This tenet of fascism is a value shared by modern leftists

How about denying food and water to certain people who are waiting in horribly long lines to vote? Sounds pretty fascist to me. I think hitler would approve although he'd carry it much further. The republicans would also if they thought they could get away with it.
How about denying food and water to certain people who are waiting in horribly long lines to vote? Sounds pretty fascist to me. I think hitler would approve although he'd carry it much further. The republicans would also if they thought they could get away with it.

The Republicans want fewer voters.
To truly respect individualism you have to respect it even when someone is not exactly like you are.

Neither you nor your leftist comrades support "individualism". You support conformity to the party. Essentially, you don't care what an individual is about as long as they support the party. If they oppose the party, then you oppose them, no matter how wonderful of a person they may be.

Look at you reciting by rote what you've been told by your superiors. What a good little conformist YOU are!

Republicans are busy driving out anyone who has every criticized Donald Trump, and primarying those RINOs who dared to vote for his impeachment.

Democrats are giving voice to Joe Manchion, who can best be described as a DINO, and the full-on Socialists in the Squad, and everyone in between. Some of these people have actually said disparaging things about Joe Biden and are still part of the Democratic Party. They're even calling for the resignation of Governor Cuomo, if these allegations are upheld.

In other words, fool, the ONLY party which is marching in lockkstep - Seig Heil!!! is the Trump Cult which used to be the Republican Party. The behaviour you're describing as opposing individualism is that of the Republican Party, where criticizing Trump will get you primaried. Liz Cheney!
How about denying food and water to certain people who are waiting in horribly long lines to vote? Sounds pretty fascist to me.

Yes, everything you dislike is fascist. No doubt that broccoli is fascist too!
Neither you nor your leftist comrades support "individualism". You support conformity to the party. Essentially, you don't care what an individual is about as long as they support the party. If they oppose the party, then you oppose them, no matter how wonderful of a person they may be.
But we don't have DINOs.
Your side went head first in to cancelling your own party members for their votes of conscience, and cancelled anyone not lock step TRUMP.

What are you talking about? It's not the right that goes ape-shit because someone is speaking on campus. It's the left that does that. It's ALWAYS been the left that does that. It's always been the left that cancels books and movies and cartoon characters such as Pepe LePu, Speedy Gonzalez, etc. You guys are nuts.
The Republicans want fewer voters.

The Republicans want to protect our fragile, Democratic, system to ensure that only LEGAL voters cast votes. Your statist masters want a free-for-all so that they can cheat and make America a one-party oligarchy and I fear they have already achieved that end. And that's ok with you because for you, the party/state is all that matters.
The Republicans want fewer voters.

The Republicans want to protect our fragile, Democratic, system to ensure that only LEGAL voters cast votes. Your statist masters want a free-for-all so that they can cheat and make America a one-party oligarchy and I fear they have already achieved that end. And that's ok with you because for you, the party/state is all that matters.

Don't kid yourself. Only legal voters vote now. You all are sliming our elections and trying to prevent Americans from voting.
Anti-individualistic, the Fascist conception of life stresses the importance of the State and accepts the individual only in so far as his interests coincide with those of the State...

- Benito Mussolini

We see countless examples of the party and/or the government screwing poor and middle-class Americans and leftists are either mute about it or deflect, blame Trump, etc. I often tell leftists that their love, loyalty, and devotion are to the party and NOT to average Americans. Very seldom, if ever, do they respond and disagree with that statement.

For the modern leftist, NOTHING matters more than the party/state, which is one-in-the-same under the Democratic (fascist) oligarchy.

Some of you will question as to why the left does this or that. It's simple. Anything that advances the party, they support, and I mean ANYTHING. One can see the staggering amount of crime, lies, and corruption taking place in the federal government but you won't see a leftist complain or even acknowledge any of it because their love, loyalty, and devotion are to serving the party and, in particular, the party elites.

So, yes, leftists agree with Mussolini in that the left only cares about individuals and individual "rights" so long as their interests coincide with the interests of the party/state.

For instance, acknowledging and discussing the 50+ years of catastrophic black murder rates in Democratic ghettos is strictly verboten because the discussion of mountains of dead, black, bodies is contrary to the interests of the party/state. Therefore, murders of poor blacks continue unabated because their interests in life do not outweigh the party's/state's interests of retaining and increasing their power and wealth.

There are countless more examples, but you get the point. For the leftist, the party/state is everything and nothing else matters.

Fascism was embraced by hard right Italian conservatives.
nah bro Benito was a lefist socialist
Anti-individualistic, the Fascist conception of life stresses the importance of the State and accepts the individual only in so far as his interests coincide with those of the State...

- Benito Mussolini

We see countless examples of the party and/or the government screwing poor and middle-class Americans and leftists are either mute about it or deflect, blame Trump, etc. I often tell leftists that their love, loyalty, and devotion are to the party and NOT to average Americans. Very seldom, if ever, do they respond and disagree with that statement.

For the modern leftist, NOTHING matters more than the party/state, which is one-in-the-same under the Democratic (fascist) oligarchy.

Some of you will question as to why the left does this or that. It's simple. Anything that advances the party, they support, and I mean ANYTHING. One can see the staggering amount of crime, lies, and corruption taking place in the federal government but you won't see a leftist complain or even acknowledge any of it because their love, loyalty, and devotion are to serving the party and, in particular, the party elites.

So, yes, leftists agree with Mussolini in that the left only cares about individuals and individual "rights" so long as their interests coincide with the interests of the party/state.

For instance, acknowledging and discussing the 50+ years of catastrophic black murder rates in Democratic ghettos is strictly verboten because the discussion of mountains of dead, black, bodies is contrary to the interests of the party/state. Therefore, murders of poor blacks continue unabated because their interests in life do not outweigh the party's/state's interests of retaining and increasing their power and wealth.

There are countless more examples, but you get the point. For the leftist, the party/state is everything and nothing else matters.

Fascism was embraced by hard right Italian conservatives.
nah bro Benito was a lefist socialist

Mussolini started out as a socialist..

Was Benito Mussolini a socialist? - Quora
As Anonymous stated,Mussolini was a socialist initially but quickly became disenchanted with socialist internationalism and egalitarianism which he considered to be a contradiction of evolutionary
Mussolini was a socialist initially but quickly became disenchanted

That's not accurate.

9 Things You May Not Know About Mussolini - HISTORY
Oct 26, 2012 · Mussolini was a socialist before becoming a fascist. Born to a socialist father, Mussolini was named after leftist Mexican President Benito Juárez. His …
Damn. You're such a victim. Trump tells you what to think and you're off to the races.

Nope. I've simply witnessed the total lack of transparency in numerous voting jurisdictions. If we had transparency, there would be no dispute. You don't mind, of course, because you don't care about legitimate elections because your love, loyalty, and devotion are to the party. By hook or by crook, it's fine with you.

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