This will not happen tomorrow

Funny. Six months ago there was hardly a peep out of anyone here about China.

No, there were lots of peeps. Ignorant twats, like you, ignored them.

Nope. Your leader was having beautiful chocolate cake with Xi at his resort. They’re good buds.

You don’t know what you want with regard to China. You will, as you always do, wait until something happens and praise Trump for it. It’s all you got.

And you screamed he was a xenophobe because he stopped travel between China and the USA. You are hoist on your own petard you little liar you.

Nope. Sure didn’t. You don’t know what you are talking about.

Oh, yeah, the whole progressive loon world, of which you are a charter member, was going apeshit over his closing down travel. Lie all you want, junior, but we aren't blind, nor are we stupid. We can remember these things.

You won’t find me saying word one about that “travel ban” besides pointing out the fact that he didn’t ban shit and the fact that he stoked hatred for AMERICAN people of Asian descent while banning shit.

Go ahead. Look.

In Trumpworld, the “ban” was ethnic in nature. It was 100% political theater for that moron. Real, reasonable travel bans were warranted....and didn’t happen.

He failed to get that job done. You don’t care.
Bullshit! Are you some kinda sleeper leftist goober? Wtf?
Funny. Six months ago there was hardly a peep out of anyone here about China.
Now are we hear is you scum defending them.
Well, to be fair, you moron trumpanzees DID squawk about China for a bit, when Trump started the trade war in which they beat his ass.

But then nothing for a while. The the retard child president brings up China again. And here you all are, like good little sheeple.
My best friend's dad liberated Dachau and drove a VolksVagen. He was a German American, with 3 dried Nazi officer ears on a dogtag chain.
That's reality, boy.
He had a Luger and 2 Mausers, too.
My pop still has his Luger , along with a few other interesting items 'liberated' from Dachau

My take on the greatest generation is, they overcame some serious odds , fought what was serious foe's at the time, things were more black/white (morally speaking) then

I just don't know where we are now MM

My best friend's dad liberated Dachau and drove a VolksVagen. He was a German American, with 3 dried Nazi officer ears on a dogtag chain.
That's reality, boy.
He had a Luger and 2 Mausers, too.
My pop still has his Luger , along with a few other interesting items 'liberated' from Dachau

My take on the greatest generation is, they overcame some serious odds , fought what was serious foe's at the time, things were more black/white (morally speaking) then

I just don't know where we are now MM

You know..not where we are now, but you know about there's that. Your dad may have known my best friend's dad.

Idk where we are now, but it's not looking good to me.

I tell you wut: I'm an American, don't be coming at me with that commie bullshit.
Your dad may have known my best friend's dad.

ya never know....

Idk where we are now, but it's not looking good to me.


I tell you wut: I'm an American, don't be coming at me with that commie bullshit.

My rights as an American were hard earned by sorts that raised us MM, so out of respect i do not like to see them trashed

sadly...that's what i see now

Me too, brother, me too. I mean..a guy my uncle went through basic with..his leg got blown off right in front of my uncle and he had to hide in an..
artillery crater? His buddy died in like a minute and he couldn't do anything because they were under fire.
These leftists want us to give up our freedoms and guns now? I say no. there's been a lot of blood spilled to keep America free, and there may be more. Don't poke the bear, stupid fucks. You. Will. Lose.
My uncle had nightmares for the rest of his life. If he fell asleep? 50% chance he's right back there.
I learned about this at a young age.
Yes, I have seen a 6'+ respectable man crying like a baby in his sleep.
"Oh God! Make it stop!" It ain't pretty.
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