than suspending it in a panic rush to do something
The protocols were established, the Trump admin, just did not follow them....the CDC and his pandemic team failed us all....

What would you have done? Actions and dates. Lay it out.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, revealed Friday the federal government is considering issuing Americans certificates of immunity from the coronavirus, as the Trump administration works to better identify those who have been infected and restart the U.S. economy in the coming weeks.

"You know, that's possible," Fauci told CNN's "New Day," when asked whether he could imagine a time when people across the country carry such forms of identification. Fauci: Coronavirus immunity cards for Americans are 'being discussed'
Can I see your papers? Huh- land of the free, home of the brave- well, as long as godvernment says it's ok.
Do we even have a "pandemic response" playbook? we are told everyone knew this was coming so shouldn't govt protocols been established? Libs love science and according to the science of this protecting the oldsters and those with other conditions it preyed on would allow you to keep your economy moving rather than suspending it in a panic rush to do something
The protocols were established, the Trump admin, just did not follow them....the CDC and his pandemic team failed us all....

I do what I fucking want because I won’t accept fascism. I notice a lot of you lefties are buying guns. That’s interesting.
Do we even have a "pandemic response" playbook? we are told everyone knew this was coming so shouldn't govt protocols been established? Libs love science and according to the science of this protecting the oldsters and those with other conditions it preyed on would allow you to keep your economy moving rather than suspending it in a panic rush to do something
The protocols were established, the Trump admin, just did not follow them....the CDC and his pandemic team failed us all....
Doesn't sound like there are any....and Trummp was far ahead of Congress so stop the BS......
Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, revealed Friday the federal government is considering issuing Americans certificates of immunity from the coronavirus, as the Trump administration works to better identify those who have been infected and restart the U.S. economy in the coming weeks.

"You know, that's possible," Fauci told CNN's "New Day," when asked whether he could imagine a time when people across the country carry such forms of identification. Fauci: Coronavirus immunity cards for Americans are 'being discussed'
Can I see your papers? Huh- land of the free, home of the brave- well, as long as godvernment says it's ok.

Must be Wuhan free to shop here. Lefties are so disgusting.
We won’t build an immunity. Those who are at risk should be careful, but this is doing nothing but killing the economy.

Only lefties want this to continue to possibly damage Trump.

What is the cost of lives to shut down the economy?

Trump has pretty much done that to himself (and our economy) by failing to take virus outbreak seriously in January. Cause and effect. No one wants to see the economic carnage going on right now. But it's too late. Again, this is why you don't elect a reality TV star as President.

Yeah, we could have elected another community organizer who did not see fit not to build up a supply of N95 masks, despite experiencing a crisis first hand. He did speak well though and that was enough to fool the ignorant masses.

And he deserves criticism for not rebuilding the stockpile. Given. But to my recollection, Obama hasn't been President since January, 2017. What excuse would we like to make for Trump not restocking? Or even addressing it? He and his transition staff ignored the findings of a pandemic exercise that the Obama administration ran in the fall of 2016. He and his admin had ample warning. Was he distracted as far back as then? As I recall, Trump held his first fundraiser for re-election what?, six or seven days after he was inaugurated. Way to keep your eye on the important stuff. Sorry, I'll take the community organizer over the reality TV star any day of the week and twice on Sunday. He was at least a politician who understood how government is supposed to work.
Do we even have a "pandemic response" playbook? we are told everyone knew this was coming so shouldn't govt protocols been established? Libs love science and according to the science of this protecting the oldsters and those with other conditions it preyed on would allow you to keep your economy moving rather than suspending it in a panic rush to do something
The protocols were established, the Trump admin, just did not follow them....the CDC and his pandemic team failed us all....
Doesn't sound like there are any....and Trummp was far ahead of Congress so stop the BS......

Nancy went to Chinatown on Feb 25. It’s ridiculous.

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