This will make Ron Paul fans VERY happy!

You said, "Polls are rigged the same way the vote counts are rigged."

Was I supposed to know you didn't mean ALL votes? 50/50? Hell you can't even support that claim.

You're basing your opinion on what you heard a few supporters says. I doubt it's the majority.

Here you go saying what the VAST majority will do without no proof to back it up.

Let me tell you a little known secret. In about 20 states write-in votes don't count if the candidate don't file as a write-in candidate. In several states write-in candidates are not allowed in presidential elections. In another 9 or 10 states a candidate losing the primary cannot file as a write-in candidate in the general election.

In 08 Paul received less than 20,000 write in votes. In my opinion those votes were a huge waste of time for the voter.

Who is he Libertarian candidate?

As I said,
That's probably a 50/50 proposition, but I can't be sure.

As far as what exact percentage of Paul supporters will be doing what, I base that OPINION on what I see and hear. Since I am DAILY in touch with Paul supporters across the country, i think MY estimates are a damned sight more accurate than yours.

I know what happens to write-ins. I also know that Ron Paul got a lot more than 20K of them. As you said, in a lot of states they aren't even counted. The Libertarian ticket in 2008 got a little over 500K votes.

There is no Libertarian candidate yet, they haven't had their convention... It will probably be Gary Johnson.

Trust me when I say that Ron Paul will never be president nor will Gary Johnson.
But....but.....Ron Paul is the only one defending the Constitution

What does this have to do with anything being talked about here? How is this even remotely unconstitutional? Even electoral college votes are not all bound to the popular vote as I am sure you are aware.

As a Libertarian, don't you think stealing a nomination impacts our Liberty?

I don't think voters would look kindly
But....but.....Ron Paul is the only one defending the Constitution

What does this have to do with anything being talked about here? How is this even remotely unconstitutional? Even electoral college votes are not all bound to the popular vote as I am sure you are aware.

As a Libertarian, don't you think stealing a nomination impacts our Liberty?

I don't think voters would look kindly

Actually, it is not stealing a nomination.

You can use any strategy to win delegates as part of the nomination process, and Ron Paul is using an ingenious strategy, if it works.

If Ron Paul win the nomination, all hell is going to break out at the GOP convention.

I will laugh, then vote for Obama because there is no way I am going to vote for whomever the party chooses on the fly. And the GOP is not going to march behind Paul.
Ron Paul fans have been promising a new vision of American politics

Looks like it involves ignoring the wishes of the voters and stealing a nomination
I have no problem with this strategy because any of them could do the same so it's equal. He has to play the game within the rules laid out by the party. If the party wanted the delegates to be bound to the vote then they could have made them be.
Suddenly playing the game BY THE RULES is stealing?? You dupes never cease to amaze me! It's all good that Romney carpet bombs his challengers with half-truths and bald-faced lies, it's all good that Newt has the morals of an alley cat, it's all good that Santorum is a sellout lobbyist who steals from Veterans to enrich the Catholic Church, but when your anointed, big government neo-cons look like they're going to get beat at THEIR OWN GAME you start screaming "FOUL!!"

You jackasses DESERVE another 4 years of Obama, maybe after THAT you'll start seeing things a little differently...
Nothing Maddow has ever said or any of her looney toon guests, has ever been right so, I don't put one ounce of faith in this.

And I'm a Ron Paul supporter.

The loonytoon guest in this case was Paul's senior advisor Doug Wead blatantly admitting, even bragging, about trying to rig the delegates in caucus states.

Once again I'll try and explain it to you. There is no 'rigging' going on. There is NOTHING illegal, immoral or against the rules in what the Paul campaign is doing. They are ENTIRELY within their rights and are breaking NO rules.

Since you missed it the LAST time I'll repeat it AGAIN.

There is NOTHING illegal, immoral or against the rules in what the Paul campaign is doing.
Nobody is saying that it's illegal or immoral - just that when the voters find out that their votes don't count, there will be a backlash against Paul.
Nothing Maddow has ever said or any of her looney toon guests, has ever been right so, I don't put one ounce of faith in this.

And I'm a Ron Paul supporter.

You do realize that Doug Wead is the guy IN CHARGE of the Ron Paul campaign, don't you?

No, he isn't.

As to the idea that these delegates are somehow going to all vote for Ron Paul at the convention, many delegates are bound to a certain candidate. They couldn't vote for Ron Paul even if they wanted to.

That's false, Kevin.
I know that most of you probably do not watch The Rachel Maddow Show, so I bring this clip to you (and the people who say Ron Paul doesn't have a prayer) in order for you to see Paul's plan laid out for Rachel by Rep. Paul's Senior Adviser, Doug Wead.

This is a fascinating clip. He is basically saying that the results of these primaries and caucuses don't mean shit, and the delegates are planning to ignore the vote totals and vote for Paul regardless.


Doug Wead on The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC 2/10/12 - YouTube

Is that shia Labouf?
I got about 3 minutes into that video and tried pulling my eardrums out, Madcow is so fucken annoying it's not funny.
The ONLY reason the libs are having a problem with this is that they KNOW Ron Paul is the only REAL threat to their victory in November.

Romney can't win, he's too much like Obama (see Romneycare), and Evangelicals won't vote for him in numbers high enough to do him any good.

Newt can't win, his baggage could fill a 747.

Santorum can't win, he's the epitome of the American Taliban.

And NONE of these 3 can get Ron Paul supporters, either. Without THAT bloc of voters, Obama rolls like an M1A1 Abrams tank...

Wait a minute - who says Liberals have a problem with this???? :lol:
If the repubs will do this to one of their own, just imagine how they can fix an election against the opposing party.
Voter fraud. Don't these repubs scream this the loudest?
Suddenly playing the game BY THE RULES is stealing?? You dupes never cease to amaze me! It's all good that Romney carpet bombs his challengers with half-truths and bald-faced lies, it's all good that Newt has the morals of an alley cat, it's all good that Santorum is a sellout lobbyist who steals from Veterans to enrich the Catholic Church, but when your anointed, big government neo-cons look like they're going to get beat at THEIR OWN GAME you start screaming "FOUL!!"

You jackasses DESERVE another 4 years of Obama, maybe after THAT you'll start seeing things a little differently...

Explain it to the GOP voters how their votes have been disenfranchised.

It will make them flock to the Paul camp
Yea that's why Ron Paul's poll numbers are so high. :cuckoo:

Polls are rigged the same way the vote counts are rigged. Why don't you address the points I made in the post rather than talk about polls. Can Romney, Newt or Santorum win without the Paul voters?

I don't think so...

Prove that vote counts are rigged.

I'll answer your question with a question. Can Paul win without Romney's, Newt's and Santorum's voters?
Yes. Paul is more popular than Obama with young voters. And the voters of the Three Stooges have nowhere else to go - their irrational, pure hatred of their president will compel them once again abandon all their silly "I'm a conservative" babbling to vote for Anybody But Obama. (See: daveman)

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