This would be sad if it wasn't so funny

When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
Joe Biden could only get 6 people in a room and they were all lickspittle lapdog media types.

View attachment 486121

you mean being responsible by not holding super spreader events that #45's trump humping pawns gladly attended, & spread to so many others?


after all that sickness & death ... how did all that there rallying work out for president tinkles?

View attachment 486204
Bwaaahhhaaaaaa...99.9% chance of survivability, only the infirm and elderly can be murdered by it as found in blue states where governors put the Kung Flu and killed 10s of thousands.

Didnt hear about this super spreader event that didnt super spread the virus did ya? You are such a progressive slave...Yesa masta i must wear my mask....

CDC: Sturgis Motorcycle Rally led to 'widespread transmission' of COVID-19

The August event brought together about 462,000 people from 61% of all U.S. counties.
CDC: Sturgis Motorcycle Rally led to 'widespread transmission' of COVID-19

more & more young people are being hospitalized &/or dying as the disease mutates & dumbfucks who think they won't get it stay unvaccinated.

The media's false narrative about the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally being a COVID-19 superspreader event | Just The News
"The hard data showed that there were about 260 cases that came from here," Ainslie said. "Now, the reality was there were probably some additional cases beyond those 260 that were immediately traced here, but to try to state that there were a quarter million, that's just ridiculous, and it was fanciful, and it was just pushing their narrative."
Funny that i was there, looking for the Kung Flu, met a lot of people, and still couldnt get the chinese virus. Oh yeah, i didnt wear a mask either, because free people dont wear masks, now shut up slave and put your mask on.

So, you went to Sturgis to actively try to contract Covid. Imma just leave that here, you brainless twat.

Bwaaaaahhhaaaaa....What better way to get immunity from the disease than actually coming in contact with it. I am not over 75, i am not infirm, i am in great shape, not some pajama boy progressive slave who catches a cold if a breeze hits him. But please, just leave.....99.9% survivor rate, why are you so scared of the Kung Flu?

Catches Nazis and Japs, lives to tell the tale.......................Catches a cold just breathing....View attachment 486305

I've been vaccinated since January. So, your lame partisan gotcha BS is all for naught. I'm making fun of the fact that you would purposely try and contact a deadly disease for 'muh liberties'. :auiqs.jpg:

Who's the real sheep here?
When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
Joe Biden could only get 6 people in a room and they were all lickspittle lapdog media types.

View attachment 486121

you mean being responsible by not holding super spreader events that #45's trump humping pawns gladly attended, & spread to so many others?


after all that sickness & death ... how did all that there rallying work out for president tinkles?

View attachment 486204
Bwaaahhhaaaaaa...99.9% chance of survivability, only the infirm and elderly can be murdered by it as found in blue states where governors put the Kung Flu and killed 10s of thousands.

Didnt hear about this super spreader event that didnt super spread the virus did ya? You are such a progressive slave...Yesa masta i must wear my mask....

CDC: Sturgis Motorcycle Rally led to 'widespread transmission' of COVID-19

The August event brought together about 462,000 people from 61% of all U.S. counties.
CDC: Sturgis Motorcycle Rally led to 'widespread transmission' of COVID-19

more & more young people are being hospitalized &/or dying as the disease mutates & dumbfucks who think they won't get it stay unvaccinated.

The media's false narrative about the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally being a COVID-19 superspreader event | Just The News
"The hard data showed that there were about 260 cases that came from here," Ainslie said. "Now, the reality was there were probably some additional cases beyond those 260 that were immediately traced here, but to try to state that there were a quarter million, that's just ridiculous, and it was fanciful, and it was just pushing their narrative."
Funny that i was there, looking for the Kung Flu, met a lot of people, and still couldnt get the chinese virus. Oh yeah, i didnt wear a mask either, because free people dont wear masks, now shut up slave and put your mask on.

So, you went to Sturgis to actively try to contract Covid. Imma just leave that here, you brainless twat.

Bwaaaaahhhaaaaa....What better way to get immunity from the disease than actually coming in contact with it. I am not over 75, i am not infirm, i am in great shape, not some pajama boy progressive slave who catches a cold if a breeze hits him. But please, just leave.....99.9% survivor rate, why are you so scared of the Kung Flu?

Catches Nazis and Japs, lives to tell the tale.......................Catches a cold just breathing....View attachment 486305

You can always tell those insecure in their masculinity......:heehee:
You think the left doesn't know who the President is? Do you eat paint chips?
the left acts as if trump is still president

I think you are embarrassed to discuss biden

Nope. Biden's fine. Not perfect, but a damn sight better than the Orange piece of trash administration you dummies worshipped like lemmings the past four years. It's the dickheads in Congress that are the problem.
When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
Joe Biden could only get 6 people in a room and they were all lickspittle lapdog media types.

View attachment 486121

you mean being responsible by not holding super spreader events that #45's trump humping pawns gladly attended, & spread to so many others?


after all that sickness & death ... how did all that there rallying work out for president tinkles?

View attachment 486204
Bwaaahhhaaaaaa...99.9% chance of survivability, only the infirm and elderly can be murdered by it as found in blue states where governors put the Kung Flu and killed 10s of thousands.

Didnt hear about this super spreader event that didnt super spread the virus did ya? You are such a progressive slave...Yesa masta i must wear my mask....

CDC: Sturgis Motorcycle Rally led to 'widespread transmission' of COVID-19

The August event brought together about 462,000 people from 61% of all U.S. counties.
CDC: Sturgis Motorcycle Rally led to 'widespread transmission' of COVID-19

more & more young people are being hospitalized &/or dying as the disease mutates & dumbfucks who think they won't get it stay unvaccinated.

The media's false narrative about the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally being a COVID-19 superspreader event | Just The News
"The hard data showed that there were about 260 cases that came from here," Ainslie said. "Now, the reality was there were probably some additional cases beyond those 260 that were immediately traced here, but to try to state that there were a quarter million, that's just ridiculous, and it was fanciful, and it was just pushing their narrative."
Funny that i was there, looking for the Kung Flu, met a lot of people, and still couldnt get the chinese virus. Oh yeah, i didnt wear a mask either, because free people dont wear masks, now shut up slave and put your mask on.

So, you went to Sturgis to actively try to contract Covid. Imma just leave that here, you brainless twat.

Bwaaaaahhhaaaaa....What better way to get immunity from the disease than actually coming in contact with it. I am not over 75, i am not infirm, i am in great shape, not some pajama boy progressive slave who catches a cold if a breeze hits him. But please, just leave.....99.9% survivor rate, why are you so scared of the Kung Flu?

Catches Nazis and Japs, lives to tell the tale.......................Catches a cold just breathing....View attachment 486305

I've been vaccinated since January. So, your lame partisan gotcha BS is all for naught. I'm making fun of the fact that you would purposely try and contact a deadly disease for 'muh liberties'. :auiqs.jpg:

Who's the real sheep here?

He/she is a bug-chaser.
I don’t think so many Americans ever considered a sitting President such a threat to our country. Even with all the the commie propaganda around Biden the virtual isn’t close to as bad as what Trump stirred up. The dude was and is toxic. He is the wrong direction for your party yet your party seems to want to stick with him
There will always be a large percentage of people who are easilly manipulated by a non-stop disinformation campaign. There numbers are proof as to how powerful the media has become. If it weren't for Fox, we would have 100% state controlled Media. Is that what you want?
I disagree. I watch more Fox and conservative radio than the other stations but there is absolutely the same if not more misinformation and agenda pushing propaganda in that circle of “news” than anywhere else. Do you really think Fox gives any more of an honest reporting than CNN ABC or NBC?
When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
Joe Biden could only get 6 people in a room and they were all lickspittle lapdog media types.

View attachment 486121

you mean being responsible by not holding super spreader events that #45's trump humping pawns gladly attended, & spread to so many others?


after all that sickness & death ... how did all that there rallying work out for president tinkles?

View attachment 486204
Bwaaahhhaaaaaa...99.9% chance of survivability, only the infirm and elderly can be murdered by it as found in blue states where governors put the Kung Flu and killed 10s of thousands.

Didnt hear about this super spreader event that didnt super spread the virus did ya? You are such a progressive slave...Yesa masta i must wear my mask....

CDC: Sturgis Motorcycle Rally led to 'widespread transmission' of COVID-19

The August event brought together about 462,000 people from 61% of all U.S. counties.
CDC: Sturgis Motorcycle Rally led to 'widespread transmission' of COVID-19

more & more young people are being hospitalized &/or dying as the disease mutates & dumbfucks who think they won't get it stay unvaccinated.

The media's false narrative about the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally being a COVID-19 superspreader event | Just The News
"The hard data showed that there were about 260 cases that came from here," Ainslie said. "Now, the reality was there were probably some additional cases beyond those 260 that were immediately traced here, but to try to state that there were a quarter million, that's just ridiculous, and it was fanciful, and it was just pushing their narrative."
Funny that i was there, looking for the Kung Flu, met a lot of people, and still couldnt get the chinese virus. Oh yeah, i didnt wear a mask either, because free people dont wear masks, now shut up slave and put your mask on.

So, you went to Sturgis to actively try to contract Covid. Imma just leave that here, you brainless twat.

Plenty did catch Covid there.

Yeah, and this Meathead claims he went to purposely catch it. Fascinating stuff.

This is the second time you have insulted me for trying to catch something with a 99.9% survivability rate. Do you know what a 99.9% survivability rate is? Also you seem to be quite a young ignorant pup, who never got to participate in a pox party. Or get measles, while some of US who have lived through such things only got better.

Yep - Rump is fixated by the bogus Arizona recount and fancies himself reinstated once Q finds massive voter fraud and the "REAL" winner.
The Former Guy is NOT WELL. Intervention recommended!
The man has been out of office three months and is still living rent free in the head of lefties.
And in a few months is likely to be living rent free in one of our prisons.


When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
Joe Biden could only get 6 people in a room and they were all lickspittle lapdog media types.

View attachment 486121

you mean being responsible by not holding super spreader events that #45's trump humping pawns gladly attended, & spread to so many others?


after all that sickness & death ... how did all that there rallying work out for president tinkles?

View attachment 486204
Bwaaahhhaaaaaa...99.9% chance of survivability, only the infirm and elderly can be murdered by it as found in blue states where governors put the Kung Flu and killed 10s of thousands.

Didnt hear about this super spreader event that didnt super spread the virus did ya? You are such a progressive slave...Yesa masta i must wear my mask....

CDC: Sturgis Motorcycle Rally led to 'widespread transmission' of COVID-19

The August event brought together about 462,000 people from 61% of all U.S. counties.
CDC: Sturgis Motorcycle Rally led to 'widespread transmission' of COVID-19

more & more young people are being hospitalized &/or dying as the disease mutates & dumbfucks who think they won't get it stay unvaccinated.

The media's false narrative about the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally being a COVID-19 superspreader event | Just The News
"The hard data showed that there were about 260 cases that came from here," Ainslie said. "Now, the reality was there were probably some additional cases beyond those 260 that were immediately traced here, but to try to state that there were a quarter million, that's just ridiculous, and it was fanciful, and it was just pushing their narrative."
Funny that i was there, looking for the Kung Flu, met a lot of people, and still couldnt get the chinese virus. Oh yeah, i didnt wear a mask either, because free people dont wear masks, now shut up slave and put your mask on.

So, you went to Sturgis to actively try to contract Covid. Imma just leave that here, you brainless twat.

Plenty did catch Covid there.

Yeah, and this Meathead claims he went to purposely catch it. Fascinating stuff.

This is the second time you have insulted me for trying to catch something with a 99.9% survivability rate. Do you know what a 99.9% survivability rate is? Also you seem to be quite a young ignorant pup, who never got to participate in a pox party. Or get measles, while some of US who have lived through such things only got better.

I'm sorry, are you a virologist? Have you worked in a Covid ward? Do you know why polio isn't a thing? Smallpox? Because vaccines work, unlike ignorant armchair political 'activists'.

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