This or That?

Pepsi or Coke?

Both. Whichever is a better price.
But these are both guilty of extreme price gouging since the pandemic. Prices about doubled.
If I was not addicted I would never drink them again in protest.
I have been drinking a liter every night with dinner for 50 years so hard to change now.
Both depending on time and need. I much prefer fresh and I love garlic sauteed and softened in butter then used as a spread.

Red, Yellow, or White Onions?
Generally bottled, but I run my tap water through a Berkey filter before drinking or used for cooking.

Real milk or alternative milks (Almond, Coconut, Soy, Rice, etc.)?
I have been drinking some "Fairlife " in my coffee but in the past some Premier Protein

Swimming pool or the Beach ?
The beach, for sure. I always feel like I'm swimming in a bathtub or toilet when I'm in a swimming pool. Although I guess the beach isn't much different.

Movies: Mysteries, Dramas, Adventures, or Comedies?
Milk chocolate tastes the best but dark chocolate is healthier.

Ice Cream: Mint Chip or Salted Caramel (or something else)?
Brisk Walk

Electric toothbrush or not ?

Both equally depending on the dish and the need. I'll give the edge to Cream Cheese.

Blueberries or Raspberries?

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