This will defeat Donald Trump in 2020

Right, Trump put travel bans in force while the democrats were in the streets without masks pleading for people to visit chinatown in San Francisco
Feb 24th 2020
How is Chinatown related to Trump’s travel ban? You realize Chinatown isn’t in China, right?
Pelosi criticizes Trump for not taking COVID seriously, yet she was out promoting Chinatown in February. See the duplicity?
Then she has the nerve to call it the "Trump Virus" after helping it spread.
The reason Pelosi was promoting Chinatown was in response to racist outrage against Chinese citizens. It was a show of support.

Trumps response has been.......I got an idea! Lets call it “Kung Flu”.
That way people will know to blame China
Back in Feb Pelosi ignored the seriousness of COVID. Now she calls it "Trump's Virus".
She is a democrat POS.

Pelosi has never ignored the seriousness of Covid. That would be Donald J. Trump.

You really have no idea at all what is going on, do you? President Trump has bought up nearly the whole world's supply of Remdesivir, which reduced mortality from covid 19 by 62% over standard treatment in large scale studies, and has contracted to buy over 300 million doses of the most promising vaccines being tested while crazy old Nancy does nothing but rant and rave about federal law enforcement officers being nazis.

Yes, I do know what is going on. Are you aware that Trump is rationing the drug, and ensuring that only the "right people" are allowed access to it? Or that they're seriously overpaying for a drug that the US government spent?

Given that there were only 650,000 doses of the drug, and that the USA currently has nearly 2 million people who are sick, and that each patient who receives the drug requires a minimum of 5 doses, you have enough of the drug to treat 130,000 patients, and nearly 2 million sick people.

Who gets Remdesivir? Why people with private insurance, of course. If you're unemployed and uninsured, elderly or poor and on Medicare or Medicaid, you're allowed to die.


Clearly, you have no idea what is going on. The federal government is sending the drug to the state governments that need it and not dosing it out themselves. There are no "right" people or "wrong" people except in your bigoted mind.

The HHS is in charge of who gets Remdesivir. There is not enough of it for ANYONE who wants it to get it. You only have 650,000 single doses and a course of treatment is a minimum of 5 doses, which means you can treat 130,000 people. No more. So which 130,000 people out of the nearly 2 million people who are sick, are going to get the drug?
Right, trump put travel bans in force while the democrats were in the streets without masks pleading for people to visit chinatown in San Francisco
Feb 24th 2020
Trump laid down his China travel ban and declared “Mission Accomplished”

After his famous ban, the number of US cases grew from 15 to over 3 million. That is on Trump.

Europe faced the same virus and has it under control. Under Trump, our cases are rising after four months

I would add that his so called china travel ban was absolutely no ban at all.

There were 11 exemptions which allowed over 40 thousand people to enter America after he issued his phony ban.

His so called ban came too late. The virus was already here. The time to have issued a real ban was when it first started. Not after it was out of control in china and Europe.

He didn't issue the ban for Europe until about a month after the one for china. Both of which were way too late.

He had no one who entered out nation at that time tested or isolated if they had the virus which allowed it to spread throughout the west and east coast.

The virus came to the west coast from china. It went to the east coast from Europe.

trump has totally bungled the whole response to this pandemic. He's not a leader. He doesn't put the best of the nation before himself.

The man needs to go.
“it is certainly possible that there is limited human-to-human transmission”.
The WHO minimized this when they clearly knew this to be FALSE.... On the 14th of Jan they KNEW of the severity of the infection and its contagious properties. Why did they minimize it?

Well....the head of WHO is communist trained, China-employed functionary......
“it is certainly possible that there is limited human-to-human transmission”.
The WHO minimized this when they clearly knew this to be FALSE.... On the 14th of Jan they KNEW of the severity of the infection and its contagious properties. Why did they minimize it?


I feared he was, too. But he just keeps digging a deeper hole for himself.

So, TweezerBrain, you're UPSET that Trump is tripping himself up forcing his own loss, huh? Just can't stand to see him lose, eh?
“it is certainly possible that there is limited human-to-human transmission”.
The WHO minimized this when they clearly knew this to be FALSE.... On the 14th of Jan they KNEW of the severity of the infection and its contagious properties. Why did they minimize it?


:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Obviously those doctors in Taiwan that stated otherwise and warned the WHO on JANUARY 2 were lying then? They even had the genetic sequence on the 2nd.... They knew a hell of a lot more then you think.
“it is certainly possible that there is limited human-to-human transmission”.
The WHO minimized this when they clearly knew this to be FALSE.... On the 14th of Jan they KNEW of the severity of the infection and its contagious properties. Why did they minimize it?

They were still relying on information from China. The preliminary investigative team didn't arrive in China till about a week later. They confirmed it was passing human to human in Wuhan and it needed further study to determine how contagious it was. In January.
I have no doubt the Democrats worked with China to release the virus on America after it was obvious impeachment was a flop.... The Democrat party has become nothing more than a domestic terrorist group.
I don’t know who will win the election. Don’t know if his mishandling of the Covid pandemic will tip the voting against Trump.

But I can tell when somebody is a conspiracy nut.
This guy’s avatar actually resembles that nutcase in Ghostbusters!

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NO - It's not Joe Biden

Donald Trump will be defeated by a virus crisis he's never dealt with before.

Most Trump supporters will hang with him on all the major issues, but many are abandoning him, due to his inability to lead on this issue. His decision to pass the buck to the State Governors, rather than take the lead will cost him this election.

When defeated, Donald Trump will no doubt shake his fist and scream "voter fraud" but it won't change the outcome. As America races to 200,000+ dead by years end, even many Republicans admit Joe Biden is better qualified to end this carnage, and will change their vote accordingly.

Sorry Trump supporters: Your golden boy is going down, and he'll take a lot of GOP lawmakers down with him. :nono:
Losing issue. Average American voter is sick of this COVID mask wearing bullshit. We are not a nation of pussfied wimps (unless you are a Democrat) and public can see through the politics of it all.
“it is certainly possible that there is limited human-to-human transmission”.
The WHO minimized this when they clearly knew this to be FALSE.... On the 14th of Jan they KNEW of the severity of the infection and its contagious properties. Why did they minimize it?

They were still relying on information from China. The preliminary investigative team didn't arrive in China till about a week later. They confirmed it was passing human to human in Wuhan and it needed further study to determine how contagious it was. In January.
Chinese virus. They are to blame for every single death worldwide and should suffer the consequences of their actions.
TRUMP???? We all know none of you demorats listen to Trump. Now you are saying you got sick cause you listened to Trump???

I beg to differ, as a Democrat I watch and listen to Trump daily, and I'm aghast at what he tweets and says. Not only does he lie about everything, and especially on Democrats, the Economy and the Coronavirus, other Repunklicanes echo his BIG LIES which are the grist which nourishes them and Trump&Co's dishonesty.
“it is certainly possible that there is limited human-to-human transmission”.
The WHO minimized this when they clearly knew this to be FALSE.... On the 14th of Jan they KNEW of the severity of the infection and its contagious properties. Why did they minimize it?

They were still relying on information from China. The preliminary investigative team didn't arrive in China till about a week later. They confirmed it was passing human to human in Wuhan and it needed further study to determine how contagious it was. In January.
Chinese virus. They are to blame for every single death worldwide and should suffer the consequences of their actions.

So it boils down to Republicans electing that other criminal President, Nixon in 1968?

They'll suffer. Millions less to buy their trinkets and toys........
“it is certainly possible that there is limited human-to-human transmission”.
The WHO minimized this when they clearly knew this to be FALSE.... On the 14th of Jan they KNEW of the severity of the infection and its contagious properties. Why did they minimize it?

They were still relying on information from China. The preliminary investigative team didn't arrive in China till about a week later. They confirmed it was passing human to human in Wuhan and it needed further study to determine how contagious it was. In January.
Why were they relying on China when the Doctors in Taiwan had already told them?
Despite what some think a great many people remember who is responsible for creating this mess China and the WHO. They also remember when Trump put the China ban in place many on the left were critical of it and downplayed the threat of the virus which included Joe Biden.

Yeah, he put the China ban in place, and yet that was months ago and many deaths since then; his rhetoric (no mask, open up bars, restaurants, beaches,Memorial day and Fourth of July gatherings and his rallies) created another culture war, and we are still in deep shit and Trump supporters are still ignoring medical professionals because Trump says so. Of course he is now flip flopping in the face of so many more deaths and infections, especially in States which he needs to be reelected.
Right, trump put travel bans in force while the democrats were in the streets without masks pleading for people to visit chinatown in San Francisco
Feb 24th 2020
Trump laid down his China travel ban and declared “Mission Accomplished”

After his famous ban, the number of US cases grew from 15 to over 3 million. That is on Trump.

Europe faced the same virus and has it under control. Under Trump, our cases are rising after four months

I would add that his so called china travel ban was absolutely no ban at all.

There were 11 exemptions which allowed over 40 thousand people to enter America after he issued his phony ban.

His so called ban came too late. The virus was already here. The time to have issued a real ban was when it first started. Not after it was out of control in china and Europe.

He didn't issue the ban for Europe until about a month after the one for china. Both of which were way too late.

He had no one who entered out nation at that time tested or isolated if they had the virus which allowed it to spread throughout the west and east coast.

The virus came to the west coast from china. It went to the east coast from Europe.

trump has totally bungled the whole response to this pandemic. He's not a leader. He doesn't put the best of the nation before himself.

The man needs to go.

Thank you, well stated and yet sure to be ignored by the Idiot Fringe.
His decision to pass the buck to the State Governors, rather than take the lead will cost him this election.
Each state is different

what does trump (or biden ) know about kansas or north dakota that the governors do not know?
You have to be alarmed how PROGS rip everything down they can only to blame Trump for it. On that note, think I'll play my drums for a different type of stimulant.
Democrats don't know what freedom is.

Freedoms just another word for nothing left to lose

Which is very true in many ways.

Wonder what happens when a significant portion of the population feels that way.

They'll drop acid (LSD for the youngsters) and drink themselves to death.

We are NOT talking about Antifa here.

Nor was I. She and Bobby McGee

Despite what some think a great many people remember who is responsible for creating this mess China and the WHO. They also remember when Trump put the China ban in place many on the left were critical of it and downplayed the threat of the virus which included Joe Biden.

Yeah, he put the China ban in place, and yet that was months ago and many deaths since then; his rhetoric (no mask, open up bars, restaurants, beaches,Memorial day and Fourth of July gatherings and his rallies) created another culture war, and we are still in deep shit and Trump supporters are still ignoring medical professionals because Trump says so. Of course he is now flip flopping in the face of so many more deaths and infections, especially in States which he needs to be reelected.
How about you post up the time line and what Fauci and Brix were telling him at the time? He followed not only the science but what the experts were telling him was right....
“it is certainly possible that there is limited human-to-human transmission”.
The WHO minimized this when they clearly knew this to be FALSE.... On the 14th of Jan they KNEW of the severity of the infection and its contagious properties. Why did they minimize it?

They were still relying on information from China. The preliminary investigative team didn't arrive in China till about a week later. They confirmed it was passing human to human in Wuhan and it needed further study to determine how contagious it was. In January.
Why were they relying on China when the Doctors in Taiwan had already told them?

They weren't. They only reported what China reported to them. They needed eyes on the ground and by Jan 22 they released the statement on it.

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