This mitigation is total garbage

I find it hypocritical and ironic that the same people who dumped on Obamacare because of (non existent) death panels that "would kill Gramma"

Would throw her DIRECTLY under the bus here...

But then I should know better.

Having watched "conservatives" and Republicans" and Tea Partiers and all variations of these same people for a couple decades...irony and hypocrisy almost have no meaning any more
And exactly how would they do that...….
We should not have done anything with closing businesses. If you think we needed to shut the economy down for the flu, you are a fool.

So why exactly didn't Trump consider the economic or civil liberty consequences of this disease , and care about the situation then on those reasons alone, not even considering the public health consequences? Because apparently that never occurred to him as a possible problem at the time either apparently except in hindsight....
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Still blaming Trump for actions governors and mayors took?

Are you ever going to pull your head out of your ass?
Last night Tyler Cowen posted 1000+ words on “Why I do not favor variolation for Covid-19”. Yet oddly he also doesn’t seem to disagree with my main claims that (1) we are likely to need a Plan B for all-too-likely scenario where most of the world seems likely to get infected soon, and (2) variolation is simple, mechanically feasible, and could cut Covid19 Deaths by a factor of 3-30.

Tyler lists 8 points, but really makes 11. If he had one strong argument, he’d have focused on that, and then so could I in my response. Alas, this way I can’t respond except at a similar length; you are warned.

If you recall, for other viruses we’ve seen factors of 3-30 cuts in death rates for low dose infections. This dose effect for viruses is very well established in virology. So I propose to quickly test different ways to dose, deliver, and mitigate Covid19 infections in 1000 volunteers. This is easy, lo-tech, and pretty sure to give big gains.

Then I’d open Hero Hotels where one (or one’s health plan) pays to enter, gets quickly deliberately infected, then must stay until recovered, after which one can leave and is certified to work and socialize. This can be completely voluntary, though it could also be subsidized or even required. The young and healthy, and critical workers, seem especially good candidates.

Overcoming Bias : Reply to Cowen On Variolation

If you want to "re-start the economy" here is a controlled way of doing it that doesn't involve putting everyone at risk. So who is ready to put their money where their mouth is?

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