This shit is alarming....

How videos such as this don’t convince EVERYONE to want all filthy wetbacks eradicated is beyond me.
Not everyone is a willfully ignorant bigoted drama queen like you lol

One does not have to be a “willfully ignorant bigoted drama queen” to pay attention to statistics and appreciate our nations right to sovereignty.
Statistics huh? You mean the stats that show migration from Mexico has been declining since 2008? How about the crime rate of illegal immigrants in comparison to the rest of the population? Let’s also not forget how most illegal Mexicans come here: through tunnels. 25% of undocumented Mexicans came here legally initially but have overstayed their visas.

I would prefer no 'crime rate' for illegal aliens. We already have enough of that.
BTW an 'immigrant' is defined as "a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence.' The definition does not cover if 'the country' is willing to accept them as 'permanent residents.' In the past, an immigrant needed to become educated in American history, have a complete physical, etc. to become a naturalized citizen and a 'permanent resident.' Today, illegal aliens are becoming permanent residents while not adhering to our laws. Democrats want more of this.

NO ONE should ever be allowed to approach a serious presidential contender like a couple of guys do in this video.
WHERE THE FUCK was Bidens security??? They should be FIRED ON THE SPOT.
Like the man or not he deserves protection and security.

biden is a moron and goober for sure. and we'll soon find out if a criminal or not. but while on the trail, yes. he needs security to keep loons away from him.
The ALARMING part is the attitude of Illegals...........That they have every right to come here illegally........And after breaking our Immigration laws, they should not be deported...............

Where did they get this AUTHORITY to DEMAND that we IGNORE OUR VERY LAWS...........

That ATTITUDE is the alarming part of this.........

NO ONE should ever be allowed to approach a serious presidential contender like a couple of guys do in this video.
WHERE THE FUCK was Bidens security??? They should be FIRED ON THE SPOT.
Like the man or not he deserves protection and security.

God your faux outrage is so nauseating. I’m sure you conveniently ignored the violence at Trump rallies.

Your memory must be as long as your willy
Didn't look bad to me.

He wasn't being aggressive. Just annoying.
I'm sure most assassins try to look bad and act aggressive.....

Terrible logic.

NO ONE unless heavily prescreened should ever be allowed to get that close to a presidential candidate without first being invited.

Assassin? We know he was already screened for weapons.

You're over-reacting.
It was a satirical response to his statement.

A little slow?
In days of old that man would have been tackled after 5 steps. And that's how it should be.
We have become numb to this stuff

Apparently Biden isn't the cowering, frightened person you are. I saw nothing scary. Just because Donald Trump has protestors beaten and thrown out doesn't mean that other people behave like that.
You turds can't get Trump out of your heads can you?
They've just as much 'right' to make demands as any of us Eagle

They can demand all they want if illegal here.............Our laws are clear...........they are here illegally they can be deported.............Period..................

Maybe they can DEMAND a Taco as they are escorted out of this country..........That is the LAW...........a LAW that the Dems and GOP ignore all the time for the cheap labor, and votes.......

Russia can DEMAND WE DISARM...........Russia can demand that right Sparky.............Oh.......they demanded it .......we'll get right on it Russa.............They ARE NOT CITIZENS is my point of argument.........not withstanding whether or not those with Biden were illegals.
They can demand all they want if illegal here..

Do you really think illegal immigrants attend political rallies here Eagle?

They don't, ergo if this is where y'all want 'security' , you're mistaken

what YOU and the OP wants is to throw the 1st amendment under the buss, when it suits YOUR political stance

Good luck with THAT type of 'security'

They can demand all they want if illegal here..

Do you really think illegal immigrants attend political rallies here Eagle?

They don't, ergo if this is where y'all want 'security' , you're mistaken

what YOU and the OP wants is to throw the 1st amendment under the buss, when it suits YOUR political stance

Good luck with THAT type of 'security'

BS..........and yeah I think illegals attend rallies........

Why the hell wouldn't they..............Is there a stamp on their head saying CITIZEN THERE...........LOL

Their 1st Amendment right is protected..................but they are voicing the VIOLATION OF OUR LAWS.............

Immigration Laws are CLEAR...............Come here illegally, we can DEPORT YOU ..............PERIOD.

If you don't like the Laws then change them............Until then cry me a river when they are deported........and cry me a river with your demands WHICH ARE AGAINST THE LAW.
One more note Sparky.

The Demands I saw to Biden were Crystal Clear.............If we vote for you will you stop Deportations.

Biden would not go there........because he knows it would be used against him later........Because if elected President it's part of the duty to enforce the laws and deport illegals. Privately.......the Dem strategy is Open Borders which is a Clear Violation of our laws............

Freedom of Speech is fine...........and illegals can speak all they want as we Deport them to their country of origin.
How videos such as this don’t convince EVERYONE to want all filthy wetbacks eradicated is beyond me.
Not everyone is a willfully ignorant bigoted drama queen like you lol

One does not have to be a “willfully ignorant bigoted drama queen” to pay attention to statistics and appreciate our nations right to sovereignty.
Statistics huh? You mean the stats that show migration from Mexico has been declining since 2008? How about the crime rate of illegal immigrants in comparison to the rest of the population? Let’s also not forget how most illegal Mexicans come here: through tunnels. 25% of undocumented Mexicans came here legally initially but have overstayed their visas. dumbmotherfucker...what part of that disgusting brown shithole Mehico are you from and how long have you been fucking REAL Americans over?
Pull your head from your ass and read this.....
“The relationship between illegal immigrants and violent crime

Research conducted by the federal government oversight organization Judicial Watch in 2014 documents that 50 percent of all federal crimes were committed near our border with Mexico.

Of the 61,529 criminal cases filed by federal prosecutors; 40 percent or 24,746 were in court districts along the southern borders of California, Arizona and Texas.

The Western District of Texas had the nation’s most significant crime rate with over 6,300 cases filed; followed by the Southern District of Texas with slightly over 6,000 cases.

The Southern California District with nearly 4,900 cases; New Mexico with nearly 4,000 cases and Arizona with over 3,500 criminal cases ranked 3rd, 4th and 5th.

The U.S. Department of Justice documents that in 2014, 19 percent or over 12,000 criminal cases filed by prosecutors were for violent crimes; and over 22 percent or 13,300 cases were for drug related felonies.

That same year, the U.S. Sentencing Commission found that 75 percent of all criminal defendants who were convicted and sentenced for federal drug offenses were illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants were also involved in 17 percent of all drug trafficking sentences and one third of all federal prison sentences.

The U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Sentencing Commission reported that as of 2014, illegal immigrants were convicted and sentenced for over 13 percent of all crimes committed in the U.S.

According to the FBI, 67,642 murders were committed in the U.S. from 2005 through 2008, and 115,717 from 2003 through 2009. The General Accounting Office documents that criminal immigrants committed 25,064 of these murders.

Illegal immigrants clearly commit a level of violent and drug related crimes disproportionate to their population.

In California alone, over 2,400 illegal immigrants out of a total prison population of 130,000 are imprisoned in the state’s prison system for the crime of homicide.

The misrepresentation of comparisons in who commits crimes between illegal immigrants, legal U.S. immigrants and American citizens

The pro-illegal immigrant lobby consistently misrepresents the criminal involvement of illegal immigrants as compared to immigrants who legally enter the U.S. and American citizens, saying that illegal immigrants commit less crimes than their counterparts. This assertion is false in most cases. Here are the vetted statistics:

In California, there are just over 92 illegal immigrants imprisoned for every 100,000 illegals as compared to 74 citizens and legal non-citizen immigrants. In Arizona, the rate is nearly 69 illegals imprisoned for every 100,000, as compared to 54 citizens and legal non-citizen immigrants.

In New York, over three times as many illegal immigrants or 169, are imprisoned for crimes per 100,000, as compared to only 48 citizens and legal non-citizen immigrants. Only the states of Texas and Florida do illegal immigrants commit less crimes than their legal immigrant counterparts (Texas with 54.5 illegals imprisoned per 100,000, compared to 65 legal immigrants and Florida with 55 illegals imprisoned, compared to 68 legal immigrants).”
The truth about crime, illegal immigrants and sanctuary cities

NO ONE should ever be allowed to approach a serious presidential contender like a couple of guys do in this video.
WHERE THE FUCK was Bidens security??? They should be FIRED ON THE SPOT.
Like the man or not he deserves protection and security.

These politicians have to walk a fine line between personal safety and being "of the people". Ha ha.

I'll never understand why people go into that profession.

That, and proctology.
Didn't look bad to me.

He wasn't being aggressive. Just annoying.
I'm sure most assassins try to look bad and act aggressive.....

Terrible logic.

NO ONE unless heavily prescreened should ever be allowed to get that close to a presidential candidate without first being invited.

Assassin? We know he was already screened for weapons.

You're over-reacting.
It was a satirical response to his statement.

A little slow?

Apparently so. Because I don't know who "his" is referring to.
Well....biden probably hired them himself.

They haven't arrived from the Ukraine yet.

Indicates what a moron he is and what a moronic president he'd be.
His security guards are probably from the same company Hillary hired Benghazi security guards from.

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