This Trump nightmare has got to end folks, this is getting insane!!

Also Obama sent thousands of troops back into Iraq, with out Congress voting on it. So you admit he broke the law? Giving Trump power he shouldn't have. I warned you about this when Obama was doing it, while you were silent.
The GOP congress was saying NO to everything Obama wanted. Then the GOP congress said Obama wasn't doing enough on foreign policy.

Probably because everything Obama wanted was to the detriment of the country, or at least didn't have some legislator's pork added to it.
Probably because everything Obama wanted was to the detriment of the country,

Idiotic....but it does scan....

or at least didn't have some legislator's pork added to it.

Are you saying that Obama's requests DIDN'T have pork added to them, or that they SHOULD have, in order to facilitate their consideration?

Of course, that question assumes that you have some idea...

I'm saying they probably would have been given more consideration with certain legislator's pork attached. You know how those guys are.
OK....that makes sense....

So had Obama just greased some palms, Congress would have been pleased to pass Obama initiatives which were "bad for the country"?
You forget all the bills Reid tabled.
Also Obama sent thousands of troops back into Iraq, with out Congress voting on it. So you admit he broke the law? Giving Trump power he shouldn't have. I warned you about this when Obama was doing it, while you were silent.
The GOP congress was saying NO to everything Obama wanted. Then the GOP congress said Obama wasn't doing enough on foreign policy.

Probably because everything Obama wanted was to the detriment of the country, or at least didn't have some legislator's pork added to it.
You have no links to back up you lies! Does this make you a LIAR?
Obama campaigned on transforming America. You really need to stop blindly following your representatives.
Obama transformed America from THIS:




as congress wallowed in sub teen approvals...

So you're saying he added 10,000 jobs since the time he took office...when there was massive unemployment

and added 4000 billion to the GDP? Seems about right.

Those numbers are pathetic, though.

How many people are born in 8 years?

Number of births: 3,988,076 in 2016 alone.


How far is 10,000 jobs going to go?
Last edited:
The GOP congress was saying NO to everything Obama wanted. Then the GOP congress said Obama wasn't doing enough on foreign policy.

Probably because everything Obama wanted was to the detriment of the country, or at least didn't have some legislator's pork added to it.
You have no links to back up you lies! Does this make you a LIAR?
Obama campaigned on transforming America. You really need to stop blindly following your representatives.
Obama transformed America from THIS:




as congress wallowed in sub teen approvals...

So you're saying he added 10,000 jobs since the time he took office...when there was massive unemployment

and added 4000 to the GDP? Seems about right.

Those numbers are pathetic, though.

How many people are born in 8 years?

Number of births: 3,988,076 in 2016 alone.


How far is 10,000 jobs going to go?
You might want to take a closer look at that, Hoss....

when you discover where it all went so terribly wrong, let me know if you want to delete this post....
In less than one effin month, Donald Insane Trump and his peeps, have created more shit, than a over crowed nursing home with seniors in diapers eating grease sandwiches for lunch. And it all started with..."the Carnage ends now", unquote.

To date, this nightmare with orange hair and face, has managed to alienate just about every nation on the planet, save for Russia. Is banned from just about every country, except Russia. Has lied to the utmost degree on everything he says and does. Will tweet to no end, when pissed off and now his prized mop speaking piece, KellyAnn is now in hot water defending this idiot. I mean the bs just never seems to end and this is the guy, to date...still has people supporting his nonsense.

If this country, this nation, this planet is to maintain its sanity and standings....Trump needs to do. I would rather have in that white house, another GW Bush Jr on meth, than Donald Insane Trump.

There seems to be no end to this man's need to please the Klan, fuck the rest and preserve the Trump end and for all his supporters, nothing is headed their way in terms of good paying jobs and stability...but bs after bs after bs.

What a fuckin joke this country is becoming....all because 37% of ingrates who voted in a clown, just wanted America first....well, we first alll right....the first country in our nations history, to implode in less than 30 days!!

Your sheer terror...that President Donald Trump is being immensely successful is duly noted. Your terror is justified. Until Progressives learn to listen to what they loftily refer to as "fly-over country", they will continue to lose. Until then, relax, the adults are in charge.
Probably because everything Obama wanted was to the detriment of the country, or at least didn't have some legislator's pork added to it.
You have no links to back up you lies! Does this make you a LIAR?
Obama campaigned on transforming America. You really need to stop blindly following your representatives.
Obama transformed America from THIS:




as congress wallowed in sub teen approvals...

So you're saying he added 10,000 jobs since the time he took office...when there was massive unemployment

and added 4000 to the GDP? Seems about right.

Those numbers are pathetic, though.

How many people are born in 8 years?

Number of births: 3,988,076 in 2016 alone.


How far is 10,000 jobs going to go?
You might want to take a closer look at that, Hoss....

when you discover where it all went so terribly wrong, let me know if you want to delete this post....

Oh big deal, The GDP went up in billions. Maybe if that graphic wasn't so Yuge I would have seen that in the first place.

Not that much of an increase over a period of 8 years.

I edited the incorrect part of previous post.

Watch what it is next year compared to last. :woohoo:
Wow, can you change your username to TRIGGERED 59? :p

In all serious, let's try to help you work your way through your mental crisis. What specifically "triggered" you today and how is The Donald responsible for you being upset?
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, the same way Obama made you pink puszzy's go insane, he breathes everyday!!

So, once again, you've got nothing and you're proud of that fact.
If he doesn't know what the job IS, then he is not likely to know how to do it, is he....

In fact, he is actually doing his job as proven by actions taken.

If you consider butthurt tweets "actions taken".....

Among his achievements to date:

1) alt facts

2) a 3-0 spanking on his "signature" EO

3) A botched military operation in Yemen

4) the lowest JARs of any incoming POTUS in the history of polling

and he hasn't been in office a full month..

Now, it is YOUR me evidence that Trump has an idea what he is doing...

Sure he knows what the job is. Supposedly Obama was a Constitutional scholar, but had one of the worst records in Supreme Court cases. That was his strength and he was terrible.

He has the Cabinet he asked for, despite Democrat stalling and whining. Illegals are fleeing to Canada and Mexico. Stock market is up. The Supreme Court will be full soon.
Meh. Conservative Red State and Trump and the GOP congress are wondering why they are being protested and loathed at this very moment. How long can you Red State so called Americans continue to say the rest of the country is just jealous because you won!

You are confused it is blue cities and a red nation. Cities represent most of the federal expenditures domestically. You're dependent whiners.
The GOP congress was saying NO to everything Obama wanted. Then the GOP congress said Obama wasn't doing enough on foreign policy.

Probably because everything Obama wanted was to the detriment of the country, or at least didn't have some legislator's pork added to it.
You have no links to back up you lies! Does this make you a LIAR?
Obama campaigned on transforming America. You really need to stop blindly following your representatives.
Obama transformed America from THIS:




as congress wallowed in sub teen approvals...

So you're saying he added 10,000 jobs since the time he took office...when there was massive unemployment

and added 4000 billion to the GDP? Seems about right.

Those numbers are pathetic, though.

How many people are born in 8 years?

Number of births: 3,988,076 in 2016 alone.


How far is 10,000 jobs going to go?

As you know, that is a lie. We added 227,000 in January. By your own details, only 332,339 people were born with 60,000 Baby Boomers reaching retirement each month. Looks okay, especially when compared to the massive failure of petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama.

we knew that the nations that have been fucking US, would be unhappy when we grew a spine.

What part of that is confusing to you?
If we grew a spine why is Trump backing down to China
Trump Caves on ‘One China’ Policy

President Xi Jinping of China just tweeted a demand that Trump "make him a ham sammich"....
Has Trump drawn an imaginary red line yet?
That red line was never supported by the GOP congress! You remember.....don't you?

Please show us your source and a link to that neutral source. Can't can you?
Probably because everything Obama wanted was to the detriment of the country, or at least didn't have some legislator's pork added to it.
You have no links to back up you lies! Does this make you a LIAR?
Obama campaigned on transforming America. You really need to stop blindly following your representatives.
Obama transformed America from THIS:




as congress wallowed in sub teen approvals...

So you're saying he added 10,000 jobs since the time he took office...when there was massive unemployment

and added 4000 billion to the GDP? Seems about right.

Those numbers are pathetic, though.

How many people are born in 8 years?

Number of births: 3,988,076 in 2016 alone.


How far is 10,000 jobs going to go?

As you know, that is a lie. We added 227,000 in January. By your own details, only 332,339 people were born with 60,000 Baby Boomers reaching retirement each month. Looks okay, especially when compared to the massive failure of petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama.


I don't think either one of us qualifies for a statistician job.
Has Trump drawn an imaginary red line yet?
That red line was never supported by the GOP congress! You remember.....don't you?
Oh so Obama being a pussy is the gop's fault? Lol, did they make him draw it also? Lol, unbelievable.
I can appreciate that you are a fucking idiot, but if the military action in question will require a commitment in excess of 90 days the War Powers Act obliges POTUS to go to Congress..

Congress, still smarting from having eagerly enabled the unvarnished disaster which was Iraqnam, balked...

Yet another opportunity cost of your votes in 2000 and 2004....

take a bow...
Also Obama sent thousands of troops back into Iraq, with out Congress voting on it. So you admit he broke the law? Giving Trump power he shouldn't have. I warned you about this when Obama was doing it, while you were silent.
Where is the link-source to back up your lie?

Do you question that petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama triumphantly withdrew all our troops, against all his military advisor's advice creating a vacuum filled by Iran and Russia? How many of our troops are now BACK in Iraq? Didn't he also promise to be out of Afghanistan and threaten Syria if they used chemical weapons?

How many innocent civilian lives has former President Obama's actions, or shall we say inactions, cost? Hundreds of thousands of lives and millions of refugees.
You need to check what form of government we operate under moron.
Red State America has ushered in Fascism into the United States by electing Trump!
Be sure to get out there and tell each and every state that is not on the coasts that they are fascists.

I'm sure that won't further isolate the Democrat party into even smaller regions.
You foolish conservatives are isolating yourselves!!!!!
Do you often deny reality? Perhaps take something for that?

There is a poster here that has a map in his sig-line that shows the United States and how it was broken down by votes. Clearly, the Democrat party has become a regional party. Do not confuse having people packed in like sheep in a small geographic area somehow isolates the rest of us.

You've lost Governorships, State Legislatures, the US Congress, and soon the Supreme Court, not to mention the White House.

Do you people take that as a sign that maybe you should reevaluate your methods if not your stance on politics? It doesn't appear to be the case.
Could you post the popular vote totals for POTUS?

Just the numbers, please.......I'll figure out which is larger...

As you know, all too well, that counts for zip, zero, nada. Take out the far left state of Dreamland and President Trump won the popular vote too.

The GOP congress was saying NO to everything Obama wanted. Then the GOP congress said Obama wasn't doing enough on foreign policy.
Oh my, Obama just about got everything he wanted. The bad Iran deal, the hop didn't support, but Obama got it.
Oh bull shit. The GOP congress over the last 8 years have used the filibuster, obstruction and sabotage to ensure President Obama did not get things done.
I told you that you didn't pay attention to Obama. He blamed talk radio for not getting his agenda through. Kept us informed and we informed our state representatives. But he got too much of his agenda through and Trump is erasing it!
You are not listening. The GOP congress purposefully Obstructed, sabotaged and Filibustered Obama to try and make him one term President because the GOP was pissed they lost the election TWICE!!!
I think you forgot who had control of Congress for the first two years. Obama still got most of what he wanted.

True, he crammed Obamacare up our...throats through the use of bribes, payoffs and probably blackmail.
Oh so Obama being a pussy is the gop's fault? Lol, did they make him draw it also? Lol, unbelievable.
I can appreciate that you are a fucking idiot, but if the military action in question will require a commitment in excess of 90 days the War Powers Act obliges POTUS to go to Congress..

Congress, still smarting from having eagerly enabled the unvarnished disaster which was Iraqnam, balked...

Yet another opportunity cost of your votes in 2000 and 2004....

take a bow...
Also Obama sent thousands of troops back into Iraq, with out Congress voting on it. So you admit he broke the law? Giving Trump power he shouldn't have. I warned you about this when Obama was doing it, while you were silent.
The GOP congress was saying NO to everything Obama wanted. Then the GOP congress said Obama wasn't doing enough on foreign policy.

Probably because everything Obama wanted was to the detriment of the country, or at least didn't have some legislator's pork added to it.
You have no links to back up you lies! Does this make you a LIAR?

Le Yawn. Dat is teh weaksauce.
If he doesn't know what the job IS, then he is not likely to know how to do it, is he....

In fact, he is actually doing his job as proven by actions taken.

If you consider butthurt tweets "actions taken".....

Among his achievements to date:

1) alt facts

2) a 3-0 spanking on his "signature" EO

3) A botched military operation in Yemen

4) the lowest JARs of any incoming POTUS in the history of polling

and he hasn't been in office a full month..

Now, it is YOUR me evidence that Trump has an idea what he is doing...

Sure he knows what the job is. Supposedly Obama was a Constitutional scholar, but had one of the worst records in Supreme Court cases. That was his strength and he was terrible.

He has the Cabinet he asked for, despite Democrat stalling and whining. Illegals are fleeing to Canada and Mexico. Stock market is up. The Supreme Court will be full soon.
Supposedly Obama was a Constitutional scholar, but had one of the worst records in Supreme Court cases. That was his strength and he was terrible.

How many of those cases were inherited from the prior administration?

You are well versed in the does not, however, run very deep....

He has the Cabinet he asked for
Any recent graduate of a high school civics course could identify that part of the job description...that said
His Secretary of Education couldn't answer basic questions related to her function and plagiarized responses to the Committee...she had, roughly, 6 million qualifications - none related to.....uh......Education....

His Energy Secretary was shocked to learn, on the eve of his hearings, that his Dept. is responsible for maintaining the nation's nuclear arsenal...His predecessors were

1) A Nobel Laureate in Physics

2) the Chair of the Dept. of Physics at MIT

Illegals are fleeing to Canada and Mexico.
Canadian illegals have never been much of a problem.....all the ones I've ever spoken to wouldn't give up their National Socialist Health Care Hell to move here....Illegal immigration from Mexico peaked in know, long before you were told to believe that illegal immigration was a dire threat.

Stock market is up.
A strong employment report can have that effect.....

The Supreme Court will be full soon.
If Congress hadn't take last year off, it would have been full when Trump arrived.
Mr. Fabulous is working hard to alienate his nominee....

all in all, a meteoric start.......
Probably because everything Obama wanted was to the detriment of the country, or at least didn't have some legislator's pork added to it.
You have no links to back up you lies! Does this make you a LIAR?
Obama campaigned on transforming America. You really need to stop blindly following your representatives.
Obama transformed America from THIS:




as congress wallowed in sub teen approvals...

So you're saying he added 10,000 jobs since the time he took office...when there was massive unemployment

and added 4000 billion to the GDP? Seems about right.

Those numbers are pathetic, though.

How many people are born in 8 years?

Number of births: 3,988,076 in 2016 alone.


How far is 10,000 jobs going to go?

As you know, that is a lie. We added 227,000 in January. By your own details, only 332,339 people were born with 60,000 Baby Boomers reaching retirement each month. Looks okay, especially when compared to the massive failure of petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama.

Current Idiot Markle,

The most recent report covered the period 12/15 to 1/15.........Trump hadn't spent a day in office yet....

The second term under Obama generated more private sector jobs than any presidential term not featuring Elvis Clinton...
Meh. Conservative Red State and Trump and the GOP congress are wondering why they are being protested and loathed at this very moment. How long can you Red State so called Americans continue to say the rest of the country is just jealous because you won!

You are confused it is blue cities and a red nation. Cities represent most of the federal expenditures domestically. You're dependent whiners.
In less than one effin month, Donald Insane Trump and his peeps, have created more shit, than a over crowed nursing home with seniors in diapers eating grease sandwiches for lunch. And it all started with..."the Carnage ends now", unquote.

To date, this nightmare with orange hair and face, has managed to alienate just about every nation on the planet, save for Russia. Is banned from just about every country, except Russia. Has lied to the utmost degree on everything he says and does. Will tweet to no end, when pissed off and now his prized mop speaking piece, KellyAnn is now in hot water defending this idiot. I mean the bs just never seems to end and this is the guy, to date...still has people supporting his nonsense.

If this country, this nation, this planet is to maintain its sanity and standings....Trump needs to do. I would rather have in that white house, another GW Bush Jr on meth, than Donald Insane Trump.

There seems to be no end to this man's need to please the Klan, fuck the rest and preserve the Trump end and for all his supporters, nothing is headed their way in terms of good paying jobs and stability...but bs after bs after bs.

What a fuckin joke this country is becoming....all because 37% of ingrates who voted in a clown, just wanted America first....well, we first alll right....the first country in our nations history, to implode in less than 30 days!!

Your sheer terror...that President Donald Trump is being immensely successful is duly noted. Your terror is justified. Until Progressives learn to listen to what they loftily refer to as "fly-over country", they will continue to lose. Until then, relax, the adults are in charge.
Tallahassee isn't "fly-over country", you fucking imbecile....
Meh. Conservative Red State and Trump and the GOP congress are wondering why they are being protested and loathed at this very moment. How long can you Red State so called Americans continue to say the rest of the country is just jealous because you won!

You are confused it is blue cities and a red nation. Cities represent most of the federal expenditures domestically. You're dependent whiners.

The map of by county presidential votes is commonly posted here.

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