This should be a day in which we prevent men and women from dying for nothing

Don't get me wrong, I respect those that serve and especially those that have fallen. But 6000+ dead in two places that are worse off than before we got there pisses me off. No respect for the people that decide who and why our brave servicemen and women fight....
.....people die in wars---plain and simple--that's what humans do ....when terrorists kill MORE people than died at Pearl Harbor, it's justifiable to defend ourselves
But Iraq didn't have anything to do with 911...

George Bush, the GOP, and Fox News got us into Iraq. Going into Iraq, then took resources away from Afghanistan, turning it into another Bush, GOP fuck up.

The reality is this:
Going to war in Iraq was one of the worst decisions in US history. It was a decision AND plan that was created by the GOP, it was pushed by Fox News and the GOP, and every single republican in America supported war in Iraq.
In 2002-2004 No republicans opposed Iraq at all. Now all the sheep act like they were opposed to Iraq, which is a total lie.

All Republicans and Trumpers suppoprted the War in Iraq. Just another example of the failure and failed leadership from the GOP.
1. saddam violated the cease fire -like hitler did
2. saddam gassed his own people--like hitler did
3. saddam started TWO wars, hitler one
4. saddam was more of a threat to the US - it is a world economy- unlike in 1941
5. well known terrorists were found in Iraq
just another example of the failure and failed leadership from the Dems.
And once Saddam was removed from power, a much more violent organization was able to flourish unhindered. Causing problems more profound to the international community than what Hussein was able to accomplish.
Bullshit. Saddam invaded other countries. The "international community" had a serious problem with that. Which is exactly why the international community invaded Iraq. Turn about...
They didn't have a serious problem with a decade long war with Iran. We may have even aided Iraq during that conflict, in some way shape or form.
Don't get me wrong, I respect those that serve and especially those that have fallen. But 6000+ dead in two places that are worse off than before we got there pisses me off. No respect for the people that decide who and why our brave servicemen and women fight....
.....people die in wars---plain and simple--that's what humans do ....when terrorists kill MORE people than died at Pearl Harbor, it's justifiable to defend ourselves
But Iraq didn't have anything to do with 911...

George Bush, the GOP, and Fox News got us into Iraq. Going into Iraq, then took resources away from Afghanistan, turning it into another Bush, GOP fuck up.

The reality is this:
Going to war in Iraq was one of the worst decisions in US history. It was a decision AND plan that was created by the GOP, it was pushed by Fox News and the GOP, and every single republican in America supported war in Iraq.
In 2002-2004 No republicans opposed Iraq at all. Now all the sheep act like they were opposed to Iraq, which is a total lie.

All Republicans and Trumpers suppoprted the War in Iraq. Just another example of the failure and failed leadership from the GOP.
1. saddam violated the cease fire -like hitler did
2. saddam gassed his own people--like hitler did
3. saddam started TWO wars, hitler one
4. saddam was more of a threat to the US - it is a world economy- unlike in 1941
5. well known terrorists were found in Iraq
just another example of the failure and failed leadership from the Dems.
So what? Iraq was not our circus and Iraqi's were not out monkeys, Should never have invaded Iraq under the guise of retribution for 9/11
Don't get me wrong, I respect those that serve and especially those that have fallen. But 6000+ dead in two places that are worse off than before we got there pisses me off. No respect for the people that decide who and why our brave servicemen and women fight....
Without such people we would have no Nation. Do you really value America so lightly? Freedom isn't free.
I completely agree, freedom isn't free. I just don't see how any entity from the middle East is threatening my freedoms here in the USA.

And why is it that only American troops stationed in places we really have no business being are the only ones being targeted?
You're right; you don't see. You don't see because you refuse to look. What in the world makes you think you're are some kind of military and political genius whose pronouncements are infallible? Apparently you don't think we should defend Texas because you live in California (or wherever) and that wouldn't affect you directly or immediately. I can't imagine a more selfish or ego centric-attitude. Got news for you, Sport, if we refuse to defend our homeland or allies until our enemies are at the border we will have already lost the war. The world is in fact small and continues to effectively shrink where it concerns warfare. The days of wars of a single country against another single country are long gone and for the most part never really existed. It is-or ends up being- a coalition of allied nations against an enemy coalition of nations. Nations form mutual defense pacts treaties or alliances. If a nation cannot rely on another to stand with them if they are invaded it's a sure bet they won't commit to doing so the other way around. At one time America could be 100% relied on to honor our commitments to allies. Now...not so much. And that's because of people with selfish attitudes like your own. Diplomacy 101.
I have noticed that war is kinda hard on the country that hosts the battlefields. Imagine a flattened and burned out L.A. or a glassy crater where NYC used to be. That is the kind of result you can expect from waiting until the enemy kicks our door down before trying to oppose him elsewhere.
Our troops fight where we send them and you are as much a part of the "we" as anyone. You don't think our troops should be sent to a given place don't elect someone to represent you who will do so. Don't try to deny your own responsibility in the matter.
Who decided that you were in any way competent to decide where US troops have any business being? I know of no reason to believe you are competent to deploy Brownie Scouts at a birthday party. Do you have credentials or just delusions of grandeur?
That was very well thought out. I didn't realize I needed credentials to speak my opinion. And remind me again what nations were part of the Iraqi coalition?

But for the most part, you're right. I believed the government had a good reason to invade Iraq, when they made the announcement that they would. You know, WMDs and all that crap. But once again, as it has in Vietnam, post war history has shown us it was a complete waste of time and undoubtedly a waste of American lives. I don't need credentials to see that. American military might hasn't made any real difference since WW2. But hey, we defeated the superpowers if Grenada, Panama, and Iraq. So there's that....
You certainly don't need credentials to have or voice an opinion. And I need no credentials to consider your opinion worthless or idiotic. If you ever get tired of begging the question we might be able to actually discuss the issues. But you seem much too fond of your own opinion to actually consider anyone else's.
Don't get me wrong, I respect those that serve and especially those that have fallen. But 6000+ dead in two places that are worse off than before we got there pisses me off. No respect for the people that decide who and why our brave servicemen and women fight....
.....people die in wars---plain and simple--that's what humans do ....when terrorists kill MORE people than died at Pearl Harbor, it's justifiable to defend ourselves
But Iraq didn't have anything to do with 911...

George Bush, the GOP, and Fox News got us into Iraq. Going into Iraq, then took resources away from Afghanistan, turning it into another Bush, GOP fuck up.

The reality is this:
Going to war in Iraq was one of the worst decisions in US history. It was a decision AND plan that was created by the GOP, it was pushed by Fox News and the GOP, and every single republican in America supported war in Iraq.
In 2002-2004 No republicans opposed Iraq at all. Now all the sheep act like they were opposed to Iraq, which is a total lie.

All Republicans and Trumpers suppoprted the War in Iraq. Just another example of the failure and failed leadership from the GOP.
1. saddam violated the cease fire -like hitler did
2. saddam gassed his own people--like hitler did
3. saddam started TWO wars, hitler one
4. saddam was more of a threat to the US - it is a world economy- unlike in 1941
5. well known terrorists were found in Iraq
just another example of the failure and failed leadership from the Dems.
And once Saddam was removed from power, a much more violent organization was able to flourish unhindered. Causing problems more profound to the international community than what Hussein was able to accomplish.
Bullshit. Saddam invaded other countries. The "international community" had a serious problem with that. Which is exactly why the international community invaded Iraq. Turn about...
They didn't have a serious problem with a decade long war with Iran. We may have even aided Iraq during that conflict, in some way shape or form.
So? There has obviously been no love lost between us and Iran ever since they captured our embassy there and held our people hostage (an act of war). The enemy of my enemy is my friend (for now).
Don't get me wrong, I respect those that serve and especially those that have fallen. But 6000+ dead in two places that are worse off than before we got there pisses me off. No respect for the people that decide who and why our brave servicemen and women fight....
.....people die in wars---plain and simple--that's what humans do ....when terrorists kill MORE people than died at Pearl Harbor, it's justifiable to defend ourselves
But Iraq didn't have anything to do with 911...

George Bush, the GOP, and Fox News got us into Iraq. Going into Iraq, then took resources away from Afghanistan, turning it into another Bush, GOP fuck up.

The reality is this:
Going to war in Iraq was one of the worst decisions in US history. It was a decision AND plan that was created by the GOP, it was pushed by Fox News and the GOP, and every single republican in America supported war in Iraq.
In 2002-2004 No republicans opposed Iraq at all. Now all the sheep act like they were opposed to Iraq, which is a total lie.

All Republicans and Trumpers suppoprted the War in Iraq. Just another example of the failure and failed leadership from the GOP.
But Iraq didn't have anything to do with 911...
So what? It most certainly did attack US troops stationed in in the ME. You don't think our troops have a right to defend themselves? You don't think we should help defend our allies?
The truth is we went into Iraq to rescue an ally from brutal foreign aggression and occupation and with the support of a majority of the American people. I did and do support what we did there.

LOL, they attacked US troops when we invaded.
Wrong. They attacked US troops before we invaded. They attacked and occupied an ally, refused to leave and ignored an ultimatum to do so and then attacked US forces in another country. All acts of war deserving a warlike response. Which they got. They certainly had it coming.
Yea the War in Iraq was a real great idea that worked out great for America.

More GOP failure. When is the GOP going to succeed?? The GOP has been an unequivocal failure for the entirety of the 21st Century. They have no accomplishments at all.
We should remember fallen American soldiers. We should remember a grand total of about 2.5 million civilians killed by US firepower during Vietnam and Korean wars.
Don't get me wrong, I respect those that serve and especially those that have fallen. But 6000+ dead in two places that are worse off than before we got there pisses me off. No respect for the people that decide who and why our brave servicemen and women fight....
.....people die in wars---plain and simple--that's what humans do ....when terrorists kill MORE people than died at Pearl Harbor, it's justifiable to defend ourselves
But Iraq didn't have anything to do with 911...

George Bush, the GOP, and Fox News got us into Iraq. Going into Iraq, then took resources away from Afghanistan, turning it into another Bush, GOP fuck up.

The reality is this:
Going to war in Iraq was one of the worst decisions in US history. It was a decision AND plan that was created by the GOP, it was pushed by Fox News and the GOP, and every single republican in America supported war in Iraq.
In 2002-2004 No republicans opposed Iraq at all. Now all the sheep act like they were opposed to Iraq, which is a total lie.

All Republicans and Trumpers suppoprted the War in Iraq. Just another example of the failure and failed leadership from the GOP.
But Iraq didn't have anything to do with 911...
So what? It most certainly did attack US troops stationed in in the ME. You don't think our troops have a right to defend themselves? You don't think we should help defend our allies?
The truth is we went into Iraq to rescue an ally from brutal foreign aggression and occupation and with the support of a majority of the American people. I did and do support what we did there.

LOL, they attacked US troops when we invaded.
Wrong. They attacked US troops before we invaded. They attacked and occupied an ally, refused to leave and ignored an ultimatum to do so and then attacked US forces in another country. All acts of war deserving a warlike response. Which they got. They certainly had it coming.

No they didn't.
Don't get me wrong, I respect those that serve and especially those that have fallen. But 6000+ dead in two places that are worse off than before we got there pisses me off. No respect for the people that decide who and why our brave servicemen and women fight....
.....people die in wars---plain and simple--that's what humans do ....when terrorists kill MORE people than died at Pearl Harbor, it's justifiable to defend ourselves
But Iraq didn't have anything to do with 911...

George Bush, the GOP, and Fox News got us into Iraq. Going into Iraq, then took resources away from Afghanistan, turning it into another Bush, GOP fuck up.

The reality is this:
Going to war in Iraq was one of the worst decisions in US history. It was a decision AND plan that was created by the GOP, it was pushed by Fox News and the GOP, and every single republican in America supported war in Iraq.
In 2002-2004 No republicans opposed Iraq at all. Now all the sheep act like they were opposed to Iraq, which is a total lie.

All Republicans and Trumpers suppoprted the War in Iraq. Just another example of the failure and failed leadership from the GOP.
But Iraq didn't have anything to do with 911...
So what? It most certainly did attack US troops stationed in in the ME. You don't think our troops have a right to defend themselves? You don't think we should help defend our allies?
The truth is we went into Iraq to rescue an ally from brutal foreign aggression and occupation and with the support of a majority of the American people. I did and do support what we did there.

LOL, they attacked US troops when we invaded.
Wrong. They attacked US troops before we invaded. They attacked and occupied an ally, refused to leave and ignored an ultimatum to do so and then attacked US forces in another country. All acts of war deserving a warlike response. Which they got. They certainly had it coming.
I'm still waiting on us to attack Iran, they've killed plenty of American soldiers. But no, the assassination of one guy was enough to stop a country much more powerful than Iraq. If it indeed stop them, do you think it did?
I'm still waiting on us to overrun North Vietnam and win the war. Politicians run wars and politicians are a strange and often irrational lot. If you ever begin to think you know why they do things you'll be wrong.
I have no clue what assassination you're talking about. Care to enlighten me?
Don't get me wrong, I respect those that serve and especially those that have fallen. But 6000+ dead in two places that are worse off than before we got there pisses me off. No respect for the people that decide who and why our brave servicemen and women fight....
.....people die in wars---plain and simple--that's what humans do ....when terrorists kill MORE people than died at Pearl Harbor, it's justifiable to defend ourselves
But Iraq didn't have anything to do with 911...

George Bush, the GOP, and Fox News got us into Iraq. Going into Iraq, then took resources away from Afghanistan, turning it into another Bush, GOP fuck up.

The reality is this:
Going to war in Iraq was one of the worst decisions in US history. It was a decision AND plan that was created by the GOP, it was pushed by Fox News and the GOP, and every single republican in America supported war in Iraq.
In 2002-2004 No republicans opposed Iraq at all. Now all the sheep act like they were opposed to Iraq, which is a total lie.

All Republicans and Trumpers suppoprted the War in Iraq. Just another example of the failure and failed leadership from the GOP.
But Iraq didn't have anything to do with 911...
So what? It most certainly did attack US troops stationed in in the ME. You don't think our troops have a right to defend themselves? You don't think we should help defend our allies?
The truth is we went into Iraq to rescue an ally from brutal foreign aggression and occupation and with the support of a majority of the American people. I did and do support what we did there.

LOL, they attacked US troops when we invaded.
Wrong. They attacked US troops before we invaded. They attacked and occupied an ally, refused to leave and ignored an ultimatum to do so and then attacked US forces in another country. All acts of war deserving a warlike response. Which they got. They certainly had it coming.
I'm still waiting on us to attack Iran, they've killed plenty of American soldiers. But no, the assassination of one guy was enough to stop a country much more powerful than Iraq. If it indeed stop them, do you think it did?
I'm still waiting on us to overrun North Vietnam and win the war. Politicians run wars and politicians are a strange and often irrational lot. If you ever begin to think you know why they do things you'll be wrong.
I have no clue what assassination you're talking about. Care to enlighten me?


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Don't get me wrong, I respect those that serve and especially those that have fallen. But 6000+ dead in two places that are worse off than before we got there pisses me off. No respect for the people that decide who and why our brave servicemen and women fight....
.....people die in wars---plain and simple--that's what humans do ....when terrorists kill MORE people than died at Pearl Harbor, it's justifiable to defend ourselves
But Iraq didn't have anything to do with 911...

George Bush, the GOP, and Fox News got us into Iraq. Going into Iraq, then took resources away from Afghanistan, turning it into another Bush, GOP fuck up.

The reality is this:
Going to war in Iraq was one of the worst decisions in US history. It was a decision AND plan that was created by the GOP, it was pushed by Fox News and the GOP, and every single republican in America supported war in Iraq.
In 2002-2004 No republicans opposed Iraq at all. Now all the sheep act like they were opposed to Iraq, which is a total lie.

All Republicans and Trumpers suppoprted the War in Iraq. Just another example of the failure and failed leadership from the GOP.
The war had bipartisan support. Kiillary and Biden were for it. Try telling the truth.
We should remember fallen American soldiers. We should remember a grand total of about 2.5 million civilians killed by US firepower during Vietnam and Korean wars.
Really? Why? Wonder where you got your numbers. Just invent them? In any case we didn't start those wars and are not responsible for those deaths. US soldiers died for us, those civilians died because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time when blood-thirsty foreign communists decided to invade their country. BIG difference.
Don't get me wrong, I respect those that serve and especially those that have fallen. But 6000+ dead in two places that are worse off than before we got there pisses me off. No respect for the people that decide who and why our brave servicemen and women fight....
.....people die in wars---plain and simple--that's what humans do ....when terrorists kill MORE people than died at Pearl Harbor, it's justifiable to defend ourselves
But Iraq didn't have anything to do with 911...

George Bush, the GOP, and Fox News got us into Iraq. Going into Iraq, then took resources away from Afghanistan, turning it into another Bush, GOP fuck up.

The reality is this:
Going to war in Iraq was one of the worst decisions in US history. It was a decision AND plan that was created by the GOP, it was pushed by Fox News and the GOP, and every single republican in America supported war in Iraq.
In 2002-2004 No republicans opposed Iraq at all. Now all the sheep act like they were opposed to Iraq, which is a total lie.

All Republicans and Trumpers suppoprted the War in Iraq. Just another example of the failure and failed leadership from the GOP.
But Iraq didn't have anything to do with 911...
So what? It most certainly did attack US troops stationed in in the ME. You don't think our troops have a right to defend themselves? You don't think we should help defend our allies?
The truth is we went into Iraq to rescue an ally from brutal foreign aggression and occupation and with the support of a majority of the American people. I did and do support what we did there.

LOL, they attacked US troops when we invaded.
Wrong. They attacked US troops before we invaded. They attacked and occupied an ally, refused to leave and ignored an ultimatum to do so and then attacked US forces in another country. All acts of war deserving a warlike response. Which they got. They certainly had it coming.
Yea the War in Iraq was a real great idea that worked out great for America.

More GOP failure. When is the GOP going to succeed?? The GOP has been an unequivocal failure for the entirety of the 21st Century. They have no accomplishments at all.
Both parties have. What else is new?
Don't get me wrong, I respect those that serve and especially those that have fallen. But 6000+ dead in two places that are worse off than before we got there pisses me off. No respect for the people that decide who and why our brave servicemen and women fight....
.....people die in wars---plain and simple--that's what humans do ....when terrorists kill MORE people than died at Pearl Harbor, it's justifiable to defend ourselves
But Iraq didn't have anything to do with 911...

George Bush, the GOP, and Fox News got us into Iraq. Going into Iraq, then took resources away from Afghanistan, turning it into another Bush, GOP fuck up.

The reality is this:
Going to war in Iraq was one of the worst decisions in US history. It was a decision AND plan that was created by the GOP, it was pushed by Fox News and the GOP, and every single republican in America supported war in Iraq.
In 2002-2004 No republicans opposed Iraq at all. Now all the sheep act like they were opposed to Iraq, which is a total lie.

All Republicans and Trumpers suppoprted the War in Iraq. Just another example of the failure and failed leadership from the GOP.
We whooped ass in that war in Iraq with only 4,000 dead. We wiped out Saddam Hussein, who would have nuclear weapons by now. We also killed thousands of AQ soldiers and destroyed AQ's WMD factory along with their scientists in Sargat.

Compare that to the wars that Democrats get us into that had absolutely nothing to do with US national security. And BTW, the Democratic party of slavery always reinstituted slavery to fight these unnecessary wars.

WWI 116,000
WWII 405,000
Korea 36,000
Vietnam 68,000

It is incredibly stupid and disingenuous when Democrats complain about the way Republican presidents handle matters of war.

You're an idiot.
Don't get me wrong, I respect those that serve and especially those that have fallen. But 6000+ dead in two places that are worse off than before we got there pisses me off. No respect for the people that decide who and why our brave servicemen and women fight....
.....people die in wars---plain and simple--that's what humans do ....when terrorists kill MORE people than died at Pearl Harbor, it's justifiable to defend ourselves
But Iraq didn't have anything to do with 911...

George Bush, the GOP, and Fox News got us into Iraq. Going into Iraq, then took resources away from Afghanistan, turning it into another Bush, GOP fuck up.

The reality is this:
Going to war in Iraq was one of the worst decisions in US history. It was a decision AND plan that was created by the GOP, it was pushed by Fox News and the GOP, and every single republican in America supported war in Iraq.
In 2002-2004 No republicans opposed Iraq at all. Now all the sheep act like they were opposed to Iraq, which is a total lie.

All Republicans and Trumpers suppoprted the War in Iraq. Just another example of the failure and failed leadership from the GOP.
We whooped ass in that war in Iraq with only 4,000 dead. We wiped out Saddam Hussein, who would have nuclear weapons by now. We also killed thousands of AQ soldiers and destroyed AQ's WMD factory along with their scientists in Sargat.

Compare that to the wars that Democrats get us into that had absolutely nothing to do with US national security. And BTW, the Democratic party of slavery always reinstituted slavery to fight these unnecessary wars.

WWI 116,000
WWII 405,000
Korea 36,000
Vietnam 68,000

It is incredibly stupid and disingenuous when Democrats complain about the way Republican presidents handle matters of war.

You're an idiot.
We have a winner
Don't get me wrong, I respect those that serve and especially those that have fallen. But 6000+ dead in two places that are worse off than before we got there pisses me off. No respect for the people that decide who and why our brave servicemen and women fight....
.....people die in wars---plain and simple--that's what humans do ....when terrorists kill MORE people than died at Pearl Harbor, it's justifiable to defend ourselves
But Iraq didn't have anything to do with 911...

George Bush, the GOP, and Fox News got us into Iraq. Going into Iraq, then took resources away from Afghanistan, turning it into another Bush, GOP fuck up.

The reality is this:
Going to war in Iraq was one of the worst decisions in US history. It was a decision AND plan that was created by the GOP, it was pushed by Fox News and the GOP, and every single republican in America supported war in Iraq.
In 2002-2004 No republicans opposed Iraq at all. Now all the sheep act like they were opposed to Iraq, which is a total lie.

All Republicans and Trumpers suppoprted the War in Iraq. Just another example of the failure and failed leadership from the GOP.
The war had bipartisan support. Kiillary and Biden were for it. Try telling the truth.
The war was a GOP war, started by the GOP, created by the GOP, pushed by the GOP (and Fox news), Mismanaged by the GOP, and Supported by every single Trump supporter in America.

No Republican opposed the war at all. Lots of dems opposed the war and were called traitors and unpatriotic for doing so.

If Al Gore were elected pres, there would be no War in Iraq.

“The worst single mistake ever made in the history of our country: going into the Middle East, by President Bush,” the president [Trump] said during an exclusive interview with Hill.TV.

Trump can admit it, you people can't. The War in Iraq was a GOP war. Its like you forget all the things that you said and did in 2002-2004.

Basically your argument is that the Dems should have stopped the GOP from fucking everything up, and you are faulting the Dems for not stopping the GOP failure machine, instead of criticizing the people who fucked everything up...
Last edited:
Don't get me wrong, I respect those that serve and especially those that have fallen. But 6000+ dead in two places that are worse off than before we got there pisses me off. No respect for the people that decide who and why our brave servicemen and women fight....
.....people die in wars---plain and simple--that's what humans do ....when terrorists kill MORE people than died at Pearl Harbor, it's justifiable to defend ourselves
But Iraq didn't have anything to do with 911...

George Bush, the GOP, and Fox News got us into Iraq. Going into Iraq, then took resources away from Afghanistan, turning it into another Bush, GOP fuck up.

The reality is this:
Going to war in Iraq was one of the worst decisions in US history. It was a decision AND plan that was created by the GOP, it was pushed by Fox News and the GOP, and every single republican in America supported war in Iraq.
In 2002-2004 No republicans opposed Iraq at all. Now all the sheep act like they were opposed to Iraq, which is a total lie.

All Republicans and Trumpers suppoprted the War in Iraq. Just another example of the failure and failed leadership from the GOP.
We whooped ass in that war in Iraq with only 4,000 dead. We wiped out Saddam Hussein, who would have nuclear weapons by now. We also killed thousands of AQ soldiers and destroyed AQ's WMD factory along with their scientists in Sargat.

Compare that to the wars that Democrats get us into that had absolutely nothing to do with US national security. And BTW, the Democratic party of slavery always reinstituted slavery to fight these unnecessary wars.

WWI 116,000
WWII 405,000
Korea 36,000
Vietnam 68,000

It is incredibly stupid and disingenuous when Democrats complain about the way Republican presidents handle matters of war.

You're an idiot.
You're trying to make the argument that the War in Iraq was a success??? Are you stupid or something.

Your entire post is pure stupidity. The War in Iraq was one of the worst decisions in US history.

The worst single mistake ever made in the history of our country: going into the Middle East, by President Bush,” the president[Trump] said during an exclusive interview with Hill.TV.

Comparing WWII to the War in Iraq...
Your criticism of 100 year old policy is ridiculous, especially when the GOP started 2 needless and big wars a mere 18 years ago...

Nice failed attempt at diversion...

Typical Trumper stupidity.
Don't get me wrong, I respect those that serve and especially those that have fallen. But 6000+ dead in two places that are worse off than before we got there pisses me off. No respect for the people that decide who and why our brave servicemen and women fight....
.....people die in wars---plain and simple--that's what humans do ....when terrorists kill MORE people than died at Pearl Harbor, it's justifiable to defend ourselves
But Iraq didn't have anything to do with 911...

George Bush, the GOP, and Fox News got us into Iraq. Going into Iraq, then took resources away from Afghanistan, turning it into another Bush, GOP fuck up.

The reality is this:
Going to war in Iraq was one of the worst decisions in US history. It was a decision AND plan that was created by the GOP, it was pushed by Fox News and the GOP, and every single republican in America supported war in Iraq.
In 2002-2004 No republicans opposed Iraq at all. Now all the sheep act like they were opposed to Iraq, which is a total lie.

All Republicans and Trumpers suppoprted the War in Iraq. Just another example of the failure and failed leadership from the GOP.
We whooped ass in that war in Iraq with only 4,000 dead. We wiped out Saddam Hussein, who would have nuclear weapons by now. We also killed thousands of AQ soldiers and destroyed AQ's WMD factory along with their scientists in Sargat.

Compare that to the wars that Democrats get us into that had absolutely nothing to do with US national security. And BTW, the Democratic party of slavery always reinstituted slavery to fight these unnecessary wars.

WWI 116,000
WWII 405,000
Korea 36,000
Vietnam 68,000

It is incredibly stupid and disingenuous when Democrats complain about the way Republican presidents handle matters of war.

You're an idiot.
You're trying to make the argument that the War in Iraq was a success??? Are you stupid or something.
I'm just a lot smarter and more knowledgeable than you.

We were attacked, dumbass. We had to respond. So we whooped ass in Afghanistan and Iraq. And we did it without using it as an excuse to reinstitute slavery in the USA like the Democratic party of slavery tends to do.

Afghanistan and Iraq were the only wars that were necessary for US national security in the last century.
Don't get me wrong, I respect those that serve and especially those that have fallen. But 6000+ dead in two places that are worse off than before we got there pisses me off. No respect for the people that decide who and why our brave servicemen and women fight....
.....people die in wars---plain and simple--that's what humans do ....when terrorists kill MORE people than died at Pearl Harbor, it's justifiable to defend ourselves
But Iraq didn't have anything to do with 911...

George Bush, the GOP, and Fox News got us into Iraq. Going into Iraq, then took resources away from Afghanistan, turning it into another Bush, GOP fuck up.

The reality is this:
Going to war in Iraq was one of the worst decisions in US history. It was a decision AND plan that was created by the GOP, it was pushed by Fox News and the GOP, and every single republican in America supported war in Iraq.
In 2002-2004 No republicans opposed Iraq at all. Now all the sheep act like they were opposed to Iraq, which is a total lie.

All Republicans and Trumpers suppoprted the War in Iraq. Just another example of the failure and failed leadership from the GOP.
We whooped ass in that war in Iraq with only 4,000 dead. We wiped out Saddam Hussein, who would have nuclear weapons by now. We also killed thousands of AQ soldiers and destroyed AQ's WMD factory along with their scientists in Sargat.

Compare that to the wars that Democrats get us into that had absolutely nothing to do with US national security. And BTW, the Democratic party of slavery always reinstituted slavery to fight these unnecessary wars.

WWI 116,000
WWII 405,000
Korea 36,000
Vietnam 68,000

It is incredibly stupid and disingenuous when Democrats complain about the way Republican presidents handle matters of war.

You're an idiot.
You're trying to make the argument that the War in Iraq was a success??? Are you stupid or something.
I'm just a lot smarter and more knowledgeable than you.

We were attacked, dumbass. We had to respond. So we whooped ass in Afghanistan and Iraq. And we did it without using it as an excuse to reinstitute slavery in the USA like the Democratic party of slavery tends to do.

Afghanistan and Iraq were the only wars that were necessary for US national security in the last century.
Afghanistan was justifiable but there was no way in hell that the Iraqi war could be justified. They had nothing to do with 9/11
There is no reason on earth we should stick around for regime change and to rebuild those countries. That is our mistake

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