This Pope is a Communist and Catholic Church Getting Close to Another Schism

This Chilean Marxist is no Pope of mine...hence I have left the Catholic Church over its communist policies concerning Latin America and immigrants. Cannot support a leftist Church.
'A white supremacist ransom note': Trump's handling of Dreamers gets trashed in surprising Fox News panel
Catholicism was too hard for you, huh? Well there are plenty of denominations that were started for you folks that need something easier. Take your pick: List of Christian denominations by number of members - Wikipedia
Catholic was great under John Paul the II That anti-communist cold warrior. Church has been usurped by liberal disease.
Ah yes, caring about people, especially children, is a communist position. What a Goddamned ass you are.
Society of St. Pius the X will never concede to communism.
The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX)

Talked to the Pope on the phone this morning. He said if you don't like Catholicism, then you should be careful that the doorknob doesn't hit you in the ass on your way out. I don't think he will lose much sleep over some RWNJ pitching a tantrum.
Doubt he will. He is a left wing extremist. They destroy everything. Look what they did to the Democratic Party?
Time for this guy to show up again with his hammer. You Lutherans will get this one. :biggrin:

This Chilean Marxist is no Pope of mine...hence I have left the Catholic Church over its communist policies concerning Latin America and immigrants. Cannot support a leftist Church.
'A white supremacist ransom note': Trump's handling of Dreamers gets trashed in surprising Fox News panel
Catholicism was too hard for you, huh? Well there are plenty of denominations that were started for you folks that need something easier. Take your pick: List of Christian denominations by number of members - Wikipedia
Catholic was great under John Paul the II That anti-communist cold warrior. Church has been usurped by liberal disease.
Jesus taught a Separation between church and State,

"Give unto Caesar what is his....."

Mixing scummy politics and scummy politicians with the Church /religious beliefs will always be a mistake.
This Chilean Marxist is no Pope of mine...hence I have left the Catholic Church over its communist policies concerning Latin America and immigrants. Cannot support a leftist Church.
'A white supremacist ransom note': Trump's handling of Dreamers gets trashed in surprising Fox News panel
Catholicism was too hard for you, huh? Well there are plenty of denominations that were started for you folks that need something easier. Take your pick: List of Christian denominations by number of members - Wikipedia
Catholic was great under John Paul the II That anti-communist cold warrior. Church has been usurped by liberal disease.
Jesus taught a Separation between church and State,

"Give unto Caesar what is his....."

Mixing scummy politics and scummy politicians with the Church /religious beliefs will always be a mistake.

"Give unto Caeser what is his"....what was "his"? Under a Republic form of government, the people are in charge....not the other way around. When people fear their "gubermint", you have tyranny........government fears the wrath of the people? You have freedom and we haven't had that here since JFK was murdered.
Catholicism was too hard for you, huh? Well there are plenty of denominations that were started for you folks that need something easier. Take your pick: List of Christian denominations by number of members - Wikipedia
Catholic was great under John Paul the II That anti-communist cold warrior. Church has been usurped by liberal disease.
The Church considers the problem of illegal migrants from the standpoint of Christ, who died to gather together the dispersed children of God (cf. Jn 11:52), to rehabilitate the marginalized and to bring close those who are distant, in order to integrate all within a communion that is not based on ethnic, cultural or social membership, but on the common desire to accept God's word and to seek justice. "God shows no partiality, but in every nation any one who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him" (Acts 10:34-35).

The Church acts in continuity with Christ's mission. In particular, she asks herself how to meet the needs, while respecting the law of those persons who are not allowed to remain in a national territory. She also asks what the right to emigrate is worth without the corresponding right to immigrate. She tackles the problem of how to involve in this work of solidarity those Christian communities frequently infected by a public opinion that is often hostile to immigrants.

The first way to help these people is to listen to them in order to become acquainted with their situation, and, whatever their legal status with regard to State law, to provide them with the necessary means of subsistence.

Thus it is important to help illegal migrants to complete the necessary administrative papers to obtain a residence permit. Social and charitable institutions can make contact with the authorities in order to seek appropriate, lawful solutions to various cases. This kind of effort should be made especially on behalf of those who, after a long stay, are so deeply rooted in the local society that returning to their country of origin would be tantamount to a form of reverse emigration, with serious consequences particularly for the children.

- Pope John Paull II
From the Vatican itself: World Migration Day, 1996 | John Paul II
Illegal immigration should be prevented...
“Illegal immigration should be prevented, but it is also essential to combat vigorously the criminal activities which exploit illegal immigrants.”
Thanks for the validation for my opinion from John Paul II.

Dude you would have pulled whatever you needed to out of your shriveled ass to validate your opinion.
Catholic was great under John Paul the II That anti-communist cold warrior. Church has been usurped by liberal disease.
The Church considers the problem of illegal migrants from the standpoint of Christ, who died to gather together the dispersed children of God (cf. Jn 11:52), to rehabilitate the marginalized and to bring close those who are distant, in order to integrate all within a communion that is not based on ethnic, cultural or social membership, but on the common desire to accept God's word and to seek justice. "God shows no partiality, but in every nation any one who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him" (Acts 10:34-35).

The Church acts in continuity with Christ's mission. In particular, she asks herself how to meet the needs, while respecting the law of those persons who are not allowed to remain in a national territory. She also asks what the right to emigrate is worth without the corresponding right to immigrate. She tackles the problem of how to involve in this work of solidarity those Christian communities frequently infected by a public opinion that is often hostile to immigrants.

The first way to help these people is to listen to them in order to become acquainted with their situation, and, whatever their legal status with regard to State law, to provide them with the necessary means of subsistence.

Thus it is important to help illegal migrants to complete the necessary administrative papers to obtain a residence permit. Social and charitable institutions can make contact with the authorities in order to seek appropriate, lawful solutions to various cases. This kind of effort should be made especially on behalf of those who, after a long stay, are so deeply rooted in the local society that returning to their country of origin would be tantamount to a form of reverse emigration, with serious consequences particularly for the children.

- Pope John Paull II
From the Vatican itself: World Migration Day, 1996 | John Paul II
Illegal immigration should be prevented...
“Illegal immigration should be prevented, but it is also essential to combat vigorously the criminal activities which exploit illegal immigrants.”
Thanks for the validation for my opinion from John Paul II.

Dude you would have pulled whatever you needed to out of your shriveled ass to validate your opinion.

The you EVER post anything that is relevant?????
Catholic was great under John Paul the II That anti-communist cold warrior. Church has been usurped by liberal disease.
The Church considers the problem of illegal migrants from the standpoint of Christ, who died to gather together the dispersed children of God (cf. Jn 11:52), to rehabilitate the marginalized and to bring close those who are distant, in order to integrate all within a communion that is not based on ethnic, cultural or social membership, but on the common desire to accept God's word and to seek justice. "God shows no partiality, but in every nation any one who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him" (Acts 10:34-35).

The Church acts in continuity with Christ's mission. In particular, she asks herself how to meet the needs, while respecting the law of those persons who are not allowed to remain in a national territory. She also asks what the right to emigrate is worth without the corresponding right to immigrate. She tackles the problem of how to involve in this work of solidarity those Christian communities frequently infected by a public opinion that is often hostile to immigrants.

The first way to help these people is to listen to them in order to become acquainted with their situation, and, whatever their legal status with regard to State law, to provide them with the necessary means of subsistence.

Thus it is important to help illegal migrants to complete the necessary administrative papers to obtain a residence permit. Social and charitable institutions can make contact with the authorities in order to seek appropriate, lawful solutions to various cases. This kind of effort should be made especially on behalf of those who, after a long stay, are so deeply rooted in the local society that returning to their country of origin would be tantamount to a form of reverse emigration, with serious consequences particularly for the children.

- Pope John Paull II
From the Vatican itself: World Migration Day, 1996 | John Paul II
Illegal immigration should be prevented...
“Illegal immigration should be prevented, but it is also essential to combat vigorously the criminal activities which exploit illegal immigrants.”
Thanks for the validation for my opinion from John Paul II.

Dude you would have pulled whatever you needed to out of your shriveled ass to validate your opinion.

Yeah, The Old exude love and good fellowship ALLLLL the time! (snicker)
This Chilean Marxist is no Pope of mine...hence I have left the Catholic Church over its communist policies concerning Latin America and immigrants. Cannot support a leftist Church.
'A white supremacist ransom note': Trump's handling of Dreamers gets trashed in surprising Fox News panel
Catholicism was too hard for you, huh? Well there are plenty of denominations that were started for you folks that need something easier. Take your pick: List of Christian denominations by number of members - Wikipedia
Catholic was great under John Paul the II That anti-communist cold warrior. Church has been usurped by liberal disease.
Jesus taught a Separation between church and State,

"Give unto Caesar what is his....."

Mixing scummy politics and scummy politicians with the Church /religious beliefs will always be a mistake.
Hear that Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson...Michael King?
This Chilean Marxist is no Pope of mine...hence I have left the Catholic Church over its communist policies concerning Latin America and immigrants. Cannot support a leftist Church.
'A white supremacist ransom note': Trump's handling of Dreamers gets trashed in surprising Fox News panel

Almost all modern 'churches' are infiltrated by enemies of Christians who demolish them within. Only reading of Holy Bible ( KJV ) and praying to Jesus without visiting an apostatical 'church' can save you today.

This Chilean Marxist is no Pope of mine...hence I have left the Catholic Church over its communist policies concerning Latin America and immigrants. Cannot support a leftist Church.
'A white supremacist ransom note': Trump's handling of Dreamers gets trashed in surprising Fox News panel

The pope is a jesuit and jesuits are the ones behind the ideology of communism.Marx and Engels both had jesuit handlers.

'Pope' is a bilderberg and freemason

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