This tenet of fascism is a value shared by modern leftists

Were Hitler and Mussolini Socialists? - The History Forum
Jan 15, 2012 · Mussolini may have started out as a socialist, but the ideology he went on to create was nothing like Marxism. Fascism demands the individual's absolute obedience and loyalty to the state - it suppresses conflict between business and labour through this combined loyalty to the state. Communism extols the dictatorship of the masses to take over ...
No one said Hitler was a Marxist. However, he was a socialist. The evidence is abundant.

Fascism demands the individual's absolute obedience and loyalty to the state - it suppresses conflict between business and labour through this combined loyalty to the state.

That sounds like socialism.
Fascism was embraced by hard right Italian conservatives.

Is that what your government school taught you? LOL.

I didn't attend government schools.

Fascism includes racism and nationalism... and it is always hard right. Look up the Fascists of the 20th century. Fascists like Hitler hated socialism and communism. That's why Hitler purged them in 1933 by killing them or putting them in concentration camps.
No it doesn't. Mussolini was not a racist. Hitler had his own brand of fascism that didn't serve as the template.

Fascism is hard left. Hitler did not hate socialism. He promoted it in almost every speech he gave.

Your talking points have all been debunked.

Hitler purged the party of Socialists and Communists in 1933.. He either killed them or sent them to concentration camps.
The so-called "root solutions" are just more Democrat Voo-Doo that has never worked.

The ideology of the so-called "Democratic" Party is that everyone is subject to the whims of the state. Mussolini's statement (see my signature) is EXACTLY the ideology of the Democratic Party and its brain-dead supporters. They don't believe in "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"; they believe that you are a subject of the state and that you are inherently obligated to serve the interests of the state rather than your own interests. As Mussolini said...

Anti-individualistic, the Fascist conception of life stresses the importance of the State and accepts the individual only in so far as his interests coincide with those of the State...
Hitler purged the party of Socialists and Communists in 1933.. He either killed them or sent them to concentration camps.

Correct. Now, tell me, why did he do that?
Fascism was embraced by hard right Italian conservatives.

Is that what your government school taught you? LOL.

I didn't attend government schools.

Fascism includes racism and nationalism... and it is always hard right. Look up the Fascists of the 20th century. Fascists like Hitler hated socialism and communism. That's why Hitler purged them in 1933 by killing them or putting them in concentration camps.
No it doesn't. Mussolini was not a racist. Hitler had his own brand of fascism that didn't serve as the template.

Fascism is hard left. Hitler did not hate socialism. He promoted it in almost every speech he gave.

Your talking points have all been debunked.

Hitler purged the party of Socialists and Communists in 1933.. He either killed them or sent them to concentration camps.
Lie. Hitler was a socialist. Nazi means national socialist. Do your research.
How about denying food and water to certain people who are waiting in horribly long lines to vote? Sounds pretty fascist to me. I think hitler would approve although he'd carry it much further. The republicans would also if they thought they could get away with it.
So a regulation that bars passing out food and drink is the equivalent of NAZIism?

Do you actually believe people are supposed to take you seriously?
They don't believe in "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"; they believe that you are a subject of the state and that you are inherently obligated to serve the interests of the state rather than your own interests.
You’ve described nationalism, which received quite the makeover under Trump.
Fascism was embraced by hard right Italian conservatives.

Is that what your government school taught you? LOL.

I didn't attend government schools.

Fascism includes racism and nationalism... and it is always hard right. Look up the Fascists of the 20th century. Fascists like Hitler hated socialism and communism. That's why Hitler purged them in 1933 by killing them or putting them in concentration camps.
No it doesn't. Mussolini was not a racist. Hitler had his own brand of fascism that didn't serve as the template.

Fascism is hard left. Hitler did not hate socialism. He promoted it in almost every speech he gave.

Your talking points have all been debunked.

Hitler purged the party of Socialists and Communists in 1933.. He either killed them or sent them to concentration camps.
Wrong. He purged the SA.

"There is more that binds us to Bolshevism than separates us from it. There is, above all, genuine, revolutionary feeling, which is alive everywhere in Russia except where there are Jewish Marxists. I have always made allowance for this circumstance, and given orders that former Communists are to be admitted to the party at once. The petit bourgeois Social-Democrat and the trade-union boss will never make a National Socialist, but the Communists always will."
Adolph Hitler
You are handicapped by a poor education.

Hilarious. When you're shown to be mistaken, insulting another's "education" is your go-to response to insult the other and "win" the argument!

You have a fundamental misunderstanding of what is "right" and "left".

FDR and many other leftists loved the concept of fascism, at least until Mussolini invaded Ethiopia.
Cue another insult in 3...2...1...

Was Benito Mussolini a socialist? - Quora
As Anonymous stated,Mussolini was a socialist initially but quickly became disenchanted with socialist internationalism and egalitarianism which he considered to be a contradiction of evolutionary principles. Thus,he founded political fascism which...

Mussolini was a megalomaniac that disagreed with his fellow socialists on military matters and so he took his socialist ideology and incorporated it into "fascism" and the rest is history. There is nothing in Mussolini's fascism that is consistent with modern, mainstream, American, right-wing, ideology.

Mussolini founded political fascism which synthesized the working-class edge of socialism with militant nationalism and a contempt for those who undermined the civil order of the nation(In Mussolini`s mind, blacks, mixed-race individuals, communists ,anarchists, liberals, social democrats, moralistic conservatives, the disabled and those who put faith or conscience before the good of the nation were ‘enemies of State’ and were shot dead by his Blackshirts).

Bullshit. Musolinni did not presecute racial minorities.

Mussolini also placed an emphasis upon “blood and iron” meaning ancestors were to be respected and technology was to be used to advance national interests and eliminate ‘the unfit’.

Hitler is the one who used the "blood and iron" slogan, not Musolinni.

Also of note unlike later fascist regimes Mussolini was not particularly anti-Semitic and rejected scientific racialism at least initially, he was still a cruel, illiberal, warmongering sociopath, however.

He was so cruel and unpopular outside his fascist base in fact that the Italian people publicly hanged him in the street towards the end of World War II. He was the first Axis leader to die with Hitler following a few years later.

They hanged him because he got them into the war and then lost.

In one paragraph you claim Musolinni persecuted racial minorities, and in a later paragraph you admit he didn't.
No, the problem is that you are unable to acknowledge the truth.
Your insight has so far been limited to political tirades with vague accusations.

It's not a real conversation. It's just bickering.
...If fascism is "right-wing", why then were FDR and many other western leftists such big fans of Mussolini and fascism?
Links? (to credible sources, not right-wing op-eds from loser trying to re-brand themselves )

Do your own research shit-for-brains, it's common knowledge, dumbass.
Translation: "I cannot provide you with links to credible sources that ascertain that FDR and other high-profile Leftists were 'big fans of Mussolini and fascism.' "

"Common knowledge?" - hardly - and your assertion here was worthy of a 4th-grade recess-yard debater, Princess.

Lying weasel.
Anti-individualistic, the Fascist conception of life stresses the importance of the State and accepts the individual only in so far as his interests coincide with those of the State...

- Benito Mussolini

We see countless examples of the party and/or the government screwing poor and middle-class Americans and leftists are either mute about it or deflect, blame Trump, etc. I often tell leftists that their love, loyalty, and devotion are to the party and NOT to average Americans. Very seldom, if ever, do they respond and disagree with that statement.

For the modern leftist, NOTHING matters more than the party/state, which is one-in-the-same under the Democratic (fascist) oligarchy.

Some of you will question as to why the left does this or that. It's simple. Anything that advances the party, they support, and I mean ANYTHING. One can see the staggering amount of crime, lies, and corruption taking place in the federal government but you won't see a leftist complain or even acknowledge any of it because their love, loyalty, and devotion are to serving the party and, in particular, the party elites.

So, yes, leftists agree with Mussolini in that the left only cares about individuals and individual "rights" so long as their interests coincide with the interests of the party/state.

For instance, acknowledging and discussing the 50+ years of catastrophic black murder rates in Democratic ghettos is strictly verboten because the discussion of mountains of dead, black, bodies is contrary to the interests of the party/state. Therefore, murders of poor blacks continue unabated because their interests in life do not outweigh the party's/state's interests of retaining and increasing their power and wealth.

There are countless more examples, but you get the point. For the leftist, the party/state is everything and nothing else matters.

Fascism was embraced by hard right Italian conservatives.
Yes, Fascism and individual liberty and Freedom go hand in hand.

This is why you need to take your meds, BlueAnon Loon
...If fascism is "right-wing", why then were FDR and many other western leftists such big fans of Mussolini and fascism?
Links? (to credible sources, not right-wing op-eds from loser trying to re-brand themselves )

Do your own research shit-for-brains, it's common knowledge, dumbass.
Translation: "I cannot provide you with links to credible sources that ascertain that FDR and other high-profile Leftists were 'big fans of Mussolini and fascism.' "

"Common knowledge?" - hardly - and your assertion here was worthy of a 4th-grade recess-yard debater, Princess.

Lying weasel.
FDR Praised Mussolini And Loved Fascism
Your insight has so far been limited to political tirades with vague accusations. It's not a real conversation. It's just bickering.

The guy that just told another that he doesn't understand the definition of "big" words is now lecturing me about "tirades".

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