This tenet of fascism is a value shared by modern leftists

You are so much like a million other people It's almost like they make you in some factory from the same set of molds. To truly respect individualism you have to respect it even when someone is not exactly like you are.
I've forgotten more about respect than you'll ever know- in fact, I have, in this forum, been on a podium/soap box about it numerous times- I know what respect is, and how it works and where it comes from- IF you really want to get into an argument with me about it, get a flashlight and bring some food- you will need it-
You're a pretentious hack that attacks people for disagreeing with you rather than ever discussing anything in an honest way. If you truly respected individualism you would actually be interested in other individuals and how they do their version of distinguishing themselves from the herd.

If you care so much about "individual rights", why then do you support the same people and the same policies that have caused the staggering death tolls that exist in black communities for 50+ years?
If you care so much about individual rights why do you hate it so much when someone is not conforming to your idea of what is acceptable? Gays, feminists, people of other faiths, races and nationalities very much know the price of non-conformity. When did you ever step outside the lines and feel the consequences of pissing off the First Baptist Church crowd?

Conservatives believe in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Accordingly, I support people living their life as they like.
If you actually believed that we would not be having this conversation. The conservative version of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is almost entirely self-centered and involves some very definite lines that must not be crossed. Time and again we have seen republicans try to set those boundaries in law and make the individual rights of others illegal.
Anti-individualistic, the Fascist conception of life stresses the importance of the State and accepts the individual only in so far as his interests coincide with those of the State...

- Benito Mussolini

We see countless examples of the party and/or the government screwing poor and middle-class Americans and leftists are either mute about it or deflect, blame Trump, etc. I often tell leftists that their love, loyalty, and devotion are to the party and NOT to average Americans. Very seldom, if ever, do they respond and disagree with that statement.

For the modern leftist, NOTHING matters more than the party/state, which is one-in-the-same under the Democratic (fascist) oligarchy.

Some of you will question as to why the left does this or that. It's simple. Anything that advances the party, they support, and I mean ANYTHING. One can see the staggering amount of crime, lies, and corruption taking place in the federal government but you won't see a leftist complain or even acknowledge any of it because their love, loyalty, and devotion are to serving the party and, in particular, the party elites.

So, yes, leftists agree with Mussolini in that the left only cares about individuals and individual "rights" so long as their interests coincide with the interests of the party/state.

For instance, acknowledging and discussing the 50+ years of catastrophic black murder rates in Democratic ghettos is strictly verboten because the discussion of mountains of dead, black, bodies is contrary to the interests of the party/state. Therefore, murders of poor blacks continue unabated because their interests in life do not outweigh the party's/state's interests of retaining and increasing their power and wealth.

There are countless more examples, but you get the point. For the leftist, the party/state is everything and nothing else matters.

Yet another thread by a Trump cult member telling us what's wrong with the Democrats. It might help you fools to pay more attention to the many ways the Republican Party has failed the American people, and stop lying about Democrats, since you clearly don't know jack shit about the left.

Every day I come here and read posts from those on the right telling us everything that is wrong with the Demcocrats. Nothing posted is true, or has any basis in reality. Maybe you should focus on what Republicans are doing and saying, rather than lying about Democrats.
Funny ... this thread reminds me of the scene in Life of Brian where the crown outside Brian's window reciting "we are all individuals" in unison ... both sides aping their party line ...

I'm not a moderate in any sense of the word ... I'll support gun rights as quickly as abortion rights ... that's not hypocritical, it's called individual choice ... don't give a rat's ass if these views cross ignorant political lines ...

I have no leadership ... I lead myself ... the only respect I give our various governments is their written laws ... I lived long enough in the Upper Midwest to gain a tremendous respect for our nation's conservatives ...
Nope. I'm merely pointing out facts, which you abhor.
If that’s what you think you’re doing, then you’re deluding yourself. Your posts are filled with political diatribe and zero discussion about the actual problem.

You say one thing and them look the other way at the plight of black America because your loyalty to the party precludes you from acknowledging the party's catastrophic failures and doing what's right for black Americans. Mountains of dead, black, people is less important to you than is the almighty party.
Nope. I'm merely pointing out facts, which you abhor.
If that’s what you think you’re doing, then you’re deluding yourself. Your posts are filled with political diatribe and zero discussion about the actual problem.

You say one thing and them look the other way at the plight of black America because your loyalty to the party precludes you from acknowledging the party's catastrophic failures and doing what's right for black Americans. Mountains of dead, black, people is less important to you than is the almighty party.
You don’t give a shit about the plight of anyone other than your political party.

If you did, you’d be talking about the problem rather than parties.
and it is always hard right.

Oh yea? Why then did so many western leftists, including FDR, have such high praise and admiration for Mussolini and fascist governance and economics?

Because initially they thought Mussolini brought order.. made the trains run on time. They soon changed their views. You are handicapped by a poor education.
Conservatives believe in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Accordingly, I support people living their life as they like.

Then why have y'all criminalize passing out bottled water to folks standing in line to vote? ...
You are handicapped by a poor education.

Hilarious. When you're shown to be mistaken, insulting another's "education" is your go-to response to insult the other and "win" the argument!

You have a fundamental misunderstanding of what is "right" and "left".

FDR and many other leftists loved the concept of fascism, at least until Mussolini invaded Ethiopia.
Cue another insult in 3...2...1...
eah, cancel culture coming from BOTH sides is stupid imo

The "both sides do it" lie that makes it ok for leftists to cancel conservatives that fail to parrot party propaganda.
You are handicapped by a poor education.

Hilarious. When you're shown to be mistaken, insulting another's "education" is your go-to response to insult the other and "win" the argument!

You have a fundamental misunderstanding of what is "right" and "left".

FDR and many other leftists loved the concept of fascism, at least until Mussolini invaded Ethiopia.
Cue another insult in 3...2...1...

Was Benito Mussolini a socialist? - Quora
As Anonymous stated,Mussolini was a socialist initially but quickly became disenchanted with socialist internationalism and egalitarianism which he considered to be a contradiction of evolutionary principles.Thus,he founded political fascism which...
You don’t give a shit about the plight of anyone other than your political party.

There ya go. The truth hurts and so you lash out and attack me. Your party masters own the plight of monolithic suffering in black America and all you can do is yell at me. Unbelievable.
You are handicapped by a poor education.

Hilarious. When you're shown to be mistaken, insulting another's "education" is your go-to response to insult the other and "win" the argument!

You have a fundamental misunderstanding of what is "right" and "left".

FDR and many other leftists loved the concept of fascism, at least until Mussolini invaded Ethiopia.
Cue another insult in 3...2...1...

Was Benito Mussolini a socialist? - Quora
As Anonymous stated,Mussolini was a socialist initially but quickly became disenchanted with socialist internationalism and egalitarianism which he considered to be a contradiction of evolutionary principles.Thus,he founded political fascism which...

Mussolini was a megalomaniac that disagreed with his fellow socialists on military matters and so he took his socialist ideology and incorporated it into "fascism" and the rest is history. There is nothing in Mussolini's fascism that is consistent with modern, mainstream, American, right-wing, ideology.
I'll support gun rights as quickly as abortion rights ... that's not hypocritical, it's called individual choice

What about the "individual choice" of the preborn human who, if given the "choice", would assuredly choose life?
I'll support gun rights as quickly as abortion rights ... that's not hypocritical, it's called individual choice

What about the "individual choice" of the preborn human who, if given the "choice", would assuredly choose life?
They don't have any what with being a dependent. They are as insignificant to you as the illegals are to others.
eah, cancel culture coming from BOTH sides is stupid imo

The "both sides do it" lie that makes it ok for leftists to cancel conservatives that fail to parrot party propaganda.

Your side went head first in to cancelling your own party members for their votes of conscience, and cancelled anyone not lock step TRUMP.

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