This or That?


butter or margarine?

Bottle here too. :)

That's a tough one. I use both, depending on what I'm using it for. Some things are better with margarine, but I will have to go with butter.

Apples or Peaches?

Ack. That's a hard one for me...I suppose apples.

desktop or laptop?

butter or margarine?

Bottle here too. :)

That's a tough one. I use both, depending on what I'm using it for. Some things are better with margarine, but I will have to go with butter.

Apples or Peaches?

Ack. That's a hard one for me...I suppose apples.

desktop or laptop?

Laptop definitely! :D

Leather or lace? (I was just listening to the Stevie Nicks song - lol.)
hmmm wait..leather. Naw...lace. :redface:

darks or pastels?
Darks! (or Neons) - hate pastels.

Mac or PC?

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