This would be sad if it wasn't so funny

When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
Joe Biden could only get 6 people in a room and they were all lickspittle lapdog media types.

View attachment 486121

you mean being responsible by not holding super spreader events that #45's trump humping pawns gladly attended, & spread to so many others?


after all that sickness & death ... how did all that there rallying work out for president tinkles?

View attachment 486204
Bwaaahhhaaaaaa...99.9% chance of survivability, only the infirm and elderly can be murdered by it as found in blue states where governors put the Kung Flu and killed 10s of thousands.

Didnt hear about this super spreader event that didnt super spread the virus did ya? You are such a progressive slave...Yesa masta i must wear my mask....

CDC: Sturgis Motorcycle Rally led to 'widespread transmission' of COVID-19

The August event brought together about 462,000 people from 61% of all U.S. counties.
CDC: Sturgis Motorcycle Rally led to 'widespread transmission' of COVID-19

more & more young people are being hospitalized &/or dying as the disease mutates & dumbfucks who think they won't get it stay unvaccinated.

The media's false narrative about the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally being a COVID-19 superspreader event | Just The News
"The hard data showed that there were about 260 cases that came from here," Ainslie said. "Now, the reality was there were probably some additional cases beyond those 260 that were immediately traced here, but to try to state that there were a quarter million, that's just ridiculous, and it was fanciful, and it was just pushing their narrative."
Funny that i was there, looking for the Kung Flu, met a lot of people, and still couldnt get the chinese virus. Oh yeah, i didnt wear a mask either, because free people dont wear masks, now shut up slave and put your mask on.

uh-huh. more than likely you were a carrier, asymptomatic & chock full of covid.

Funny, just the other day i gave blood at a blood drive. They appreciated my donation.

no doubt that there blood was tested for all kindsa cooties b4 being allowed into the inventory.
When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
Joe Biden could only get 6 people in a room and they were all lickspittle lapdog media types.

View attachment 486121

you mean being responsible by not holding super spreader events that #45's trump humping pawns gladly attended, & spread to so many others?


after all that sickness & death ... how did all that there rallying work out for president tinkles?

View attachment 486204
Bwaaahhhaaaaaa...99.9% chance of survivability, only the infirm and elderly can be murdered by it as found in blue states where governors put the Kung Flu and killed 10s of thousands.

Didnt hear about this super spreader event that didnt super spread the virus did ya? You are such a progressive slave...Yesa masta i must wear my mask....

CDC: Sturgis Motorcycle Rally led to 'widespread transmission' of COVID-19

The August event brought together about 462,000 people from 61% of all U.S. counties.
CDC: Sturgis Motorcycle Rally led to 'widespread transmission' of COVID-19

more & more young people are being hospitalized &/or dying as the disease mutates & dumbfucks who think they won't get it stay unvaccinated.

The media's false narrative about the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally being a COVID-19 superspreader event | Just The News
"The hard data showed that there were about 260 cases that came from here," Ainslie said. "Now, the reality was there were probably some additional cases beyond those 260 that were immediately traced here, but to try to state that there were a quarter million, that's just ridiculous, and it was fanciful, and it was just pushing their narrative."
Funny that i was there, looking for the Kung Flu, met a lot of people, and still couldnt get the chinese virus. Oh yeah, i didnt wear a mask either, because free people dont wear masks, now shut up slave and put your mask on.

So, you went to Sturgis to actively try to contract Covid. Imma just leave that here, you brainless twat.

Bwaaaaahhhaaaaa....What better way to get immunity from the disease than actually coming in contact with it. I am not over 75, i am not infirm, i am in great shape, not some pajama boy progressive slave who catches a cold if a breeze hits him. But please, just leave.....99.9% survivor rate, why are you so scared of the Kung Flu?

Catches Nazis and Japs, lives to tell the tale.......................Catches a cold just breathing....View attachment 486305

You can always tell those insecure in their masculinity......:heehee:

oh you shoulda seen the thread about AR-15s.... talk about some afflicted with teeny weeny peeny syndrome...............

Are you "afraid" of those evil AR-15s?

more like the nutters that have them.
When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
View attachment 486126
This man got more votes than obama?

Yep. Sucks to be you.
Not in 2024 when biden or I mean Harris gives the keys to the Whitehouse back to Trump.

Keep on bleevin', pinhead. :113:
View attachment 486180


View attachment 486224
Get your pussy hat ready! :itsok:

donny will have either stroked out by then, given his piss poor diet & obesity ... in jail ... or both.

what's funny AF, is he isn't even gonna try to run - he just wants to rake in all his dupes' cash thru his PAC to pay for his lawsuits & criminal investigations.
Like I said, get your pussy hat ready. Trump is going to hand harris's ass back to her.

oh you poor poor poorly educated dupe that donny loves long time.

he ripped people off with his fraudulant university...

he ripped people off with his fraudulent 'charitable' foundation...

& you think he's on yer side.

lol ...
Trump was on America's side, unlike pedo joe.

sued for defrauding AMERICANS.

he tried to steal an AMERICAN woman's home thru eminent domain, so he can bulldoze it, & pave it over so his elitist rich casino patrons can park their limos closer to his now bankrupted & demolished casino.

he never EVER even tried to bring all the cheap crap he slaps his name on, here to AMERICA, to be made by AMERICANS, giving AMERICANS jobs.

When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
Still more than Biden could ever draw.
Of course.

Those who voted for Biden don't have this bizarre, inexplicable, hyper-emotional attachment to him that Trumpsters have for their adored one.

Biden's just a politician. Hopefully the good he does will clearly outweigh the not-so-good. But he rid us of the orange buffoon, and that's pretty neat in our book.
Lol, more voted for Biden than obama your savior.

more like more voted against donny. (D)s, indies, AND more importantly real (R)s.
Yep. I would have much preferred to vote third party, but I had to vote against Trumpism, period.

that's how i felt about donny in 2016, & voted for hillary;- knowing how the tribblehead operated for the past 40 years. biden wasn't my first choce, nor 2nd.. not even 3rd. but so far, he's stepping up & sure as hell is listening to his experts about almost everything; because he isn't so sickeningly narcissistic, that he thinks he's superior to them in any way.
The experts that's gonna get 30 trillion in debt?

lol ...

“I’m the king of debt. I’m great with debt. Nobody knows debt better than me”
~ DJT.

you don't get to suddenly be CONcerned about the debt after donny's reign & the hefty tax cut he gave the uber rich.

When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
Still more than Biden could ever draw.
Of course.

Those who voted for Biden don't have this bizarre, inexplicable, hyper-emotional attachment to him that Trumpsters have for their adored one.

Biden's just a politician. Hopefully the good he does will clearly outweigh the not-so-good. But he rid us of the orange buffoon, and that's pretty neat in our book.
Lol, more voted for Biden than obama your savior.

more like more voted against donny. (D)s, indies, AND more importantly real (R)s.
Yep. I would have much preferred to vote third party, but I had to vote against Trumpism, period.

that's how i felt about donny in 2016, & voted for hillary;- knowing how the tribblehead operated for the past 40 years. biden wasn't my first choce, nor 2nd.. not even 3rd. but so far, he's stepping up & sure as hell is listening to his experts about almost everything; because he isn't so sickeningly narcissistic, that he thinks he's superior to them in any way.
The experts that's gonna get 30 trillion in debt?

lol ...

“I’m the king of debt. I’m great with debt. Nobody knows debt better than me”
~ DJT.

you don't get to suddenly be CONcerned about the debt after donny's reign & the hefty tax cut he gave the uber rich.

View attachment 486569
For Trumpsters to utter ONE WORD about spending after his four years only demonstrates how lost they are.
Did I really read a republican saying Dems have no respect for women ??? And that moron supported Trump the grabber of ladies privates??
When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
Joe Biden could only get 6 people in a room and they were all lickspittle lapdog media types.

View attachment 486121

you mean being responsible by not holding super spreader events that #45's trump humping pawns gladly attended, & spread to so many others?


after all that sickness & death ... how did all that there rallying work out for president tinkles?

View attachment 486204
Bwaaahhhaaaaaa...99.9% chance of survivability, only the infirm and elderly can be murdered by it as found in blue states where governors put the Kung Flu and killed 10s of thousands.

Didnt hear about this super spreader event that didnt super spread the virus did ya? You are such a progressive slave...Yesa masta i must wear my mask....

CDC: Sturgis Motorcycle Rally led to 'widespread transmission' of COVID-19

The August event brought together about 462,000 people from 61% of all U.S. counties.
CDC: Sturgis Motorcycle Rally led to 'widespread transmission' of COVID-19

more & more young people are being hospitalized &/or dying as the disease mutates & dumbfucks who think they won't get it stay unvaccinated.

The media's false narrative about the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally being a COVID-19 superspreader event | Just The News
"The hard data showed that there were about 260 cases that came from here," Ainslie said. "Now, the reality was there were probably some additional cases beyond those 260 that were immediately traced here, but to try to state that there were a quarter million, that's just ridiculous, and it was fanciful, and it was just pushing their narrative."
Funny that i was there, looking for the Kung Flu, met a lot of people, and still couldnt get the chinese virus. Oh yeah, i didnt wear a mask either, because free people dont wear masks, now shut up slave and put your mask on.

So, you went to Sturgis to actively try to contract Covid. Imma just leave that here, you brainless twat.

Bwaaaaahhhaaaaa....What better way to get immunity from the disease than actually coming in contact with it. I am not over 75, i am not infirm, i am in great shape, not some pajama boy progressive slave who catches a cold if a breeze hits him. But please, just leave.....99.9% survivor rate, why are you so scared of the Kung Flu?

Catches Nazis and Japs, lives to tell the tale.......................Catches a cold just breathing....View attachment 486305

You can always tell those insecure in their masculinity......:heehee:

oh you shoulda seen the thread about AR-15s.... talk about some afflicted with teeny weeny peeny syndrome...............

Are you "afraid" of those evil AR-15s?

more like the nutters that have them.

I am not afraid of a tool...Just for an example which one of these weapons is considered evil in your eyes.

Is this a bad weapon?.......................................Or is this one a bad weapon?

Did I really read a republican saying Dems have no respect for women ??? And that moron supported Trump the grabber of ladies privates??
Bwaaaahhaaaaaa.....Says the stupid fuck who voted for Bill Clinton, the rapist in chief....
WRONG Ass hole I even voted for GWB in 2000 my last repub vote I was a republican all my life until then Great move it was Hate to be on the same side with fn morons like you
Did I really read a republican saying Dems have no respect for women ??? And that moron supported Trump the grabber of ladies privates??
Bwaaaahhaaaaaa.....Says the stupid fuck who voted for Bill Clinton, the rapist in chief....
WRONG Ass hole I even voted for GWB in 2000 my last repub vote I was a republican all my life until then Great move it was Hate to be on the same side with fn morons like you
Yeah, sure you were a Republican....
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job -
#4) Sociopaths invent outrageous lies about their experiences. They wildly exaggerate things to the point of absurdity, but when they describe it to you in a storytelling format, for some reason it sounds believable at the time.
I have known the tactics of progressive slaves for a long time now, you are just another one, who voted your freedoms away for a $1,400 check...
Did I really read a republican saying Dems have no respect for women ??? And that moron supported Trump the grabber of ladies privates??
Bwaaaahhaaaaaa.....Says the stupid fuck who voted for Bill Clinton, the rapist in chief....
WRONG Ass hole I even voted for GWB in 2000 my last repub vote I was a republican all my life until then Great move it was Hate to be on the same side with fn morons like you
Yeah, sure you were a Republican....
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job -
#4) Sociopaths invent outrageous lies about their experiences. They wildly exaggerate things to the point of absurdity, but when they describe it to you in a storytelling format, for some reason it sounds believable at the time.
I have known the tactics of progressive slaves for a long time now, you are just another one, who voted your freedoms away for a $1,400 check...
Sorry fella I received ZERO check
When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
Joe Biden could only get 6 people in a room and they were all lickspittle lapdog media types.

View attachment 486121

you mean being responsible by not holding super spreader events that #45's trump humping pawns gladly attended, & spread to so many others?


after all that sickness & death ... how did all that there rallying work out for president tinkles?

View attachment 486204
Bwaaahhhaaaaaa...99.9% chance of survivability, only the infirm and elderly can be murdered by it as found in blue states where governors put the Kung Flu and killed 10s of thousands.

Didnt hear about this super spreader event that didnt super spread the virus did ya? You are such a progressive slave...Yesa masta i must wear my mask....

CDC: Sturgis Motorcycle Rally led to 'widespread transmission' of COVID-19

The August event brought together about 462,000 people from 61% of all U.S. counties.
CDC: Sturgis Motorcycle Rally led to 'widespread transmission' of COVID-19

more & more young people are being hospitalized &/or dying as the disease mutates & dumbfucks who think they won't get it stay unvaccinated.

The media's false narrative about the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally being a COVID-19 superspreader event | Just The News
"The hard data showed that there were about 260 cases that came from here," Ainslie said. "Now, the reality was there were probably some additional cases beyond those 260 that were immediately traced here, but to try to state that there were a quarter million, that's just ridiculous, and it was fanciful, and it was just pushing their narrative."
Funny that i was there, looking for the Kung Flu, met a lot of people, and still couldnt get the chinese virus. Oh yeah, i didnt wear a mask either, because free people dont wear masks, now shut up slave and put your mask on.

Have you seen the daily case charts for South Dakota, Jim? 107 cases per day in the whole state the week they held the rally in Sturgis. Case numbers had been very low throughout the spring and summer. By August 29th, it was more than 400 cases per day. It peaked in November at more than 2000 cases per day, and has declined steadily every since.

From the day that rally ended, case rates in South Dakota rose in a direct line. They had 9,000 cases total from the start of the outbreak, and by the end of November when the outbreak peaked, they had 80,000 cases. They're right around 200 cases per day now. For the three months since the February 1st, they've had 40,000 cases.

They had no first wave, and no The ONLY outbreak in South Dakota started after the Sturgiss Rally and ended before Christmas - and all of it started with the Sturgiss Rally.
When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
Joe Biden could only get 6 people in a room and they were all lickspittle lapdog media types.

View attachment 486121

you mean being responsible by not holding super spreader events that #45's trump humping pawns gladly attended, & spread to so many others?


after all that sickness & death ... how did all that there rallying work out for president tinkles?

View attachment 486204
Bwaaahhhaaaaaa...99.9% chance of survivability, only the infirm and elderly can be murdered by it as found in blue states where governors put the Kung Flu and killed 10s of thousands.

Didnt hear about this super spreader event that didnt super spread the virus did ya? You are such a progressive slave...Yesa masta i must wear my mask....

CDC: Sturgis Motorcycle Rally led to 'widespread transmission' of COVID-19

The August event brought together about 462,000 people from 61% of all U.S. counties.
CDC: Sturgis Motorcycle Rally led to 'widespread transmission' of COVID-19

more & more young people are being hospitalized &/or dying as the disease mutates & dumbfucks who think they won't get it stay unvaccinated.

The media's false narrative about the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally being a COVID-19 superspreader event | Just The News
"The hard data showed that there were about 260 cases that came from here," Ainslie said. "Now, the reality was there were probably some additional cases beyond those 260 that were immediately traced here, but to try to state that there were a quarter million, that's just ridiculous, and it was fanciful, and it was just pushing their narrative."
Funny that i was there, looking for the Kung Flu, met a lot of people, and still couldnt get the chinese virus. Oh yeah, i didnt wear a mask either, because free people dont wear masks, now shut up slave and put your mask on.

Have you seen the daily case charts for South Dakota, Jim? 107 cases per day in the whole state the week they held the rally in Sturgis. Case numbers had been very low throughout the spring and summer. By August 29th, it was more than 400 cases per day. It peaked in November at more than 2000 cases per day, and has declined steadily every since.

From the day that rally ended, case rates in South Dakota rose in a direct line. They had 9,000 cases total from the start of the outbreak, and by the end of November when the outbreak peaked, they had 80,000 cases. They're right around 200 cases per day now. For the three months since the February 1st, they've had 40,000 cases.

They had no first wave, and no The ONLY outbreak in South Dakota started after the Sturgiss Rally and ended before Christmas - and all of it started with the Sturgiss Rally.

When the Kung Flu was first released by Biden Admin working with China, the progressive elites were all screaming that we needed to flatten the curve on Chinese flu deaths, of course Blue state governors put infected people in with the infirm and elderly thus killing 10s of thousands of people really quick and when the "DEATH RATE" started dropping, free people of the US wanted to open up and get back business. Then the Prog elites didnt want this to happen because then it would make president Trump look the hero while sleepy joe, who was hiding in his basement, look the zero, so the prog elites changed the rules. They started the panic about Kung Flu cases and not deaths.
When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
View attachment 486126
This man got more votes than obama?

Yep. Sucks to be you.
Not in 2024 when biden or I mean Harris gives the keys to the Whitehouse back to Trump.

Keep on bleevin', pinhead. :113:
View attachment 486180


View attachment 486224
Get your pussy hat ready! :itsok:

donny will have either stroked out by then, given his piss poor diet & obesity ... in jail ... or both.

what's funny AF, is he isn't even gonna try to run - he just wants to rake in all his dupes' cash thru his PAC to pay for his lawsuits & criminal investigations.
Like I said, get your pussy hat ready. Trump is going to hand harris's ass back to her.

oh you poor poor poorly educated dupe that donny loves long time.

he ripped people off with his fraudulant university...

he ripped people off with his fraudulent 'charitable' foundation...

& you think he's on yer side.

lol ...
Trump was on America's side, unlike pedo joe.
With his messed up tariffs against China who did he hurt OUR farmers or China ? The most inept leader America has ever known ,,,and we've had some beauts GWB for example
Tell when exactly did you start to care about farmers? Exactly the year, Trump helped them out, so tell me when? Or just shut the hell up.
Care about farmers?? Since I started eating Trump f'ed over them and gave them welfare payments to keep them in the fold
You do realize that wasn't the first time we helped our farmers? So we should quit giving out money to people that actually work and need help, and give it to people that can but won't? You’re an idiot that don't pay taxes. Thanks for proving yourself.
That was the only time we had to help them out because a fat orange idiot president killed their markets.
Ok, you're telling me the government has never before Trump given subsidies to farmers? That's a yes or no question.
Of course I didn't say that. I said this is the first time farmer subsidies were required because a stupid president intentionally killed their markets.
Farmers are as okay, no thanks to you.
When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
Still more than Biden could ever draw.
Of course.

Those who voted for Biden don't have this bizarre, inexplicable, hyper-emotional attachment to him that Trumpsters have for their adored one.

Biden's just a politician. Hopefully the good he does will clearly outweigh the not-so-good. But he rid us of the orange buffoon, and that's pretty neat in our book.
Lol, more voted for Biden than obama your savior.

more like more voted against donny. (D)s, indies, AND more importantly real (R)s.
Yep. I would have much preferred to vote third party, but I had to vote against Trumpism, period.

that's how i felt about donny in 2016, & voted for hillary;- knowing how the tribblehead operated for the past 40 years. biden wasn't my first choce, nor 2nd.. not even 3rd. but so far, he's stepping up & sure as hell is listening to his experts about almost everything; because he isn't so sickeningly narcissistic, that he thinks he's superior to them in any way.
The experts that's gonna get 30 trillion in debt?

lol ...

“I’m the king of debt. I’m great with debt. Nobody knows debt better than me”
~ DJT.

you don't get to suddenly be CONcerned about the debt after donny's reign & the hefty tax cut he gave the uber rich.

View attachment 486569
Nobody is going to top Biden on spending.
When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
Joe Biden could only get 6 people in a room and they were all lickspittle lapdog media types.

View attachment 486121

you mean being responsible by not holding super spreader events that #45's trump humping pawns gladly attended, & spread to so many others?


after all that sickness & death ... how did all that there rallying work out for president tinkles?

View attachment 486204
Bwaaahhhaaaaaa...99.9% chance of survivability, only the infirm and elderly can be murdered by it as found in blue states where governors put the Kung Flu and killed 10s of thousands.

Didnt hear about this super spreader event that didnt super spread the virus did ya? You are such a progressive slave...Yesa masta i must wear my mask....

CDC: Sturgis Motorcycle Rally led to 'widespread transmission' of COVID-19

The August event brought together about 462,000 people from 61% of all U.S. counties.
CDC: Sturgis Motorcycle Rally led to 'widespread transmission' of COVID-19

more & more young people are being hospitalized &/or dying as the disease mutates & dumbfucks who think they won't get it stay unvaccinated.

The media's false narrative about the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally being a COVID-19 superspreader event | Just The News
"The hard data showed that there were about 260 cases that came from here," Ainslie said. "Now, the reality was there were probably some additional cases beyond those 260 that were immediately traced here, but to try to state that there were a quarter million, that's just ridiculous, and it was fanciful, and it was just pushing their narrative."
Funny that i was there, looking for the Kung Flu, met a lot of people, and still couldnt get the chinese virus. Oh yeah, i didnt wear a mask either, because free people dont wear masks, now shut up slave and put your mask on.

Have you seen the daily case charts for South Dakota, Jim? 107 cases per day in the whole state the week they held the rally in Sturgis. Case numbers had been very low throughout the spring and summer. By August 29th, it was more than 400 cases per day. It peaked in November at more than 2000 cases per day, and has declined steadily every since.

From the day that rally ended, case rates in South Dakota rose in a direct line. They had 9,000 cases total from the start of the outbreak, and by the end of November when the outbreak peaked, they had 80,000 cases. They're right around 200 cases per day now. For the three months since the February 1st, they've had 40,000 cases.

They had no first wave, and no The ONLY outbreak in South Dakota started after the Sturgiss Rally and ended before Christmas - and all of it started with the Sturgiss Rally.

When the Kung Flu was first released by Biden Admin working with China, the progressive elites were all screaming that we needed to flatten the curve on Chinese flu deaths, of course Blue state governors put infected people in with the infirm and elderly thus killing 10s of thousands of people really quick and when the "DEATH RATE" started dropping, free people of the US wanted to open up and get back business. Then the Prog elites didnt want this to happen because then it would make president Trump look the hero while sleepy joe, who was hiding in his basement, look the zero, so the prog elites changed the rules. They started the panic about Kung Flu cases and not deaths.


When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
Joe Biden could only get 6 people in a room and they were all lickspittle lapdog media types.

View attachment 486121

you mean being responsible by not holding super spreader events that #45's trump humping pawns gladly attended, & spread to so many others?


after all that sickness & death ... how did all that there rallying work out for president tinkles?

View attachment 486204
Bwaaahhhaaaaaa...99.9% chance of survivability, only the infirm and elderly can be murdered by it as found in blue states where governors put the Kung Flu and killed 10s of thousands.

Didnt hear about this super spreader event that didnt super spread the virus did ya? You are such a progressive slave...Yesa masta i must wear my mask....

CDC: Sturgis Motorcycle Rally led to 'widespread transmission' of COVID-19

The August event brought together about 462,000 people from 61% of all U.S. counties.
CDC: Sturgis Motorcycle Rally led to 'widespread transmission' of COVID-19

more & more young people are being hospitalized &/or dying as the disease mutates & dumbfucks who think they won't get it stay unvaccinated.

The media's false narrative about the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally being a COVID-19 superspreader event | Just The News
"The hard data showed that there were about 260 cases that came from here," Ainslie said. "Now, the reality was there were probably some additional cases beyond those 260 that were immediately traced here, but to try to state that there were a quarter million, that's just ridiculous, and it was fanciful, and it was just pushing their narrative."
Funny that i was there, looking for the Kung Flu, met a lot of people, and still couldnt get the chinese virus. Oh yeah, i didnt wear a mask either, because free people dont wear masks, now shut up slave and put your mask on.

So, you went to Sturgis to actively try to contract Covid. Imma just leave that here, you brainless twat.

Bwaaaaahhhaaaaa....What better way to get immunity from the disease than actually coming in contact with it. I am not over 75, i am not infirm, i am in great shape, not some pajama boy progressive slave who catches a cold if a breeze hits him. But please, just leave.....99.9% survivor rate, why are you so scared of the Kung Flu?

Catches Nazis and Japs, lives to tell the tale.......................Catches a cold just breathing....View attachment 486305

You can always tell those insecure in their masculinity......:heehee:

oh you shoulda seen the thread about AR-15s.... talk about some afflicted with teeny weeny peeny syndrome...............

Are you "afraid" of those evil AR-15s?

more like the nutters that have them.

I am not afraid of a tool...Just for an example which one of these weapons is considered evil in your eyes.

Is this a bad weapon?.......................................Or is this one a bad weapon?

View attachment 486578View attachment 486579

In the hands of women or minorities, just a tool....a good tool.
When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
View attachment 486126
This man got more votes than obama?

Yep. Sucks to be you.
Not in 2024 when biden or I mean Harris gives the keys to the Whitehouse back to Trump.

Keep on bleevin', pinhead. :113:
View attachment 486180


View attachment 486224
Get your pussy hat ready! :itsok:

donny will have either stroked out by then, given his piss poor diet & obesity ... in jail ... or both.

what's funny AF, is he isn't even gonna try to run - he just wants to rake in all his dupes' cash thru his PAC to pay for his lawsuits & criminal investigations.
Like I said, get your pussy hat ready. Trump is going to hand harris's ass back to her.

oh you poor poor poorly educated dupe that donny loves long time.

he ripped people off with his fraudulant university...

he ripped people off with his fraudulent 'charitable' foundation...

& you think he's on yer side.

lol ...
Trump was on America's side, unlike pedo joe.
Trump was up Americas butt ,,, On Putins side
When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
View attachment 486126
This man got more votes than obama?

Yep. Sucks to be you.
Not in 2024 when biden or I mean Harris gives the keys to the Whitehouse back to Trump.

Keep on bleevin', pinhead. :113:
View attachment 486180


View attachment 486224
Get your pussy hat ready! :itsok:

donny will have either stroked out by then, given his piss poor diet & obesity ... in jail ... or both.

what's funny AF, is he isn't even gonna try to run - he just wants to rake in all his dupes' cash thru his PAC to pay for his lawsuits & criminal investigations.
Like I said, get your pussy hat ready. Trump is going to hand harris's ass back to her.

oh you poor poor poorly educated dupe that donny loves long time.

he ripped people off with his fraudulant university...

he ripped people off with his fraudulent 'charitable' foundation...

& you think he's on yer side.

lol ...
Trump was on America's side, unlike pedo joe.
Trump was up Americas butt ,,, On Putins side
Lol, Russian collusion was a hoax, but Obama telling putin to wait till after the election. So he can kiss his ass better, is real.
When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
Still more than Biden could ever draw.
Of course.

Those who voted for Biden don't have this bizarre, inexplicable, hyper-emotional attachment to him that Trumpsters have for their adored one.

Biden's just a politician. Hopefully the good he does will clearly outweigh the not-so-good. But he rid us of the orange buffoon, and that's pretty neat in our book.
Lol, more voted for Biden than obama your savior.

more like more voted against donny. (D)s, indies, AND more importantly real (R)s.
Yep. I would have much preferred to vote third party, but I had to vote against Trumpism, period.
Booming economy until the scamdemic, energy independence, lower taxes. That is Trumpism and that is why he was re-elected and the election had to be stolen. FACT.
2.4% GDP with crashed bond yields, an extended manufacturing recession, the NY Fed having to pour $1.5T into short term credit markets and exploded deficit and debt are not a "booming economy".

Gawd, you people are ignorant.
That was after the big lie called Covid. You know that you are just being an asshole.
NO, it WASN'T.

of it was. We were at 2.4% GDP BEFORE the virus. The manufacturing recession was in 2019. The NY Fed acted in 2019.


God damn, you people are hopeless.
But we are not criminals and liars, that ball is in your court.
Are you going to look up the information I provided? Of course not.

Are you going to admit that the information I provided was correct? Of course not.

Are you going to apologize for incorrectly calling me a liar? Of course not.

And why not? Because you're a Trumpster. You can't look down your nose at ANYONE.
Are you going to admit there was fraud and Trump was sabotaged before he took office and after that by corrupt politicians and bureaucrats. By the media, by Big Tech and by peons like you. You are a liar.

You are a c*nt.
I nailed him to the wall with his own ignorance and tried to change the subject and make it about me.

Happens all the time here. They act like the man they adore.
You nailed no one. Those numbers can be manipulated hundreds of ways. Everyone knows that, what is your excuse?

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