This poll response says it all about the difference between GOP voters and Dem voters

Street Juice

Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2018
Those who said the most important quality in a politician was "telling it like it is" had the highest percent who voted GOP.
Those who said the most important quality in a politician was "caring about people like me" had the highest percent who voted Dem.

Republicans value character. Democrats value gimmedats.

Democracy can function with a GOP electorate. Democracy cannot survive Democrats.
Except Republicans define "telling it like it is" as "telling lies I want to believe". Republicans are gullible, Democrats aren't.

Your not gullible? Well you probably are voting for Biden... I mean Harris.. I mean Biden....errr Harris.. oh what the hell does it matter. Should they win, you will be shocked with what the radical progressives do against your kids and grandkids. Only then it will be too late to do anything about it. You will find out what tyranny really is.

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