This will defeat Donald Trump in 2020

Trumps lack of leadership during the COVID epidemic will cost him a second term.

Most Presidents would rise to the occasion. Trump has pretended it doesn’t exist.

Trust me, we don’t have a problem, we just test too much
you said above this virus forced him to act like a he isnt leading.....make up your mind RW.....
And that's the depth of your understanding of it all, isn't it? Do you ever at your age and diminishing cognitive functioning wonder if your family is getting ready to pull the plug? I'd be sure to watch them near any wall outlet
Is that really the best you got?
You need to pick up your game

Show some facts if you disagree with me

You provided no facts to disagree with. You just put your mental health issues on display

Another deflection? Why do you continue to attack the character and mental acuity of posters who offer opinions? A messager board which is one that is generally speaking a place to share opinions. If you don't agree with someone, why insult them? Grow up and either ignore them or write a clear, concise rebuttal.

He is actually literally asking me to debate vague, sweeping statements that he made. He didn't provide any facts to disagree with.

And you're Mr. Ad Hominem, this is suddenly a standard to you?

The Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF; Amharic: የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝቦች አብዮታዊ ዲሞክራሲያዊ ግንባር ye’ītiyop’iya ḥizibochi ābiyotawī dīmokirasīyawī ginibari) was an ethnic federalist[4] political coalition in Ethiopia. The EPRDF consisted of four political parties, namely Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF), Amhara Democratic Party (ADP), Oromo Democratic Party (ODP) and Southern Ethiopian People's Democratic Movement (SEPDM).[4] After leading the overthrow of the Communist People's Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, it dominated Ethiopian politics from 1991 to 2019.

It seems PoliticalChic is a pathological liar. No wonder she supports Donald J. Trump, they have so much in common.
I have no doubt the Democrats worked with China to release the virus on America after it was obvious impeachment was a flop. After the virus, they tried race riots. The Democrat party has become nothing more than a domestic terrorist group.

Wasnt China that pretended the virus was no big deal. Wasn’t China telling people to ignore social distancing and mocking people for wearing masks

China was still claiming no human to human transmission in January. They also restricted Wuhan residents from travelling within China, but they freely let them travel out of China.

Those are your Democrat party allies
China fixed its flu

The TRUMPvirus is getting worse

I'm curious, how old are you? Is this early onset of dementia, or just the regular kind?
Which world are you living in?

China took harsh actions and fixed its COVID problem
Trump denied it and It is getting worse
China took harsh actions and fixed its COVID problem
China murdered Wuhan citizens by cremation and you damn well know it as it was all the media.
Are you claiming China threw live people into a cremation chamber?

That is EXACTLY his claim. And it was NOT all the media, but Steve Bannon was reporting it, which of course means it's already questionable. A quick check shows that it has been completely debunked.

NO - It's not Joe Biden

Donald Trump will be defeated by a virus crisis he's never dealt with before.

Most Trump supporters will hang with him on all the major issues, but many are abandoning him, due to his inability to lead on this issue. His decision to pass the buck to the State Governors, rather than take the lead will cost him this election.

When defeated, Donald Trump will no doubt shake his fist and scream "voter fraud" but it won't change the outcome. As America races to 200,000+ dead by years end, even many Republicans admit Joe Biden is better qualified to end this carnage, and will change their vote accordingly.

Sorry Trump supporters: Your golden boy is going down, and he'll take a lot of GOP lawmakers down with him. :nono:
Here's a clue for you, moron: Trump has no choice but to let states make these decisions because the federal government has no authority in this area.
Right, Trump put travel bans in force while the democrats were in the streets without masks pleading for people to visit chinatown in San Francisco
Feb 24th 2020
How is Chinatown related to Trump’s travel ban? You realize Chinatown isn’t in China, right?
Pelosi criticizes Trump for not taking COVID seriously, yet she was out promoting Chinatown in February. See the duplicity?
Then she has the nerve to call it the "Trump Virus" after helping it spread.
The reason Pelosi was promoting Chinatown was in response to racist outrage against Chinese citizens. It was a show of support.

Trumps response has been.......I got an idea! Lets call it “Kung Flu”.
That way people will know to blame China
Back in Feb Pelosi ignored the seriousness of COVID. Now she calls it "Trump's Virus".
She is a democrat POS.

Pelosi has never ignored the seriousness of Covid. That would be Donald J. Trump.

You really have no idea at all what is going on, do you? President Trump has bought up nearly the whole world's supply of Remdesivir, which reduced mortality from covid 19 by 62% over standard treatment in large scale studies, and has contracted to buy over 300 million doses of the most promising vaccines being tested while crazy old Nancy does nothing but rant and rave about federal law enforcement officers being nazis.

Yes, I do know what is going on. Are you aware that Trump is rationing the drug, and ensuring that only the "right people" are allowed access to it? Or that they're seriously overpaying for a drug that the US government spent?

Given that there were only 650,000 doses of the drug, and that the USA currently has nearly 2 million people who are sick, and that each patient who receives the drug requires a minimum of 5 doses, you have enough of the drug to treat 130,000 patients, and nearly 2 million sick people.

Who gets Remdesivir? Why people with private insurance, of course. If you're unemployed and uninsured, elderly or poor and on Medicare or Medicaid, you're allowed to die.


Clearly, you have no idea what is going on. The federal government is sending the drug to the state governments that need it and not dosing it out themselves. There are no "right" people or "wrong" people except in your bigoted mind.

The HHS is in charge of who gets Remdesivir. There is not enough of it for ANYONE who wants it to get it. You only have 650,000 single doses and a course of treatment is a minimum of 5 doses, which means you can treat 130,000 people. No more. So which 130,000 people out of the nearly 2 million people who are sick, are going to get the drug?

Which people will get it will be determined by the doctors in teh states that request it. Stop trying to make up reasons for your irrational hatred of President Trump.
Trumps travel ban from China was on January 31
On February 26, he declared we had 15 cases and that number would go down to close to zero “in a couple of days”

China may have been responsible for those 15 cases. Growing to 3 million was Trumps responsibility
Hmmmm, no it wasn't, you fucking moron.
I have no doubt the Democrats worked with China to release the virus on America after it was obvious impeachment was a flop. After the virus, they tried race riots. The Democrat party has become nothing more than a domestic terrorist group.

Wasnt China that pretended the virus was no big deal. Wasn’t China telling people to ignore social distancing and mocking people for wearing masks

China was still claiming no human to human transmission in January. They also restricted Wuhan residents from travelling within China, but they freely let them travel out of China.

Those are your Democrat party allies
China fixed its flu

The TRUMPvirus is getting worse

I'm curious, how old are you? Is this early onset of dementia, or just the regular kind?
Which world are you living in?

China took harsh actions and fixed its COVID problem
Trump denied it and It is getting worse
China took harsh actions and fixed its COVID problem
China murdered Wuhan citizens by cremation and you damn well know it as it was all the media.
Are you claiming China threw live people into a cremation chamber?
Yes...It was reported worldwide; yeah, I know, you never read or remember anything gruesome that China does.,
Trump was cruising to a second term until he was forced to act like a leader
why would you say that? have said he hasnt acted like a leader since he took office.....

COVID was his defining moment as President

Most Presidents would have risen to the challenge. Trump denied, deflected, spread misinformation and wished it would just go away.

Most of the world has gotten better, the US under Trump, is getting worse
Trumps travel ban from China was on January 31
On February 26, he declared we had 15 cases and that number would go down to close to zero “in a couple of days”

China may have been responsible for those 15 cases. Growing to 3 million was Trumps responsibility
Hmmmm, no it wasn't, you fucking moron.

You are correct ......It is now 4 million
I have no doubt the Democrats worked with China to release the virus on America after it was obvious impeachment was a flop. After the virus, they tried race riots. The Democrat party has become nothing more than a domestic terrorist group.

Wasnt China that pretended the virus was no big deal. Wasn’t China telling people to ignore social distancing and mocking people for wearing masks

China was still claiming no human to human transmission in January. They also restricted Wuhan residents from travelling within China, but they freely let them travel out of China.

Those are your Democrat party allies
China fixed its flu

The TRUMPvirus is getting worse

I'm curious, how old are you? Is this early onset of dementia, or just the regular kind?
Which world are you living in?

China took harsh actions and fixed its COVID problem
Trump denied it and It is getting worse
China took harsh actions and fixed its COVID problem
China murdered Wuhan citizens by cremation and you damn well know it as it was all the media.
Are you claiming China threw live people into a cremation chamber?

That is EXACTLY his claim. And it was NOT all the media, but Steve Bannon was reporting it, which of course means it's already questionable. A quick check shows that it has been completely debunked.

Nope...CNN, Reuters, MSN...I hardly watch or read Fox because I know what they're going to say before they say.
I have no doubt the Democrats worked with China to release the virus on America after it was obvious impeachment was a flop. After the virus, they tried race riots. The Democrat party has become nothing more than a domestic terrorist group.

Wasnt China that pretended the virus was no big deal. Wasn’t China telling people to ignore social distancing and mocking people for wearing masks

China was still claiming no human to human transmission in January. They also restricted Wuhan residents from travelling within China, but they freely let them travel out of China.

Those are your Democrat party allies
China fixed its flu

The TRUMPvirus is getting worse

I'm curious, how old are you? Is this early onset of dementia, or just the regular kind?
Which world are you living in?

China took harsh actions and fixed its COVID problem
Trump denied it and It is getting worse
China took harsh actions and fixed its COVID problem
China murdered Wuhan citizens by cremation and you damn well know it as it was all the media.
Are you claiming China threw live people into a cremation chamber?
Yes...It was reported worldwide; yeah, I know, you never read or remember anything gruesome that China does.,
Trump was cruising to a second term until he was forced to act like a leader
why would you say that? have said he hasnt acted like a leader since he took office.....

COVID was his defining moment as President

Most Presidents would have risen to the challenge. Trump denied, deflected, spread misinformation and wished it would just go away.

Most of the world has gotten better, the US under Trump, is getting worse
RW if he was acting like a leader would not things be at least leveling off?....
NO - It's not Joe Biden

Donald Trump will be defeated by a virus crisis he's never dealt with before.

Most Trump supporters will hang with him on all the major issues, but many are abandoning him, due to his inability to lead on this issue. His decision to pass the buck to the State Governors, rather than take the lead will cost him this election.

When defeated, Donald Trump will no doubt shake his fist and scream "voter fraud" but it won't change the outcome. As America races to 200,000+ dead by years end, even many Republicans admit Joe Biden is better qualified to end this carnage, and will change their vote accordingly.

Sorry Trump supporters: Your golden boy is going down, and he'll take a lot of GOP lawmakers down with him. :nono:
Here's a clue for you, moron: Trump has no choice but to let states make these decisions because the federal government has no authority in this area.

Oh ... and yet Trump has the authority to arbitrarily send federal agents of some unknown agency into cities to gas and shoot rubber bullets at citizens; take them into custody; and not allow them to have a phone call or a bail hearing or an indictment?

Guess what dear readers, Trump&Co. have crossed the Rubicon and once again couldn't fathom their hoped consequence, the people are standing up for the their First Amendment Rights and exposing Trump&Co. and his fellow travelers as Authoritarian and neo fascist.
One of the main arguments for the U.S. ending its funding relationship with WHO was provided by Taiwan.

Taiwan early and very successfully prepared for this epidemic disease. Like South Korea it introduced an electronic locating, tracking and quarantining system based on mobile phones, and even sent police to the homes of people who were not responding to phone alerts or breaking quarantines. We never hear of these measures amid all the praise to Taiwan’s success.

Actually, China itself equally successfully adopted very similar measures to Taiwan’s in its fight against its own far more serious Covid-19 outbreaks.

What we DO hear about in the U.S. from our media and government is the claimed early email notification by Taiwan’s CDC of its scientists’ discovery that Covid was passing easily from human to human, even without symptoms. This is simply ... FAKE NEWS.

The claimed email “warning” was part of the political campaigns of Taiwan (and the U.S.) to fix blame on China, to raise the profile of Taiwan and to demand it be recognized as a full sovereign state would be in WHO.

As much as we may sympathize with the plight of Taiwan, with its democratic institutions, as much as we may want to denounce early mistakes and cover-ups made by bureaucrats in Wuhan and China, or bureaucratic errors and slowness in the underfunded WHO, we need to see that China and the WHO were NOT responsible for unique U.S. failures in dealing with the very challenging and tricky Covid-19 pandemic.

Here are two articles that you will never see in ordinary American mass media which put the political posturing and even lying over this non-existent Taiwan “warning” to the World Health Organization in a clearer context:

The China-Taiwan conflict is disrupting the WHO’s fight against Covid-19

With US support, Taiwan planted deception about warning World Health Org of Covid | The Grayzone
Last edited:
How is Chinatown related to Trump’s travel ban? You realize Chinatown isn’t in China, right?

You Communists are funny. Sometimes I wonder if you actually are as dumb as you present yourselves.

democrats - violent, evil, stupid. Yeah, that's what America needs... :eusa_whistle:

When you call liberals "communists", you prove you are even dumber that we think you are, and we already think you're a total idiot.

When you call Democrats "violent, evil, stupid", your comments say more about YOU than they do about Democrats. Your siggy line says that a vote for Biden is a vote for Xi. Funny but I don't ever recall Joe Biden telling Xi that concentration camps are a good idea, like Donald Trump has done. Nor has Biden said that he "likes Xi" and has a lot of respect for him. That they're "friends", all of which Trump has said.

In fact, Trump has BEGGED Xi to help him get re-elected. He even signed a phony "interim trade deal" with Xi to make it look like he was making progress on trade with China. Trump even sold ALL of America's PPE to China, and encouraged American companies to ship everything they had to China, without keeping anything for American hospitals, creating critical shortages when American hospitals needed them.

American corporations and billionaires are making BILLIONS from the pandemic, so of course Trump is letting it run free, cratering the economy, and leading DIRECTLY to the violence we see in the streets today. All of which fits nicely into Trump's totalitarian agenda. Trump is deliberately INFLAMING the violence as an excuse to unleash his storm troopers on the left.

And fool that you are you believe everything he says and cheer him on. "Violent, evil, stupid" is the perfect description of Donald J. Trump. This is man who screwed his brother's children out of their inheritance. Who had to be shamed by the Washington Post into giving the money he raised to the veterans groups he told the donors would be receiving it, and who is currently shovelling taxpayer's money into his business accounts as fast as he can.

What a helpful little idiot your are, parroting his lies, and vowing to vote for four more years of this corruption, chaos, and destruction of your nation. This is your third economic crash in 40 years. Your nation may not survive this one. It certainly can't go back to the economic model that has been so destructive for so many.

Democrats are evil, sniveling little Communist pissants. There is no greater lie than for a Democrat to claim to be an American.

Off topic, ad hominem

How about I use NPR, that is, NPR! How about I use the Democrats favorite mouth as a source!

I have no doubt the Democrats worked with China to release the virus on America after it was obvious impeachment was a flop. After the virus, they tried race riots. The Democrat party has become nothing more than a domestic terrorist group.

Wasnt China that pretended the virus was no big deal. Wasn’t China telling people to ignore social distancing and mocking people for wearing masks

China was still claiming no human to human transmission in January. They also restricted Wuhan residents from travelling within China, but they freely let them travel out of China.

Those are your Democrat party allies
China fixed its flu

The TRUMPvirus is getting worse

I'm curious, how old are you? Is this early onset of dementia, or just the regular kind?
Which world are you living in?

China took harsh actions and fixed its COVID problem
Trump denied it and It is getting worse
China took harsh actions and fixed its COVID problem
China murdered Wuhan citizens by cremation and you damn well know it as it was all the media.
Are you claiming China threw live people into a cremation chamber?
Yes...It was reported worldwide; yeah, I know, you never read or remember anything gruesome that China does.,
Sure...I'm going to save a Link from a Smart Phone App from several months ago to make you happy.
The fact that this is the first time you heard of this shows what a fraud you are.
Just think...If only FoxNews reported this, you would have started a Thread.
But you didn't, because you only pay attention to anti-US news.
The partisan <<<<spin>>>> machine is working in overdrive to say that Nancy's Chinatown comments did not make light of the coming pandemic.
Partisan bullshit.
How many cases of COVID were in San Francisco on Feb 24th?

How about I use NPR, that is, NPR! How about I use the Democrats favorite mouth as a source!

See how the NPR story says travel restrictions and not travel ban?

That's because there was no ban.

And while I am at it, let me show you how NPR changes it's headlines, to change the past. To attempt to show it is not simply the democrat party, which it is.

I will give you a screenshot of my google search that shows the original Headline of the story. That Trump was over reacting and taking drastic travel restrictions.

And here is the link with the current edited headline. NPR changes it's history and narrative once they realized they lied to the American people.

Trump was right, forcing NPR to change their story.

Screenshot from 2020-07-23 17-58-48.png

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