This violent nut is actually in a classroom with children....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is one of the leaders of the fascists who attacked people at the Milo speech in Berkely.....she is on video attacking a Trump supporter and screeching at the top of her voice........and she teaches American Children....and still has her job......

She was on the Great Tucker Carlson's show, where she was more than happy to say that she will attack anyone she wants if she thinks they are fascists.....which is funny, since she is the fascist using violence to silence free speech......

She should be removed from her classroom.....if a student is a Trump supporter they are in danger.....

WATCH: Tucker Carlson Takes On Berkeley Protester. It Isn’t Pretty.

On Monday, Felarca, who openly advocates for the shutting up of whomever she deems a "fascist" by "any means necessary," appeared on Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight to discuss her radical views. And it wasn't pretty.

Host Tucker Carlson opened the segment by showing a clip of Felarca physically assaulting a peaceful protester for espousing language she did not like, allegedly pro-fascist language. Since Felarca advocates for their silencing, Carlson asked the "activist" to clarify who exactly, by definition, is a "fascist."
Yeah I saw that, Tucker did a good job of showing that while was accusing others of "fascism", she and her group were the ones engaging in fascistic behavior.
Yeah I saw that, Tucker did a good job of showing that while was accusing others of "fascism", she and her group were the ones engaging in fascistic behavior.

She needs to be out of the classroom....what would she do to a student whose family are Trump supporters? Or a student who brings attention to Milo Yianopolous or tries to show his videos to other students...this nut is dangerous...
Our public educational system is crammed full of Marxists. they have been targeting it for years with a "Win the Children" strategy to promote Marxism.

An educational voucher system cannot come fast enough.
This is one of the leaders of the fascists who attacked people at the Milo speech in Berkely.....she is on video attacking a Trump supporter and screeching at the top of her voice........and she teaches American Children....and still has her job......

She was on the Great Tucker Carlson's show, where she was more than happy to say that she will attack anyone she wants if she thinks they are fascists.....which is funny, since she is the fascist using violence to silence free speech......

She should be removed from her classroom.....if a student is a Trump supporter they are in danger.....

WATCH: Tucker Carlson Takes On Berkeley Protester. It Isn’t Pretty.

On Monday, Felarca, who openly advocates for the shutting up of whomever she deems a "fascist" by "any means necessary," appeared on Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight to discuss her radical views. And it wasn't pretty.

Host Tucker Carlson opened the segment by showing a clip of Felarca physically assaulting a peaceful protester for espousing language she did not like, allegedly pro-fascist language. Since Felarca advocates for their silencing, Carlson asked the "activist" to clarify who exactly, by definition, is a "fascist."

I usually watch Tucker but missed it that night. Thanks, for your time. Frightening that she is a middle school teacher, instructing her kids that this is the way to behave.
Yeah I saw that, Tucker did a good job of showing that while was accusing others of "fascism", she and her group were the ones engaging in fascistic behavior.

She needs to be out of the classroom....what would she do to a student whose family are Trump supporters? Or a student who brings attention to Milo Yianopolous or tries to show his videos to other students...this nut is dangerous...
She should be behind bars for assault. Hope they use the tape from Tucker as evidence.
Milo "whips up mob mentality"? Not left wing-identarianism? Fuck this ****.

Honestly at this point, I wish my side at least displayed the same kind of violence as the commie monkeys.

Man. This woman is a monster. Just a little angry bottle of hate.

Most schools and colleges are filled with nutjobs like this indoctrinating our youth with anti American ideology. These kids then graduate from college and take their radical ideology into media and govt. jobs. Hence the situation we are in now, with the media acting like jackals. If something isn't done about this and fast, the demise of our country is imminent.
Milo "whips up mob mentality"? Not left wing-identarianism? Fuck this ****.

Honestly at this point, I wish my side at least displayed the same kind of violence as the commie monkeys.
Patience, grasshopper, these lunatics will keep pushing until they provoke the inevitable response to their abuses, assaults, and un-Constitutional, hateful behavior.
Our public educational system is crammed full of Marxists. they have been targeting it for years with a "Win the Children" strategy to promote Marxism.

An educational voucher system cannot come fast enough.

Yes, then we can fund all the Muslim madrassas with tax dollars so we home-grow even more of our own radical Islamic terrorists.
Overzealous anti-fascists are using the same tactics that real fascist would, they are just to stupid to realise it. I'm all for non-violent protest but these idiots are going to go to far. I'm looking forward to the day when gender equality finally catches up to a women like this and she gets put on her ass for getting in the wrong persons face.
Our public educational system is crammed full of Marxists. they have been targeting it for years with a "Win the Children" strategy to promote Marxism.

An educational voucher system cannot come fast enough.
As long as schools get choice too.
Thanks for the video. Yikes! I she wasn't fired, I'd yank my kid from that classroom so fast I'd leave skidmarks with my tennies.
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Patience, grasshopper, these lunatics will keep pushing until they provoke the inevitable response to their abuses, assaults, and un-Constitutional, hateful behavior.
That's what I'm afraid of. We're way better armed than those freaks, and it might come down to that.
Seriously, there should be no place in any classroom for political ideology. If she would go as far as to silence a student, or even worse, order a student out of her classroom because the student demonstrated political opinions opposed to her own, she should be ushered to the door. The classroom, especially in a middle school, is NOT the proper forum for her to force her own political philosophy on students.

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