This would be sad if it wasn't so funny

When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
Still more than Biden could ever draw.
Of course.

Those who voted for Biden don't have this bizarre, inexplicable, hyper-emotional attachment to him that Trumpsters have for their adored one.

Biden's just a politician. Hopefully the good he does will clearly outweigh the not-so-good. But he rid us of the orange buffoon, and that's pretty neat in our book.
Lol, more voted for Biden than obama your savior.

more like more voted against donny. (D)s, indies, AND more importantly real (R)s.
Yep. I would have much preferred to vote third party, but I had to vote against Trumpism, period.
Booming economy until the scamdemic, energy independence, lower taxes. That is Trumpism and that is why he was re-elected and the election had to be stolen. FACT.
2.4% GDP with crashed bond yields, an extended manufacturing recession, the NY Fed having to pour $1.5T into short term credit markets and exploded deficit and debt are not a "booming economy".

Gawd, you people are ignorant.
That was after the big lie called Covid. You know that you are just being an asshole.
NO, it WASN'T.

of it was. We were at 2.4% GDP BEFORE the virus. The manufacturing recession was in 2019. The NY Fed acted in 2019.


God damn, you people are hopeless.
But we are not criminals and liars, that ball is in your court.
Are you going to look up the information I provided? Of course not.

Are you going to admit that the information I provided was correct? Of course not.

Are you going to apologize for incorrectly calling me a liar? Of course not.

And why not? Because you're a Trumpster. You can't look down your nose at ANYONE.
Are you going to admit there was fraud and Trump was sabotaged before he took office and after that by corrupt politicians and bureaucrats. By the media, by Big Tech and by peons like you. You are a liar.
There wasn't fraud. You've been played and played and played by that orange con-artist.
A day without a troll is like a day without sunshine. Next.
Send him some more money. I'm sure you haven't given him all you have yet.
AND there has never been a bigger POS in our WH Trump deserved everything he got ,and more
You hated him personally, just like the Media instructed you. Trump understood what America needed and he took actions to benefit America. Your China puppet President puts America last.
The media instructed me ?? BS!! I'm from NY and know trump has been garbage growing up A racist hate filled bully Trumps actions benefit Trump Anyone else is a mistake
You're a liar, until Trump ran for president as a republican, you loons kissed his ass.
Not I....there was something wrong with him that was evident for a loooooooong time.
When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
View attachment 486126
This man got more votes than obama?

Yep. Sucks to be you.
Not in 2024 when biden or I mean Harris gives the keys to the Whitehouse back to Trump.

Keep on bleevin', pinhead. :113:
View attachment 486180


View attachment 486224
Get your pussy hat ready! :itsok:

donny will have either stroked out by then, given his piss poor diet & obesity ... in jail ... or both.

what's funny AF, is he isn't even gonna try to run - he just wants to rake in all his dupes' cash thru his PAC to pay for his lawsuits & criminal investigations.
Like I said, get your pussy hat ready. Trump is going to hand harris's ass back to her.

oh you poor poor poorly educated dupe that donny loves long time.

he ripped people off with his fraudulant university...

he ripped people off with his fraudulent 'charitable' foundation...

& you think he's on yer side.

lol ...
Trump was on America's side, unlike pedo joe.
With his messed up tariffs against China who did he hurt OUR farmers or China ? The most inept leader America has ever known ,,,and we've had some beauts GWB for example
Tell when exactly did you start to care about farmers? Exactly the year, Trump helped them out, so tell me when? Or just shut the hell up.
Care about farmers?? Since I started eating Trump f'ed over them and gave them welfare payments to keep them in the fold
You do realize that wasn't the first time we helped our farmers? So we should quit giving out money to people that actually work and need help, and give it to people that can but won't? You’re an idiot that don't pay taxes. Thanks for proving yourself.
That was the only time we had to help them out because a fat orange idiot president killed their markets.
AND there has never been a bigger POS in our WH Trump deserved everything he got ,and more
You hated him personally, just like the Media instructed you. Trump understood what America needed and he took actions to benefit America. Your China puppet President puts America last.
You got a degree from trump university, genius?
The media instructed me ?? BS!! I'm from NY and know trump has been garbage growing up A racist hate filled bully Trumps actions benefit Trump Anyone else is a mistake
He is not, nor ever has been a Racist that is a concoction by the Democrats and their Media. That is also irrelevant to the great job he did representing AMERICA'S INTERESTS which is what you should be concerned about anyway in your President. The bumbling idiot Biden you elected is the exact opposite of Donald Trump and we will suffer for his Presidency BIGLY.
When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
Still more than Biden could ever draw.
Of course.

Those who voted for Biden don't have this bizarre, inexplicable, hyper-emotional attachment to him that Trumpsters have for their adored one.

Biden's just a politician. Hopefully the good he does will clearly outweigh the not-so-good. But he rid us of the orange buffoon, and that's pretty neat in our book.
Lol, more voted for Biden than obama your savior.

more like more voted against donny. (D)s, indies, AND more importantly real (R)s.
Yep. I would have much preferred to vote third party, but I had to vote against Trumpism, period.
Booming economy until the scamdemic, energy independence, lower taxes. That is Trumpism and that is why he was re-elected and the election had to be stolen. FACT.
2.4% GDP with crashed bond yields, an extended manufacturing recession, the NY Fed having to pour $1.5T into short term credit markets and exploded deficit and debt are not a "booming economy".

Gawd, you people are ignorant.
That was after the big lie called Covid. You know that you are just being an asshole.
NO, it WASN'T.

of it was. We were at 2.4% GDP BEFORE the virus. The manufacturing recession was in 2019. The NY Fed acted in 2019.


God damn, you people are hopeless.
But we are not criminals and liars, that ball is in your court.
Are you going to look up the information I provided? Of course not.

Are you going to admit that the information I provided was correct? Of course not.

Are you going to apologize for incorrectly calling me a liar? Of course not.

And why not? Because you're a Trumpster. You can't look down your nose at ANYONE.
Are you going to admit there was fraud and Trump was sabotaged before he took office and after that by corrupt politicians and bureaucrats. By the media, by Big Tech and by peons like you. You are a liar.

You are a c*nt.
The media instructed me ?? BS!! I'm from NY and know trump has been garbage growing up A racist hate filled bully Trumps actions benefit Trump Anyone else is a mistake
He is not, nor ever has been a Racist that is a concoction by the Democrats and their Media. That is also irrelevant to the great job he did representing AMERICA'S INTERESTS which is what you should be concerned about anyway in your President. The bumbling idiot Biden you elected is the exact opposite of Donald Trump and we will suffer for his Presidency BIGLY.
When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
Still more than Biden could ever draw.
Of course.

Those who voted for Biden don't have this bizarre, inexplicable, hyper-emotional attachment to him that Trumpsters have for their adored one.

Biden's just a politician. Hopefully the good he does will clearly outweigh the not-so-good. But he rid us of the orange buffoon, and that's pretty neat in our book.
Lol, more voted for Biden than obama your savior.

more like more voted against donny. (D)s, indies, AND more importantly real (R)s.
Yep. I would have much preferred to vote third party, but I had to vote against Trumpism, period.
Booming economy until the scamdemic, energy independence, lower taxes. That is Trumpism and that is why he was re-elected and the election had to be stolen. FACT.
2.4% GDP with crashed bond yields, an extended manufacturing recession, the NY Fed having to pour $1.5T into short term credit markets and exploded deficit and debt are not a "booming economy".

Gawd, you people are ignorant.
That was after the big lie called Covid. You know that you are just being an asshole.
NO, it WASN'T.

of it was. We were at 2.4% GDP BEFORE the virus. The manufacturing recession was in 2019. The NY Fed acted in 2019.


God damn, you people are hopeless.
But we are not criminals and liars, that ball is in your court.
Are you going to look up the information I provided? Of course not.

Are you going to admit that the information I provided was correct? Of course not.

Are you going to apologize for incorrectly calling me a liar? Of course not.

And why not? Because you're a Trumpster. You can't look down your nose at ANYONE.
Are you going to admit there was fraud and Trump was sabotaged before he took office and after that by corrupt politicians and bureaucrats. By the media, by Big Tech and by peons like you. You are a liar.

You are a c*nt.
You have no respect for women. I am not a woman but I can see that. Any virtue to drop off while you are here? And what I said is true.
dOnald tRump is a shell of himself.

The accomplished liars on FOX Noise are doing their best to keep the trump Nazis inspired, Among the trump Nazis nationwide, the twice impeached, former president trump grows older and more irrelevant as each day passes. Only those trump Nazis posting on these message boards still believe the twice impeached, former president trump is a viable candidate for 2024.

Florida governor, Ron DeSantis is the current favorite of most trump Nazis, that vast majority see DeSantis as the fascist leader most qualified to carry their New Republican Party into the fourth reich their wannabe führer, the twice impeached, former president trump, failed to provide them.

The 74 million trump Nazis, with the help of Senator Joe Manchin, know the congressional majority will be theirs after the 2022 Mid Term Elections. The first order of business for the new Republican majority will be to oust Biden, Harris, and Pelosi and set to work rewriting the U.S. Constitution to include only loyal trump Nazis.

At the same time, a Special Election, open only to the proven loyal, will be held to install DeSantis as führer (with the twice impeached, former president trump as Senior Adviser, much like Hermann Göring was to Adolf Hitler)

2023 is the year the trump Nazis finally get their wishes fulfilled.

Last edited:
The media instructed me ?? BS!! I'm from NY and know trump has been garbage growing up A racist hate filled bully Trumps actions benefit Trump Anyone else is a mistake
He is not, nor ever has been a Racist that is a concoction by the Democrats and their Media. That is also irrelevant to the great job he did representing AMERICA'S INTERESTS which is what you should be concerned about anyway in your President. The bumbling idiot Biden you elected is the exact opposite of Donald Trump and we will suffer for his Presidency BIGLY.
When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
Still more than Biden could ever draw.
Of course.

Those who voted for Biden don't have this bizarre, inexplicable, hyper-emotional attachment to him that Trumpsters have for their adored one.

Biden's just a politician. Hopefully the good he does will clearly outweigh the not-so-good. But he rid us of the orange buffoon, and that's pretty neat in our book.
Lol, more voted for Biden than obama your savior.

more like more voted against donny. (D)s, indies, AND more importantly real (R)s.
Yep. I would have much preferred to vote third party, but I had to vote against Trumpism, period.
Booming economy until the scamdemic, energy independence, lower taxes. That is Trumpism and that is why he was re-elected and the election had to be stolen. FACT.
2.4% GDP with crashed bond yields, an extended manufacturing recession, the NY Fed having to pour $1.5T into short term credit markets and exploded deficit and debt are not a "booming economy".

Gawd, you people are ignorant.
That was after the big lie called Covid. You know that you are just being an asshole.
NO, it WASN'T.

of it was. We were at 2.4% GDP BEFORE the virus. The manufacturing recession was in 2019. The NY Fed acted in 2019.


God damn, you people are hopeless.
But we are not criminals and liars, that ball is in your court.
Are you going to look up the information I provided? Of course not.

Are you going to admit that the information I provided was correct? Of course not.

Are you going to apologize for incorrectly calling me a liar? Of course not.

And why not? Because you're a Trumpster. You can't look down your nose at ANYONE.
Are you going to admit there was fraud and Trump was sabotaged before he took office and after that by corrupt politicians and bureaucrats. By the media, by Big Tech and by peons like you. You are a liar.

You are a c*nt.
You have no respect for women. I am not a woman but I can see that. Any virtue to drop off while you are here? And what I said is true.

Women have zero to do with my comment. Since you're a stupid maga twat, you need it spelled out further. *Sigh* I'll acquiesce.

You're a lying piece of garbage.
dOnald tRump is a shell of himself.

Trump was never ‘leader’ of the free world; he was the enemy of the free world – coddling dictators and attacking America’s longtime allies.

He represents America's last hope. He is a non-politician who pulled the cover off of our corrupt government, intelligence agencies and Media. We can only hope someone steps up in 2024 to carry the torch for AMERICA if it isn't Donald Trump.

Holy crap



and you're showing it very well
dOnald tRump is a shell of himself.

The accomplished liars on FOX Noise are doing their best to keep the trump Nazis inspired, Among the trump Nazis nationwide, the twice impeached, former president trump grows older and more irrelevant as each day passes. Only those trump Nazis posting on these message boards still believe the twice impeached, former president trump is a viable candidate for 2024.

Florida governor, Ron DeSantis is the current favorite of most trump Nazis, that vast majority see DeSantis as the fascist leader most qualified to carry their New Republican Party into the fourth reich their wannabe führer, the twice impeached, former president trump, failed to provide them.

The 74 million trump Nazis, with the help of Senator Joe Manchin, know the congressional majority will be theirs after the 2022 Mid Term Elections. The first order of business for the new Republican majority will be to oust Biden, Harris, and Pelosi and set to work rewriting the U.S. Constitution to include only loyal trump Nazis.

At the same time, a Special Election, open only to the proven loyal, will be held to install DeSantis as führer (with the twice impeached, former president trump as Senior Adviser, much like Hermann Göring was to Adolf Hitler)

2023 is the year the trump Nazis finally get the wishes fulfilled.


look at this little antirights fascist showing how nazi he is
The media instructed me ?? BS!! I'm from NY and know trump has been garbage growing up A racist hate filled bully Trumps actions benefit Trump Anyone else is a mistake
He is not, nor ever has been a Racist that is a concoction by the Democrats and their Media. That is also irrelevant to the great job he did representing AMERICA'S INTERESTS which is what you should be concerned about anyway in your President. The bumbling idiot Biden you elected is the exact opposite of Donald Trump and we will suffer for his Presidency BIGLY.
When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
Still more than Biden could ever draw.
Of course.

Those who voted for Biden don't have this bizarre, inexplicable, hyper-emotional attachment to him that Trumpsters have for their adored one.

Biden's just a politician. Hopefully the good he does will clearly outweigh the not-so-good. But he rid us of the orange buffoon, and that's pretty neat in our book.
Lol, more voted for Biden than obama your savior.

more like more voted against donny. (D)s, indies, AND more importantly real (R)s.
Yep. I would have much preferred to vote third party, but I had to vote against Trumpism, period.
Booming economy until the scamdemic, energy independence, lower taxes. That is Trumpism and that is why he was re-elected and the election had to be stolen. FACT.
2.4% GDP with crashed bond yields, an extended manufacturing recession, the NY Fed having to pour $1.5T into short term credit markets and exploded deficit and debt are not a "booming economy".

Gawd, you people are ignorant.
That was after the big lie called Covid. You know that you are just being an asshole.
NO, it WASN'T.

of it was. We were at 2.4% GDP BEFORE the virus. The manufacturing recession was in 2019. The NY Fed acted in 2019.


God damn, you people are hopeless.
But we are not criminals and liars, that ball is in your court.
Are you going to look up the information I provided? Of course not.

Are you going to admit that the information I provided was correct? Of course not.

Are you going to apologize for incorrectly calling me a liar? Of course not.

And why not? Because you're a Trumpster. You can't look down your nose at ANYONE.
Are you going to admit there was fraud and Trump was sabotaged before he took office and after that by corrupt politicians and bureaucrats. By the media, by Big Tech and by peons like you. You are a liar.

You are a c*nt.
You have no respect for women. I am not a woman but I can see that. Any virtue to drop off while you are here? And what I said is true.

Women have zero to do with my comment. Since you're a stupid maga twat, you need it spelled out further. *Sigh* I'll acquiesce.

You're a lying piece of garbage.
Then you do not know what that word means. You dumb piece of garbage.
When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
View attachment 486126
This man got more votes than obama?

Yep. Sucks to be you.
Not in 2024 when biden or I mean Harris gives the keys to the Whitehouse back to Trump.

Keep on bleevin', pinhead. :113:
View attachment 486180


View attachment 486224
Get your pussy hat ready! :itsok:

donny will have either stroked out by then, given his piss poor diet & obesity ... in jail ... or both.

what's funny AF, is he isn't even gonna try to run - he just wants to rake in all his dupes' cash thru his PAC to pay for his lawsuits & criminal investigations.
Like I said, get your pussy hat ready. Trump is going to hand harris's ass back to her.

oh you poor poor poorly educated dupe that donny loves long time.

he ripped people off with his fraudulant university...

he ripped people off with his fraudulent 'charitable' foundation...

& you think he's on yer side.

lol ...
Trump was on America's side, unlike pedo joe.
With his messed up tariffs against China who did he hurt OUR farmers or China ? The most inept leader America has ever known ,,,and we've had some beauts GWB for example
Tell when exactly did you start to care about farmers? Exactly the year, Trump helped them out, so tell me when? Or just shut the hell up.
Care about farmers?? Since I started eating Trump f'ed over them and gave them welfare payments to keep them in the fold
You do realize that wasn't the first time we helped our farmers? So we should quit giving out money to people that actually work and need help, and give it to people that can but won't? You’re an idiot that don't pay taxes. Thanks for proving yourself.
That was the only time we had to help them out because a fat orange idiot president killed their markets.
Ok, you're telling me the government has never before Trump given subsidies to farmers? That's a yes or no question.
When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
View attachment 486126
This man got more votes than obama?

Yep. Sucks to be you.
Not in 2024 when biden or I mean Harris gives the keys to the Whitehouse back to Trump.

Keep on bleevin', pinhead. :113:
View attachment 486180


View attachment 486224
Get your pussy hat ready! :itsok:

donny will have either stroked out by then, given his piss poor diet & obesity ... in jail ... or both.

what's funny AF, is he isn't even gonna try to run - he just wants to rake in all his dupes' cash thru his PAC to pay for his lawsuits & criminal investigations.
Like I said, get your pussy hat ready. Trump is going to hand harris's ass back to her.

oh you poor poor poorly educated dupe that donny loves long time.

he ripped people off with his fraudulant university...

he ripped people off with his fraudulent 'charitable' foundation...

& you think he's on yer side.

lol ...
Trump was on America's side, unlike pedo joe.
With his messed up tariffs against China who did he hurt OUR farmers or China ? The most inept leader America has ever known ,,,and we've had some beauts GWB for example
Tell when exactly did you start to care about farmers? Exactly the year, Trump helped them out, so tell me when? Or just shut the hell up.
Care about farmers?? Since I started eating Trump f'ed over them and gave them welfare payments to keep them in the fold
You do realize that wasn't the first time we helped our farmers? So we should quit giving out money to people that actually work and need help, and give it to people that can but won't? You’re an idiot that don't pay taxes. Thanks for proving yourself.
That was the only time we had to help them out because a fat orange idiot president killed their markets.
Ok, you're telling me the government has never before Trump given subsidies to farmers? That's a yes or no question.
Of course I didn't say that. I said this is the first time farmer subsidies were required because a stupid president intentionally killed their markets.
When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
Still more than Biden could ever draw.
Of course.

Those who voted for Biden don't have this bizarre, inexplicable, hyper-emotional attachment to him that Trumpsters have for their adored one.

Biden's just a politician. Hopefully the good he does will clearly outweigh the not-so-good. But he rid us of the orange buffoon, and that's pretty neat in our book.
Lol, more voted for Biden than obama your savior.

more like more voted against donny. (D)s, indies, AND more importantly real (R)s.
Yep. I would have much preferred to vote third party, but I had to vote against Trumpism, period.
Booming economy until the scamdemic, energy independence, lower taxes. That is Trumpism and that is why he was re-elected and the election had to be stolen. FACT.
2.4% GDP with crashed bond yields, an extended manufacturing recession, the NY Fed having to pour $1.5T into short term credit markets and exploded deficit and debt are not a "booming economy".

Gawd, you people are ignorant.
That was after the big lie called Covid. You know that you are just being an asshole.
NO, it WASN'T.

of it was. We were at 2.4% GDP BEFORE the virus. The manufacturing recession was in 2019. The NY Fed acted in 2019.


God damn, you people are hopeless.
But we are not criminals and liars, that ball is in your court.
Are you going to look up the information I provided? Of course not.

Are you going to admit that the information I provided was correct? Of course not.

Are you going to apologize for incorrectly calling me a liar? Of course not.

And why not? Because you're a Trumpster. You can't look down your nose at ANYONE.
Are you going to admit there was fraud and Trump was sabotaged before he took office and after that by corrupt politicians and bureaucrats. By the media, by Big Tech and by peons like you. You are a liar.

You are a c*nt.
I nailed him to the wall with his own ignorance and tried to change the subject and make it about me.

Happens all the time here. They act like the man they adore.
Well for a guy who is a "shell of himself" Trump is doing pretty darned good. After four years of the Biden/Harris shit show I'd bet Trump would get elected if he runs.

He'd get my vote.

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