This would be sad if it wasn't so funny

Whatever she's doing, it ain't hanging with her husband.

Melania Trump

The former first lady has retreated even further from the spotlight, rarely spotted at Mar-a-Lago per the same CNN and PEOPLE reports.
The 51-year-old continues to enjoy spa treatments at the private club and her time with 15-year-old son Barron. In late April, she had a pre-birthday dinner with President Trump, his daughter Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, at the club's restaurant, but otherwise "she is very low-key and off the radar and wants it that way," a source told PEOPLE.

She's about to file for divorce and cash in. GO MEL - I'd not want to be around The Blob either!
Whatever she's doing, it ain't hanging with her husband.

Melania Trump

The former first lady has retreated even further from the spotlight, rarely spotted at Mar-a-Lago per the same CNN and PEOPLE reports.
The 51-year-old continues to enjoy spa treatments at the private club and her time with 15-year-old son Barron. In late April, she had a pre-birthday dinner with President Trump, his daughter Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, at the club's restaurant, but otherwise "she is very low-key and off the radar and wants it that way," a source told PEOPLE.

She's about to file for divorce and cash in. GO MEL - I'd not want to be around The Blob either!

I know you meant to include a link to support your claim about her upcoming filing.

Somehow it didn't take.
are sports reporters deranged by sports? No.
There are sports wannabe’s who cant play the game but nevertheless rate themselves as experts on sports

And I have heard of journalists who are wannabe trump experts - though I dont think any actually exist in lib la la land even though they devote all their waking hours to that single topic

however they have appointed themselves chroniclers whose only mission is writing about trump
are sports reporters deranged by sports? No.
There are sports wannabe’s who cant play the game but nevertheless rate themselves as experts on sports

And I have heard of journalists who are wannabe trump experts - though I dont think any actually exist in lib la la land even though they devote all their waking hours to that single topic

however they have appointed themselves chroniclers whose only mission is writing about trump
Sounds fun, thanks for sharing that!
Biden's fine.
thats a matter of opinion

I hope biden somehow manages to stumble along without doing catastrophic harm to America

But I wouldn't bet the rent money on it

Yeah, I know. Still don't care, sorry.
You will care if inflation gets out of control

because the stay-at-home helicopter money is about to run out

I work for a living. I have received no stimulus checks. What else you got to throw at the wall?
is the second time you have insulted me for trying to catch something with a 99.9% survivability rate.
Death rate is about 200 × that.
99.7% is the survival rate from Covid. You do not shut a country down for that. It was done to kill small business. We have been had, and anyone who believes one fucking thing about Covid but that survival rate is a fool.
When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
View attachment 486126
This man got more votes than obama?

Yep. Sucks to be you.
Not in 2024 when biden or I mean Harris gives the keys to the Whitehouse back to Trump.

Keep on bleevin', pinhead. :113:
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View attachment 486224
Get your pussy hat ready! :itsok:

donny will have either stroked out by then, given his piss poor diet & obesity ... in jail ... or both.

what's funny AF, is he isn't even gonna try to run - he just wants to rake in all his dupes' cash thru his PAC to pay for his lawsuits & criminal investigations.
Like I said, get your pussy hat ready. Trump is going to hand harris's ass back to her.

oh you poor poor poorly educated dupe that donny loves long time.

he ripped people off with his fraudulant university...

he ripped people off with his fraudulent 'charitable' foundation...

& you think he's on yer side.

lol ...
When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
Still more than Biden could ever draw.
Of course.

Those who voted for Biden don't have this bizarre, inexplicable, hyper-emotional attachment to him that Trumpsters have for their adored one.

Biden's just a politician. Hopefully the good he does will clearly outweigh the not-so-good. But he rid us of the orange buffoon, and that's pretty neat in our book.
Lol, more voted for Biden than obama your savior.

more like more voted against donny. (D)s, indies, AND more importantly real (R)s.
When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
Joe Biden could only get 6 people in a room and they were all lickspittle lapdog media types.

View attachment 486121

you mean being responsible by not holding super spreader events that #45's trump humping pawns gladly attended, & spread to so many others?


after all that sickness & death ... how did all that there rallying work out for president tinkles?

View attachment 486204
Bwaaahhhaaaaaa...99.9% chance of survivability, only the infirm and elderly can be murdered by it as found in blue states where governors put the Kung Flu and killed 10s of thousands.

Didnt hear about this super spreader event that didnt super spread the virus did ya? You are such a progressive slave...Yesa masta i must wear my mask....

CDC: Sturgis Motorcycle Rally led to 'widespread transmission' of COVID-19

The August event brought together about 462,000 people from 61% of all U.S. counties.
CDC: Sturgis Motorcycle Rally led to 'widespread transmission' of COVID-19

more & more young people are being hospitalized &/or dying as the disease mutates & dumbfucks who think they won't get it stay unvaccinated.

The media's false narrative about the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally being a COVID-19 superspreader event | Just The News
"The hard data showed that there were about 260 cases that came from here," Ainslie said. "Now, the reality was there were probably some additional cases beyond those 260 that were immediately traced here, but to try to state that there were a quarter million, that's just ridiculous, and it was fanciful, and it was just pushing their narrative."
Funny that i was there, looking for the Kung Flu, met a lot of people, and still couldnt get the chinese virus. Oh yeah, i didnt wear a mask either, because free people dont wear masks, now shut up slave and put your mask on.

uh-huh. more than likely you were a carrier, asymptomatic & chock full of covid.

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