This Weeks "My 600 Pound Life".Features A 730ish Pound Patient.And He's Alive?

i love it when the doctor asks the patients what their typical diet consists of.
Lets see, Macaroni&Cheese, Burgers,Pizza,Hot Pockets, Coke,Mt.Dew, Diet Dr Pepper, Philly Cheese Steak Sandwitches, Cheesy Potatoes, and lots of italian foods.
If that was me, I would of died 10 years ago

Sounds like the Standard American Diet... which is why we are one of the most obese countries in the world, if not the most. I think things are changing though, people are waking up. Everybody should watch the documentaries Forks Over Knives and What The Health. (Unless one wants to stay fat and unhealthy.) :wink:

Veganism doesn't necessarily mean better health or being thin.

some of the most OBESE girls I knew in college (LONG LONG AGO) were persons
of the "JAIN" religion-------they are not only strict vegetarians----but there are a whole
log of VEGGIES they cannot eat -----like potatoes and onions----because PULLING A
POTATO out of the ground could kill a bug. What they can eat is carbs and vegetable
fats-----SO THEY DO
This whole thread appears to be devoted to mocking people with a life-threatening problem. How wonderful of you all.
Yet people like Michelle Obama are disparaged for trying to teach people about good nutrition and the benefits of exercise.
Oooops............thought this was another Sheila Jackson Lee thread when I saw, "600 lb.............."

BTW.....did Jackson get off that plane yet? Last I heard, she was about to get served some mini-flouta's.
This whole thread appears to be devoted to mocking people with a life-threatening problem. How wonderful of you all.
Yet people like Michelle Obama are disparaged for trying to teach people about good nutrition and the benefits of exercise.

It's unfortunate that people still view the solution of obesity as just simply as " stop eating". Its so much more complex than that.

This is why I said obesity needs to be treated as an addiction. Proper treatment needs to be given.
Veganism doesn't necessarily mean better health or being thin.

I didn't make that claim. Some vegans only do it for ethical reasons, which means that eating nothing but Oreos can technically be a vegan diet. The documentaries I mentioned promote a healthy, whole foods plant-based diet.
this guy was so huge, i dont even think that that Tyrannasorous from Jurrassic Park would of been able to have swallowed him hole
what did he eat? 6 or 7 pizzas a day? on who's credit card?
I watch that show all the time and always wonder where they get the money to support their eating. They have caregivers who only take care of the fat. Where does this money come from?
what did he eat? 6 or 7 pizzas a day? on who's credit card?
I watch that show all the time and always wonder where they get the money to support their eating. They have caregivers who only take care of the fat. Where does this money come from?
right,,who had 100 dollars a day to buy pizza?
100 dollars a day is the minimum. These fat people have to eat every hour and they stop only when they ate it all. So a 20 dollar meal at a burger joint is only good for an hour.

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