This shit has got to stop

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Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
A couple of nights ago, a 17 year-old kid named Kyle Rittenhouse showed up in Kenosha, Wisconsin with some sort of AR-15 type weapon and subsequently kills 2 people and wounds 2 more. He was part of a small group armed and wearing symbols affiliated with the Libertarian Party, who it is said were actually in support of the BLM but were attacked by them. There's a story out about what actually happened, you can read it here:

Read it if you want to, I cannot verify it's truthfulness, but I think it does give us a sense of the tension and attitudes of what's going on in these nightly riots across the country.

About a month ago, an armed BLM protester was shot and killed for pointing his weapon at a motorist, who was then shot at himself by another armed protester. We know that a few weeks back 2 armed groups showed up in Lousiville at the same time. One of them accidentally shot herself and one or two others in her own group, but can you imagine the scene if that weapon had shot someone in the other group instead? It's hard not to see where this is headed: sooner or later there's going to be a gun battle in the streets of an American city and people are going to die.

More and more often we are seeing people with guns at these riots, and if this shit continues then sooner or later it'll get out of control. And frankly I am laying the majority of the blame for what has happened and what is going to happen at the feet at the city leaders, mostly democrats who are supposed to be governing those cities and towns. I get that we all have a right to peacefully protest, but we do not have a right to riot and when "peaceful" turns into "not peaceful" then it is the responsibility and the duty for the local gov't to take whatever steps are necessary to restore law and order. And they have not done that.

This is a problem that isn't going to be easily fixed; it's going to take time and a focused and sustained effort. In the meantime the affected cities need to call in whatever resources they need to stop the bullshit and that may include asking for federal assistance. Fuck the politics, it's your job to do whatever has to be done to stop the violence and destruction. So cut the crap and do it.
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