This or That?

(me too)

Depends on how I am dressing, but for comfort, tights.

Do you wear your hair up or down most times?
Hard one..I love both. Eat both almost daily..

Cold or hot cereal?

"Is it real or is it Memorex"
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Hard one..I love both. Eat both almost daily..

Cold or hot cereal?


Plane or train?

Trains are more comfortable to sleep... What's the main target of game?

Tea or coffee?

I like both, but I prefer coffee. With the hours I keep, I NEED my coffee! :lol:

Black coffee or coffee with cream and sugar?

Double black strong free - it's a taste of job :)

Snow or rain?

Rain. I've had enough snow. :D

Tropical holiday or skiing holiday?
Skiing Holiday. because I have not been in a long long time. I would love to hit the slopes again. We go to the beach every year.

Dancing or Singing?
Skiing Holiday. because I have not been in a long long time. I would love to hit the slopes again. We go to the beach every year.

Dancing or Singing?
Singing. I sing and play guitar.

This year my family almost died in a car accident going on a ski trip so I had to go up and save them. It turned out to be what people said was "the best snow they'd ever skiied in.". It was only my second time skiing. What a blast. But I'd go tropical.

Hairy men or hairless?
Hard one..I love both. Eat both almost daily..

Cold or hot cereal?


Plane or train?

Trains are more comfortable to sleep... What's the main target of game?

Tea or coffee?

I like both, but I prefer coffee. With the hours I keep, I NEED my coffee! :lol:

Black coffee or coffee with cream and sugar?

Double black strong free - it's a taste of job :)

Snow or rain?

Rain. I've had enough snow. :D

Tropical holiday or skiing holiday?

I'd prefer tropical... But about tropic habitants... Spiders or scorpions? :)

Plane or train?

Trains are more comfortable to sleep... What's the main target of game?

Tea or coffee?

I like both, but I prefer coffee. With the hours I keep, I NEED my coffee! :lol:

Black coffee or coffee with cream and sugar?

Double black strong free - it's a taste of job :)

Snow or rain?

Rain. I've had enough snow. :D

Tropical holiday or skiing holiday?

I'd prefer tropical... But about tropic habitants... Spiders or scorpions? :)

I have to choose between arachnids? :eek-52: Ewww. Probably spiders since at least they aren't ALL poisonous.

Potatoes or pasta?

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