This will make Ron Paul fans VERY happy!

Suddenly playing the game BY THE RULES is stealing?? You dupes never cease to amaze me! It's all good that Romney carpet bombs his challengers with half-truths and bald-faced lies, it's all good that Newt has the morals of an alley cat, it's all good that Santorum is a sellout lobbyist who steals from Veterans to enrich the Catholic Church, but when your anointed, big government neo-cons look like they're going to get beat at THEIR OWN GAME you start screaming "FOUL!!"

You jackasses DESERVE another 4 years of Obama, maybe after THAT you'll start seeing things a little differently...

Explain it to the GOP voters how their votes have been disenfranchised.

It will make them flock to the Paul camp

Tough shit, vote for Paul or take another spin with Obama... YOU choose...
Suddenly playing the game BY THE RULES is stealing?? You dupes never cease to amaze me! It's all good that Romney carpet bombs his challengers with half-truths and bald-faced lies, it's all good that Newt has the morals of an alley cat, it's all good that Santorum is a sellout lobbyist who steals from Veterans to enrich the Catholic Church, but when your anointed, big government neo-cons look like they're going to get beat at THEIR OWN GAME you start screaming "FOUL!!"

You jackasses DESERVE another 4 years of Obama, maybe after THAT you'll start seeing things a little differently...

Explain it to the GOP voters how their votes have been disenfranchised.

It will make them flock to the Paul camp

Tough shit, vote for Paul or take another spin with Obama... YOU choose...

After Paul shows his ethics.......voters would flock to Obama
The ONLY reason the libs are having a problem with this is that they KNOW Ron Paul is the only REAL threat to their victory in November.

Romney can't win, he's too much like Obama (see Romneycare), and Evangelicals won't vote for him in numbers high enough to do him any good.

Newt can't win, his baggage could fill a 747.

Santorum can't win, he's the epitome of the American Taliban.

And NONE of these 3 can get Ron Paul supporters, either. Without THAT bloc of voters, Obama rolls like an M1A1 Abrams tank...

Wait a minute - who says Liberals have a problem with this???? :lol:

Didn't you know? Guypinhead speaks for all libs, republicans and Ron Paul supporters.
Explain it to the GOP voters how their votes have been disenfranchised.

It will make them flock to the Paul camp

Tough shit, vote for Paul or take another spin with Obama... YOU choose...

After Paul shows his ethics.......voters would flock to Obama

Don't be an ass, RW. The man is completely within the rules of the Republican Party. He's breaking NO rules.

What ethics issue do you have?
The ONLY reason the libs are having a problem with this is that they KNOW Ron Paul is the only REAL threat to their victory in November.

Romney can't win, he's too much like Obama (see Romneycare), and Evangelicals won't vote for him in numbers high enough to do him any good.

Newt can't win, his baggage could fill a 747.

Santorum can't win, he's the epitome of the American Taliban.

And NONE of these 3 can get Ron Paul supporters, either. Without THAT bloc of voters, Obama rolls like an M1A1 Abrams tank...

Wait a minute - who says Liberals have a problem with this???? :lol:

Didn't you know? Guypinhead speaks for all libs, republicans and Ron Paul supporters.

I speak for myself, moron. You show your immaturity by whining about something you know NOTHING about. You should shut the fuck up, you make Texas look worse that Rick Perry does... Oops...
Any outrage over this should be directed at the system. If you don't like the system then change it. These are elections for a party nomination and the rules have been set by the party. Operating within those rules is entirely ethical and is required to considered for the nomination. Newt Gingrich is hoping to win delegates in the Missouri caucus since he didn't get on the ballot in time for the non-binding primary that was held. It's the same thing.
Tough shit, vote for Paul or take another spin with Obama... YOU choose...

After Paul shows his ethics.......voters would flock to Obama

Don't be an ass, RW. The man is completely within the rules of the Republican Party. He's breaking NO rules.

What ethics issue do you have?

Let's see?

Placing Paul plants as delegates
Ignoring the wishes of primary voters
Stealing a nomination

I'm sure GOP voters will just shucks, that Ron Paul sure pulled a fast one on us
In a game of chess there is situation where you can capture a pawn as it passes another pawn. It's called en passant. Not everyone knows about the rule but if they show up at a chess tournament they are bound by it and if someone uses it they will have to allow it or forfeit the game. Using the move against someone who isn't aware of it isn't unethical in the slightest. Using the rules to your advantage is just prudent strategy.

In this case all the candidates know the rules and they can all compete on the same ground. Paul is leveraging the loyalty of his following into political coin. I admire the ingenuity he is showing.
Let's see?

Placing Paul plants as delegates
So it's Paul's fault that other guys supporters don't want to be delegates? THAT'S rich...
Ignoring the wishes of primary voters
If primary voters WISHED, they could stick around long enough to be delegates, couldn't they?[/quote]
Stealing a nomination
How the hell is it stealing if no rules are broken?

I'm sure GOP voters will just shucks, that Ron Paul sure pulled a fast one on us
What they should say is... "Man, that guy is smarter than what the MSM wanted us to think!"
After Paul shows his ethics.......voters would flock to Obama

Don't be an ass, RW. The man is completely within the rules of the Republican Party. He's breaking NO rules.

What ethics issue do you have?

Let's see?

Placing Paul plants as delegates
Ignoring the wishes of primary voters
Stealing a nomination

I'm sure GOP voters will just shucks, that Ron Paul sure pulled a fast one on us
You can't plant delegates they have to be elected. Everyone has the chance to be elected.
If the people wished for their vote to really matter they would stick around and vote for the delegates.

A thing can only be stolen if it was had to begin with and the nomination is still up for grabs.
The funny thing to me is that I have seen her name on here but this is the first time I have ever seen her or her show. So I have no idea who she is really or what she stands for.
The funny thing to me is that I have seen her name on here but this is the first time I have ever seen her or her show. So I have no idea who she is really or what she stands for.
She is Olberdouche's replacement.

She used to have a radio program on Airhead America, then got picked up by liberoidal talk stations, that have the signal strength of a CB radio and a market share of about .0003, in places like Boulder, Madison and Seattle, when AA went tits up.
SO, it's "play the system that's in place" when Obama decides the Super PACs he once labeled as destroying democracy, then decides to use them. But if someone else, who mind you never said shit about the GOP primary rules in place, uses the system in place, they're ethics are in compromise.

Fascists, the entire demo field at this point.
After Paul shows his ethics.......voters would flock to Obama

Don't be an ass, RW. The man is completely within the rules of the Republican Party. He's breaking NO rules.

What ethics issue do you have?
But how will the voters react when they find out about those rules?

That is the question you keep ignoring.


Personally, I think it's Divine Justice after all the lies, slander and subterfuge aimed at Dr. Paul.
I don't think the republican voters will hightail it out and run to the Democratic party over this. Afterall it's their system and it's been in place for a long time.

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