This Trump nightmare has got to end folks, this is getting insane!!

Trump "nightmare"?
Actually it's the Trump dream come true. Or at least potentially it is.
We actually have a president that may get something accomplished concerning illegal immigration.
Democrats never tire of making fools and sore losers of themselves by screaming about supposed stolen elections.
We need to take the following action:

The course of action must be to correct the voting system.

1. We must stop gerrymandering in states much like Wisconsin by bringing suit against state governments who have implemented it and redrawing districts.
2. Stop the cross-checking by lawsuit and making the act illegal
3. State voter agencies should be fined when election machines break down or there are long lines
4. Election day should become a national holiday and employers should be required to give time off to vote.
5. Automatic registration when you apply for a driver’s license
6. National Popular Vote bill passed in your state. 11 states have already passed it. It says that when the popular vote outweighs the electoral votes the state gives its electoral vote to the candidate with the most popular votes. Status of National Popular Vote Bill in Each State
Trump "nightmare"?
Actually it's the Trump dream come true. Or at least potentially it is.
We actually have a president that may get something accomplished concerning illegal immigration.
The 3 Co-equal branches of the gov't and the 4th Estate (The Media) will be challenging Trump for the next 4 years. Trump might the conservative King to Red State America!!! But Trump is "Just" and illegitimate President parading around like he dosen't need th share his power as the founders said he had to .
Trump "nightmare"?
Actually it's the Trump dream come true. Or at least potentially it is.
We actually have a president that may get something accomplished concerning illegal immigration.
The 3 Co-equal branches of the gov't and the 4th Estate (The Media) will be challenging Trump for the next 4 years. Trump might the conservative King to Red State America!!! But Trump is "Just" and illegitimate President parading around like he dosen't need th share his power as the founders said he had to .

Did you make these same claims as Obama issued his eo's?
Oh bull shit. The GOP congress over the last 8 years have used the filibuster, obstruction and sabotage to ensure President Obama did not get things done.
I told you that you didn't pay attention to Obama. He blamed talk radio for not getting his agenda through. Kept us informed and we informed our state representatives. But he got too much of his agenda through and Trump is erasing it!
You are not listening. The GOP congress purposefully Obstructed, sabotaged and Filibustered Obama to try and make him one term President because the GOP was pissed they lost the election TWICE!!!
I think you forgot who had control of Congress for the first two years. Obama still got most of what he wanted.

True, he crammed Obamacare up our...throats through the use of bribes, payoffs and probably blackmail.
WRONG. The GOP congress tried to use filibusters, obstructions and sabotages to prevent the ACA from coming to law!!! What a fucking liar you are.
You do realize that republicans didn't hold either house when obamacare was passed. You are the liar.
So basically the lefts position is 'tear up the US Constitution' we want Mob Rule not the system laid out by the founders.

Yeah well, fuck you all.
Democrats never tire of making fools and sore losers of themselves by screaming about supposed stolen elections.
Trump cried about the election being rigged during his campaign.......that is until he WON the rigged election!!!!! Then suddenly there was no rigged election because he won. Trump like you, had a big "laugh" also.
I told you that you didn't pay attention to Obama. He blamed talk radio for not getting his agenda through. Kept us informed and we informed our state representatives. But he got too much of his agenda through and Trump is erasing it!
You are not listening. The GOP congress purposefully Obstructed, sabotaged and Filibustered Obama to try and make him one term President because the GOP was pissed they lost the election TWICE!!!
I think you forgot who had control of Congress for the first two years. Obama still got most of what he wanted.

True, he crammed Obamacare up our...throats through the use of bribes, payoffs and probably blackmail.
WRONG. The GOP congress tried to use filibusters, obstructions and sabotages to prevent the ACA from coming to law!!! What a fucking liar you are.
You do realize that republicans didn't hold either house when obamacare was passed. You are the liar.
You do realize over the last 7.5 years the republicans haven't come up with a replacement yet for the ACA! And Trump has finally came out and said that "Trump-Care" will take another two years to come to full fruition.
I told you that you didn't pay attention to Obama. He blamed talk radio for not getting his agenda through. Kept us informed and we informed our state representatives. But he got too much of his agenda through and Trump is erasing it!
You are not listening. The GOP congress purposefully Obstructed, sabotaged and Filibustered Obama to try and make him one term President because the GOP was pissed they lost the election TWICE!!!
I think you forgot who had control of Congress for the first two years. Obama still got most of what he wanted.

True, he crammed Obamacare up our...throats through the use of bribes, payoffs and probably blackmail.
WRONG. The GOP congress tried to use filibusters, obstructions and sabotages to prevent the ACA from coming to law!!! What a fucking liar you are.
You do realize that republicans didn't hold either house when obamacare was passed. You are the liar.
Which is it you and your ilk don't like. Is it the ACA or is it Obama Care???? We do know the ACA millions of Republicans like it!!!!! Let's now see if miilions of republicans will like the Paul-Rayan- Trump-Care that will be rolled out 2 years from now. CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR.
I told you that you didn't pay attention to Obama. He blamed talk radio for not getting his agenda through. Kept us informed and we informed our state representatives. But he got too much of his agenda through and Trump is erasing it!
You are not listening. The GOP congress purposefully Obstructed, sabotaged and Filibustered Obama to try and make him one term President because the GOP was pissed they lost the election TWICE!!!
I think you forgot who had control of Congress for the first two years. Obama still got most of what he wanted.

True, he crammed Obamacare up our...throats through the use of bribes, payoffs and probably blackmail.
WRONG. The GOP congress tried to use filibusters, obstructions and sabotages to prevent the ACA from coming to law!!! What a fucking liar you are.
You do realize that republicans didn't hold either house when obamacare was passed. You are the liar.
So why didn't the GOP propose a Public Option or Single-payer HC system????
Trump "nightmare"?
Actually it's the Trump dream come true. Or at least potentially it is.
We actually have a president that may get something accomplished concerning illegal immigration.
The 3 Co-equal branches of the gov't and the 4th Estate (The Media) will be challenging Trump for the next 4 years. Trump might the conservative King to Red State America!!! But Trump is "Just" and illegitimate President parading around like he dosen't need th share his power as the founders said he had to .

Did you make these same claims as Obama issued his eo's?
We do know now that Trumps or Bannon's EO's will be challenged for the next 4 years!!!!!
As you know, that is a lie. We added 227,000 in January. By your own details, only 332,339 people were born with 60,000 Baby Boomers reaching retirement each month. Looks okay, especially when compared to the massive failure of petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama.

Current Idiot Markle,

The most recent report covered the period 12/15 to 1/15.........Trump hadn't spent a day in office yet....

The second term under Obama generated more private sector jobs than any presidential term not featuring Elvis Clinton...

Yeah, but it sure is fun seeing how easy it is to get under your skin.

Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama also drove more people FROM the jobs market than anyone since.

What is the current labor force participation rate?
Today's jobs report, while overall very strong, showed a slight tick down in the labor force participation rate, from 62.8% last month to 62.7% this month. It's now at the lowest rate since 1978.
You are not listening. The GOP congress purposefully Obstructed, sabotaged and Filibustered Obama to try and make him one term President because the GOP was pissed they lost the election TWICE!!!
I think you forgot who had control of Congress for the first two years. Obama still got most of what he wanted.

True, he crammed Obamacare up our...throats through the use of bribes, payoffs and probably blackmail.
WRONG. The GOP congress tried to use filibusters, obstructions and sabotages to prevent the ACA from coming to law!!! What a fucking liar you are.
You do realize that republicans didn't hold either house when obamacare was passed. You are the liar.
So why didn't the GOP propose a Public Option or Single-payer HC system????

Gee, do you think that might be because it is a total FAILURE? Unless you love the failed health care of Great Britain or Canada.
Trump "nightmare"?
Actually it's the Trump dream come true. Or at least potentially it is.
We actually have a president that may get something accomplished concerning illegal immigration.
The 3 Co-equal branches of the gov't and the 4th Estate (The Media) will be challenging Trump for the next 4 years. Trump might the conservative King to Red State America!!! But Trump is "Just" and illegitimate President parading around like he dosen't need th share his power as the founders said he had to .

Still, under the influence of your adult beverages I see and incapable of completing a coherent sentence. Have you heard of proof reading your post before you throw it up against the wall?
In less than one effin month, Donald Insane Trump and his peeps, have created more shit, than a over crowed nursing home with seniors in diapers eating grease sandwiches for lunch. And it all started with..."the Carnage ends now", unquote.

To date, this nightmare with orange hair and face, has managed to alienate just about every nation on the planet, save for Russia. Is banned from just about every country, except Russia. Has lied to the utmost degree on everything he says and does. Will tweet to no end, when pissed off and now his prized mop speaking piece, KellyAnn is now in hot water defending this idiot. I mean the bs just never seems to end and this is the guy, to date...still has people supporting his nonsense.

If this country, this nation, this planet is to maintain its sanity and standings....Trump needs to do. I would rather have in that white house, another GW Bush Jr on meth, than Donald Insane Trump.

There seems to be no end to this man's need to please the Klan, fuck the rest and preserve the Trump end and for all his supporters, nothing is headed their way in terms of good paying jobs and stability...but bs after bs after bs.

What a fuckin joke this country is becoming....all because 37% of ingrates who voted in a clown, just wanted America first....well, we first alll right....the first country in our nations history, to implode in less than 30 days!!

So, do your part to change it: RUN FOR AN ELECTED OFFICE and stop bitching and complaining.
You are not listening. The GOP congress purposefully Obstructed, sabotaged and Filibustered Obama to try and make him one term President because the GOP was pissed they lost the election TWICE!!!
I think you forgot who had control of Congress for the first two years. Obama still got most of what he wanted.

True, he crammed Obamacare up our...throats through the use of bribes, payoffs and probably blackmail.
WRONG. The GOP congress tried to use filibusters, obstructions and sabotages to prevent the ACA from coming to law!!! What a fucking liar you are.
You do realize that republicans didn't hold either house when obamacare was passed. You are the liar.
You do realize over the last 7.5 years the republicans haven't come up with a replacement yet for the ACA! And Trump has finally came out and said that "Trump-Care" will take another two years to come to full fruition.
Anything will be better than what we got
Oh bull shit. The GOP congress over the last 8 years have used the filibuster, obstruction and sabotage to ensure President Obama did not get things done.
I told you that you didn't pay attention to Obama. He blamed talk radio for not getting his agenda through. Kept us informed and we informed our state representatives. But he got too much of his agenda through and Trump is erasing it!
You are not listening. The GOP congress purposefully Obstructed, sabotaged and Filibustered Obama to try and make him one term President because the GOP was pissed they lost the election TWICE!!!
I think you forgot who had control of Congress for the first two years. Obama still got most of what he wanted.

True, he crammed Obamacare up our...throats through the use of bribes, payoffs and probably blackmail.
WRONG. The GOP congress tried to use filibusters, obstructions and sabotages to prevent the ACA from coming to law!!! What a fucking liar you are.

The ACA was passed by Democrats based on LIES. If I were a Democrat, I would change parties after being fed the LIES that Obama told to get them to pass it.
As you know, that is a lie. We added 227,000 in January. By your own details, only 332,339 people were born with 60,000 Baby Boomers reaching retirement each month. Looks okay, especially when compared to the massive failure of petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama.

Current Idiot Markle,

The most recent report covered the period 12/15 to 1/15.........Trump hadn't spent a day in office yet....

The second term under Obama generated more private sector jobs than any presidential term not featuring Elvis Clinton...

Yeah, but it sure is fun seeing how easy it is to get under your skin.

Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama also drove more people FROM the jobs market than anyone since.

What is the current labor force participation rate?
Today's jobs report, while overall very strong, showed a slight tick down in the labor force participation rate, from 62.8% last month to 62.7% this month. It's now at the lowest rate since 1978.

Take my word for're a moron....

Let me guess why you are not revealing your source....


LFPR doesn't measure "people driven from the labor markets"....
I told you that you didn't pay attention to Obama. He blamed talk radio for not getting his agenda through. Kept us informed and we informed our state representatives. But he got too much of his agenda through and Trump is erasing it!
You are not listening. The GOP congress purposefully Obstructed, sabotaged and Filibustered Obama to try and make him one term President because the GOP was pissed they lost the election TWICE!!!
I think you forgot who had control of Congress for the first two years. Obama still got most of what he wanted.

True, he crammed Obamacare up our...throats through the use of bribes, payoffs and probably blackmail.
WRONG. The GOP congress tried to use filibusters, obstructions and sabotages to prevent the ACA from coming to law!!! What a fucking liar you are.

The ACA was passed by Democrats based on LIES. If I were a Democrat, I would change parties after being fed the LIES that Obama told to get them to pass it.
Did you cast 2 votes for Scrub?

Did you fall for the pitch of the Vulgar Yam?

You may leave now...
In less than one effin month, Donald Insane Trump and his peeps, have created more shit, than a over crowed nursing home with seniors in diapers eating grease sandwiches for lunch. And it all started with..."the Carnage ends now", unquote.

To date, this nightmare with orange hair and face, has managed to alienate just about every nation on the planet, save for Russia. Is banned from just about every country, except Russia. Has lied to the utmost degree on everything he says and does. Will tweet to no end, when pissed off and now his prized mop speaking piece, KellyAnn is now in hot water defending this idiot. I mean the bs just never seems to end and this is the guy, to date...still has people supporting his nonsense.

If this country, this nation, this planet is to maintain its sanity and standings....Trump needs to do. I would rather have in that white house, another GW Bush Jr on meth, than Donald Insane Trump.

There seems to be no end to this man's need to please the Klan, fuck the rest and preserve the Trump end and for all his supporters, nothing is headed their way in terms of good paying jobs and stability...but bs after bs after bs.

What a fuckin joke this country is becoming....all because 37% of ingrates who voted in a clown, just wanted America first....well, we first alll right....the first country in our nations history, to implode in less than 30 days!!
You are just a gift that keeps on giving, ain't ya Tigger?

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