This 'they stole the election' BS was planned from the very beginning

We are having this conversation because there are bogus allegations of a non-existent steal. Anyone can make allegations of a steal.

So you are accusing the evidence of being bogus! How do you know? What is your evidence or proof? Why won't you reveal it? Is it a secret? Anyone can say they are bogus when they have never been allowed TESTED in an open courtroom. Shall I put up all of the evidence one by one and you SHOW how each are bogus? IE, cannot be true.

Without proven either way, Trump's evidence is only as bogus as Biden's election.

I wouldn't play poker with a person who claimed having the winning hand who refused to SHOW his hand to me, much less pick a president that way. Trump has OFFERED to give the evidence freely, funny that no democrat is willing to try it, while calling it all "baseless." That ALONE is proof of the fraud, because if you could openly BLAST Trump's evidence to pieces, you would do it with zeal so you could plaster it as embarrassing front page news for all the world to see!

If they had any real evidence it needed to be produced in a court in accordance to the State election law where the election was held.

Stop the Squeal, you're killing Americans!
The courts did not allow that. Stop the lying. There was massive fraud.

The Trump campaign alleged numerous instances of voter fraud, including dead voters and voters who cast multiple ballots, but the Democratic defendants said during a hearing Thursday that the campaign’s evidence, which is under seal and not available to the public, is “built on nothing more than speculation, conspiracy theories and a fundamental misunderstanding of the electoral process.”

Nevada District Judge James Russell sided with the state and ruled the Trump campaign did not successfully show any evidence that proved their allegations of voter fraud, stating, “The court finds that there is no credible or reliable evidence that the 2020 General Election in Nevada was affected by fraud.”

The judge also ruled the Trump campaign did not show any evidence proving “malfeasance” by election officials and blasted the credibility of the campaign’s witnesses, saying witnesses’ “declarations constitute hearsay” and the expert witness testimony “was of little to no value.”

It was. There is no law in any one court for trying evidence of a national election stolen by massive organized effort on a multi-state level, fuckhead

We have no national election but 50 State elections.

stolen by massive organized effort on a multi-state level, fuckhead. The courts DODGED the issue on procedural grounds

Sure Sure. So which State court did they try and float that TrumpyTurd in?
Yes exactly....... I don't expect Biden to make it through his 1st year before he dies of Covid.
This will raise the fear factor on the virus and call for more controls, Harris will become President
just as the DNC had planned from the start.

Knowing how rotten these people are it would not surprise me if they want Biden killed, by a 'right-winger' of course. All the better to further erode what remains of our Liberty. And Jill can then play the grieving widow in black demanding more crackdowns.
Only morons or indoctrinated Trumpers still believe the Big Lie of a stolen election.

Yet you still insist "Russia" helped Trump win in 2016. Are you a moron or an indoctrinated Trumper?
What the hell does 2016 have to do with the Big Lie in 2020? Try to keep up.

The "big lie" in 2020 was YOUR big lie from 2016. Did you really think no one would notice, dumbass?

How old are you? You do remember Hillary conceding and attending Trump’s inauguration, don’t you? You do recall that Trump called Hillary’s popular vote majority the result of election fraud, do you not?

You are right about one thing. The big lie in 2016 is the same as it is 2020. Trump’s big lie of election fraud.

All Trump and Trumpers like yourself have are lies. Lies upon lies.
The tactic was first initiated in 2016 but when Trump actually won they had to scrap it. Trump was crying rigged election a month before the election back then but when he won all that talk disappeared overnight. When polls showed he was heading for a defeat in 2020 they brushed it off and put it back in play...Key Takeaways From Trump's Effort to Overturn the Election
I read that. What do you expect from a Authoritarian Wannabe. I hope law suits make Giuliani a street person.
The tactic was first initiated in 2016 but when Trump actually won they had to scrap it. Trump was crying rigged election a month before the election back then but when he won all that talk disappeared overnight. When polls showed he was heading for a defeat in 2020 they brushed it off and put it back in play...Key Takeaways From Trump's Effort to Overturn the Election
We watched it happen live and on subsequent videos...dummy....
You saw what you wanted to see. You are deluded, and pretty fucking stupid.
It seems like all the whining is coming from the left. Y'all democrats won the election, shut up and govern.
The tactic was first initiated in 2016 but when Trump actually won they had to scrap it. Trump was crying rigged election a month before the election back then but when he won all that talk disappeared overnight. When polls showed he was heading for a defeat in 2020 they brushed it off and put it back in play...Key Takeaways From Trump's Effort to Overturn the Election
We watched it happen live and on subsequent videos...dummy....
You saw what you wanted to see. You are deluded, and pretty fucking stupid.
I didn't want to watch people cheat in a national election...but I did...and no one has explained what was going on in the I'm left to believe they were doing something underhanded....too many firsts and anomalies in the election for us not to recount and check signatures envelopes and addresses...the fact that we haven't tells me they know what they did....
The tactic was first initiated in 2016 but when Trump actually won they had to scrap it. Trump was crying rigged election a month before the election back then but when he won all that talk disappeared overnight. When polls showed he was heading for a defeat in 2020 they brushed it off and put it back in play...Key Takeaways From Trump's Effort to Overturn the Election
We watched it happen live and on subsequent videos...dummy....
You saw what you wanted to see. You are deluded, and pretty fucking stupid.
They stole it and they did it sloppily...every honest person in the world knows it was stolen whether they will ever admit it or not....
They stole it and they did it sloppily...every honest person in the world knows it was stolen whether they will ever admit it or not....
look how fast and hard the voice of Trump supporters was shut down....they know what they did and that's why they are hiding behind our own troops...
The tactic was first initiated in 2016 but when Trump actually won they had to scrap it. Trump was crying rigged election a month before the election back then but when he won all that talk disappeared overnight. When polls showed he was heading for a defeat in 2020 they brushed it off and put it back in play...Key Takeaways From Trump's Effort to Overturn the Election
We watched it happen live and on subsequent videos...dummy....
You saw what you wanted to see. You are deluded, and pretty fucking stupid.
They stole it and they did it sloppily...every honest person in the world knows it was stolen whether they will ever admit it or not....
Of course. It's so obvious.
The reason the steal was undetected is because there was no steal.

Dear Hapless: If the steal had gone undetected, we wouldn't be having this conversation! :uhh:

The only reason why it remains unproven is only because every democrat, every media, every court has run from trying the evidence in open forum! But I suspect that is JUST what Trump is planning at this "impeachment."
There has not been any court cases by Trump lawyers claiming voter fraud, that have been rejected by the courts, because the Trump Lawyers never brought an alleged Fraud case to the courts.

The court cases are on election rules and procedures.

Trump' s team never brought Dominion, or Smartmatic fraud claims to court.

Trump' s team never brought the video scene n Fulton County of the ballot cases pulled out from under the table...

Trumps team never brought fraud claims of ballots being run through twice that was claimed

Trumps lawyers never brought claims of ballot dumping to the courts...

Trump team never brought vote swapping claims in to the court....


Because it was ALL MADE UP LIES..... and if they tried to bring these claims of fraud in to the courts, they would have been laughed out of court, and the Trump goons would have no fake claims left to use to make his followers stick with his big lie.

You have been HAD, by a group of con artists.
The tactic was first initiated in 2016 but when Trump actually won they had to scrap it. Trump was crying rigged election a month before the election back then but when he won all that talk disappeared overnight. When polls showed he was heading for a defeat in 2020 they brushed it off and put it back in play...Key Takeaways From Trump's Effort to Overturn the Election

Its true.. He was claiming in 2016 that 3 to 5 million illegals voted. This is all Putin wanted.. He wanted Trump to undermine faith in our elections and our democracy. Trump obliged and line his pockets and those of his kids at the same time.
We are having this conversation because there are bogus allegations of a non-existent steal. Anyone can make allegations of a steal.

So you are accusing the evidence of being bogus! How do you know? What is your evidence or proof? Why won't you reveal it? Is it a secret? Anyone can say they are bogus when they have never been allowed TESTED in an open courtroom. Shall I put up all of the evidence one by one and you SHOW how each are bogus? IE, cannot be true.

Without proven either way, Trump's evidence is only as bogus as Biden's election.

I wouldn't play poker with a person who claimed having the winning hand who refused to SHOW his hand to me, much less pick a president that way. Trump has OFFERED to give the evidence freely, funny that no democrat is willing to try it, while calling it all "baseless." That ALONE is proof of the fraud, because if you could openly BLAST Trump's evidence to pieces, you would do it with zeal so you could plaster it as embarrassing front page news for all the world to see!

If they had any real evidence it needed to be produced in a court in accordance to the State election law where the election was held.

Stop the Squeal, you're killing Americans!
The courts did not allow that. Stop the lying. There was massive fraud.

The Trump campaign alleged numerous instances of voter fraud, including dead voters and voters who cast multiple ballots, but the Democratic defendants said during a hearing Thursday that the campaign’s evidence, which is under seal and not available to the public, is “built on nothing more than speculation, conspiracy theories and a fundamental misunderstanding of the electoral process.”

Nevada District Judge James Russell sided with the state and ruled the Trump campaign did not successfully show any evidence that proved their allegations of voter fraud, stating, “The court finds that there is no credible or reliable evidence that the 2020 General Election in Nevada was affected by fraud.”

The judge also ruled the Trump campaign did not show any evidence proving “malfeasance” by election officials and blasted the credibility of the campaign’s witnesses, saying witnesses’ “declarations constitute hearsay” and the expert witness testimony “was of little to no value.”

Forbes is not a credible or reliable source for anything.
They stole it and they did it sloppily...every honest person in the world knows it was stolen whether they will ever admit it or not....
look how fast and hard the voice of Trump supporters was shut down....they know what they did and that's why they are hiding behind our own troops...
So...did the lobotomy leave a scar?
Only morons or indoctrinated Trumpers still believe the Big Lie of a stolen election.
Only thouroughly dishonest morally bankrupt creature would repeat the lie that there was no fraud. There was massive fraud. You are just a cheerleader and irrelevant.

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