This will defeat Donald Trump in 2020

So none of those “bans” relate to China in February.

Three strikes buddy.
Oh, sorry I called you an idiot, when you are obviously a moron › 2020/03/12 › travel-restrictions-spread-as-...
Mar 12, 2020 - President Trump's decision to bar visitors from Europe has been ... Much like travel bans imposed in January and February on China and Iran, ...
That dude got it wrong. It was not a travel ban as The NY Times story I posted proves. Thousands upon thousands of people travelled to and from China after the “ban” was placed. Doesn’t sound like a ban to me.
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No...But the numerous news Apps on my phone, which I check on a daily basis, are hardly tools for Trump.
The Associated Press, Reuters, BBC, CNN, etc.....
This is your problem. You think if you check out various mainstream Western sources you are informed. But ALL of them, “pro-Trump“ or “anti-Trump,” are echoing the exact same completely unsubstantiated, obviously sensationalist report, sourced by the untrustworthy religious cultist Falun Gong. Trusting and reposting such nonsense shows utter naïveté or, more likely, malicious intent on your part.
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How do you know if any of these people are Democrats or Republicans?

I say you would like Americans to have to wear badges claiming what they are?


You are truly stupid sheepboi.

If they are "down for the revolution" support the raping and pillaging of ANTIFA Brown Shirts, bend the knee to the BLM Klan, they're democrats.

If they support America, they're Trump supporters.
Despite what some think a great many people remember who is responsible for creating this mess China and the WHO. They also remember when Trump put the China ban in place many on the left were critical of it and downplayed the threat of the virus which included Joe Biden.

Neither China nor the WHO "created this mess". DONALD J. TRUMP created this mess, due to his total and abject failures in addressing the pandemic, and HIS FAILURE TO ADDRESS THE NEEDS OF THE PEOPLE.

THE WHO created a testing system that has worked very effectively to provide cheap, accurate and easily processed testing throughout the entire world. DONALD J. TRUMP refused to use the WHO test because AMERICAN COMPANIES WOULD HAVE BIGGER PROFITS IF THEY CREATED THEIR OWN TESTS AND OWNED THE RIGHTS TO THEM.

Then he botched the creation of the tests by telling the labs they could go to market when their tests were ready, and no CDC testing or approval was required. Many of the tests created didn't work, or required equipment and supplies the medical system didn't have and couldn't provide. People are STILL waiting days, even weeks for results. Average turn around time is nearly 5 days.



The rest of the world shut down hard, and is only now re-opening. The moment the number of cases started to decline, Trump pushed to fully re-open the economy IMMEDIATELY. Instead of waiting until the case numbers dropped to the bottom of the curve, and then opening slowly, as per the CDC guidelines, TRUMP encouraged demonstrators to go after blue states to re-open immediately.

EVERY state which fully re-opened in May, is now seeing record cases and deaths. HOW IS THAT THE FAULT OF CHINA OR THE WHO?

Donald Trump held a rally in Tulsa which lead to Tulsa have a HUGE spike in cases two weeks later. HOW IS THAT THE FAULT OF THE WHO OR CHINA?


You are beyond fucking stupid, you're insane.
How is Chinatown related to Trump’s travel ban? You realize Chinatown isn’t in China, right?

You Communists are funny. Sometimes I wonder if you actually are as dumb as you present yourselves.

democrats - violent, evil, stupid. Yeah, that's what America needs... :eusa_whistle:

When you call liberals "communists", you prove you are even dumber that we think you are, and we already think you're a total idiot.

When you call Democrats "violent, evil, stupid", your comments say more about YOU than they do about Democrats. Your siggy line says that a vote for Biden is a vote for Xi. Funny but I don't ever recall Joe Biden telling Xi that concentration camps are a good idea, like Donald Trump has done. Nor has Biden said that he "likes Xi" and has a lot of respect for him. That they're "friends", all of which Trump has said.

In fact, Trump has BEGGED Xi to help him get re-elected. He even signed a phony "interim trade deal" with Xi to make it look like he was making progress on trade with China. Trump even sold ALL of America's PPE to China, and encouraged American companies to ship everything they had to China, without keeping anything for American hospitals, creating critical shortages when American hospitals needed them.

American corporations and billionaires are making BILLIONS from the pandemic, so of course Trump is letting it run free, cratering the economy, and leading DIRECTLY to the violence we see in the streets today. All of which fits nicely into Trump's totalitarian agenda. Trump is deliberately INFLAMING the violence as an excuse to unleash his storm troopers on the left.

And fool that you are you believe everything he says and cheer him on. "Violent, evil, stupid" is the perfect description of Donald J. Trump. This is man who screwed his brother's children out of their inheritance. Who had to be shamed by the Washington Post into giving the money he raised to the veterans groups he told the donors would be receiving it, and who is currently shovelling taxpayer's money into his business accounts as fast as he can.

What a helpful little idiot your are, parroting his lies, and vowing to vote for four more years of this corruption, chaos, and destruction of your nation. This is your third economic crash in 40 years. Your nation may not survive this one. It certainly can't go back to the economic model that has been so destructive for so many.

You're not a liberal, there is nothing even remotely "liberal" about totalitarian thugs like you. You have nothing in common with Thomas Jefferson, but you have EVERYTHING in common with Pol Pot.
NO - It's not Joe Biden

Donald Trump will be defeated by a virus crisis he's never dealt with before.

Most Trump supporters will hang with him on all the major issues, but many are abandoning him, due to his inability to lead on this issue. His decision to pass the buck to the State Governors, rather than take the lead will cost him this election.

When defeated, Donald Trump will no doubt shake his fist and scream "voter fraud" but it won't change the outcome. As America races to 200,000+ dead by years end, even many Republicans admit Joe Biden is better qualified to end this carnage, and will change their vote accordingly.

Sorry Trump supporters: Your golden boy is going down, and he'll take a lot of GOP lawmakers down with him. :nono:
Trump is a coward.
How do you know if any of these people are Democrats or Republicans?

I say you would like Americans to have to wear badges claiming what they are?


You are truly stupid sheepboi.

If they are "down for the revolution" support the raping and pillaging of ANTIFA Brown Shirts, bend the knee to the BLM Klan, they're democrats.

If they support America, they're Trump supporters.
Make believe ANTIFA! Lol!
I have no doubt the Democrats worked with China to release the virus on America after it was obvious impeachment was a flop. After the virus, they tried race riots. The Democrat party has become nothing more than a domestic terrorist group.

Wasnt China that pretended the virus was no big deal. Wasn’t China telling people to ignore social distancing and mocking people for wearing masks

China was still claiming no human to human transmission in January. They also restricted Wuhan residents from travelling within China, but they freely let them travel out of China.

Those are your Democrat party allies
China fixed its flu

The TRUMPvirus is getting worse

I'm curious, how old are you? Is this early onset of dementia, or just the regular kind?
Are you saying the virus is not getting worse?
Pelosi has never ignored the seriousness of Covid. That would be Donald J. Trump.


You're such a fucking liar.

Not a hint of fact to ANY post by you.

Everything - and I mean EVERYTHING you spew about Trump is a flat out fucking lie.

Biden is in the pocket of China and has been for 30 years.

You know it, but support China and seek the end of America.

When you call liberals "communists", you prove you are even dumber that we think you are, and we already think you're a total idiot.

When you call Democrats "violent, evil, stupid", your comments say more about YOU than they do about Democrats. Your siggy line says that a vote for Biden is a vote for Xi. Funny but I don't ever recall Joe Biden telling Xi that concentration camps are a good idea, like Donald Trump has done.

You fucking liar.

Nor has Biden said that he "likes Xi" and has a lot of respect for him. That they're "friends", all of which Trump has said.

At least there is a hint of some fact, Trump did say he has respect for Xi, the rest is a fucking lie.

In fact, Trump has BEGGED Xi to help him get re-elected.

You pathetic fucking liar.

He even signed a phony "interim trade deal" with Xi to make it look like he was making progress on trade with China. Trump even sold ALL of America's PPE to China, and encouraged American companies to ship everything they had to China, without keeping anything for American hospitals, creating critical shortages when American hospitals needed them.

You sleazy fucking liar.

You have no honor, no integrity - you're a vile demagogue.

You are a fucking liar, NOTHING you vomit out has a hint or morsel of truth. Vile fucking communist dedicated to the destruction of America who will make uu or repeat ANY vicious lie to try and smear the object of the hives hatred.

You are a democrat, evil, filled with hate, and utterly without honor. You serve the CCP and are at war against America - just as Joe Biden is.
Actually, Trump was calling Coronavirus a hoax.

Actually, you're a fucking liar. But Pelosi was encouraging people to gather in large crowds in Chinatown and Warren Wilhelm Jr. was urging people to go to Broadway musicals celebrating Communism.

Hey, you are a CCP agent - we expect you to lie. Clearly the fascist democrats are your little bitches, doing anything you ChiComs tell them.
How do you know if any of these people are Democrats or Republicans?

I say you would like Americans to have to wear badges claiming what they are?


You are truly stupid sheepboi.

If they are "down for the revolution" support the raping and pillaging of ANTIFA Brown Shirts, bend the knee to the BLM Klan, they're democrats.

If they support America, they're Trump supporters.
Make believe ANTIFA! Lol!

That's a LOT of make believe, Chang.

How do you know if any of these people are Democrats or Republicans?

I say you would like Americans to have to wear badges claiming what they are?


You are truly stupid sheepboi.

If they are "down for the revolution" support the raping and pillaging of ANTIFA Brown Shirts, bend the knee to the BLM Klan, they're democrats.

If they support America, they're Trump supporters.
Make believe ANTIFA! Lol!

That's a LOT of make believe, Chang.

View attachment 366599
Non-existing argument. You lose.
Actually, Trump was calling Coronavirus a hoax.

Actually, you're a fucking liar. But Pelosi was encouraging people to gather in large crowds in Chinatown and Warren Wilhelm Jr. was urging people to go to Broadway musicals celebrating Communism.

Hey, you are a CCP agent - we expect you to lie. Clearly the fascist democrats are your little bitches, doing anything you ChiComs tell them.
No, we have Trump on video calling it a hoax. You are delusional and a liar.
NO - It's not Joe Biden

Donald Trump will be defeated by a virus crisis he's never dealt with before.

Most Trump supporters will hang with him on all the major issues, but many are abandoning him, due to his inability to lead on this issue. His decision to pass the buck to the State Governors, rather than take the lead will cost him this election.

When defeated, Donald Trump will no doubt shake his fist and scream "voter fraud" but it won't change the outcome. As America races to 200,000+ dead by years end, even many Republicans admit Joe Biden is better qualified to end this carnage, and will change their vote accordingly.

Sorry Trump supporters: Your golden boy is going down, and he'll take a lot of GOP lawmakers down with him. :nono:
You do realize the opposition to trump were Democrats that didn’t want to shut down travel from China .. That’s the best leader ship you’ll find on the face of the earth

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