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This one is for the gun grabbers. Explain this.

Fact there is less houses every day in this country that have guns in them. The increase in guns are going to the same group of wackos that make up the right. They are paranoid and think that it is the end of the world or commies that are around every corner are going to take over this country. You know wackos

So let me get this straight: owning guns for self-defense, hobby or hunting is wacko, but thinking man has the ability to control the climate isn't. Gotcha.
Total nonsense , there is zero threat from the left as far as the 2nd is concerned , the only threat is from the gun Bubba's that think that there can't be regulations or shouldn't be regulations to something as lethal as a gun. The people will get so pissed off at these stupid comments about guns from the gun Bubba's that they will go after the 2nd to shut these half wits up.

There should be no regulations of guns? Guns are very heavily regulated already.
The people will get so pissed off at these stupid comments about guns from the gun Bubba's that they will go after the 2nd to shut these half wits up.

Wrong. The interest in guns is growing in this country--not shrinking. In fact in my state, we have more female applicants for a CCW permit than males. When we passed our CCW law, it was signed by a leftist Governor who knew his ass would lose reelection if he didn't sign the bill. You picked the wrong side to fight this war.
When the 2nd amendment was added muskets shot one bullet. Out founders never imagined people would have automatic weapons killing hundreds in a matter of minutes..
It definitely needs a huge overhaul to adjust to modern times.

You think the 2nd amendment is sacred but want to restrict the 1st amendment.
Imagine that.
Our Founding Fathers were, object oriented, before the Information Age, coined the term.

Well regulated militia are necessary to the security of a free State.
When the 2nd amendment was added muskets shot one bullet. Out founders never imagined people would have automatic weapons killing hundreds in a matter of minutes..
It definitely needs a huge overhaul to adjust to modern times.

You think the 2nd amendment is sacred but want to restrict the 1st amendment.

Moron....they had a repeating weapon at the time the Constitution was written...

Who wants to restrict the 1st? Oh, you mean you left wingers and your antifa thugs want to end the 1st Amendment..got it.
A war on guns not a war on drugs.
Well, it's because I understand liberals, that's why. Let me explain, and please excuse my lack of brevity here:

I was a kid when gay rights was introduced. Back then, they told us all they wanted was to be let out of the closet. So we did. Today they are forcing themselves into our military, forced us to accept their marriages in states that forbade it, and are adopting children.

I remember when the anti-smokers just wanted no smoking in movie theaters. That's all they claimed to have wanted, and they will be happy. Today smoking is forbidden in most public places. There are parks and beaches where smoking is prohibited. Nobody told the law makers that parks and beaches were outside. Now some places won't give you a job if you're a smoker, and nobody even makes a car or truck with ashtrays anymore.

I remember when the environmentalists insisted we get rid of lead in our gasoline. That's all they wanted, and they would be happy. Today we have spent trillions of dollars making everything "greener" and they are complaining now more than ever.

The point is, when it comes to liberal agendas, there is no "we just want X" Because after X comes Y, and after Y comes Z, then Z+, then Z++ and so on.

To put it another way, let's say Hillary won the presidency, and she filled the courts with leftist judges all the way up to the Supreme Court. Do you really believe for one minute our rights to own firearms would be protected in five years or so from now?

Yes obama was going to take all the guns. Funny

You don't think he would of if he could? That's the point I'm making.
You people are complete idiots there is no threat to the second amendment , there are just a lot regulations that need to be added. Tell me how there is a threat to the 2nd when I can buy and own and shoot a Machine gun and buy and shoot a piece of artillery with shells to put in my front yard on display. You are all idiots.
You can buy a gun in New York, after jumping through countless legal hoops and paying through the nose for it, but you cannot get a concealed carry permit, and there is no open carry. In other words, you have to keep it in your home where it's no use to you if you're not there. The criminals know this, which is why New York has such a high crime rate. Now, if you allowed people to carry those guns, the crime rate would drop. Do you deny this? Please say yes. I could use a good laugh.
Total nonsense , there is zero threat from the left as far as the 2nd is concerned , the only threat is from the gun Bubba's that think that there can't be regulations or shouldn't be regulations to something as lethal as a gun. The people will get so pissed off at these stupid comments about guns from the gun Bubba's that they will go after the 2nd to shut these half wits up.

Like most gun grabbers you are ignorant about gun grabbing.....the gun grabbers have gone to the courts, they don't want to lose elections for anti gun votes....
Yes obama was going to take all the guns. Funny

You don't think he would of if he could? That's the point I'm making.
You people are complete idiots there is no threat to the second amendment , there are just a lot regulations that need to be added. Tell me how there is a threat to the 2nd when I can buy and own and shoot a Machine gun and buy and shoot a piece of artillery with shells to put in my front yard on display. You are all idiots.
You can buy a gun in New York, after jumping through countless legal hoops and paying through the nose for it, but you cannot get a concealed carry permit, and there is no open carry. In other words, you have to keep it in your home where it's no use to you if you're not there. The criminals know this, which is why New York has such a high crime rate. Now, if you allowed people to carry those guns, the crime rate would drop. Do you deny this? Please say yes. I could use a good laugh.
Total nonsense , there is zero threat from the left as far as the 2nd is concerned , the only threat is from the gun Bubba's that think that there can't be regulations or shouldn't be regulations to something as lethal as a gun. The people will get so pissed off at these stupid comments about guns from the gun Bubba's that they will go after the 2nd to shut these half wits up.
Bring it on. Not like many on the left arent pretty damn ignorant about guns anyway.
i need a profit motive and can't afford to invest, right now.
Then do this: Get a huge sign made that says WE HAVE NO FIREARMS IN THIS HOUSE and hang that on your front porch. Get back to us in a few months (if you're still alive) and let us know how it worked out for ya. Because that's exactly what you would do by disarming the US public; hanging a big sign around your neck that tells everybody you are not able to defend yourself.

WTF do you think that mass murderers usually choose gun-free zones to carry out their plots?

Orlando there was an armed officer there. There were plenty of guns at Vegas too.

It is funny your are so paranoid and scared you that sign would make any difference.

I've gone my entire life without needing a gun for anything. I've still never known anyone who needed one. Stop being so scared and giving incentive for criminals to be armed.

As I stated, it doesn't matter if you're armed or not. The idea that you could be armed is what protects you.

This reminds me of a discussion I was having on a local blog when our state was considering CCW laws. An anti-gunner asked me why I wanted CCW's so bad? I told him because of my mother. She lives alone and doesn't drive. She likes to walk everywhere if possible and having CCW's would help protect her. He wrote back and asked if my elderly mother would carry a gun if the law was passed. To that question I answered "No she wouldn't, but the criminal doesn't know that."

Here we used to have ATM robberies all the time; some even turned out deadly. That was until we passed a law that allowed CCW holders to carry their guns in their cars. Later they got rid of the holster law which means I didn't have to have my gun in a compartment or holster. I could ride around with my loaded gun right on my passenger seat.
Bullshit every crook knows that every year there are less and less people who have guns in their homes, so as far as your home is concerned it is safer for them to do anything they want to do.
You need to come up with something that is true and a real argument supporting your nonsense. This is just like dealing with children, it's to easy and that makes me lose interest. I mean every point you got is nonsense and easy to dump on. We need to keep these threads interesting.

Wrong....in fact, gun ownership in minority homes is going up....dittos women buying guns....please, try to do some basic research. Even left wing socialist, social justice warriors are buying guns now...
Fact there is less houses every day in this country that have guns in them. The increase in guns are going to the same group of wackos that make up the right. They are paranoid and think that it is the end of the world or commies that are around every corner are going to take over this country. You know wackos

Wrong.....the new trend for ownership is in communities that had low gun ownership rates before, minorities and women.....and then you have the fact that gun owners are not responding to phone surveys about their guns...

Gun Purchases Continue to Soar

NICS checks don’t precisely indicate the number of firearms acquired in a given time frame. But the trend in checks makes clear that Americans are acquiring firearms at a record pace. The annual number of checks has risen from 12.7 million during the last year of President George W. Bush’s administration to an average of 23 million during Obama’s second term.

NICS checks don’t stop criminals from stealing guns or acquiring guns on the black market, and criminals defeat checks by having other people, who can pass checks, buy guns for them. But they continue to deliver data undermining gun control supporters’ perennial boast that gun ownership is declining. If anything, the data suggest that the opposite is true.

Is gun ownership really down in America? | Fox News

Surely, gun control advocates such as GSS director Tom Smith view this decline as a good thing. In a 2003 book of mine, I quoted Smith as saying that the large drop in gun ownership would “make it easier for politicians to do the right thing on guns” and pass more restrictive regulations.

Other gun control advocates have mentioned to me that they hope that if people believe fewer people own guns, that may cause others to rethink their decision to own one themselves. It is part of the reason they dramatically exaggerate the risks of having guns in the home.

The Associated Press and Time ignored other polls by Gallup and ABC News/Washington Post.

These polls show that gun ownership rates have been flat over the same period. According to Gallup, household gun ownership has ranged from 51 percent in 1994 to 34 percent in 1999. In 2014, it was at 42 percent – comparable to the 43-45 percent figures during the 1970s.

A 2011 Gallup poll with the headline “Self-Reported Gun Ownership in U.S. Is Highest Since 1993” appears to have gotten no news coverage.

The ABC News/Washington Post poll shows an even more stable pattern, with household gun ownership between 44 and 46 percent in 1999. In 2013, the ownership rate was 43 percent.

There are other measures that suggest that we should be very careful of relying too heavily on polling to gauge the level of gun ownership. For example, the nationally number of concealed handgun permits has soared over the last decade: rising from about 2.7 million in 1999 to 4.6 million in 2007 to 11.1 million in 2014.

The National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) shows that the number of gun purchases has grown dramatically over time –doubling from 2006 to 2014.


Gun industry, Bloomberg media square off over female gun owner data

Putting a pin in the balloon of rising female gun ownership, the Trace, a journalism start up funded by Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety, consulted the General Social Survey. A project of the University of Chicago’s National Opinion Research Center, the GSS has conducted a sociological survey since 1972 to collect historical data on everything from government spending to race relations.

When it comes to gun ownership by women, the pollsters noted the number has averaged about 11 percent over the past three decades with slight dips, to as low as 9.1 percent in 1989, and slight increases, to as high as 13.7 percent in 1982.

“There’s been no meaningful directional change in the percent of women owning guns,” said Tom Smith, the director of the GSS.

However, the National Shooting Sports Foundation on Thursday posted a rebuttal to the article, citing the GSS itself was flawed when it came to gun data– much as they did last yearwhen the survey noted a decline in gun ownership numbers despite eight straight years of increasing firearms sales that set all-time records.

The NSSF contends GSS isn’t actually counting the number of firearms in each household. Rather it is enumerating the number of individuals willing to talk to a stranger at their front door about how many firearms they own. The two concepts, holds the trade group, are vastly different.

“It is a staple of gun control politics to work to diminish both the size and the ever increasing diversity of the firearm-owning American citizenry,” noted Larry Keane, NSSF senior vice president and general counsel. “The Trace provides just the latest example.”

Besides noting the trade group’s own studies in female gun ownership rates, the NSSF also bemoaned the outlet for discounting previous articles in the mainstream media.

“The Trace also asks its readers to discount CBS News, Fox News, Ad Age and dozens of local reporters nationwide (collectively, a ‘credulous press’) who have actually gone to firearms retailers and ranges to report that they see evidence of more and more women buying guns and taking up target shooting as a recreational activity,” wrote Keane.
Fact there is less houses every day in this country that have guns in them. The increase in guns are going to the same group of wackos that make up the right. They are paranoid and think that it is the end of the world or commies that are around every corner are going to take over this country. You know wackos

So let me get this straight: owning guns for self-defense, hobby or hunting is wacko, but thinking man has the ability to control the climate isn't. Gotcha.
Climate control happens in micro-economics on a for-profit basis. The technology is not there for macro-economic purposes.

Well regulated militia are necessary to the security of a free State.

Musket practice every Sunday!
The people will get so pissed off at these stupid comments about guns from the gun Bubba's that they will go after the 2nd to shut these half wits up.

Wrong. The interest in guns is growing in this country--not shrinking. In fact in my state, we have more female applicants for a CCW permit than males. When we passed our CCW law, it was signed by a leftist Governor who knew his ass would lose reelection if he didn't sign the bill. You picked the wrong side to fight this war.
Martial arts require more practice and exercise. It may help persons become less overweight.

Why tax sodas.
The people will get so pissed off at these stupid comments about guns from the gun Bubba's that they will go after the 2nd to shut these half wits up.

Wrong. The interest in guns is growing in this country--not shrinking. In fact in my state, we have more female applicants for a CCW permit than males. When we passed our CCW law, it was signed by a leftist Governor who knew his ass would lose reelection if he didn't sign the bill. You picked the wrong side to fight this war.
Martial arts require more practice and exercise. It may help persons become less overweight.

Why tax sodas.

I'm a black belt and I have no idea WTF you're talking about. What does martial arts have to do with my reply?
The people will get so pissed off at these stupid comments about guns from the gun Bubba's that they will go after the 2nd to shut these half wits up.

Wrong. The interest in guns is growing in this country--not shrinking. In fact in my state, we have more female applicants for a CCW permit than males. When we passed our CCW law, it was signed by a leftist Governor who knew his ass would lose reelection if he didn't sign the bill. You picked the wrong side to fight this war.
Martial arts require more practice and exercise. It may help persons become less overweight.

Why tax sodas?
The people will get so pissed off at these stupid comments about guns from the gun Bubba's that they will go after the 2nd to shut these half wits up.

Wrong. The interest in guns is growing in this country--not shrinking. In fact in my state, we have more female applicants for a CCW permit than males. When we passed our CCW law, it was signed by a leftist Governor who knew his ass would lose reelection if he didn't sign the bill. You picked the wrong side to fight this war.
Martial arts require more practice and exercise. It may help persons become less overweight.

Why tax sodas.

I'm a black belt and I have no idea WTF you're talking about. What does martial arts have to do with my reply?
No guns required.
The people will get so pissed off at these stupid comments about guns from the gun Bubba's that they will go after the 2nd to shut these half wits up.

Wrong. The interest in guns is growing in this country--not shrinking. In fact in my state, we have more female applicants for a CCW permit than males. When we passed our CCW law, it was signed by a leftist Governor who knew his ass would lose reelection if he didn't sign the bill. You picked the wrong side to fight this war.
Martial arts require more practice and exercise. It may help persons become less overweight.

Why tax sodas?
The people will get so pissed off at these stupid comments about guns from the gun Bubba's that they will go after the 2nd to shut these half wits up.

Wrong. The interest in guns is growing in this country--not shrinking. In fact in my state, we have more female applicants for a CCW permit than males. When we passed our CCW law, it was signed by a leftist Governor who knew his ass would lose reelection if he didn't sign the bill. You picked the wrong side to fight this war.
Martial arts require more practice and exercise. It may help persons become less overweight.

Why tax sodas.

I'm a black belt and I have no idea WTF you're talking about. What does martial arts have to do with my reply?
No guns required.

I know you're from another country, so I'm trying to figure out WTF you're talking about because you make no sense in English. Are you trying to say that martial arts can replace guns in self-defense????
Detectives "solve" crimes.....Guns PREVENT Crimes.

But neither detectives nor guns can prevent ALL crime.
By your logic.....If LAWS prevented crime there would be no crime.
Crime exists laws or no laws, guns or no guns. More laws and more guns do not solve crime, neither do more prisons.

Guns may not solve all crime, but they do prevent many.
They prevent jack shit but they do kill 30,000 Americans each year. That we can get good numbers on because all we have to do is count up the dead bodies.

Yeah....here is the truth to that number...you should do some research...

Gun suicide..

Leading Causes of Death | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC

Gun suicide...


Non Gun suicide...


Gun Accidental death.....



Gun murder ( 70-80% of the victims of gun murder are actual criminals, not law abiding people)

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8




Japan, Korea, China, all have absolute gun control for law abiding citizens...only criminals and cops can have guns.......and they have higher suicide rates than we do....and our non-gun suicide rate has been higher than our gun suicide rate for 2 years in a row.....

Gun Accidental Death...

Gun accidents....in a country with over 320,000,000 people...... with 400,000,000 guns in private hands, and over 15,700,000 people carrying guns for self defense..... 489 accidental gun deaths....

Gun murder
Of the 9,616 gun murders in this country, 70-80% of the victims are criminals, engaged in criminal activity or part of the criminal life style....and of the remaining victims....many of them are friends and family of the criminal...caught up in the criminal's lifestyle.....

Non-fatal gun accidents....
WISQARS Nonfatal Injury Reports

CDC non fatal gun accident.....

2001.... 17,696

2002... 17,579

2003... 18,941

2004... 16,555

2005... 15,388

2006... 14,678

2007... 15,698

2008... 17,215

2009... 18,610

2010... 14,161

2011... 14,675

2012... 17,362

2013... 16,864

2014..... 15,928

2015... 17,311
Accidental gun deaths equal .0000015 percent of the population. many times that number are the result of heart attack, cancer and stroke. In other words, it much ado about nothing.
More stupidity from the right.

Heart attacks and cancer are not ‘much ado about nothing.’

It’s perfectly appropriate and warranted to be just as concerned about gun deaths as deaths caused by disease, and to seek to prevent accidental gun deaths.
The people will get so pissed off at these stupid comments about guns from the gun Bubba's that they will go after the 2nd to shut these half wits up.

Wrong. The interest in guns is growing in this country--not shrinking. In fact in my state, we have more female applicants for a CCW permit than males. When we passed our CCW law, it was signed by a leftist Governor who knew his ass would lose reelection if he didn't sign the bill. You picked the wrong side to fight this war.
Martial arts require more practice and exercise. It may help persons become less overweight.

Why tax sodas?
The people will get so pissed off at these stupid comments about guns from the gun Bubba's that they will go after the 2nd to shut these half wits up.

Wrong. The interest in guns is growing in this country--not shrinking. In fact in my state, we have more female applicants for a CCW permit than males. When we passed our CCW law, it was signed by a leftist Governor who knew his ass would lose reelection if he didn't sign the bill. You picked the wrong side to fight this war.
Martial arts require more practice and exercise. It may help persons become less overweight.

Why tax sodas.

I'm a black belt and I have no idea WTF you're talking about. What does martial arts have to do with my reply?
No guns required.

I know you're from another country, so I'm trying to figure out WTF you're talking about because you make no sense in English. Are you trying to say that martial arts can replace guns in self-defense????
just your lousy reading comprehension.

Martial arts require more practice and exercise. It may help persons become less overweight.

Why tax sodas.

Why not? Hypothetically, and in that alternative.
Yes obama was going to take all the guns. Funny

You don't think he would of if he could? That's the point I'm making.
You people are complete idiots there is no threat to the second amendment , there are just a lot regulations that need to be added. Tell me how there is a threat to the 2nd when I can buy and own and shoot a Machine gun and buy and shoot a piece of artillery with shells to put in my front yard on display. You are all idiots.
You can buy a gun in New York, after jumping through countless legal hoops and paying through the nose for it, but you cannot get a concealed carry permit, and there is no open carry. In other words, you have to keep it in your home where it's no use to you if you're not there. The criminals know this, which is why New York has such a high crime rate. Now, if you allowed people to carry those guns, the crime rate would drop. Do you deny this? Please say yes. I could use a good laugh.
Total nonsense , there is zero threat from the left as far as the 2nd is concerned , the only threat is from the gun Bubba's that think that there can't be regulations or shouldn't be regulations to something as lethal as a gun. The people will get so pissed off at these stupid comments about guns from the gun Bubba's that they will go after the 2nd to shut these half wits up.
Bring it on. Not like many on the left arent pretty damn ignorant about guns anyway.

Many on ‘the left’ own guns, are knowledgeable about guns, enjoy the shooting sports, and support current Second Amendment jurisprudence.
When the 2nd amendment was added muskets shot one bullet. Out founders never imagined people would have automatic weapons killing hundreds in a matter of minutes..
It definitely needs a huge overhaul to adjust to modern times.

You think the 2nd amendment is sacred but want to restrict the 1st amendment.
Imagine that.
OK so if you want to be consistent with the 18th century then get rid of your computer, write your post on parchment paper with quill and ink and send it to me by a mail carrier on horseback.
What does your coment even mean.
When some idiot says the second amendment only applies to 18th century technology then all the other original amendments must as well.

The rest you can figure out on your own
Are you really going to try to sell the bullshit that if one can be defined within a parameter then they all can. Your logic left town didn't it. Some of the amendments have nothing to do specifically to the time it was written and some do, as in the 2nd. The reality of the second changes with time the reality for the 1st doesn't and you people shit on that daily.
You don't think he would of if he could? That's the point I'm making.
You people are complete idiots there is no threat to the second amendment , there are just a lot regulations that need to be added. Tell me how there is a threat to the 2nd when I can buy and own and shoot a Machine gun and buy and shoot a piece of artillery with shells to put in my front yard on display. You are all idiots.
You can buy a gun in New York, after jumping through countless legal hoops and paying through the nose for it, but you cannot get a concealed carry permit, and there is no open carry. In other words, you have to keep it in your home where it's no use to you if you're not there. The criminals know this, which is why New York has such a high crime rate. Now, if you allowed people to carry those guns, the crime rate would drop. Do you deny this? Please say yes. I could use a good laugh.
Total nonsense , there is zero threat from the left as far as the 2nd is concerned , the only threat is from the gun Bubba's that think that there can't be regulations or shouldn't be regulations to something as lethal as a gun. The people will get so pissed off at these stupid comments about guns from the gun Bubba's that they will go after the 2nd to shut these half wits up.
Bring it on. Not like many on the left arent pretty damn ignorant about guns anyway.

Many on ‘the left’ own guns, are knowledgeable about guns, enjoy the shooting sports, and support current Second Amendment jurisprudence.
I support the second but I don't support stupid like the gun bubba's do , there is no regulation that these bubba's support, they think the 2nd should be a free for all. That is stupid when we are talking about the lethalness of a gun. They are just about all brain dead on this .
Yes obama was going to take all the guns. Funny

You don't think he would of if he could? That's the point I'm making.
You people are complete idiots there is no threat to the second amendment , there are just a lot regulations that need to be added. Tell me how there is a threat to the 2nd when I can buy and own and shoot a Machine gun and buy and shoot a piece of artillery with shells to put in my front yard on display. You are all idiots.

Moron...the democrats put the fight in the courts and in local gun battles...they pass stupid gun laws in various cities, then get them declared constitutional in the Courts...giving all the other gun grabbers power to implement their gun control...
In a country where you can own a machine gun and shoot it every day or buy a piece of artillery and shoot it every day, How the fucjk are you going to convince me that there is a threat to the second amendment.

So there haven't been gun bans on semiautomatic rifles?

And it's not that easy to own a fully automatic weapon. But then again if you knew anything about guns you would know that.

And where do people shoot artillery every day in this country outside of military bases that is?
Where can I shoot, thats funny. The point is if it is legal or not and it is almost automatic if you have a good record to get what is needed to buy Artillery or machine guns and once you own them you can shoot on your property if it is within legal areas that oks the discharge of firearms. But the point is you clowns are goofy when your telling us all these threats to the second , in a country where you can buy artillery and machine guns and legally park them in your front yard to threaten everyone around you.

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