This Trump nightmare has got to end folks, this is getting insane!!

I think you forgot who had control of Congress for the first two years. Obama still got most of what he wanted.

True, he crammed Obamacare up our...throats through the use of bribes, payoffs and probably blackmail.
WRONG. The GOP congress tried to use filibusters, obstructions and sabotages to prevent the ACA from coming to law!!! What a fucking liar you are.
You do realize that republicans didn't hold either house when obamacare was passed. You are the liar.
You do realize over the last 7.5 years the republicans haven't come up with a replacement yet for the ACA! And Trump has finally came out and said that "Trump-Care" will take another two years to come to full fruition.
Anything will be better than what we got

I can appreciate why you must constantly remind yourself of your putative sexual orientation...

You're a fucking brick.
In less than one effin month, Donald Insane Trump and his peeps, have created more shit, than a over crowed nursing home with seniors in diapers eating grease sandwiches for lunch. And it all started with..."the Carnage ends now", unquote.

To date, this nightmare with orange hair and face, has managed to alienate just about every nation on the planet, save for Russia. Is banned from just about every country, except Russia. Has lied to the utmost degree on everything he says and does. Will tweet to no end, when pissed off and now his prized mop speaking piece, KellyAnn is now in hot water defending this idiot. I mean the bs just never seems to end and this is the guy, to date...still has people supporting his nonsense.

If this country, this nation, this planet is to maintain its sanity and standings....Trump needs to do. I would rather have in that white house, another GW Bush Jr on meth, than Donald Insane Trump.

There seems to be no end to this man's need to please the Klan, fuck the rest and preserve the Trump end and for all his supporters, nothing is headed their way in terms of good paying jobs and stability...but bs after bs after bs.

What a fuckin joke this country is becoming....all because 37% of ingrates who voted in a clown, just wanted America first....well, we first alll right....the first country in our nations history, to implode in less than 30 days!!
I hope Twitler doesn't lie us into a war like bush did
True, he crammed Obamacare up our...throats through the use of bribes, payoffs and probably blackmail.
WRONG. The GOP congress tried to use filibusters, obstructions and sabotages to prevent the ACA from coming to law!!! What a fucking liar you are.
You do realize that republicans didn't hold either house when obamacare was passed. You are the liar.
You do realize over the last 7.5 years the republicans haven't come up with a replacement yet for the ACA! And Trump has finally came out and said that "Trump-Care" will take another two years to come to full fruition.
Anything will be better than what we got

I can appreciate why you must constantly remind yourself of your putative sexual orientation...

You're a fucking brick.
I not reminding myself, reminding the queers like yourself.
WRONG. The GOP congress tried to use filibusters, obstructions and sabotages to prevent the ACA from coming to law!!! What a fucking liar you are.
You do realize that republicans didn't hold either house when obamacare was passed. You are the liar.
You do realize over the last 7.5 years the republicans haven't come up with a replacement yet for the ACA! And Trump has finally came out and said that "Trump-Care" will take another two years to come to full fruition.
Anything will be better than what we got

I can appreciate why you must constantly remind yourself of your putative sexual orientation...

You're a fucking brick.
I not reminding myself, reminding the queers like yourself.
Keep trying to convince yourself of that....Do you have, like, a really sissy walk?
In less than one effin month, Donald Insane Trump and his peeps, have created more shit, than a over crowed nursing home with seniors in diapers eating grease sandwiches for lunch. And it all started with..."the Carnage ends now", unquote.

To date, this nightmare with orange hair and face, has managed to alienate just about every nation on the planet, save for Russia. Is banned from just about every country, except Russia. Has lied to the utmost degree on everything he says and does. Will tweet to no end, when pissed off and now his prized mop speaking piece, KellyAnn is now in hot water defending this idiot. I mean the bs just never seems to end and this is the guy, to date...still has people supporting his nonsense.

If this country, this nation, this planet is to maintain its sanity and standings....Trump needs to do. I would rather have in that white house, another GW Bush Jr on meth, than Donald Insane Trump.

There seems to be no end to this man's need to please the Klan, fuck the rest and preserve the Trump end and for all his supporters, nothing is headed their way in terms of good paying jobs and stability...but bs after bs after bs.

What a fuckin joke this country is becoming....all because 37% of ingrates who voted in a clown, just wanted America first....well, we first alll right....the first country in our nations history, to implode in less than 30 days!!

The only nightmare is that of the left that can't accept reality, keep your riots up, you people will be out of power for generations.
You do realize that republicans didn't hold either house when obamacare was passed. You are the liar.
You do realize over the last 7.5 years the republicans haven't come up with a replacement yet for the ACA! And Trump has finally came out and said that "Trump-Care" will take another two years to come to full fruition.
Anything will be better than what we got

I can appreciate why you must constantly remind yourself of your putative sexual orientation...

You're a fucking brick.
I not reminding myself, reminding the queers like yourself.
Keep trying to convince yourself of that....Do you have, like, a really sissy walk?
Is that your fantasy? Lol, got back and hit the bottle and get your Obama poster out and take care of your queer desires.
Considering the way we've been the World's Bitch on Trade and Immigration, we knew that the nations that have been fucking US, would be unhappy when we grew a spine.

What part of that is confusing to you?
How have we been "the world's bitch" in those respects, C?

and remember, I really don't give a shit what you "feel".......

Limit yourself to substance, if you can...

Unfair trade, and taking WAY to many Third World peasants we have no need for.

Helps them, hurts us.

You didn't disappoint......

Trade and immigration are "substance" and your attempt to pretend otherwise is just you being as ass.
Your observations, on the other hand, are 100% NotSubstance.......

Because you imbeciles don't have the stamina to look past the Drudge headline, your critical faculties have atrophied to the point where you cannot link two coherent thoughts.....

after tripping on one, the first thing you look for is a meme...

Nothing in your post addresses my point.

Thus my point stands.

Considering the way we've been the World's Bitch on Trade and Immigration, we knew that the nations that have been fucking US, would be unhappy when we grew a spine.
Wow, can you change your username to TRIGGERED 59? :p

In all serious, let's try to help you work your way through your mental crisis. What specifically "triggered" you today and how is The Donald responsible for you being upset?
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, the same way Obama made you pink puszzy's go insane, he breathes everyday!!

LOL I'm loving it!!
Trump "nightmare"?
Actually it's the Trump dream come true. Or at least potentially it is.
We actually have a president that may get something accomplished concerning illegal immigration.
President Obama got a lot done by deporting over 4 million immigrants in his 8 years in office.
Trump "nightmare"?
Actually it's the Trump dream come true. Or at least potentially it is.
We actually have a president that may get something accomplished concerning illegal immigration.
President Obama got a lot done by deporting over 4 million immigrants in his 8 years in office.

Not four million silly... just four. That was a typo.
I told you that you didn't pay attention to Obama. He blamed talk radio for not getting his agenda through. Kept us informed and we informed our state representatives. But he got too much of his agenda through and Trump is erasing it!
You are not listening. The GOP congress purposefully Obstructed, sabotaged and Filibustered Obama to try and make him one term President because the GOP was pissed they lost the election TWICE!!!
I think you forgot who had control of Congress for the first two years. Obama still got most of what he wanted.

True, he crammed Obamacare up our...throats through the use of bribes, payoffs and probably blackmail.
WRONG. The GOP congress tried to use filibusters, obstructions and sabotages to prevent the ACA from coming to law!!! What a fucking liar you are.

The ACA was passed by Democrats based on LIES. If I were a Democrat, I would change parties after being fed the LIES that Obama told to get them to pass it.
Meh! The GOP has had 7 years to replace the ACA with SOMETHING!!! What taking so long? Millions of conservatives don't want the ACA repealed nor replace! Conservatives want a improvement with the ACA!!!! Come on whatcha going to do??
Anger erupts at Republican town halls
Anger erupts at Republican town halls -
I told you that you didn't pay attention to Obama. He blamed talk radio for not getting his agenda through. Kept us informed and we informed our state representatives. But he got too much of his agenda through and Trump is erasing it!
You are not listening. The GOP congress purposefully Obstructed, sabotaged and Filibustered Obama to try and make him one term President because the GOP was pissed they lost the election TWICE!!!
I think you forgot who had control of Congress for the first two years. Obama still got most of what he wanted.

True, he crammed Obamacare up our...throats through the use of bribes, payoffs and probably blackmail.
WRONG. The GOP congress tried to use filibusters, obstructions and sabotages to prevent the ACA from coming to law!!! What a fucking liar you are.
You do realize that republicans didn't hold either house when obamacare was passed. You are the liar.
Republican Congress was busy filibustering, obstructing and sabotaging when the ACA was passed. Now millions of conservatives "Love" their ACA; they just don't like Obama care.......except when Obama Care saves their lives from "pre-existing conditions" or when they have cancer!!!!
I told you that you didn't pay attention to Obama. He blamed talk radio for not getting his agenda through. Kept us informed and we informed our state representatives. But he got too much of his agenda through and Trump is erasing it!
You are not listening. The GOP congress purposefully Obstructed, sabotaged and Filibustered Obama to try and make him one term President because the GOP was pissed they lost the election TWICE!!!
I think you forgot who had control of Congress for the first two years. Obama still got most of what he wanted.

True, he crammed Obamacare up our...throats through the use of bribes, payoffs and probably blackmail.
WRONG. The GOP congress tried to use filibusters, obstructions and sabotages to prevent the ACA from coming to law!!! What a fucking liar you are.
You do realize that republicans didn't hold either house when obamacare was passed. You are the liar.
Trump's GOP Congress doesn't hold a 60 seat majority!!!!! Now sit back and watch the GOP having to compromise or OVER REACH in the next 4 years.
If racist lefty idiots like the OP are going this bat-shit nuts now, just think what puddles they will be after 4 years.

If racist lefty idiots like the OP are going this bat-shit nuts now, just think what puddles they will be after 4 years.

Trump is already in Trouble.......he doesn't have to wait for the next 4 years!!!! Its going to nice to see the the failure of this "Orange" PRICK.
I think you forgot who had control of Congress for the first two years. Obama still got most of what he wanted.

True, he crammed Obamacare up our...throats through the use of bribes, payoffs and probably blackmail.
WRONG. The GOP congress tried to use filibusters, obstructions and sabotages to prevent the ACA from coming to law!!! What a fucking liar you are.
You do realize that republicans didn't hold either house when obamacare was passed. You are the liar.
You do realize over the last 7.5 years the republicans haven't come up with a replacement yet for the ACA! And Trump has finally came out and said that "Trump-Care" will take another two years to come to full fruition.
Anything will be better than what we got
True. Trump is a total FAILURE!!!

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