This or That?


(my apologies...I was asking direct questions in the this or that :redface: )

Piano or violin (to listen to)
Piano (but there is nothing more beautiful than a violin played correctly, but so few can do that....)

Classic Rock or Country music?
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I don't get to see music video's much anymore. Plus, when I get in the mood, I want to listen to an entire album, cause, I normally like all the songs on the album/CD.

Spring or Autumn?

Flower garden or manicured lawn?
Reading (I watch more TV, so reading is a treat. I would prefer to do that given a choice - or if I had the time...)

Work Fast or Work Slow? (e.g. yard work, housework etc.)
I love to pull weeds for hours and spend lots of time trimming the bushes, sometimes one leave at a time. Then yard work slow as molasses, and housework varies but mostly fast.

Water the lawn by hand or with sprinkler?
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I always liked playing with the hose, so will say by hand...something relaxing about that.

Pull weeds or kill with weed killer (LOL)
I always liked playing with the hose, so will say by hand...something relaxing about that.

Pull weeds or kill with weed killer (LOL)

My mom died almost exactly 3 years ago at the age of 95, and I sold her house in Palo Alto right away. For the 54 years we lived there, we never put any weed killer poison into the ground. My mom would once in long while spray a little Round-up on the dandelions, but that was nothing. We also only had around, during that half-century, six or so treatments of pest control.

Pull weeds!

Do you have ants or cockroaches?
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Ewww no. Oh wait, had some ants once while here...they are hard to get rid of. As for cockroaches.... :scared1: <<<<<<<<<< Me

Do you prefer carpet or hardwood?
Carpet (thought we have hardwood, it's better for resale and much easier to keep clean... but I love soft plush carpet....)

Gold or Silver?
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