Zone1 This Was So Well Thought Out

He's exactly right. If you believe the Bible, the world God created, was GOOD. If GOD wasn't involved, or can't be trusted, He lied and created the nightmare world we live in today
I thought the tree of knowledge gave A & E the understanding of right and wrong? If that is true, I'm being punished for something someone else did but didn't understand that what they were doing was wrong. Seems unjust and unloving to me.
Good and evil or good and bad, are all subjective...........even in religious cults.

This is where all the hypocrisy comes in. The "leaders" PREACH one thing, and do the EXACT OPPOSITE.

So, if the religious leaders can do it, why can't everybody else? Since it's not obviously evil as they preach it is.
I thought the tree of knowledge gave A & E the understanding of right and wrong? If that is true, I'm being punished for something someone else did but didn't understand that what they were doing was wrong. Seems unjust and unloving to me.
We are punished for our own transgression and not for someone else's including Adam and Eve. We all have our free moral agency to choose good or evil. Sure, Adam and Eve were the first to transgress the law. But, they did not have full knowledge, or any knowledge what it meant to die. But, for Adam and Eve to keep the law to multiply the earth with humans, they had to partake of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. So, my question is did Adam and Eve actually commit a sin or transgression by keeping the law of multiplication of the human being? What they did do is cause knowledge to be available about good and evil by partaking the fruit. From that point on, the people either formed a good life or one with chaos and sin, not God. God provided for this opportunity to test our "faith" in Him with a perfect world for this test.
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I thought the tree of knowledge gave A & E the understanding of right and wrong? If that is true, I'm being punished for something someone else did but didn't understand that what they were doing was wrong. Seems unjust and unloving to me.
The Tree of Knowledge gave Adam and Eve the knowledge of both good and evil. The account starts out with noting that all God made was good. It was like Adam and Eve said, "All this good is nice and all--but we want to know evil, too." In Orthodox Judaism, the story continues with God agreeing to their decision, and the Tree was planted. In this Orthodox version, Adam and Eve were told not to eat the fruit because the fruit wasn't yet ready. In remembrance of this, some Orthodox do not eat fruit off trees is not eaten until the second year it produces.

The consequences of partaking that which was not quite ready to be consumed began to be felt. God basically explained, This throws things off and here is what we face in the meantime--but I am not throwing in the towel. I am sticking with human desire to know both good and evil. I will bring things back around.

Some believe God accomplishes things in the time it takes to snap one's fingers. I believe it is more likely that God takes time with all of His creations.

The question to ask is, How many of us would choose to know only good that exists and to be shielded from knowing about any evil?

God knows evil exists--and He also knows how to make good come from it. How many humans think having this knowledge would be a plus?
I thought the tree of knowledge gave A & E the understanding of right and wrong? If that is true, I'm being punished for something someone else did but didn't understand that what they were doing was wrong. Seems unjust and unloving to me.
You are being "punished" in this life for the same reason Adam and Eve were.

The Tree represented Rejecting God's revealed word and DECIDING FOR YOURSELF what is good and evil in YOUR eyes. It was an act of rebellion.

But everyone is missing the greater point in this video. I posted it to see if anyone here would understand
Before God ever created this world he called a Savior to come and die for the sins of the world. He knew that Adam and Eve would partake of the forbidden fruit and fall way before it ever happened. God was not surprised by the fact that Adam and Eve fell. In fact, if God wanted to have avoided the fall of Adam and Eve, knowing way before hand that Adam and Eve would partake of the forbidden fruit, God could have not sent Satan and his angels to this earth and he could have never planted the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the garden. But God did choose these things because it was important for mankind to go through mortality and learn good from evil to advance and become greater beings. For this very reason God called and chose a Savior, even Christ the Lord, to come in the meridian of time to atone for the sins of the world and to reclaim fallen man by granting him immortal life through the resurrection of all mankind.
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Mankind created the world we live in today. God will not force us to be good but like a good father, God teaches us what we need to know. Rebelling against those teachings is what gets us into the mess the world is in today.
lg325; you are spot on here with your post. Unfortunately faith in the Divine, & human rebellion mix about as good as oil & water. Many(?) of the public school educated city kids of today appear to end up as tomorrows homeless & sometimes violent street kids. Maybe many of the kids in private(non g'ment) schools also end up as street fodder but I do not have info to verify this one way or the other. I do know for a fact that kids raised in a more country &/or farming community are VASTLY different from their city counterparts.

I spend a LOT of my time when surfing the internet searching out both goat & deer videos as I still possess a love for these creatures that borderlines on fanaticism. I stumbled upon a short vid that really took me back in time. As I studied the vid I noticed that the kids were basically having a great time with just an oversized mudpuddle. The young buck frolicking in the mudpuddle is hardly even noticed by the kids as so many farmers have one or more semi domesticated/fully domesticated deer herds living on their acreage that they are now every day sights or outright farm pets. The young buck has TO SEEK OUT THE KIDS FOR HIS PLAYMATES, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND!

The kids are ENTERTAING THEMSELVES with no face(s) glued to the ole smartphone or sitting in a stupor in front of the desk top monitor, no drugs, no violence, no porno, no shoplifting, no sports, no concerts, no protests, nothing more than just a simple mudpuddle. NOTICE that the kids are abreast of each other with outstretched arms & HOLDING HANDS, a sure sign of solidarity & mutual love. In MY opinion the problems are many regarding societal deterioration. Sure, there is the dark side of spirituality but I see other problems that may also contribute to the problem such as; concrete jungles, keeping up with the Jones', technology moving too fast for humans to adjust to it, debt spending induced inflation, laziness, poverty, narcissism induced entitlement mentality etc.

Many thanks for your post! I do hope you enjoy the vid, till next time!
The Tree of Knowledge gave Adam and Eve the knowledge of both good and evil. The account starts out with noting that all God made was good. It was like Adam and Eve said, "All this good is nice and all--but we want to know evil, too." In Orthodox Judaism, the story continues with God agreeing to their decision, and the Tree was planted. In this Orthodox version, Adam and Eve were told not to eat the fruit because the fruit wasn't yet ready. In remembrance of this, some Orthodox do not eat fruit off trees is not eaten until the second year it produces.

The consequences of partaking that which was not quite ready to be consumed began to be felt. God basically explained, This throws things off and here is what we face in the meantime--but I am not throwing in the towel. I am sticking with human desire to know both good and evil. I will bring things back around.

Some believe God accomplishes things in the time it takes to snap one's fingers. I believe it is more likely that God takes time with all of His creations.

The question to ask is, How many of us would choose to know only good that exists and to be shielded from knowing about any evil?

God knows evil exists--and He also knows how to make good come from it. How many humans think having this knowledge would be a plus?
I'm guessing this is from the Talmud? Interesting, and a good example of how people seem to need to interpret the Bible and write their own scripture as to what God really meant.
I'm guessing this is from the Talmud? Interesting, and a good example of how people seem to need to interpret the Bible and write their own scripture as to what God really meant.
I don't remember--So many different sources. I wouldn't be surprised if someone knows of a source even earlier than Judaism made this point, and Orthodox Jews picked up on it.

As far as what God "really meant": I find it interesting that so many humans believe God could have only meant one thing. If humans can come up with several different meanings, isn't it possible God meant them all? Humans seem to want to lock themselves into binary thinking...choose one thing and one thing only! Why? Should we be limiting God to one thing? We might want to remember we can't limit God as He is limitless.
As far as what God "really meant": I find it interesting that so many humans believe God could have only meant one thing. If humans can come up with several different meanings, isn't it possible God meant them all? Humans seem to want to lock themselves into binary thinking...choose one thing and one thing only! Why? Should we be limiting God to one thing? We might want to remember we can't limit God as He is limitless.
The great thing about the Bible, you can find a justification in it for anything. Do you love your enemies or is it an eye for an eye?
The great thing about the Bible, you can find a justification in it for anything. Do you love your enemies or is it an eye for an eye?
Eye for an Eye is in the old testament the new testament did away with that. There is a lot to learn from the old testament but what you read in it is a history of incidents leading up to the birth of Jesus Christ. Others may explain it better than me. I could use the brush-up course on scripture study.
The great thing about the Bible, you can find a justification in it for anything. Do you love your enemies or is it an eye for an eye?
Justice is a good place to begin. "An eye for an eye" continues with "a tooth for a tooth". I am not sure it was even meant to be taken literally. The lesson is, if someone knocks out a tooth, justice is not taking someone's eye. Let the restitution fit the situation, not surpass it. In today's world, how many file frivolous lawsuits over something relatively minor, essentially asking for an eye in return for a tooth?

"Love your enemies." Biblical language is helpful here. An enemy is someone you hate, someone you are jealous of, someone who you envy. The instruction is turn away from your own hate, jealousy, envy, etc. and learn to love instead. What if it is someone who is jealous, envious, and hateful towards you? Do good to them.

So much of the time the Bible is talking about every day, interpersonal relations. And too often our thought of an 'enemy' is only those who want to rob us, take what we have, even kill us. Therefore, an immediate response is, "I have no enemies." And, as we have no wish to rob, pillage, and plunder anyone, we think we have no enemies.

Once we turn our minds to pettiness that arises in everyday relationships, "Love your enemies, and do good to those who hate you," makes a great deal of good sense.
Eye for an Eye is in the old testament the new testament did away with that. There is a lot to learn from the old testament but what you read in it is a history of incidents leading up to the birth of Jesus Christ. Others may explain it better than me. I could use the brush-up course on scripture study.
So the moral code of God has changed? Will it change again in the future and what is bad today will be good then?
Justice is a good place to begin. "An eye for an eye" continues with "a tooth for a tooth". I am not sure it was even meant to be taken literally. The lesson is, if someone knocks out a tooth, justice is not taking someone's eye. Let the restitution fit the situation, not surpass it. In today's world, how many file frivolous lawsuits over something relatively minor, essentially asking for an eye in return for a tooth?

"Love your enemies." Biblical language is helpful here. An enemy is someone you hate, someone you are jealous of, someone who you envy. The instruction is turn away from your own hate, jealousy, envy, etc. and learn to love instead. What if it is someone who is jealous, envious, and hateful towards you? Do good to them.

So much of the time the Bible is talking about every day, interpersonal relations. And too often our thought of an 'enemy' is only those who want to rob us, take what we have, even kill us. Therefore, an immediate response is, "I have no enemies." And, as we have no wish to rob, pillage, and plunder anyone, we think we have no enemies.

Once we turn our minds to pettiness that arises in everyday relationships, "Love your enemies, and do good to those who hate you," makes a great deal of good sense.
As you said, their are many interpretations of scripture, I didn't realize we can just pick the ones we like and ignore those we don't. Explains a lot about the history of Christianity.
As you said, their are many interpretations of scripture, I didn't realize we can just pick the ones we like and ignore those we don't.
There is no reason to ignore anything. All should be studied (not simply read). What is it you wish to ignore?
There is no reason to ignore anything. All should be studied (not simply read). What is it you wish to ignore?
I ignore none of it but I certainly don't accept all of it. You really should ask lg325 that question since he, like many Christians, feels the OT is no longer valid.
I thought the tree of knowledge gave A & E the understanding of right and wrong? If that is true, I'm being punished for something someone else did but didn't understand that what they were doing was wrong. Seems unjust and unloving to me.
It must suck to be you.

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