this year begins with no cooling....hotest first five months on record

I fail to see how taking reliable surface temperature data is even close to being possible. The possibilities of failure or the inability to accurately calibrate all devices against the others would be mind blowing.

Unless each and every device could be calibrated side by side then checked constantly in the same manner, the best you get is a guess.
According to the "settled science", we are well beyond the "tipping point" and the polar ice caps are already supposed to be melted and New York City be under water among many other doom and gloom results. Perhaps the highly revered scientists got it "wrong" because they are manipulating data and models for political purposes in exchange for funding dollars? Please explain why we are not seeing what the "settled science" predicted.

Truly, a gem of hyperbole.:clap:
According to the "settled science", we are well beyond the "tipping point" and the polar ice caps are already supposed to be melted and New York City be under water among many other doom and gloom results. Perhaps the highly revered scientists got it "wrong" because they are manipulating data and models for political purposes in exchange for funding dollars? Please explain why we are not seeing what the "settled science" predicted.

Truly, a gem of hyperbole.:clap:

Hey, I'm not the one who came up with all of those terms and predictions. That came from the Church of AGW. You've already been provided links to predictions. I know it's easier to believe what your told by the government paid scientists, but please pull your head out of your ass and educate yourself.
More AGW Believer bedwetting from a 2008 ABC produced news special making predictions for 2015.

FLASHBACK ABC s 08 Prediction NYC Under Water from Climate Change By June 2015

ABC News Earth 2100 Note from the Producer - ABC News

'Earth 2100': Note from the Producer

The scenarios in Earth 2100 are not a prediction of what will happen but rather a warning about what might happen. They are based on the work of some of the world's top scientists and experts, as well as peer-reviewed articles from publications around the world. These notes are just a glimpse of the wide and diverse sources used to develop this program.

It is important to add that not all of the scientists we interviewed would agree with each specific scenario we present, or with our exact time frame. For example, some experts think that the more catastrophic events we depict would be unlikely to happen before the middle of the 22nd century, while others, like Jared Diamond, think that they could happen much sooner.
More AGW Believer bedwetting from a 2008 ABC produced news special making predictions for 2015.

FLASHBACK ABC s 08 Prediction NYC Under Water from Climate Change By June 2015

ABC News Earth 2100 Note from the Producer - ABC News

'Earth 2100': Note from the Producer

The scenarios in Earth 2100 are not a prediction of what will happen but rather a warning about what might happen. They are based on the work of some of the world's top scientists and experts, as well as peer-reviewed articles from publications around the world. These notes are just a glimpse of the wide and diverse sources used to develop this program.

It is important to add that not all of the scientists we interviewed would agree with each specific scenario we present, or with our exact time frame. For example, some experts think that the more catastrophic events we depict would be unlikely to happen before the middle of the 22nd century, while others, like Jared Diamond, think that they could happen much sooner.

"The scenarios in Earth 2100 are not a prediction of what will happen but rather a warning about what might happen. They are based on the work of some of the world's top scientists and experts, as well as peer-reviewed articles from publications around the world."

Soooo, what it says is that we took the work of top scientists and experts and peer reviewed articles and made shit up to scaremonger people into compliance with the left wing's agenda........but please don't construe what we made up based on these scientists, experts and articles as real predictions. BOO! Haha! We got you.

Do they believe those things will happen as a result of global warming or don't they? Did this same producer create any other programs for the news division that took the worst case scenarios and presented them not as predictions, but what could happen? No? Curious people would ask why?
The year 2015 is set to be a record-breaker, according to NASA’s latest global temperature data. This year’s temperature is 0.71°C (1.3°F) above the long-term average, and the first five months have been the hottest ever recorded.

NASA’s annual temperatures show a slight variation, where some years are cooler than others, but as John Abraham for The Guardian reports, “2015 is so far this year, simply off the chart.” Abraham suggests that the recent record-breaking temperatures put global warming critics in a difficult position—the evidence is simply not on their side. Temperatures for the last 12 months are at record levels. The idea that the rate of global warming is slowing down or ‘paused’ has been thoroughly refuted. Abraham points out that when surface temperatures and ocean heat content are combined, there is a clear pattern of warming increasing.

First Five Months Of 2015 Were The Hottest Ever Recorded IFLScience


Scientists at two of the world’s leading climate centres – NASA and NOAA – have been caught out manipulating temperature data to overstate the extent of the 20th century “global warming”.
The evidence of their tinkering can clearly be seen at Real Science, where blogger Steven Goddard has posted a series of graphs which show “climate change” before and after the adjustments.

Global Warming Fabricated by NASA and NOAA - Breitbart
The year 2015 is set to be a record-breaker, according to NASA’s latest global temperature data. This year’s temperature is 0.71°C (1.3°F) above the long-term average, and the first five months have been the hottest ever recorded.

NASA’s annual temperatures show a slight variation, where some years are cooler than others, but as John Abraham for The Guardian reports, “2015 is so far this year, simply off the chart.” Abraham suggests that the recent record-breaking temperatures put global warming critics in a difficult position—the evidence is simply not on their side. Temperatures for the last 12 months are at record levels. The idea that the rate of global warming is slowing down or ‘paused’ has been thoroughly refuted. Abraham points out that when surface temperatures and ocean heat content are combined, there is a clear pattern of warming increasing.

First Five Months Of 2015 Were The Hottest Ever Recorded IFLScience
I don't really believe it. Global warming cultists have lied so much that they have very little credibility with Me.

However, if it happens to be true, then I'm glad. A 1 degree increase in mean temperature means we can feed more people and fewer people will be dying from freezing.

BTW...what is the temperature of the Earth supposed to be?
The year 2015 is set to be a record-breaker, according to NASA’s latest global temperature data. This year’s temperature is 0.71°C (1.3°F) above the long-term average, and the first five months have been the hottest ever recorded.

NASA’s annual temperatures show a slight variation, where some years are cooler than others, but as John Abraham for The Guardian reports, “2015 is so far this year, simply off the chart.” Abraham suggests that the recent record-breaking temperatures put global warming critics in a difficult position—the evidence is simply not on their side. Temperatures for the last 12 months are at record levels. The idea that the rate of global warming is slowing down or ‘paused’ has been thoroughly refuted. Abraham points out that when surface temperatures and ocean heat content are combined, there is a clear pattern of warming increasing.

First Five Months Of 2015 Were The Hottest Ever Recorded IFLScience
I don't really believe it. Global warming cultists have lied so much that they have very little credibility with Me.

However, if it happens to be true, then I'm glad. A 1 degree increase in mean temperature means we can feed more people and fewer people will be dying from freezing.

BTW...what is the temperature of the Earth supposed to be?

LMAO Good one
and all of the predicitons that places like London and New York would turn into Venice by 2000. well? are they on boats there yet?

The majority of the Texas coast is damn near at sea level.
Amazing enough there's no flooding other than what Bill brought.
There's been flooding before Bill.
From other tropical storms, yes.
Facts. and you offer roll eyes.
Typical lib enviro wacko..
Its ok though....You go on being a true believer.
BTW, the 'denier" label no longer works. Oh, you'll keep using it until you get your excessive taxes on travel, business and whatever else you people want to tax because you think the earth is going to spontaneously combust
The year 2015 is set to be a record-breaker, according to NASA’s latest global temperature data. This year’s temperature is 0.71°C (1.3°F) above the long-term average, and the first five months have been the hottest ever recorded.

NASA’s annual temperatures show a slight variation, where some years are cooler than others, but as John Abraham for The Guardian reports, “2015 is so far this year, simply off the chart.” Abraham suggests that the recent record-breaking temperatures put global warming critics in a difficult position—the evidence is simply not on their side. Temperatures for the last 12 months are at record levels. The idea that the rate of global warming is slowing down or ‘paused’ has been thoroughly refuted. Abraham points out that when surface temperatures and ocean heat content are combined, there is a clear pattern of warming increasing.

First Five Months Of 2015 Were The Hottest Ever Recorded IFLScience
I don't really believe it. Global warming cultists have lied so much that they have very little credibility with Me.

However, if it happens to be true, then I'm glad. A 1 degree increase in mean temperature means we can feed more people and fewer people will be dying from freezing.

BTW...what is the temperature of the Earth supposed to be?
A question none of these climate nazis can or will even attempt to answer.
Climate change IS real. It happens through the Earth's regular climactic cycles.
the republican answer to everything...deny and dont do shit
Here's a newsflash.....You will NEVER get your wish for the confiscatory taxes desired by the climate change deluded enviro wackos..
Because that's all this climate change shit is. It is simply an agenda to increase taxes and of course create a pro democrat voting bloc.
Let us know when you have walked the walk....Moved into a cave.
By 2016 huh?
Why does that sound familiar? If I remember correctly it was something about no more snow in the winter,NY underwater .... Yada,yada......

You only seem to remember the fabricated stories your kook web pages have fed to you.

But please, if you're so familiar with these "predictions", tell us more. Specifically show us exactly who made these predictions, the full prediction with all the context.

You won't, of course, because then you'd have to reveal you're either wildly misrepresenting something, or quoting something some media figure said, as opposed to a scientist. Honesty is not a priority among deniers.
Misrepresenting WHAT?
So, you've got nothing but various cherrypicked nonsense from kook blogs.

The predictions of the actual scientists have been damn good. That's why the science has such credibility, because it's been getting it right for decades running now.

In contrast, deniers have been doing faceplants into cow patties for decades. In order to gain any credibility, deniers will have to do science and get it right. That's going to be tough for them. First, all the data flat out contradicts their kook claims. Second, they're all so hostile to even the very idea of science and rationality. Science tends to contradict the right wing fruitloop political cult, therefore the cultists say science is all a fraud and conspiracy.

We hope you put this issue front and center in the 2016 elections. It will be like in 2012, when all the Republican candidates denied evolution.
Ahh...Another one out of the lib platy book...
When the facts expose the narrative as fallacy, accuse the presenter of "cherry picking"....
Happens all the time. Sort of like when some lib commits a verbal gaffe that makes even the most moderate libs cringe, the far left claim "he/she was taken out of context".....
Excuses and complaining...That's all you libs have.
I fail to see how taking reliable surface temperature data is even close to being possible. The possibilities of failure or the inability to accurately calibrate all devices against the others would be mind blowing.

Unless each and every device could be calibrated side by side then checked constantly in the same manner, the best you get is a guess.
These fucking climate nazis have been caught using instruments placed on paved surfaces, unshaded areas, close into urban centers( to take temp measurements skewed higher due to the heat island effect) and a number of other tricks so that the data for which they are being paid fits the lib enviro wacko agenda......
Hell, the EPA wants more control so when a city has a low number of 'ozone non compliance days", the EPA lowers the threshold for non compliance.
I fail to see how taking reliable surface temperature data is even close to being possible. The possibilities of failure or the inability to accurately calibrate all devices against the others would be mind blowing.

Unless each and every device could be calibrated side by side then checked constantly in the same manner, the best you get is a guess.
These fucking climate nazis have been caught using instruments placed on paved surfaces, unshaded areas, close into urban centers( to take temp measurements skewed higher due to the heat island effect) and a number of other tricks so that the data for which they are being paid fits the lib enviro wacko agenda......
Hell, the EPA wants more control so when a city has a low number of 'ozone non compliance days", the EPA lowers the threshold for non compliance.
So, Nixon, who signed for the EPA, was a Nazi. I'd agree but not because he signed the EPA.
This is trouble for the GOP. By the time 2016 rolls around, 2015 will have blown away the record for warmest year, making any claims of a hoax look insanely stupid.

Not that that matters to the conservative true believers. The Republicans been feeding their ultra-low-information base the "global warming is a hoax" conspiracy theory for years, so now their idiot base has incorporated it into their religion, and demands that all candidates bow down to the sacred denialism idol.

However, no candidate dares go on the national stage spouting such a stupid conspiracy theory, as he'd be laughed out of the room.

So now all the GOP candidates have to walk a fine line, like Jeb's "I'm not a scientist" mumbling. Their brainwashed base demands denialism, but denialism is electoral poison to all the normal people.

Life is good. Pass the popcorn.

What about the anti-science left? You know, the ones who believe in global warming.

The Anti-Science Left RealClearPolitics
Mr. kwc57, odd that you consider the left anti-science, when here on these boards it is those on the left that present articles from peer reviewed scientific journals, while those on the right present articles from yellow rag journals like Briebart, and the rants of an obese junkie on the AM radio.
This is trouble for the GOP. By the time 2016 rolls around, 2015 will have blown away the record for warmest year, making any claims of a hoax look insanely stupid.

Not that that matters to the conservative true believers. The Republicans been feeding their ultra-low-information base the "global warming is a hoax" conspiracy theory for years, so now their idiot base has incorporated it into their religion, and demands that all candidates bow down to the sacred denialism idol.

However, no candidate dares go on the national stage spouting such a stupid conspiracy theory, as he'd be laughed out of the room.

So now all the GOP candidates have to walk a fine line, like Jeb's "I'm not a scientist" mumbling. Their brainwashed base demands denialism, but denialism is electoral poison to all the normal people.

Life is good. Pass the popcorn.

What about the anti-science left? You know, the ones who believe in global warming.

The Anti-Science Left RealClearPolitics
Mr. kwc57, odd that you consider the left anti-science, when here on these boards it is those on the left that present articles from peer reviewed scientific journals, while those on the right present articles from yellow rag journals like Briebart, and the rants of an obese junkie on the AM radio.

Or those that point out how impossible it would appear to calibrate thousands of surface temperature devices in any reliable way.
This is trouble for the GOP. By the time 2016 rolls around, 2015 will have blown away the record for warmest year, making any claims of a hoax look insanely stupid.

Not that that matters to the conservative true believers. The Republicans been feeding their ultra-low-information base the "global warming is a hoax" conspiracy theory for years, so now their idiot base has incorporated it into their religion, and demands that all candidates bow down to the sacred denialism idol.

However, no candidate dares go on the national stage spouting such a stupid conspiracy theory, as he'd be laughed out of the room.

So now all the GOP candidates have to walk a fine line, like Jeb's "I'm not a scientist" mumbling. Their brainwashed base demands denialism, but denialism is electoral poison to all the normal people.

Life is good. Pass the popcorn.

What about the anti-science left? You know, the ones who believe in global warming.

The Anti-Science Left RealClearPolitics
Mr. kwc57, odd that you consider the left anti-science, when here on these boards it is those on the left that present articles from peer reviewed scientific journals, while those on the right present articles from yellow rag journals like Briebart, and the rants of an obese junkie on the AM radio.

Mr. Old Rocks, those on the left present peer reviewed articles written by government sponsored scientists afraid of losing their funding who manipulate the models and data to produce the result their benefactors desire. The sad thing is that you guys believe on blind faith because a scientist said it. Think for yourself.

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