This would be sad if it wasn't so funny

dOnald tRump is a shell of himself.

Trump was never ‘leader’ of the free world; he was the enemy of the free world – coddling dictators and attacking America’s longtime allies.

He represents America's last hope. He is a non-politician who pulled the cover off of our corrupt government, intelligence agencies and Media. We can only hope someone steps up in 2024 to carry the torch for AMERICA if it isn't Donald Trump.

Holy crap



Mike, I don’t expect you to agree with my views about Trump, I’m sure you are very happy with everything that he did and that he stands for. But you need to wake up to reality. The majority of Americans do not agree with you. Enough took a chance on him to get him elected in 2016 and then what did he do? He lost the house, he lost the Senate, and he lost the presidency in four years. I don’t know if that’s ever been done before but that’s about as bad as it gets. He is a loser. The pendulum of political power is almost ready to swing back into the Republican conservative position if they can run the right person. Trump is a seven deuce off suit with an all in bet. He’s a bluff with a losing hand. The Dems are holding a jack queen which is strong... you need to find a candidate with pocket rockets. That’s not Trump
He lost the house because there was a lie about "Russian Collusion" Then after impeachments after impeachments, there was no way a groper of women and children Biden would win against President Trump so XiBiden working with China released upon the world and the US a bullshit virus that has a 99.9% survivability rate, yet blue state governors put Kung Flu infected people in with the elderly and killed 10s of thousands so they could blame President Trump. When that didnt work, they started burning cities like the Nazi's did back in the 1930's and when that didnt work, they impeached him again. When that didnt work, they resorted to cheating in the election so the groper would win. You fuckers are so despicable, and the time will come for a reckoning. When the dollar collapses and it will , there wont be police, there wont be a military, there will only be you and me.....

Cool story. The results still being what described and the majority of voting Americans disagreeing with your screwed reality. It’s was a sad display of leadership and he lost bigly. Go ahead and run him again. The guys a loser

You had to cheat to get demented pedo Joe in office.

That’s not true.
When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
Still more than Biden could ever draw.
Of course.

Those who voted for Biden don't have this bizarre, inexplicable, hyper-emotional attachment to him that Trumpsters have for their adored one.

Biden's just a politician. Hopefully the good he does will clearly outweigh the not-so-good. But he rid us of the orange buffoon, and that's pretty neat in our book.
Lol, more voted for Biden than obama your savior.
"Savior"? There you go again. You think that others are like you. We're not, thankfully.

And yes, far more people voted, so Biden got more votes. You guys really are challenged on basic math.
dOnald tRump is a shell of himself.

The dude defines the word PATHETIC
True, Crepitus is a loser, but then you're no star yourself.

The ramblings of a lunatic. Trump doesn't have anything new to offer his base so he just keeps repeating. I don't know how his base can tolerate that any longer.

"So we're going to watch that very closely and after that you'll watch Pennsylvania and you'll watch Georgia and you're gonna watch Michigan and uh, Wisconsin. You're watching New Hampshire! They found a lotta votes up in New Hampshire just now (no, they didn't) you saw that.... this was a rigged election, everybody knows, and we're gonna be ah, we're gonna be watching it very closely but start off by, you just take a look -- it's on, it's on closed circuit, I guess it's on all over the place that everyone's talking about. (no, they aren't)

Yesterday, front page of the New York Times -- they didn't want to write it but that's because they thought were gonna have a negative decision and the judge gave us a positive decision." (front page but they didn't want to write it?)
When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
Joe Biden could only get 6 people in a room and they were all lickspittle lapdog media types.

View attachment 486121

you mean being responsible by not holding super spreader events that #45's trump humping pawns gladly attended, & spread to so many others?


after all that sickness & death ... how did all that there rallying work out for president tinkles?

View attachment 486204
Bwaaahhhaaaaaa...99.9% chance of survivability, only the infirm and elderly can be murdered by it as found in blue states where governors put the Kung Flu and killed 10s of thousands.

Didnt hear about this super spreader event that didnt super spread the virus did ya? You are such a progressive slave...Yesa masta i must wear my mask....

CDC: Sturgis Motorcycle Rally led to 'widespread transmission' of COVID-19

The August event brought together about 462,000 people from 61% of all U.S. counties.
CDC: Sturgis Motorcycle Rally led to 'widespread transmission' of COVID-19

more & more young people are being hospitalized &/or dying as the disease mutates & dumbfucks who think they won't get it stay unvaccinated.

The media's false narrative about the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally being a COVID-19 superspreader event | Just The News
"The hard data showed that there were about 260 cases that came from here," Ainslie said. "Now, the reality was there were probably some additional cases beyond those 260 that were immediately traced here, but to try to state that there were a quarter million, that's just ridiculous, and it was fanciful, and it was just pushing their narrative."
Funny that i was there, looking for the Kung Flu, met a lot of people, and still couldnt get the chinese virus. Oh yeah, i didnt wear a mask either, because free people dont wear masks, now shut up slave and put your mask on.
dOnald tRump is a shell of himself.

The dude defines the word PATHETIC
True, Crepitus is a loser, but then you're no star yourself.

The ramblings of a lunatic. Trump doesn't have anything new to offer his base so he just keeps repeating. I don't know how his base can tolerate that any longer.

"So we're going to watch that very closely and after that you'll watch Pennsylvania and you'll watch Georgia and you're gonna watch Michigan and uh, Wisconsin. You're watching New Hampshire! They found a lotta votes up in New Hampshire just now (no, they didn't) you saw that.... this was a rigged election, everybody knows, and we're gonna be ah, we're gonna be watching it very closely but start off by, you just take a look -- it's on, it's on closed circuit, I guess it's on all over the place that everyone's talking about. (no, they aren't)

Yesterday, front page of the New York Times -- they didn't want to write it but that's because they thought were gonna have a negative decision and the judge gave us a positive decision." (front page but they didn't want to write it?)
I think you've lost what little you had.
I don’t think so many Americans ever considered a sitting President such a threat to our country. Even with all the the commie propaganda around Biden the virtual isn’t close to as bad as what Trump stirred up. The dude was and is toxic. He is the wrong direction for your party yet your party seems to want to stick with him
There will always be a large percentage of people who are easilly manipulated by a non-stop disinformation campaign. There numbers are proof as to how powerful the media has become. If it weren't for Fox, we would have 100% state controlled Media. Is that what you want?
Trump is still making speeches on the back patio at Mira Lago and still ranting that he won by a landslide.

But he is no longer president and its time libs woke up to that fact
When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
Joe Biden could only get 6 people in a room and they were all lickspittle lapdog media types.

View attachment 486121

you mean being responsible by not holding super spreader events that #45's trump humping pawns gladly attended, & spread to so many others?


after all that sickness & death ... how did all that there rallying work out for president tinkles?

View attachment 486204
Bwaaahhhaaaaaa...99.9% chance of survivability, only the infirm and elderly can be murdered by it as found in blue states where governors put the Kung Flu and killed 10s of thousands.

Didnt hear about this super spreader event that didnt super spread the virus did ya? You are such a progressive slave...Yesa masta i must wear my mask....

CDC: Sturgis Motorcycle Rally led to 'widespread transmission' of COVID-19

The August event brought together about 462,000 people from 61% of all U.S. counties.
CDC: Sturgis Motorcycle Rally led to 'widespread transmission' of COVID-19

more & more young people are being hospitalized &/or dying as the disease mutates & dumbfucks who think they won't get it stay unvaccinated.

The media's false narrative about the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally being a COVID-19 superspreader event | Just The News
"The hard data showed that there were about 260 cases that came from here," Ainslie said. "Now, the reality was there were probably some additional cases beyond those 260 that were immediately traced here, but to try to state that there were a quarter million, that's just ridiculous, and it was fanciful, and it was just pushing their narrative."
Funny that i was there, looking for the Kung Flu, met a lot of people, and still couldnt get the chinese virus. Oh yeah, i didnt wear a mask either, because free people dont wear masks, now shut up slave and put your mask on.

So, you went to Sturgis to actively try to contract Covid. Imma just leave that here, you brainless twat.
When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
Joe Biden could only get 6 people in a room and they were all lickspittle lapdog media types.

View attachment 486121

you mean being responsible by not holding super spreader events that #45's trump humping pawns gladly attended, & spread to so many others?


after all that sickness & death ... how did all that there rallying work out for president tinkles?

View attachment 486204
Bwaaahhhaaaaaa...99.9% chance of survivability, only the infirm and elderly can be murdered by it as found in blue states where governors put the Kung Flu and killed 10s of thousands.

Didnt hear about this super spreader event that didnt super spread the virus did ya? You are such a progressive slave...Yesa masta i must wear my mask....

CDC: Sturgis Motorcycle Rally led to 'widespread transmission' of COVID-19

The August event brought together about 462,000 people from 61% of all U.S. counties.
CDC: Sturgis Motorcycle Rally led to 'widespread transmission' of COVID-19

more & more young people are being hospitalized &/or dying as the disease mutates & dumbfucks who think they won't get it stay unvaccinated.

The media's false narrative about the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally being a COVID-19 superspreader event | Just The News
"The hard data showed that there were about 260 cases that came from here," Ainslie said. "Now, the reality was there were probably some additional cases beyond those 260 that were immediately traced here, but to try to state that there were a quarter million, that's just ridiculous, and it was fanciful, and it was just pushing their narrative."
Funny that i was there, looking for the Kung Flu, met a lot of people, and still couldnt get the chinese virus. Oh yeah, i didnt wear a mask either, because free people dont wear masks, now shut up slave and put your mask on.

So, you went to Sturgis to actively try to contract Covid. Imma just leave that here, you brainless twat.

Plenty did catch Covid there.
When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
Joe Biden could only get 6 people in a room and they were all lickspittle lapdog media types.

View attachment 486121

you mean being responsible by not holding super spreader events that #45's trump humping pawns gladly attended, & spread to so many others?


after all that sickness & death ... how did all that there rallying work out for president tinkles?

View attachment 486204
Bwaaahhhaaaaaa...99.9% chance of survivability, only the infirm and elderly can be murdered by it as found in blue states where governors put the Kung Flu and killed 10s of thousands.

Didnt hear about this super spreader event that didnt super spread the virus did ya? You are such a progressive slave...Yesa masta i must wear my mask....

CDC: Sturgis Motorcycle Rally led to 'widespread transmission' of COVID-19

The August event brought together about 462,000 people from 61% of all U.S. counties.
CDC: Sturgis Motorcycle Rally led to 'widespread transmission' of COVID-19

more & more young people are being hospitalized &/or dying as the disease mutates & dumbfucks who think they won't get it stay unvaccinated.

The media's false narrative about the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally being a COVID-19 superspreader event | Just The News
"The hard data showed that there were about 260 cases that came from here," Ainslie said. "Now, the reality was there were probably some additional cases beyond those 260 that were immediately traced here, but to try to state that there were a quarter million, that's just ridiculous, and it was fanciful, and it was just pushing their narrative."
Funny that i was there, looking for the Kung Flu, met a lot of people, and still couldnt get the chinese virus. Oh yeah, i didnt wear a mask either, because free people dont wear masks, now shut up slave and put your mask on.

So, you went to Sturgis to actively try to contract Covid. Imma just leave that here, you brainless twat.

Bwaaaaahhhaaaaa....What better way to get immunity from the disease than actually coming in contact with it. I am not over 75, i am not infirm, i am in great shape, not some pajama boy progressive slave who catches a cold if a breeze hits him. But please, just leave.....99.9% survivor rate, why are you so scared of the Kung Flu?

Catches Nazis and Japs, lives to tell the tale.......................Catches a cold just breathing....
When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
Joe Biden could only get 6 people in a room and they were all lickspittle lapdog media types.

View attachment 486121

you mean being responsible by not holding super spreader events that #45's trump humping pawns gladly attended, & spread to so many others?


after all that sickness & death ... how did all that there rallying work out for president tinkles?

View attachment 486204
Bwaaahhhaaaaaa...99.9% chance of survivability, only the infirm and elderly can be murdered by it as found in blue states where governors put the Kung Flu and killed 10s of thousands.

Didnt hear about this super spreader event that didnt super spread the virus did ya? You are such a progressive slave...Yesa masta i must wear my mask....

CDC: Sturgis Motorcycle Rally led to 'widespread transmission' of COVID-19

The August event brought together about 462,000 people from 61% of all U.S. counties.
CDC: Sturgis Motorcycle Rally led to 'widespread transmission' of COVID-19

more & more young people are being hospitalized &/or dying as the disease mutates & dumbfucks who think they won't get it stay unvaccinated.

The media's false narrative about the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally being a COVID-19 superspreader event | Just The News
"The hard data showed that there were about 260 cases that came from here," Ainslie said. "Now, the reality was there were probably some additional cases beyond those 260 that were immediately traced here, but to try to state that there were a quarter million, that's just ridiculous, and it was fanciful, and it was just pushing their narrative."
Funny that i was there, looking for the Kung Flu, met a lot of people, and still couldnt get the chinese virus. Oh yeah, i didnt wear a mask either, because free people dont wear masks, now shut up slave and put your mask on.

So, you went to Sturgis to actively try to contract Covid. Imma just leave that here, you brainless twat.

Plenty did catch Covid there.

Yeah, and this Meathead claims he went to purposely catch it. Fascinating stuff.

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