This mitigation is total garbage

We won’t build an immunity. Those who are at risk should be careful, but this is doing nothing but killing the economy.

Only lefties want this to continue to possibly damage Trump.

What is the cost of lives to shut down the economy?
simple question. Do you think Trump cares about the econonomy?
Do we even have a "pandemic response" playbook? we are told everyone knew this was coming so shouldn't govt protocols been established? Libs love science and according to the science of this protecting the oldsters and those with other conditions it preyed on would allow you to keep your economy moving rather than suspending it in a panic rush to do sormething
The protocols were established, the Trump admin, just did not follow them....the CDC and his pandemic team failed us all....
Doesn't sound like there are any....and Trummp was far ahead of Congress so stop the BS......

The administration went thru a pandemic simulation exercise prior to the pandemic, to practice and identify shortages and practice protocols....

The admin simply did not follow their own protocols.....

There are several news articles on it
Do we even have a "pandemic response" playbook? we are told everyone knew this was coming so shouldn't govt protocols been established? Libs love science and according to the science of this protecting the oldsters and those with other conditions it preyed on would allow you to keep your economy moving rather than suspending it in a panic rush to do sormething
The protocols were established, the Trump admin, just did not follow them....the CDC and his pandemic team failed us all....
Doesn't sound like there are any....and Trummp was far ahead of Congress so stop the BS......

The administration went thru a pandemic simulation exercise prior to the pandemic, to practice and identify shortages and practice protocols....

The admin simply did not follow their own protocols.....

There are several news articles on it
Oh shut up.....come back when ya can be honest
We won’t build an immunity. Those who are at risk should be careful, but this is doing nothing but killing the economy.

Only lefties want this to continue to possibly damage Trump.

What is the cost of lives to shut down the economy?
simple question. Do you think Trump cares about the econonomy?

Yes. It Helps his election chances.
We won’t build an immunity. Those who are at risk should be careful, but this is doing nothing but killing the economy.

Only lefties want this to continue to possibly damage Trump.

What is the cost of lives to shut down the economy?
simple question. Do you think Trump cares about the econonomy?

Yes. It Helps his election chances.
I know what is going on right now flat sucks. I fish for a living and there is nothing in this world that I look forward to like my season starting. I am old and no longer interested in romance. My job is my life, I prepare for it all winter and guess what. Not one of my five boats has had a paying customer this year. I hate it. I am going insane with boredom. Trup would not have closed this shit if there was not some thing to it.
In an atmosphere of fear, the shutdowns and quarantines stretch out before us, with no end in sight. And that’s the problem with “shelter in place,” “flattening the curve,” and shutdowns of every sort. What does victory look like, and how will we know when it is achieved? When will the risks be acceptable, knowing that “zero” is unrealistic? Our ruling class does not seem to have any answers to these questions, or even any interest in trying to find them.

We’ve been in this situation before, and the precedents are not promising.

In the 1960s, Lyndon Johnson declared “war on poverty,” arguing that we had the ability to transform the human condition. In the 1980s, Ronald Reagan declared a “war on drugs.” In 2001, George W. Bush reacted to 9/11 with a “war on terror.” All of these “wars” are ongoing, none has yielded satisfactory results, each has eroded confidence in our government, and each has massively expanded the power of the state. What Is the Coronavirus Endgame? - American Greatness
I am pointing out the folly of the perceived results. We should not have done anything with closing businesses. If you think we needed to shut the economy down for the flu, you are a fool.

Mac is a leftist fool, that is well documented and known by the forum.

When have figured out Kung Flu was no worse than any other flu, and the only real result we got from hysterical media apparatchiks hyping up a bullshit crisis was the sale of a shit ton of bandannas and a bunch of people running around who look like they're about to rob a stage coach.

That and when the next strain comes out less people will be potentially immune to it because of reduced exposure to the parent bug. The Herd Immunity factor took a hit and that was foolish.

I stand by my assertion the hype was all about finding a new way to give Trump a black eye, since everything else was an abysmal failure.

You can bet one thing is for damn sure, had hitlary won the election and the death rate was 10% among healthy people, the reaction would have been nearly mute even if the hag ignored it. Instead the media would be hyping up stories about white Christians being mean to people, or how great the Chi-Coms did being transparent. The media in this country is a malignancy, just as much of a malignancy as all bed wetting leftist parasites are.

Furthermore, the next Flu Season is just 9 months away....

Are we going to stop the earth from turning every year now?

Only lefties want this to continue to possibly damage Trump.
Trump is leading this. Every day at his press conference.

He is doing everything he can from the White House to support it.

Don't you know that?

He is responding to the idiots who overreacted. Trump is stupid for shutting down the economy, but we reduced the deaths from 2.2 million to 60,000. He personally saved 2.14 million lives.

He is Oscar Schindler.
Except Trump hasn't shut it down. He has no authority over the decisions individual states & cities make.
He is essentially the man trying to guide 50 feral cats and they are all doing their own combination of things.
For example our city was shut down almost a month ago by city leaders but our govenor only made it state wide recently. Now our city government is contemplating opening things back up in a couple weeks.
It's a hodgepodge of absolute confusing shit.
Pelosi went to Chinatown on February 25th to claim the virus was not a concern. If you vote Democrat, you are a fool.

And on Feb 26, Trump said there are 15 cases, soon to be very close to zero, and that the number of cases was going down, not up.

Resume ranting.
We won’t build an immunity. Those who are at risk should be careful, but this is doing nothing but killing the economy.

Only lefties want this to continue to possibly damage Trump.

What is the cost of lives to shut down the economy?

Trump has pretty much done that to himself (and our economy) by failing to take virus outbreak seriously in January. Cause and effect. No one wants to see the economic carnage going on right now. But it's too late. Again, this is why you don't elect a reality TV star as President.
Oh fuck off, quit blaming Trump, The shutdown is more damaging than the virus.
Timeline: Trump administration’s response to coronavirus

Notice how none of these stupid fucks will lay out their plans? No actions and dates. No one will lay it out.

Let's open it up by Easter! The churches will be full. It will be beautiful.

(Oops, I see some loudmouthed buffoon already suggested that, but was talked out of it by smart people.)
Only lefties want this to continue to possibly damage Trump.
Trump is leading this. Every day at his press conference.

He is doing everything he can from the White House to support it.

Don't you know that?

He is responding to the idiots who overreacted. Trump is stupid for shutting down the economy, but we reduced the deaths from 2.2 million to 60,000. He personally saved 2.14 million lives.

He is Oscar Schindler.

He did not shut the economy down and he can't open it back up. He would prefer the deaths and the economy to continue to be open.

He wants you to die. He is under your bed,

I'm an American. He doesn't give a fuck if I live or die, and the fat tub of cheeseburgers wouldn't fit under my bed.
The spread of COVID-19 is decreasing indicating mitigation is working and saving lives. Your argument seems to be with math, statistics, hospital admission officials and medical experts.

Basically, you are asking Americans to gamble on a life and death issue in favor of a conspiracy theory being promoted by Donald Trump. You can't expect or demand people to believe in conspiracy theories.

I am not really arguing a particular view, but actually it is not clear that slowing the spread does anything to reduce the case total or body count. Those who do not get is this year, will be just as likely to die from it in following years. In fact, the sooner one gets and gets immunity, the less likely they are to die. The only advantage of slowing is to reduce hospital over crowding.
The spread of COVID-19 is decreasing indicating mitigation is working and saving lives. Your argument seems to be with math, statistics, hospital admission officials and medical experts.

Basically, you are asking Americans to gamble on a life and death issue in favor of a conspiracy theory being promoted by Donald Trump. You can't expect or demand people to believe in conspiracy theories.

I am not really arguing a particular view, but actually it is not clear that slowing the spread does anything to reduce the case total or body count. Those who do not get is this year, will be just as likely to die from it in following years. In fact, the sooner one gets and gets immunity, the less likely they are to die. The only advantage of slowing is to reduce hospital over crowding.

Which is a big lifesaving advantage.
The spread of COVID-19 is decreasing indicating mitigation is working and saving lives. Your argument seems to be with math, statistics, hospital admission officials and medical experts.

Basically, you are asking Americans to gamble on a life and death issue in favor of a conspiracy theory being promoted by Donald Trump. You can't expect or demand people to believe in conspiracy theories.

I am not really arguing a particular view, but actually it is not clear that slowing the spread does anything to reduce the case total or body count. Those who do not get is this year, will be just as likely to die from it in following years. In fact, the sooner one gets and gets immunity, the less likely they are to die. The only advantage of slowing is to reduce hospital over crowding.
We could have a vaccine and cure by next year.
The spread of COVID-19 is decreasing indicating mitigation is working and saving lives. Your argument seems to be with math, statistics, hospital admission officials and medical experts.

Basically, you are asking Americans to gamble on a life and death issue in favor of a conspiracy theory being promoted by Donald Trump. You can't expect or demand people to believe in conspiracy theories.

No, telling the govt to screw off. If you or I or a business want to close or stay in, Im fine with that. Its the authoritarian dictators on state and local govts who are now ruling by decree as they dismiss the constitution. Sounds like you use it for toilet paper too.
In an atmosphere of fear, the shutdowns and quarantines stretch out before us, with no end in sight. And that’s the problem with “shelter in place,” “flattening the curve,” and shutdowns of every sort. What does victory look like, and how will we know when it is achieved? When will the risks be acceptable, knowing that “zero” is unrealistic? Our ruling class does not seem to have any answers to these questions, or even any interest in trying to find them.

We’ve been in this situation before, and the precedents are not promising.

In the 1960s, Lyndon Johnson declared “war on poverty,” arguing that we had the ability to transform the human condition. In the 1980s, Ronald Reagan declared a “war on drugs.” In 2001, George W. Bush reacted to 9/11 with a “war on terror.” All of these “wars” are ongoing, none has yielded satisfactory results, each has eroded confidence in our government, and each has massively expanded the power of the state. What Is the Coronavirus Endgame? - American Greatness

Yes, only congress has the legal authority to declare war on anything, so these were all wrong and diminished the country.
In this thread, I have Trumpsters DENYING that their fellow Trumpsters are complaining about this mitigation stuff:

I am not making this up.
Sweden has rules even as they go back to work dummy.............Advise the people to do certain things to contain and get on with their lives................Not this JACK BOOT CRAP...which is coming form Democrat leaders who are getting down Right TYRANICAL.......

End this madness..........Vote them out.........FOR THE LOVE OF GOD.......LOL
The spread of COVID-19 is decreasing indicating mitigation is working and saving lives. Your argument seems to be with math, statistics, hospital admission officials and medical experts.

Basically, you are asking Americans to gamble on a life and death issue in favor of a conspiracy theory being promoted by Donald Trump. You can't expect or demand people to believe in conspiracy theories.

I am not really arguing a particular view, but actually it is not clear that slowing the spread does anything to reduce the case total or body count. Those who do not get is this year, will be just as likely to die from it in following years. In fact, the sooner one gets and gets immunity, the less likely they are to die. The only advantage of slowing is to reduce hospital over crowding.
We could have a vaccine and cure by next year.

Viruses never have cures, and vaccines rarely do well with something that mutates that quickly. Just like no one has ever been able to stop the common cold, flu, etc., which actually kills more than COVID-19 has so far.
I find it hypocritical and ironic that the same people who dumped on Obamacare because of (non existent) death panels that "would kill Gramma"

Would throw her DIRECTLY under the bus here...

But then I should know better.

Having watched "conservatives" and Republicans" and Tea Partiers and all variations of these same people for a couple decades...irony and hypocrisy almost have no meaning any more

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