This Weeks National Weather In General.So,Al Gore.This Is A Sign That We Are,"Warming"?

if we are warming, then why isnt New York and Miami under water?

This post may not win this week's dumb-off award, but it's a strong contender. It's got some competition on this thread, but I think it stands above all the others.
We see these moron "Look, a snowflake, that means global warming is a hoax!" posts multiple times every winter now.

They're equivalent to screaming, "YES, I AM A CULT RETARD!". But then, what else can they do? All the evidence contradicts their kook denier cult dogma, so they have to deflect somehow.

Lol....only the climate crusader types think people dont notice their balls turning blue being outside after 30 seconds 100 million people. They think people huddled around a fire angering about the 1 degree C :deal::cul2::cul2:

Fascinating.....the lack of understanding of human behavior.....only mental cases think people dont notice when hordes of people cznt leave their homes without nut sack warmers!:hello77:
if we are warming, then why isnt New York and Miami under water?

This post may not win this week's dumb-off award, but it's a strong contender. It's got some competition on this thread, but I think it stands above all the others.

Want dumb?

Only a dummy doesnt get that there is the science and there is whether or not people care about the science.

How many officers the 100 million on the east coast today freezing their balls off are gonna pick up the phone on Tuesday morning, dial their congressman and say, " need to bring a bill to the floor tomorrow to mitigate all this warming because my balls are blue!!" :hhello::hhello::hhello:
if we are warming, then why isnt New York and Miami under water?

This post may not win this week's dumb-off award, but it's a strong contender. It's got some competition on this thread, but I think it stands above all the others.
More undeserved arrogance. The alarmist extremists and their duped sheople conveniently forget the predictions of Manhattan being under water by 2009.
We see these moron "Look, a snowflake, that means global warming is a hoax!" posts multiple times every winter now.

They're equivalent to screaming, "YES, I AM A CULT RETARD!". But then, what else can they do? All the evidence contradicts their kook denier cult dogma, so they have to deflect somehow.

The joke is on you....

You're the moron dip shit...…….
There's no point explaining why this is such a dumb thread, as the people of normal intelligence already understand, while the conservatives don't have the brainpower to understand, no matter how much you dumb it down for them.

Only fools like you believe in man made global warming...……..
:abgg2q.jpg: :laugh2: :laughing0301: :poop: :iyfyus.jpg:. So what we are all witnessing today is a sign that the world is warming? So what is the forecast for Boston and New York?
And when are we going to hear from Al Gore? Is he planning a press conference soon to decipher this weeks weather that is reeking havock in many of the 57 States?
And it's not exactly hot/warm in Florida every day either.
So where is Al Gore? Hiding in the Bahamas?
Another fucking jackass too stupid to know that global warming is a trend & not a weekly weather forecast.

It's a trend alright....

A trend for dumb ass libtards like yourself…...
According to An Inconvenient Truth the beach should have been a lot closer to my house by now. That Al Gore is full of shit man.
"Brutal and Extended Cold Blast could shatter ALL RECORDS - Whatever happened to Global Warming?" -- DearLeaderTrump

So, can any of DearLeader's buttkissers here tell us which records were shattered?

No? You mean DearLeader lied again? That means his buttkissers will kiss even more fervently. It's what they do.

That kind of winter weather used to be the normal. Now, as the hysterics of the dumbass brigade here demonstrate, it's rather unusual. Our deniers here just demonstrated the long-term warming trend. They're not the brightest bunch.
from what i am hearing, its not exactly warming in most of the 57 states this week

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