This 'they stole the election' BS was planned from the very beginning

The tactic was first initiated in 2016 but when Trump actually won they had to scrap it. Trump was crying rigged election a month before the election back then but when he won all that talk disappeared overnight. When polls showed he was heading for a defeat in 2020 they brushed it off and put it back in play...Key Takeaways From Trump's Effort to Overturn the Election
You're absolutely wrong, doll. Way wrong. The first time an American election was stolen was in the election of 1992 when Bill Clinton gave America "two for the price of one" when Hillary Clinton, former first lady of Arkansas undermined the presidency of George H. W. Bush's incumbency by the dirty tricks of (1) dividing the Republican arty by playing Ross Perot against the Presidency, (2) undermining racial relations by claiming untrue racial conspiracy theories with blame thrown squarely against the Republican Party with charges of greed and murder against blacks in the south that were actually the doings of the Democrat-controlled paramilitary activities of the KKK, (3) blatantly embellishing lies about taboo practices of every Republican Senator and House Representative vice by promising lucrative newsbites to hungry-for fame reporters while concealing her open marriage's sex scandal proclivities of Bill's indiscretions by denying allegations (wink, wink) and smearing his girlfriends of revealing and lying about payoffs that made Bill look like a victim, when his gal pals had been forcefully used to sate his appetite for out-of-wedlock rough sex with spectacularly beautiful women. She never let a scandal go to waste, and his war room converted rapes to the victimization of the perpetrator, claiming he had charisma, and painted his rape victims as ambitious home wreckers when in fact, he preferred virgins.
Only morons or indoctrinated Trumpers still believe the Big Lie of a stolen election.
They believe what they're told in their universe, and that's that. There's no utility in trying to change their mind, but there is value in observing and analyzing it.

So I wonder: How many will have the fog lift and ultimately peel away? And how long will that process take for various people?

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