Zone1 This Was So Well Thought Out

I ignore none of it but I certainly don't accept all of it. You really should ask @lg325 that question since he, like many Christians, feels the OT is no longer valid.
That idea has been around for awhile. If it were truly studied, I think they would agree its validity is timeless.
I'm not the one bitchin' an' crying about being punished by some entity that I think doesn't love me. Like I said, it must suck to be you.
I asked a theological question and you gave me lip in place of an answer. At least Cougarbear gave me the curtesy of a thoughtful reply. Like I said, I'm way happier being me that I would be being you.
The Tree of Knowledge gave Adam and Eve the knowledge of both good and evil. The account starts out with noting that all God made was good. It was like Adam and Eve said, "All this good is nice and all--but we want to know evil, too." In Orthodox Judaism, the story continues with God agreeing to their decision, and the Tree was planted. In this Orthodox version, Adam and Eve were told not to eat the fruit because the fruit wasn't yet ready. In remembrance of this, some Orthodox do not eat fruit off trees is not eaten until the second year it produces.

The consequences of partaking that which was not quite ready to be consumed began to be felt. God basically explained, This throws things off and here is what we face in the meantime--but I am not throwing in the towel. I am sticking with human desire to know both good and evil. I will bring things back around.

Some believe God accomplishes things in the time it takes to snap one's fingers. I believe it is more likely that God takes time with all of His creations.

The question to ask is, How many of us would choose to know only good that exists and to be shielded from knowing about any evil?

God knows evil exists--and He also knows how to make good come from it. How many humans think having this knowledge would be a plus?
Interesting opinions. For the question if we would only want to only know good and only be allowed to choose only good. We could never progress and become a god knowing good and evil. The 3rd of the hosts of heaven wanted to only be influenced by good and were cast out. We were there too because we are being influenced by both good and evil and being allowed to come to earth and progress towards being a god as long as we choose good and repent of sins. There’s also more that needs to take place such as faith in Christ and the exaltation ordinances.

Now, evil can’t yield good fruit. Doesn’t work that way. Only good and right choices can yield good fruit.

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