This would be sad if it wasn't so funny

When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
Still more than Biden could ever draw.
Of course.

Those who voted for Biden don't have this bizarre, inexplicable, hyper-emotional attachment to him that Trumpsters have for their adored one.

Biden's just a politician. Hopefully the good he does will clearly outweigh the not-so-good. But he rid us of the orange buffoon, and that's pretty neat in our book.
Lol, more voted for Biden than obama your savior.

more like more voted against donny. (D)s, indies, AND more importantly real (R)s.
Yep. I would have much preferred to vote third party, but I had to vote against Trumpism, period.
When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
Still more than Biden could ever draw.
Of course.

Those who voted for Biden don't have this bizarre, inexplicable, hyper-emotional attachment to him that Trumpsters have for their adored one.

Biden's just a politician. Hopefully the good he does will clearly outweigh the not-so-good. But he rid us of the orange buffoon, and that's pretty neat in our book.
Lol, more voted for Biden than obama your savior.

more like more voted against donny. (D)s, indies, AND more importantly real (R)s.
Yep. I would have much preferred to vote third party, but I had to vote against Trumpism, period.
Booming economy until the scamdemic, energy independence, lower taxes. That is Trumpism and that is why he was re-elected and the election had to be stolen. FACT.
2.4% GDP with crashed bond yields, an extended manufacturing recession, the NY Fed having to pour $1.5T into short term credit markets and exploded deficit and debt are not a "booming economy".

Gawd, you people are ignorant.
That was after the big lie called Covid. You know that you are just being an asshole.
NO, it WASN'T.

of it was. We were at 2.4% GDP BEFORE the virus. The manufacturing recession was in 2019. The NY Fed acted in 2019.


God damn, you people are hopeless.
But we are not criminals and liars, that ball is in your court.
Are you going to look up the information I provided? Of course not.

Are you going to admit that the information I provided was correct? Of course not.

Are you going to apologize for incorrectly calling me a liar? Of course not.

And why not? Because you're a Trumpster. You can't look down your nose at ANYONE.
Are you going to admit there was fraud and Trump was sabotaged before he took office and after that by corrupt politicians and bureaucrats. By the media, by Big Tech and by peons like you. You are a liar.
If by "sabotage" you mean that people actively opposed him because they thought he was jackass, yeah. That's the way it goes. That's allowed. That's not "fraud".
Last edited:
Mike, I don’t expect you to agree with my views about Trump, I’m sure you are very happy with everything that he did and that he stands for. But you need to wake up to reality. The majority of Americans do not agree with you. Enough took a chance on him to get him elected in 2016 and then what did he do? He lost the house, he lost the Senate, and he lost the presidency in four years. I don’t know if that’s ever been done before but that’s about as bad as it gets. He is a loser. The pendulum of political power is almost ready to swing back into the Republican conservative position if they can run the right person. Trump is a seven deuce off suit with an all in bet. He’s a bluff with a losing hand. The Dems are holding a jack queen which is strong... you need to find a candidate with pocket rockets. That’s not Trump
As I said Slade, if it is not Donald Trump, I hope it is someone with the same commitment to America First and Americans First. I do not put a lot of stock in the 2020 election results. And on top of that, In my 4 decades of participating in Presidential elections I have never seen such an all out assault on a sitting President, regardless of Party.
AND there has never been a bigger POS in our WH Trump deserved everything he got ,and more
AND there has never been a bigger POS in our WH Trump deserved everything he got ,and more
You hated him personally, just like the Media instructed you. Trump understood what America needed and he took actions to benefit America. Your China puppet President puts America last.
The media instructed me ?? BS!! I'm from NY and know trump has been garbage growing up A racist hate filled bully Trumps actions benefit Trump Anyone else is a mistake
When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
View attachment 486126
This man got more votes than obama?

Yep. Sucks to be you.
Not in 2024 when biden or I mean Harris gives the keys to the Whitehouse back to Trump.

Keep on bleevin', pinhead. :113:
View attachment 486180


View attachment 486224
Get your pussy hat ready! :itsok:

donny will have either stroked out by then, given his piss poor diet & obesity ... in jail ... or both.

what's funny AF, is he isn't even gonna try to run - he just wants to rake in all his dupes' cash thru his PAC to pay for his lawsuits & criminal investigations.
Like I said, get your pussy hat ready. Trump is going to hand harris's ass back to her.

oh you poor poor poorly educated dupe that donny loves long time.

he ripped people off with his fraudulant university...

he ripped people off with his fraudulent 'charitable' foundation...

& you think he's on yer side.

lol ...
Trump was on America's side, unlike pedo joe.
When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
Still more than Biden could ever draw.
Of course.

Those who voted for Biden don't have this bizarre, inexplicable, hyper-emotional attachment to him that Trumpsters have for their adored one.

Biden's just a politician. Hopefully the good he does will clearly outweigh the not-so-good. But he rid us of the orange buffoon, and that's pretty neat in our book.
Lol, more voted for Biden than obama your savior.

more like more voted against donny. (D)s, indies, AND more importantly real (R)s.
Lol, he will be your president again.
When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
View attachment 486126
This man got more votes than obama?

Yep. Sucks to be you.
Not in 2024 when biden or I mean Harris gives the keys to the Whitehouse back to Trump.

Keep on bleevin', pinhead. :113:
View attachment 486180


View attachment 486224
Get your pussy hat ready! :itsok:

donny will have either stroked out by then, given his piss poor diet & obesity ... in jail ... or both.

what's funny AF, is he isn't even gonna try to run - he just wants to rake in all his dupes' cash thru his PAC to pay for his lawsuits & criminal investigations.
Like I said, get your pussy hat ready. Trump is going to hand harris's ass back to her.

oh you poor poor poorly educated dupe that donny loves long time.

he ripped people off with his fraudulant university...

he ripped people off with his fraudulent 'charitable' foundation...

& you think he's on yer side.

lol ...
Trump was on America's side, unlike pedo joe.
But, on Nov. 3rd, America was not on his side. That's the way it goes.
When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
Still more than Biden could ever draw.
Of course.

Those who voted for Biden don't have this bizarre, inexplicable, hyper-emotional attachment to him that Trumpsters have for their adored one.

Biden's just a politician. Hopefully the good he does will clearly outweigh the not-so-good. But he rid us of the orange buffoon, and that's pretty neat in our book.
Lol, more voted for Biden than obama your savior.

more like more voted against donny. (D)s, indies, AND more importantly real (R)s.
Yep. I would have much preferred to vote third party, but I had to vote against Trumpism, period.

that's how i felt about donny in 2016, & voted for hillary;- knowing how the tribblehead operated for the past 40 years. biden wasn't my first choce, nor 2nd.. not even 3rd. but so far, he's stepping up & sure as hell is listening to his experts about almost everything; because he isn't so sickeningly narcissistic, that he thinks he's superior to them in any way.
The experts that's gonna get 30 trillion in debt?
When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
View attachment 486126
This man got more votes than obama?

Yep. Sucks to be you.
Not in 2024 when biden or I mean Harris gives the keys to the Whitehouse back to Trump.

Keep on bleevin', pinhead. :113:
View attachment 486180


View attachment 486224
Get your pussy hat ready! :itsok:

donny will have either stroked out by then, given his piss poor diet & obesity ... in jail ... or both.

what's funny AF, is he isn't even gonna try to run - he just wants to rake in all his dupes' cash thru his PAC to pay for his lawsuits & criminal investigations.
Like I said, get your pussy hat ready. Trump is going to hand harris's ass back to her.

oh you poor poor poorly educated dupe that donny loves long time.

he ripped people off with his fraudulant university...

he ripped people off with his fraudulent 'charitable' foundation...

& you think he's on yer side.

lol ...
Trump was on America's side, unlike pedo joe.
With his messed up tariffs against China who did he hurt OUR farmers or China ? The most inept leader America has ever known ,,,and we've had some beauts GWB for example
America is a shell of itself too
Go back to Moscow, comrade.

Yeah, right. As if America has never been better.
"Go back to Moscow" <--- What a STUPID thing to say.
Someone cares enough about this country to point out that we'd better get things together and gets a moronic retort like that. It's idiots like you who think everything is great who are a danger to the future of our Republic.
When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
View attachment 486126
This man got more votes than obama?

Yep. Sucks to be you.
Not in 2024 when biden or I mean Harris gives the keys to the Whitehouse back to Trump.

Keep on bleevin', pinhead. :113:
View attachment 486180


View attachment 486224
Get your pussy hat ready! :itsok:

donny will have either stroked out by then, given his piss poor diet & obesity ... in jail ... or both.

what's funny AF, is he isn't even gonna try to run - he just wants to rake in all his dupes' cash thru his PAC to pay for his lawsuits & criminal investigations.
Like I said, get your pussy hat ready. Trump is going to hand harris's ass back to her.

oh you poor poor poorly educated dupe that donny loves long time.

he ripped people off with his fraudulant university...

he ripped people off with his fraudulent 'charitable' foundation...

& you think he's on yer side.

lol ...
Trump was on America's side, unlike pedo joe.
But, on Nov. 3rd, America was not on his side. That's the way it goes.
That's what cheating gets you.
When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
View attachment 486126
This man got more votes than obama?

Yep. Sucks to be you.
Not in 2024 when biden or I mean Harris gives the keys to the Whitehouse back to Trump.

Keep on bleevin', pinhead. :113:
View attachment 486180


View attachment 486224
Get your pussy hat ready! :itsok:

donny will have either stroked out by then, given his piss poor diet & obesity ... in jail ... or both.

what's funny AF, is he isn't even gonna try to run - he just wants to rake in all his dupes' cash thru his PAC to pay for his lawsuits & criminal investigations.
Like I said, get your pussy hat ready. Trump is going to hand harris's ass back to her.

oh you poor poor poorly educated dupe that donny loves long time.

he ripped people off with his fraudulant university...

he ripped people off with his fraudulent 'charitable' foundation...

& you think he's on yer side.

lol ...
Trump was on America's side, unlike pedo joe.
With his messed up tariffs against China who did he hurt OUR farmers or China ? The most inept leader America has ever known ,,,and we've had some beauts GWB for example
Tell when exactly did you start to care about farmers? Exactly the year, Trump helped them out, so tell me when? Or just shut the hell up.
When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
View attachment 486126
This man got more votes than obama?

Yep. Sucks to be you.
Not in 2024 when biden or I mean Harris gives the keys to the Whitehouse back to Trump.

Keep on bleevin', pinhead. :113:
View attachment 486180


View attachment 486224
Get your pussy hat ready! :itsok:

donny will have either stroked out by then, given his piss poor diet & obesity ... in jail ... or both.

what's funny AF, is he isn't even gonna try to run - he just wants to rake in all his dupes' cash thru his PAC to pay for his lawsuits & criminal investigations.
Like I said, get your pussy hat ready. Trump is going to hand harris's ass back to her.

oh you poor poor poorly educated dupe that donny loves long time.

he ripped people off with his fraudulant university...

he ripped people off with his fraudulent 'charitable' foundation...

& you think he's on yer side.

lol ...
Trump was on America's side, unlike pedo joe.
Kissing Putin butt ?? He was on Americas side??? Are you kidding me??
When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
View attachment 486126
This man got more votes than obama?

Yep. Sucks to be you.
Not in 2024 when biden or I mean Harris gives the keys to the Whitehouse back to Trump.

Keep on bleevin', pinhead. :113:
View attachment 486180


View attachment 486224
Get your pussy hat ready! :itsok:

donny will have either stroked out by then, given his piss poor diet & obesity ... in jail ... or both.

what's funny AF, is he isn't even gonna try to run - he just wants to rake in all his dupes' cash thru his PAC to pay for his lawsuits & criminal investigations.
Like I said, get your pussy hat ready. Trump is going to hand harris's ass back to her.

oh you poor poor poorly educated dupe that donny loves long time.

he ripped people off with his fraudulant university...

he ripped people off with his fraudulent 'charitable' foundation...

& you think he's on yer side.

lol ...
Trump was on America's side, unlike pedo joe.
With his messed up tariffs against China who did he hurt OUR farmers or China ? The most inept leader America has ever known ,,,and we've had some beauts GWB for example
Tell when exactly did you start to care about farmers? Exactly the year, Trump helped them out, so tell me when? Or just shut the hell up.
Care about farmers?? Since I started eating Trump f'ed over them and gave them welfare payments to keep them in the fold
When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
View attachment 486126
This man got more votes than obama?

Yep. Sucks to be you.
Not in 2024 when biden or I mean Harris gives the keys to the Whitehouse back to Trump.

Keep on bleevin', pinhead. :113:
View attachment 486180


View attachment 486224
Get your pussy hat ready! :itsok:

donny will have either stroked out by then, given his piss poor diet & obesity ... in jail ... or both.

what's funny AF, is he isn't even gonna try to run - he just wants to rake in all his dupes' cash thru his PAC to pay for his lawsuits & criminal investigations.
Like I said, get your pussy hat ready. Trump is going to hand harris's ass back to her.

oh you poor poor poorly educated dupe that donny loves long time.

he ripped people off with his fraudulant university...

he ripped people off with his fraudulent 'charitable' foundation...

& you think he's on yer side.

lol ...
Trump was on America's side, unlike pedo joe.
Kissing Putin butt ?? He was on Americas side??? Are you kidding me??
You do know Russian collusion was a hoax? Hell Hillary sucked Putin's penis, Obama probably did too and got nothing. That's why you loons hate him so.
When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
View attachment 486126
This man got more votes than obama?

Yep. Sucks to be you.
Not in 2024 when biden or I mean Harris gives the keys to the Whitehouse back to Trump.

Keep on bleevin', pinhead. :113:
View attachment 486180


View attachment 486224
Get your pussy hat ready! :itsok:

donny will have either stroked out by then, given his piss poor diet & obesity ... in jail ... or both.

what's funny AF, is he isn't even gonna try to run - he just wants to rake in all his dupes' cash thru his PAC to pay for his lawsuits & criminal investigations.
Like I said, get your pussy hat ready. Trump is going to hand harris's ass back to her.

oh you poor poor poorly educated dupe that donny loves long time.

he ripped people off with his fraudulant university...

he ripped people off with his fraudulent 'charitable' foundation...

& you think he's on yer side.

lol ...
Trump was on America's side, unlike pedo joe.
With his messed up tariffs against China who did he hurt OUR farmers or China ? The most inept leader America has ever known ,,,and we've had some beauts GWB for example
Tell when exactly did you start to care about farmers? Exactly the year, Trump helped them out, so tell me when? Or just shut the hell up.
Care about farmers?? Since I started eating Trump f'ed over them and gave them welfare payments to keep them in the fold
You do realize that wasn't the first time we helped our farmers? So we should quit giving out money to people that actually work and need help, and give it to people that can but won't? You’re an idiot that don't pay taxes. Thanks for proving yourself.
AND there has never been a bigger POS in our WH Trump deserved everything he got ,and more
You hated him personally, just like the Media instructed you. Trump understood what America needed and he took actions to benefit America. Your China puppet President puts America last.
The media instructed me ?? BS!! I'm from NY and know trump has been garbage growing up A racist hate filled bully Trumps actions benefit Trump Anyone else is a mistake
You're a liar, until Trump ran for president as a republican, you loons kissed his ass.
When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
Still more than Biden could ever draw.
Of course.

Those who voted for Biden don't have this bizarre, inexplicable, hyper-emotional attachment to him that Trumpsters have for their adored one.

Biden's just a politician. Hopefully the good he does will clearly outweigh the not-so-good. But he rid us of the orange buffoon, and that's pretty neat in our book.
Lol, more voted for Biden than obama your savior.

more like more voted against donny. (D)s, indies, AND more importantly real (R)s.
Yep. I would have much preferred to vote third party, but I had to vote against Trumpism, period.
Booming economy until the scamdemic, energy independence, lower taxes. That is Trumpism and that is why he was re-elected and the election had to be stolen. FACT.
2.4% GDP with crashed bond yields, an extended manufacturing recession, the NY Fed having to pour $1.5T into short term credit markets and exploded deficit and debt are not a "booming economy".

Gawd, you people are ignorant.
That was after the big lie called Covid. You know that you are just being an asshole.
NO, it WASN'T.

of it was. We were at 2.4% GDP BEFORE the virus. The manufacturing recession was in 2019. The NY Fed acted in 2019.


God damn, you people are hopeless.
But we are not criminals and liars, that ball is in your court.
Are you going to look up the information I provided? Of course not.

Are you going to admit that the information I provided was correct? Of course not.

Are you going to apologize for incorrectly calling me a liar? Of course not.

And why not? Because you're a Trumpster. You can't look down your nose at ANYONE.
Are you going to admit there was fraud and Trump was sabotaged before he took office and after that by corrupt politicians and bureaucrats. By the media, by Big Tech and by peons like you. You are a liar.
There wasn't fraud. You've been played and played and played by that orange con-artist.
You've been played since Carter. Lol

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