this year begins with no cooling....hotest first five months on record

The supposed manipulation of data by East Anglia and other scientists in the Climategate affair also proved to be completely unfounded, as we have written twice before.

Climate skeptics claimed that leaked emails between many climate scientists around the world showed there was a coordinated effort to inflate the global warming signal in temperature data. But several separate investigations, including by the U.S. Department of Commerce Inspector General and the Environmental Protection Agency, found no such wrongdoing or manipulation.

According to one independent international investigation, known informally as the Oxburgh Report: “We saw no evidence of any deliberate scientific malpractice in any of the work of the Climatic Research Unit and had it been there we believe that it is likely that we would have detected it.” Palmer’s spokesman said the congressman had no comment on the repetition of this claim in spite of the repeated exonerations.

Palmer’s claim that “we are building an entire agenda on falsified data” has no basis in evidence. Even as these claims of data manipulation have resurfaced, there is now a general consensus that 2014 was the hottest single year since temperature record keeping began. This same conclusion has been reached by NOAA and NASA, the Japan Meteorological Agency, and the World Meteorological Organization. The United Kingdom’s Met Office said that 2014 was among the warmest along with 2010, but it is impossible to say for sure that 2014 was hotter. According to NASA, nine of the 10 warmest years have all occurred since 2000, with 1998 the lone exception.

Editor’s Note: SciCheck is made possible by a grant from the Stanton Foundation.

Nothing False About Temperature Data
"The supposed manipulation of data by East Anglia and other scientists in the Climategate affair also proved to be completely unfounded, as we have written twicebefore.
No, it hasn't.....Your link is an opinion piece.
"we saw no evidence"...That is most likely because they were told not to look in THAT closet.
OMG, and next year we'll be hearing about how they were the coolest.

what these globull warmers, the sky is falling in on us with every damn day over the weather that WE HAVE no control over and is causing anxiety in people. they should be charged with a crime. this is beginning to get OUT OF HAND
OMG, and next year we'll be hearing about how they were the coolest.

That's not actually founded in any reality.

what these globull warmers, the sky is falling in on us with every damn day over the weather that WE HAVE no control over and is causing anxiety in people. they should be charged with a crime. this is beginning to get OUT OF HAND
What crime is that? Concluding things you don't like?
OMG, and next year we'll be hearing about how they were the coolest.

what these globull warmers, the sky is falling in on us with every damn day over the weather that WE HAVE no control over and is causing anxiety in people. they should be charged with a crime. this is beginning to get OUT OF HAND

You would have laughed your ass off at all the fools buying up all the water,plywood and longterm food items in Houston.
You could tell every fucken one of them was a yankee.
The thing that kills me is my neighbors did this during Rita and I laughed at em yet they did it again for a storm that was not close to rita when it comes to bill.
did you ask that on the thread about cooling .....i doubt it......why do conservatives hate science
Have you moved into a cave yet? then you are part of the problem.
See none of you climate change tree hugging dirt eaters want to be inconvenienced by your own anti modern living agenda.

they need to sell their house, car, computer, all house hold appliances of convenience. move into a cave, burn cow and elephant dung for heat and cooking, ride a bike everywhere and then they can come preach to us
stephanie you of all people cannot say you dont preach your agenda at dont ya
so refute what i post...instead of the leftist ideology bullshit

LOL! You don't expect a denialist to actually do any homework, do you?

Right. Kind of like how all the leftist AGW believers just say, "because science" on blind faith kind of homework. Surrrrre, let someone else do your own thinking for you and just parrot it because government paid scientists tell you so.
News Flash!

Global Warming Scientist finds Global Warming. Gets to keep job!

Details at the top of the hour.
By 2016 huh?
Why does that sound familiar? If I remember correctly it was something about no more snow in the winter,NY underwater .... Yada,yada......

You only seem to remember the fabricated stories your kook web pages have fed to you.

But please, if you're so familiar with these "predictions", tell us more. Specifically show us exactly who made these predictions, the full prediction with all the context.

You won't, of course, because then you'd have to reveal you're either wildly misrepresenting something, or quoting something some media figure said, as opposed to a scientist. Honesty is not a priority among deniers.
This recent study confirms what anyone could tell you just from reading this thread. Namely, that denier/Tea Party types are the most ignorant concerning the science, but hilariously believe themselves to be the best informed. After all, their cult leaders have told them they're the smartest and best informed.

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By 2016 huh?
Why does that sound familiar? If I remember correctly it was something about no more snow in the winter,NY underwater .... Yada,yada......

You only seem to remember the fabricated stories your kook web pages have fed to you.

But please, if you're so familiar with these "predictions", tell us more. Specifically show us exactly who made these predictions, the full prediction with all the context.

You won't, of course, because then you'd have to reveal you're either wildly misrepresenting something, or quoting something some media figure said, as opposed to a scientist. Honesty is not a priority among deniers.

At least you admit Al Gore is a kook.
Top 5 failed snow free and ice free predictions The Daily Caller
So, you've got nothing but various cherrypicked nonsense from kook blogs.

The predictions of the actual scientists have been damn good. That's why the science has such credibility, because it's been getting it right for decades running now.

In contrast, deniers have been doing faceplants into cow patties for decades. In order to gain any credibility, deniers will have to do science and get it right. That's going to be tough for them. First, all the data flat out contradicts their kook claims. Second, they're all so hostile to even the very idea of science and rationality. Science tends to contradict the right wing fruitloop political cult, therefore the cultists say science is all a fraud and conspiracy.

We hope you put this issue front and center in the 2016 elections. It will be like in 2012, when all the Republican candidates denied evolution.
so refute what i post...instead of the leftist ideology bullshit

LOL! You don't expect a denialist to actually do any homework, do you?

Right. Kind of like how all the leftist AGW believers just say, "because science" on blind faith kind of homework. Surrrrre, let someone else do your own thinking for you and just parrot it because government paid scientists tell you so.

It's become a cult. and one for people who like to be led by others
Pulling back the covers on the AGW bedwetters. All the predictions just ain't so. Eve na blind squirrel finds the occasional acorn. You'd think they could get at least 1 out of 10 predictions to come true, but no. I'm thinking Journey's song "Don't Stop Believing" is the AGW theme song. It's cute how they keep insisting that Santa Claus is real.

Embarrassing Predictions Haunt the Global-Warming Industry

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